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Jatt, The Engineering Frame


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This is a rough concept, and I would appreciate constructive feedback and criticism.


You know? I know there is a small few who hate having to hear about turrets all the time, but as a connoisseur of area denial and automated defenses, I find such machines to be very fascinating - and lethal with a good sense of placement. Something that is handy in a pinch, perhaps something you probably shouldn't rely on to do the entire job for you, but can help keep enemies out of a particular area. Or, at least do damage akin to attrition. While there are a couple frames and probably the Azima that does something like this - I need something that actually aims (except Effigy. Too short a range), something that doesn't need to eat energy as long as it is deployed. Something that will add something new to the game.

Chroma’s Effigy kinda fills that gap, so does Azima (to an extent), and the sentry from the air support charges are… decent. But I need something that actually does better - Not just stay in one spot and have a limited flame range, not one that spins at high speeds firing in random directions, and certainly one that can’t be augmented and eats a charge just to call in.

I need something that can fight like any other frame if you put your all into it in any difficulty, but is built purely for support and defensive abilities.


So I propose Jatt (James Watt, couldn't think of a better name, so consider it a placeholder - I.E. it's there till something better comes along.) Credits to a friend of mine (TheDistraction) for entertaining the idea.


Jatt, the defensive Engineering frame. Carries around his trusty repair tool and deploys his just as trusty turret to deny enemies from trudging on his turf. Though not as built as his fellow frames to get into his enemies face - he is still capable of chewing through any enemy that wanders close to his defense. Automated defenses and robotics are his speciality.


Health: 225

Shields: 400

Armor: 50

Energy: 300-350

Sprint speed: 1.00

Power Duration: 100%

Power Efficiency: 100%

Power Range: 100%

Power Strength: 100%

Passive ability: Jatt has extra hacking time, and increased damage and resistance against automatons (robotics).


Repair (15 Energy) - Jatt will reach for his tool and will swing it in front of them. Repairs Jatt's Denial and hurts enemies when struck. (Benefits from melee mods).

Consumes an additional 25 energy per swing when repairing/refilling Denial, and only spends 15 energy when either swinging it blindly or attacking.


Entrenchment (30 energy) - Jatt deploys a short, but wide barrier for cover, for him and his allies to duck behind for cover.

Allies and enemies alike can walk through it, but it'll absorb enemy projectiles. The Barrier is short enough only to cover anyone crouching, and only one Entrenchment can be out at a time.

Entrenchment will also confer a damage bonus when within 3-5 meters of it, from a 15% extra weapon damage buff base up to a maximum 60% weapon damage buff max with mods. Buff wears off when allies leave effective buff range.

Entrenchment will not absorb gunfire or abilities from allies.

Dispense (60 energy) - Cycle ability, Jatt can choose whether to toss a collectible onto the floor that either gives overshields or ammo. (Subject to change and improvements).

Tap to cycle between Overshields or Ammo, and hold to throw down a collectible that Jatt or an ally can collect.

Dispense (Ammo) will refill Denial's ammo reserves when thrown at it.


Denial (100 Energy) - Cycle & toggle - Jatt unleashes his trusty defensive turret, that'll gun down anything unfortunate enough to be in range.

Hold the 4th key to deploy Denial, tap the 4th key to cycle between Projectile (default), Short-range stun AOE, Launcher (rockets), and Elemental. Denial has a large pool of health, no shields, and a adequate capacity of ammunition. Jatt can use "Repair" to refill ammo and to repair health done to the turret at the extra cost of 25 energy per swing.

Denial does not consume energy while it is out. Secondary weapon mods influence Denials strength and element.

Denial will consume 25 energy when cycling between Bullet, Rocket, Elemental, and Short-range stun AOE modes, and doesn’t need to be redeployed for any mode to take effects. (Should it be free? Or just 5 energy per change?)

Denial will lock onto targets and will track them, however, Denial turns at an adequate rate and will focus on the closest target in range, and can easily be swarmed by enemies if placed poorly.

Denial will gun down anything that enters into range, and placing one will display a spherical indicator of what it’s effective range of detection is. However, enemies outside that range can easily attack it from a distance, putting it in danger. Denial has a detection range base of 15 meters. (Should the range be larger?)

Denial cannot receive shields or overshields, and cannot be healed by any sources other than Jatt’s “Repair” ability.


Power Range: Affects "Repair" length. Affects Entrenchment length but not height. No effect on Dispense (save for Restock aug mod). Affects Denial targeting range.

Power Duration: No effect on Repair. Slightly increases Entrenchment’s weapon damage buff range. No Effect on Dispense. Affects Denials ammo capacity and slightly increases turn speed (Yes? No? On “Denial” turn speed?)

Power Efficiency: Affects all abilities, reduces energy cost.

Power Strength: Improves Repair's repair/damage strength. Affects Entrenchment health and weapon damage buff. Increases how much Dispense’s collectibles will give. Affects Denial's health and damage.


Augment mods:

Palisade - (Entrenchment mod) Entrench is instead taller and more narrow, but can be deployed onto Denial to equip it with frontal cover. Can still be thrown onto the ground.

Restock - (Dispense Mod) Dispense will become a toggleable, that'll only use energy to restore ammo/overshields per tick for allies within a short range from Jatt. Jatt can still choose between Overshields and Ammunition. Beams will exude from Jatt and attach to each ally within a range of 5 meters to replenish ammo/overshields.

Strategic Denial - Denial can be thrown onto walls and ceilings to hang from. (Slower fire rate? Turn speed?)

Edited by Xemgoa
Tidying up the post so it looks cleaner.
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Maybe a synergy between Entrenchment and Denial to increase its survivability at scaled content?

It could deploy a variant of the barrier the turret could shoot through.

Also would Dispense work in synergy with Denial?

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2 minutes ago, kgabor said:

Maybe a synergy between Entrenchment and Denial to increase its survivability at scaled content?

It could deploy a variant of the barrier the turret could shoot through.

Also would Dispense work in synergy with Denial?

Hm... Good questions.

Alright, so yeah. Denial should be able to sit behind and shoot over Entranchment. Like Volts Shield ability. Albeit with no electrical benefit to its attack. Perhaps Entrenchment shouldn't absorb ally and Denial's gunfire? I'll change for that!

I think that can work. But I imagine that Denial wouldn't have shields (should it?), so if you toss your Dispense (ammo) at it, it'll replenish some of it's ammo. I'll make that change too!

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2 minutes ago, NightlySnake said:

Here's a suggestion, perhaps make it so entrenchment gives a minor damage bonus to allies in close proximity? But it shouldn't apply to Denial

Hm. I think I can do that! It shouldn't be too OP while it is out. Although we'll see if it's subject to change.

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