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(move to feedback section, please, THX): Ideas for a possible Chroma revisit when he gets primed in september


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8 minutes ago, Shockness said:

Tbh i feel like, since latron is a weapon since my days, DE didn't know what the #*!% they wanted to do yet and didn't have half their lore set in place.

But theres nothin wrong here Vor was always hunting power from The Void, stumbled on a Latron Prime bp and a gunsmith reconfigured the design to their liking. Same with Tenno. So by that literally anything that has yet to be primed "could" be a modified Orokin weapon. Being that none of the descriptions hint at it prior in its normal form.

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1 hour ago, ShaneKahnnigan17 said:

It's still 3 months out m8. As a chroma main myself I would like to see some cool element switching instead of the 1 we have now and maybe a new 4. Chroma's a tank, give him an ultimate that makes him tank even harder.

Also for god's sake he's a dragon. Let us be a frikking golden dragon.

Why do people want this exalted dragon meme. Stop this. He's a warframe that killed a sentient and wears it as a pelt he's far more a hunter than he is a furry. The Chinese dragon skin is extra extra damn nice but he would be far more cooler with a hunter+pelt skin. He acts bestially, I get it but he could have a far cooler aesthetic than just a simple dragon if he were treated like a hunter/predator.

Anyways on topic, as most have suggested his one should allow him to mix elements into his powers. Another thing is making 2+3 into a single power or imo separate the armor and damage power as it's sorta redundant to have them both be two separate powers. Seeing as nerfing Vex Armor's formula before affected his tanking to the point of Fire being more worthwhile, I believe separating his tanking and damage power would do Chroma good. Turning his 3 into a tanking ability with damage as its scaling like it is now (Vex Armor) and changing Elemental Ward to -Insert Damage sounding name- and have it work differently to how Vex Armor currently works and in keeping the spirit of elemental ward allow it to affect your elemental combo so IE if you have electricity you gain electricity damage though unlike toxin slash it actually stacks instead of being a separate proc.

Effigy, I honestly don't mind the power but I think they should just outright make him a decent turret so (faster power casting) having it also be affected by Chroma's damage scaling would also be amazing. Also allow range to affect it.

Another topic is if the elements are moved to his one, what should be his passive? I know I was against the dragon bit but it would be pretty cool to have a simple passive like an extra jump (which activates the wings for all of you who want the wings to pop up). Though if we're going for it to benefit him would be nice to give him a passive that kicks in when he throws out Effigy like doubling his damage or increasing it by a % while keeping the 50% armor reduction.

The other big topic past his passive is the elemental passives themselves (Electric aura shocks enemies when you're being damaged + increases shields [fine imo but could use some survivability increase like shocking an enemy siphons back some shields], Poison aura increases reload speed+holster speed [It's very underwhelming and the toxin procs are limited so they're far more underwhelming than the passive itself], Fire increases health [Good], Ice increases armor [Good if they were to change 2+3 to be separate powers it could potentially be buffed due to better armor scaling formula or remain the same if we get nothing new for it])

Something I forgot to mention earlier as to why I think the scaling itself should be separate and only be affecting armor is being I'm tired of having to compromise a slot to either a glaive or hikaou so that I can get my buff up. In later missions it's ok as enemies can actually damage you and get it back up quickly but being able to at the very least get my damage up without having the self-harm would be an amazing QOL for him.

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42 minutes ago, (PS4)lagrue said:

Helios was designed by Alad V as per the Lockjaw and Sol codex...just like Diriga is clearly Grineer and not Tenno.  It is undeniably Corpus, and the lore makes that clear. 

the wiki page also details it all for you:


39 minutes ago, (XB1)Evilpricetag said:

Helios isn't a Tenno sentinel so it will never get a prime


I had this discussion with others before. Technically Sentinels are their own faction. As per codex entry of a cephalon fragment, (which is also on the wiki)

"On the border of chartered space, an enclave of small, strange, seemingly intelligent creatures was discovered by Tenno explorers. They are mechanical entities, almost organic in appearance, with a precarious resemblance to the fearsome Sentients that had decimated human civilization. However, these creatures showed no signs of aggression, and they immediately began carrying out helpful tasks in peculiar alliance with the Tenno"

An off-shoot of Sentients perhaps but the base of sentinels are an intelligent creature that was particularly sided with the Tenno; first found probably during the Orokin Eras if Wyrm Prime codex means anything. Until DE decides to make a clarification for Helios (and they likely won't because it has a Prime now) and the Diriga, they have components of the *Sentinel faction*. It is just as possible that the Corpus repurposed Helios because it performed functions they wanted that the Orokin designed or maybe the Sentinels themselves already specialized this way when they were found and they were just aesthetically changed. They don't need to be classified sentinels anymore if they aren't really sentinels with all the pet classifications we have now with Kubrows, Kavats, Helminith, and eventually a Moa.

