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Warframe Scarves


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Yes it is up to us in the council to implement these ideas. But not all yes votes for these items work out for the best. People do just vote because "it looks cool" and no other reason but that.

I think it's a dumb idea to be honest. But if others want them fine. But if they are long scarves and get in the way of others vision on targets or get in the way period. They should not be implemented.


No, it isn't up to us to implement them. It's up to the developers. When they wish to, they ask our opinion; nowhere in the ToS are we given any authority whatsoever and to assume otherwise is incorrect. Personally, if they turn out to be 'cool-looking', I'd probably think it was a good idea, and vote for them (should we be asked to). I don't need a better reason, and I certainly don't have to justify that reason if I don't want to. 

If they do turn out to be obstructive and irritating (something I doubt, but am maintaining an open mind about), then I'm sure we can all be adults and voice our objections in a reasonable manner, when and where appropriate.

. . . Nope, couldn't keep a straight face.

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Lol wat, no it's not

No, it isn't up to us to implement them. It's up to the developers. When they wish to, they ask our opinion; nowhere in the ToS are we given any authority whatsoever and to assume otherwise is incorrect. Personally, if they turn out to be 'cool-looking', I'd probably think it was a good idea, and vote for them (should we be asked to). I don't need a better reason, and I certainly don't have to justify that reason if I don't want to. 

If they do turn out to be obstructive and irritating (something I doubt, but am maintaining an open mind about), then I'm sure we can all be adults and voice our objections in a reasonable manner, when and where appropriate.

. . . Nope, couldn't keep a straight face.

Holy sh*t. Relax for f**k sakes. So sorry I forgot two frigging words in the sentence.


Yes it is up to us in the council TO VOTE to implement... Blah blah blah.

If they do turn out to be obstructive and irritating (something I doubt, but am maintaining an open mind about), then I'm sure we can all be adults and voice our objections in a reasonable manner, when and where appropriate.

Well I'm glad you would keep your mind open to the thought that the scarves may get in people's way.

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Scarves on real ninjas would be okay, but cyber space ninjas like us Tenno? It just doesn't fit. I don't see how anyone could have recommended this idea honestly. What next, wings? I mean I'm not totally against it as yes if you don't want it you don't have to buy it, but then I have to see other people I play with Online with them and it just kills it for me. They don't really make sense, I mean scarves are made for cold. Are we not wearing suits? 


That's just me voicing my opinion. I don't mean to insult anyone with this post (besides scarves, but scarves aren't people). 

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Notice also that historically, a practitioner of ninjutsu (a catch-all name describing many variations of an art) almost certainly did NOT dress like this in the first place. Mostly because (and this is conjecture) that wildly calling attention to yourself in the kind of professions many of them had (scouts, spying, assassinations and so forth) would be colossally stupid.

If you wish to discuss the difference between 'cool' and 'emo' (a difference that I happily admit to not giving 7.35 s**ts about), then do so without erroneous references to 'real ninja'. 


If you want to get technical...


'Ninja' are a creation of fiction. The first representations of the black garbed night stalkers were from Kabuki theater. Then Hollywood got involved and all hell broke loose. Can real people DO the kinds of things that Hollywood has shown ninja doing? Some of the things yes, some of them no. Mainly Hollywood's versions are to sell movies with historical accuracy a long ways down the 'wish list'.


Historical 'Shinobi' were spies and assassins in Japan. Did they wear black? Maybe.  But likely not all the time. Try walking down a street in ANY time period in ANY country dressed as a Hollywood ninja and see if you pass unnoticed. The 'ninja' garb that people see in movies and such might have been for night time operations. Then again, it might not. Historical Shinobi used disguises, pretending to be peasants to pass unnoticed. They wanted to be in and out without being seen.


Tenno are neither Ninja nor Shinobi. At least they are not super saiyans...

Edited by Kalenath
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Scarves on real ninjas would be okay, but cyber space ninjas like us Tenno? It just doesn't fit. I don't see how anyone could have recommended this idea honestly. What next, wings? I mean I'm not totally against it as yes if you don't want it you don't have to buy it, but then I have to see other people I play with Online with them and it just kills it for me. They don't really make sense, I mean scarves are made for cold. Are we not wearing suits?

