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What weapons should I use?


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Hello bois,

I started playing again after like a year and a half (or so) break and I'm wondering what weapons are topping the lists now. As a primary I prefer automatic rifles so I did a little research and I found out that Soma Prime has long been dethroned, Boltor Prime is now a good status weapon and the players keep mentioning Karak Wraith, Tiberon Prime, Baza and Braton Prime among the best. I also noticed that there's a lot of debating around which mods should be used between Hunter Munitions, Argon Scope and Bladed Rounds, so I'd like a little help with these. I also use Tigris Prime from time to time but I'm not really fond of shotguns.

I still use Twin Grakatas and Brakk as secondaries but I'm open to suggestions here.

As for a melee weapon I use that Maiming Strike + Range build for Atterax, crit build Galatine Prime, Condition Overload Lesion build and crit build War.

Also, my only riven mod worth mentioning is something for Ignis/Ignis Wraith. I wanted to mod this weapon properly but I didn't really have the time.



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Tenora / Prisma Gorgon / Supra Vandal are worth a look, these "heavy" Full-Auto Rifles are pretty beastly now.

Corinth / Arca Plasmor / a well-Riven'd Kohm (yay 100% Status) or Sobek (yay Acid Shells) are fun Shotties that aren't just boomsticks.

I quite like AoE pwnage, so e.g. Lenz / Ogris (with a good Riven) / Amprex / Ignis Wraith are easy further recommendations.

Akstiletto Prime and Staticor are common Secondary choices for me,
Twin Kohmak with a Riven that brings you to 100% Status is hella nifty,
Kulstar is fun (I mostly use it with Assimilate Nyx / silenced in solo stealth),
Atomos, like Amprex, didn't exactly get weaker from the Beam weapon buffs (even if the max chaining range got nerfed DE why),
Secura Dual Cestra feels way better to use now that the spool-up is gone.

Maybe look into Zaws, for many weapon types you can easily put something together that surpasses the non-Zaw options
(not least considering you get to also add Exodia goodness, I'm enjoying my Epidemic quite a bit).

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6 minutes ago, NinjaZeku said:

Maybe look into Zaws, for many weapon types you can easily put something together that surpasses the non-Zaw options
(not least considering you get to also add Exodia goodness, I'm enjoying my Epidemic quite a bit). 

Which Zaw parts combinations would you recommend, you know something that surpasses the regular melees. I have some riven mod for Sepfahn, is this a good part to use? I also have Plague Keewar, Kripath, Bokwin and Akwin, are these good?

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5 minutes ago, JohnnyWylde said:

Which Zaw parts combinations would you recommend, you know something that surpasses the regular melees.

Pretty much any Rapier / Dagger (and Machete?) Zaw for one is superior from what I've heard,
with a Plague Kripath Rapier being quite godlike, if you're into the stabbies.
Plague Scythes are also supposed to be good (though I'd rather use Caustacyst, for the special charge attack).

I see much ado about Plague Polearms but honestly, those don't seem as awesome as my Cyath Zaw (with a good Riven, heh),
that lil' beauty ended up as a (Maiming Strike) Red Crit Slash proc monster (that I dread to see fall apart in Melee 3.0, DE pls no).

Don't really have a good handle (pun not intended) on what parts would be de facto the best for what type of Zaw,
but you could play around a bit with this and see for yourself if you can't find something worth pursuing:


(Mind you, what I did was roll a Zaw Riven until I got something neat enough and then craft a Zaw to fit that Riven.
My Cyath has +Attack Speed and -Impact among other things, so I built a slow [but hard-hitting] Status-heavy Zaw for Slash pwnage.)

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For me, all weapons are just for fun and experiment, except for a few, and I like to keep it that way to enjoy them.

I really rare use any primary, but still my favourite are:

- High Damage with Viral Sniper Rifle. Great for range damaging. Good in Close Combat (If you know the trick).

- High Damage without increased fire rate. Pretty much typpical DPS build.
- "The Minigun"; slow fire rate (28fps* - if I good remember) with Fire & Crit only. Just a fun build, but strong.
- "The Minigun"; high fire rate (42fps) - max fire rate with Crit only. Just a fun build, however still strong.

