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It Would Be Nice If The Game Had A Bit More Synergy.


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There's only so far you can go with team work when your skill are all on their own like combining M prime and another AoE, sticking teslas to players, and having players shoot absorb is fine and all but what if skills can interact with each other?


Things like using Bullet attractor on absorb or antimatter drop to give it a much larger reach, using skills that deploy an entity (like decoy, Antimatter drop, molt) as a way of chaining the lighting around corners to enemies you cant see, have the ability to prime a decoy causing it to die quicker but release a violent explosion on death, speed affect the travel time of Antimatter drop, or allow psychic bolts to target a nearby antimatter drop.


You can probably go even deeper with things like allowing frost to freeze an antimatter drop, a vauban stick teslas onto it and when it gets free you can just steer it around as a floating auto turret.


All these were just ideas off the top of my head, I tend to main nova so a lot of them involve antimatter drop. Let me know what you about my idea.


Edit: I kind of want to apologize beforehand if the title sucks, I'm not very good at making titles...

Edited by theharddrinkingapplejack
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Synergy, good. Buffing enemies, please no. They are already ridiculously buffed as it is.

Are...are you high? And if so, why arent you sharing with the rest of the community? SHARING IS CARING!!!!


On a serious note: they seem fairly week to me, but that just might be my setup i use. And note that i rarely use Ult abilities. Usually just one of the first 2.

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No, that's just my serious opinion on the issue. I don't have any superpowered clan weapons or extreme mods. I just run around with my twice formad boltor and do any random missions I feel like short of end-game because I can't be bothered with the endless grind on a regular basis.


If you keep buffing things, then you run into the issue of needing better weapons to overcome them. Which is part of the issue with how many of the new weapons are outclassing old ones directly. Eg, Gremlins ignore armor while Latos do not. 


I do not want to empty entire clips into one enemy to kill it. Not to mention if you are leaning more into warframe abilities as opposed to trying to balance for everything.


It probably is your setup. If you're Ash with maxed power strength and etc, there's nothing to stop you from OHKing with a shuriken headshot.

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I just thought up a few more because I was a little bored.

Casting venom on a nova that has null star activated to turn the particles into flying spores that detonate on impact (possibly reducing overall damage of the particle).

Changing miasma from being just an AoE attack to actually filling the air around her with "flammable" gas then using any ember ability to ignite it dealing additional damage to those who walk into the cloud after the first round of enemies are dead. (gas cloud could linger a bit after the initial miasma use.)

Allow Vauban skills to be placed through wormholes to allow for safer and farther placing of abilities.

Let iron skin conduct heat or electricity so it can have a similar effect to overheat. (requiring an ember or volt to use a skill first)

Th last one I could think of is being able to use your first ability on certain frames to change the elemental effect of their skills for a certain ammoint of time (maybe this can be a mod.). For example casting fireball on a Vauban so he can use fire teslas to combat infected better, using electricity on ember so she can deal with corpus better, and using ice on a volt because... Well it's use an example. Also because of this they should put more emphasis on elemental weaknesses to make something like this more viable.

Edited by theharddrinkingapplejack
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Are...are you high? And if so, why arent you sharing with the rest of the community? SHARING IS CARING!!!!


On a serious note: they seem fairly week to me, but that just might be my setup i use. And note that i rarely use Ult abilities. Usually just one of the first 2.


I think they are pretty buffed defense and HP wise. I mean, I shouldn't fail Tower III Extermination missions just because I ran out of ammo. When there are only 150+ enemies to kill. If anything, I rather their damage is what got buffed more so than their defense.

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