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What Will a Rework Do to Trinity - Trinity Rework Concept


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Oh boy... this is quite some thin ice to tread on but...



So remember during TennoCon 2017 when we were cheering that guy on for getting married or whatever... and the he said "Nerf Trinity"? Welp yeah, if you probably got angry I won't blame you for getting mad here.

I'm not trying to get Trinity "nerfed", but Trinity has a very disengaging playstyle that hasn't been addressed yet and with DE going though all of those Frames and removing those types of mechanics, I would like to dip my toes in it before DE eventually gets around to it themselves. Here's what I want to accomplish:


Addressing the Underused:

Well of Life is the underused ability here. And it's mainly because it's not practical compared to Trinity's other healing ability, Blessing. Blessing is a instantaneous full heal with damage reduction while Well of Life is a life-steal on a single, stationary targeted enemy for a limited time. Increasing Well of Life's versatility should be a start in making Trinity's kit feel more balanced out.

Looking at Easy Energy:

In all honesty, this is something I didn't want to touch, but I know that DE will want to do something about it. Energy Vampire is too easy of an energy source. Perhaps changing the way the energy is obtained should be an easy solution, while adding on mechanics.

An Easy Way To Live:

Trinity is mainly used for her Blessing mechanics, that being because it's the best healing mechanic in the game. An instant full heal with damage reduction too. This is going to be the hardest thing to change, and perhaps the most controversial.

More Than a Single Playstyle:

Trinity has mainly been the healer since day one. With another playstyle emerging, the "Nuke" (Link + Self Damage) Trinity, people have been wondering what's next for Trinity, and similar to Oberon, is there a way for her to fit inside more than one role? An offensive playstyle that doesn't consist of just standing in one place and throwing stuff at the ground would be a nice change of place, and a more defensive side would reinforce her supportive role.

Now, here comes my proposed Trinity rework!


Trinity, The Backbone - A Trinity Rework

Passive - Triage

Trinity heals allies 75% faster now as opposed to 20%.

1st - Well of Life

Well of Life should be much stronger, and I personally feel that it should have been Trinity's main source of healing power. Well of Life is absolutely horrible, but it's not particularly great, especially in comparison to her massively useful Blessing. Making Well of Life more versatile should be a step in the right direction to solve this problem. Switching up it's mechanics will reinforce the change.

  • reduce lifesteal to 15%
  • remove health restore cap
  • allow a toggle to follow and halt the Well
  • The Well - basic changes
    • Trinity and her allies can no longer damage the Well
    • enemies will now target the Well
    • the enemy used as a Well of Life will have it's threat level raised
    • health restored will be a pulse that restores health in a quickly expanding (20 meter) radius
      • pulse will be emitted every 2 seconds if the Well has been damaged in that time
      • additional health restored will go towards "overhealth" (functionally identical to Chroma's Elemental Ward - Fire) in which you will gain health past your max
        • overhealth decays by 7% per second ten seconds after being healed
      • pulse will knock back enemies and deal damage equal to the amount of health Trinity and her nearby allies restored

Overall, the changes proposed should make Well of Life significantly more versatile, making for a quite possibly nice substitute for the current Blessing.

(NEW) 2nd - Energy Barrier

By giving Trinity a more defensive aspect while also keeping her energy regeneration capabilities as strong as ever, we have an ability who's uses go to even greater heights! Energy Vampire really only has a single function, quick energy restores. It doesn't really feel versatile enough on it's own. With a more defense oriented ability, Trinity has an alternative method of protecting herself in the heat of battle while also supporting her allies from the outside.

  • Trinity no longer uses an enemy as an energy source
  • Energy Barrier can be cast in the air
  •  Trinity now holds out her hand, creating a small radial barrier (14 meters, not effected by range) (toggled ability, costs 30 energy to cast and 3 additional energy to maintain)
    • while in this mode, weapon usage is locked, movement speed is reduced by 25%
    • all enemy projectiles that hit Trinity's barrier will be stored as an energy pulse (5% "energysteal")
      • recasting will release that energy, splitting it between all allies within range (25 meters)
      • allies within the barrier at the time will have their shields fully restored
      • for each ally within the barrier, damage reduction will be reduced by 15% (99% with no allies inside)
      • damage inflicted onto the barrier will be split between all people inside

This is a complete ability overhaul, but boy does it give Trinity a bit more of an identity! It also stays true to what Energy Vampire is all about and has both benefits and drawbacks, something that Energy Vampire didn't really have too much of.

3rd - Reviving Links

Don't worry, it's just a name change here!

However, to combat the "Nuke Link Trinity" before the [DE]vs annihilate it, some changes must be put in place.

  • Link can now be cast in the air
  • increased range to 25 meters
  • increased duration to 20 seconds
  • each Link will reduce damage by 10%, up to a max of 80%
  • damage inflicted on Trinity will be evenly distributed between all enemies Linked, instead of it reflecting 100% to 3 enemies

These simple changes are something that I feel still maintains Link's effectiveness while also combating the Nuke Link Trinity builds that have been cycling, and in a way that doesn't absolutely destroy Link in the process.

Oh boy... I'm gonna' be hated for life here. I understand that people love their insta-heals + damage reduction, but I think it has to go. So what can replace what is essentially an extra revive?

(NEW) 4th - Blades of Unity

A more offensive healing ability. Trinity summons three mystic blades that seek out nearby enemies, impacting them and then dealing massive damage in an area of effect. All enemies hit by the Blades will drop health orbs and damage reduction orbs. This is something... new. I'm really gonna' try and make it close to how effective Blessing was.

  • cost 100 energy
  • Trinity initially strikes a pose, knocking down all enemies within 7 meters
  • three mystic blades are summoned which levitate behind her back
  • recasting Blades of Unity will send out a Blade to the nearest enemy impaling them to the ground
    • Blade will deal 2000 damage and uses melee mods
      • surrounding radius (10 meters) will be dealt 1000 damage
      • holding the command will increase the radius by 50% and triple the damage, but releases all Blades
    • all enemies effected by the blade and its blast will drop 3 of either a (100 pt.) health orb and/or (50 pt.) armor pickup
      • enemies killed will drop 6
      • armor bonuses cap at +1500
      • armor bonus decays 3 seconds after all Blades are used by 10% per second

It's weird for Trinity, right? I know I'm probably gonna' get that. It could also potentially be overpowered. But the main issue I was looking to tackle was the instant heal.

So, I think that's all I got. Did I nail it? Did I utterly destroy Trinity? Will the [DE]vs ever look at this post? Answer those questions below, Tenno, and thanks for reading. 🙂

Edited by (PS4)ArtPrince17
Minor Tweaks to Energy Barrier (6.5.2018)
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