- High Damage, Corrosive and slightly increased Crit. Not the best, but very good and doesn't eat ammo like Soma.

- High Damage with Viral and Crit. Beast gun, however it's hard to use.
- Rapid Fire with Fast Reload. Not sure, but probably with Fire.  Quite fun to use.

- Rapid Fire with Viral, Fast Reload (and probably increased Impact and Status). It's kind of good to spam toxic clouds and deal with groups of enemy. Fun to play.

For Secondary (which I actually more use):

- Rapid Fire (up to 4.xx or 6.xx RPS), with Fast Reload, Steady Hands, only basic stats and Critical. Pretty much my favourite weapons and modification.
- High Damage with Fire, Fast Reload and Critical. Slower and harder to use, but with much more better damage.
- DPS Build - Rapid Fire, Critical, Corrosive. Build for Mesa 4th Ability.

- DPS Build with Corrosive and Critical (and maybe Faster Reload - not sure). Pretty good gun if you need a easy-to-use DPS.

- Rapid Fire, Fast Reload, Viral and Good Damage. Always fun to use and it's effective.

- High Damage with Viral, Fast Reload (and probably Status or Critical). Kind of fun with this twin shotguns in your hands.

Melee weapons are my favourite, so I can recommend something. Also if you'll want, I'll send you my unique Build for all melee weapons, which is unusual DPS/Berzerk Build:

- It's Nikana. Need something more to say? 😄 OFC with Blind Justice or Tranquil Cleave. My personal favourite, especially with Nezha and his Passive Ability (there's good trick with one of the Blind Justice Combos)

- If you need something heavier, Galatine is your answer. 😄 OFC with Tempo Royale.

- If you're looking for great polearm. So far the best one in my opinion.

- If you're looking for single Sword I recommend this one.

Well... That's just a short list from me. I hope that I remember weapon builds good (I can't login to the game, 'cause of Update Fails). Pretty much I recommend you to experiment with guns and mods. Other that, game just became End-Game really fast.

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26 minutes ago, -DEVIL-WARRIOR- said:

For me, all weapons are just for fun and experiment, except for a few, and I like to keep it that way to enjoy them.

I really rare use any primary, but still my favourite are:

- High Damage with Viral Sniper Rifle. Great for range damaging. Good in Close Combat (If you know the trick).

- High Damage without increased fire rate. Pretty much typpical DPS build.
- "The Minigun"; slow fire rate (28fps* - if I good remember) with Fire & Crit only. Just a fun build, but strong.
- "The Minigun"; high fire rate (42fps) - max fire rate with Crit only. Just a fun build, however still strong.

- High Damage, Corrosive and slightly increased Crit. Not the best, but very good and doesn't eat ammo like Soma.

- High Damage with Viral and Crit. Beast gun, however it's hard to use.
- Rapid Fire with Fast Reload. Not sure, but probably with Fire.  Quite fun to use.

- Rapid Fire with Viral, Fast Reload (and probably increased Impact and Status). It's kind of good to spam toxic clouds and deal with groups of enemy. Fun to play.

For Secondary (which I actually more use):

- Rapid Fire (up to 4.xx or 6.xx RPS), with Fast Reload, Steady Hands, only basic stats and Critical. Pretty much my favourite weapons and modification.
- High Damage with Fire, Fast Reload and Critical. Slower and harder to use, but with much more better damage.
- DPS Build - Rapid Fire, Critical, Corrosive. Build for Mesa 4th Ability.

- DPS Build with Corrosive and Critical (and maybe Faster Reload - not sure). Pretty good gun if you need a easy-to-use DPS.

- Rapid Fire, Fast Reload, Viral and Good Damage. Always fun to use and it's effective.

- High Damage with Viral, Fast Reload (and probably Status or Critical). Kind of fun with this twin shotguns in your hands.

Melee weapons are my favourite, so I can recommend something. Also if you'll want, I'll send you my unique Build for all melee weapons, which is unusual DPS/Berzerk Build:

- It's Nikana. Need something more to say? 😄 OFC with Blind Justice or Tranquil Cleave. My personal favourite, especially with Nezha and his Passive Ability (there's good trick with one of the Blind Justice Combos)

- If you need something heavier, Galatine is your answer. 😄 OFC with Tempo Royale.