Well, I doubt they will be actual scarves, rather decorative objects in the form resembling a scarf. For all we know they could be very important in Tenno culture. As for making sense: using swords when plasma machineguns are available doesn't make sense either.

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inb4 scarves with stats that make you do more damage


inb4 scarves don't show up unless you're the host


inb4 scarves get between the warframe and the camera


inb4 scarves cause the game to crash


inb4 scarves give you away when trying to sneak


inb4 scarves cost plat


inb4 scarves cost no nanospores to craft


inb4 Corpus Techs wear scarves


inb4 joke comic/vid where Vor trips over a scarf


inb4 awkward clipping issues


inb4 scarf prime

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Personally, I don't mind increased aesthetic variety in the game. It can showcase a variety of things like Clan status/emblem imprints and fashion sense.


Now only if we get scarves like these...




I wouldn't mind that. At all.

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If you want to get technical...


'Ninja' are a creation of fiction. The first representations of the black garbed night stalkers were from Kabuki theater. Then Hollywood got involved and all hell broke loose. Can real people DO the kinds of things that Hollywood has shown ninja doing? Some of the things yes, some of them no. Mainly Hollywood's versions are to sell movies with historical accuracy a long ways down the 'wish list'.


Historical 'Shinobi' were spies and assassins in Japan. Did they wear black? Maybe.  But likely not all the time. Try walking down a street in ANY time period in ANY country dressed as a Hollywood ninja and see if you pass unnoticed. The 'ninja' garb that people see in movies and such might have been for night time operations. Then again, it might not. Historical Shinobi used disguises, pretending to be peasants to pass unnoticed. They wanted to be in and out without being seen.


Tenno are neither Ninja nor Shinobi. At least they are not super saiyans...


There is no difference between Ninja or Shinobi, they mean the same thing. They are just different readings/pronunciations of the same kanji. Ninja comes from an early Chinese-influenced reading that I think is referred on'yomi, which is basically Japanese that came from Chinese. Shinobi comes from the the native Japanese reading, which is kun'yomi.


Ninja were mercenaries, taking on any task for money and utilizing any weapons and tactics necessary for that task. Ninjutsu, as it came to be known, was about unconventional warfare and a means for survival, consisting of many different teachings and martial arts. That was then, now it's the future. I think the Tenno are fairly acceptable Ninja.

Edited by FatalX7
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inb4 scarves with stats that make you do more damage


inb4 scarves don't show up unless you're the host


inb4 scarves get between the warframe and the camera


inb4 scarves cause the game to crash


inb4 scarves give you away when trying to sneak


inb4 scarves cost plat


inb4 scarves cost no nanospores to craft


inb4 Corpus Techs wear scarves


inb4 joke comic/vid where Vor trips over a scarf


inb4 awkward clipping issues


inb4 scarf prime

Thank you so much.

I am expecting an On/Off switch or the scarf to really be an ascot and we will all just be Freddy from Scooby Doo.

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There is no difference between Ninja or Shinobi, they mean the same thing. They are just different readings/pronunciations of the same kanji. Ninja comes from an early Chinese-influenced reading that I think is referred on'yomi, which is basically Japanese that came from Chinese. Shinobi comes from the the native Japanese reading, which is kun'yomi.


Ninja were mercenaries, taking on any task for money and utilizing any weapons and tactics necessary for that task. Ninjutsu, as it came to be known, was about unconventional warfare and a means for survival, consisting of many different teachings and martial arts. That was then, now it's the future. I think the Tenno are fairly acceptable Ninja.


So... You say Po-tay-to and I say Po-tah-to...


It depends on what (who) you read and when it was written. I sincerely hope you didn't just use Wiki for that.


That said:


You can believe whatever you want. After all, Naruto is a ninja and Snake-Eyes is a ninja to name but two of the literally MILLIONS of ninja stereotypes that are out there now thanks to Hollywood.


You want to argue about putting a scarf on a ultra high tech suit of biological armor that turns the wearer into a ultra efficient killing machine?


I won't. If a Tenno wants to wear a scarf he/she can. I am not dumb enough to argue.

Edited by Kalenath
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Also cloth and metal can look great together.


Yes. *this is a pretty image-heavy post*














I'm pretty sure these are what people actually imagine first when they think 'scarf + ninja'.


















Hmm... a couple of those stances look familiar...



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