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Placeable lighting


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Could we please have actual placeable lights and lanterns (like the tenno lanterns in that one garden) that actually light things around them? Would be so good to place some trees, plants etc. underneath a canopy (which is sometimes way too dark to see anything in there) and then actually shine some light on them (like with a placeable omni light). Naturally you would need to be able to scale the radius of the light. I also think it would be good if the light would be "natural" color as much as possible, because if that changes along with the lighting of the room, it won't have barely any effect or will just burn out the color even brighter.

Also...please different types of placeable flowers so we can truly create our own gardens. 😃

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Well....I would prefer rooms to be completely dark initially. 

I think all the lighting should be done manually by players.    Would really love to hide some ugly walls and ceilings in the darkness, with only main decorated path illuminated.......

.....if that is not possible already. Because i never tried to decorate Dojo yet.

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Another Tenno mentioned that it would be nice to have the new Dojo lighting controls available for the Orbiter as well as, on my part, the option to repaint individual rooms. Placeable lighting is possible but hasn't been implemented yet, though I agree that option too should be investigated.

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Lights like that tend to be taxing on an engine, just look at Skyrim for a basic example. Too many lights and you get flickering. Other engines have exponentially decreasing performance the more lights that need to be raycast. DE have limited lights probably for this very reason.

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