- If you're looking for great polearm. So far the best one in my opinion.

- If you're looking for single Sword I recommend this one.

Well... That's just a short list from me. I hope that I remember weapon builds good (I can't login to the game, 'cause of Update Fails). Pretty much I recommend you to experiment with guns and mods. Other that, game just became End-Game really fast.

I have all these weapons already built (except for Opticor I believe), but except for Soma Prime and Vectis Prime, I never modded them properly, lol. Definitely gonna give some of them another chance 🙂

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3 minutes ago, JohnnyWylde said:

I have all these weapons already built (except for Opticor I believe), but except for Soma Prime and Vectis Prime, I never modded them properly, lol. Definitely gonna give some of them another chance 🙂

If you don't like them at the first, wait some time and try rebuild them different. Sometimes you may find something interesting or at least not usual. For just an example, I hated how typpical melee DPS Builds was hard-hitting (or not) enemies, so I've experiment and I found a unique DPS build, which works even better, however at the same time doesn't one-hit all enemies. It's kind of based on how Stats are working - I decreased max "full" damage, but increased more other stats. And pretty much I experiment with firearms the same way.

Here's an example of Nikana Prime: https://goo.gl/uxmH47

You can switch Rendering Strike with a lot of different mods, like Condition Overload (need another forma), Explosive Demise, Gladiator Vice, Guardian Derision, Healing Return, Killing Blow, Maiming Strike, Riven Mod (need another forma), Shattering Impact, Spoiled Strike, True Steel, Volcanic Edge or Weeping Wounds. It's all up to you.

How it's based? Well... It's simple.
First of all, look at weapons basic stats:
 - Dominating Basic Status (Slash, Puncture or Impact - which one has higher value) - the higher value, the higher chance to trigger.
 - Increase the Range and Speed (without Berserker). Better range = easier to hit multiple enemies. Better speed = more DPS.
 - Dominating Chance (Status or Critical - which one has better chance to trigger):
     - If Status - Look for Viral or Corrosive Combo (but with mods like Volcanic Edge, which increase Status Chance)
     - If Critical - Increase Critical Damage and Speed (Berserker). At least Crit Chance should be 20%+ to be worth.
     - If Even - Choose by Yourselfe what do you like.
 - Fill up last slots (if you have). Pretty much great for good Riven Mods to place.
You probably wonder, why I didn't maxed Berserker... Well, it's just easier to control combos, when your attacks speed up (it grow even: +25/+50/+75%).
Also here's an example for Status Weapon Build (Nikana Prime):

You can switch here Organ Shatter with any other mod (best place for Riven Mod), but you'll need another Forma or two for that.

Have fun! 😄

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Ignis Wraith status/crit build.

Prisma Grakata crit chance/status and fire rate is friggin awesome.

Prisma Gorgon crit chance/status

Supra Vandal status/crit chance

Tiberon Prime 3 different modes of fire

Synapse base corrosive with great crit chance. So it can be turned into a corrosive/viral crit chance weapon

Amprex with out a riven can still clear rooms with ease

Quanta Vandal a solid weapon status is great on it

Atomos is works great to hit many at the sametime

Synoid Gammacor with the new buffs a great weapon once again



Silva and Aegis Prime. Status and the ease to destroy things is amazing

Cassowar the reach and high status makes it great

Zaws yet to play but can be made to be insanely powerful

The Atterax or Scoliac are both amazing Crit slash status

Lacera is rather nice. A Prime version of this weapon will be awesome.

The new Glaive/secondary combo ability is nice so like The Zakti and Glaive or Cerata

The Lesion is a nice weapon as well but lacks a bit of base reach.30 base status and great slash.

Twin Krokhurs are nice too great slash status swords but has a decent base crit chance.

Prisma dual cleavers are great for attack speed, crit, and slash.

The Guandoa I think has the longest reach for a melee weapon. slash, reach and great base crit chance. Berserker and primed reach are perfect for this weapons.


Those are just a few but melee weapons should be getting a buff soon here such as the other weapons did a few months ago.

Ihope that helps.




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