By the way, it vague whether Alad V actually designed Helios even from your link. The wiki entry on it then refers to Lockjaw and Sol which has a codex entry which says they are "based on Alad V's own patented designs" which means the he is responsible for some of the tech and overall configuration in those two specifically but not necessarily for the base tech which we know the zanuka model is based off orokin tech that he molded in his experiments. The same goes for Valkyr which was once thought to be created by Alad V but DE has decided to clarify (or re-canonize/retro-fit it as depending on how you look at it) it as him just tampering with a Valkyr *missing default* model (we have the tampered model as our defaults in game) since the Prime shares an appearance (and powers).

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I agree. The Cold, Toxin and Electricity element from his 2 could also use a buff.

And I really hope chroma prime has something like 700 base armor. If not, them both just getting an armor buff would be better

Passive ideas.

Innate 20% rage (energy gain from health dmg)

faster status recovery (75)

an added shield/health passive like when choma loses shields he gains extra duration/efficiency (caps at 20%), losing health he gains power strength (caps at 20%), with the same 450 shield and 100 health cap requirement his 3 has. (Lasts 15 seconds and has a 30s cooldown)


1. Can switch elements now and each element behaves differently. Alternatively the switching can be put on his 2.

Switching elements resets all active abilities. (Face it, this is going to be the take away whether we like it or not)

Elec. Sends out a ball of electricity per cast. Each pulling enemies into it and dealing damage.

Toxin. Spits out acid, like mutalist moas. Slowing enemies in the aoe and dealing toxin dmg.

Heat. I guess its fine just needs more status chance.

Cold. Same with heat I guess.

2. Cold buffed to 300% armor at base.

Toxin is now uncapped (currently capped at 79%) weapon swap speed is replaced with crit chance.

Electricity. I think the only way to make this useful would be to get shield gating so eh.

3. Stays the same. As long as he gets a significant base armor buff im fine with it

4. Imo its main issue is the energy cost so that should be reduced. Also I did some testing before the calculation change and im pretty sure the 50% armor it takes away does not get applied to it. Before it seemed to survive just as many hits with or without Vex Armor fully active.

Edited by Madway7
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One idea that I see no one has spoken about yet.... make Chroma's Spectral Scream an exalted weapon with the new capabilities to add primary/beam weapon mods to it. Honestly think this is an easier path for them to code then to outright change passives or abilities completely. Could be wrong tho, just a thought.

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First of all, I've been playing ONLY praticly Chroma for well, since he's out ! Since he just came out of the ruins with a big cheesy smile. I've saw every nerf, boost, but as you all know DE haven't touched him that bad since a few years and let's say, it was a kind of mix between abuse and freakin' you touch my tralala mhmm my ding ding dong. Anyway you got the idea. But let's be real, people like me seeing Chroma in a position like this is very pityful, HOWEVER, I still play him a lot since he's my favorite warframe of all time, I love every apsect of him, the lore and etc. But let's recall from the beginning, he always needed some touches, but at first he really was, The Tanking Dragon, I mean in therms of tanking he really was the lord, the king, the dragon as we could say. 

But the lore about Chroma specificated this: 

This is Chroma, an ancient legend, master of the elements.

When all the land is in ruins, Tenno, only Chroma will remain.

That does mean he was tanky as hell. Now about the changes,

I loved how they touched the first ability, but let's be real, even so it now scales with Furry buff, it's not worth to be blocked from our weapons that deals much much more damage even so, the CC on this is a bit ridiculous, it's literraly just the element proc wich not every has a CC attached to it. While the mobility was an issue, now, well it's just as it should be, you're a dragon for fudge sake you're suppose to be puking your elements without restriction damnnit ! Secondly, it's not as bad as we can think when talking about low level to mid, it's just funny for god sake ! But bringing Chroma into late game(Wich everyone does, please it's Chroma) makes this ability kind of useless in anycase because of the restriction and well, it needs some touching and I mean maybe even a full rework or just some CC touches or features like I don't know you literally blow a ball of the element and boom ! Otherwise, I use it very not a lot, maybe with ice for some CC, but elemental ward is there for that so yep. 

They haven't touched at the second and fourth ability, wich as we can say, not necessarily needs a big touching but defenitly some love, but now, the real issues with Chroma is definitly the changes to his main capacity wich is tanking and for fudge sake, throwing some real goodies damage(Wich he still does kind of). They changes the formula as the following, the furry buff will apply on base damage, wich is kind of bad, but in the same time I mean, it does the work ! Let's say, Chroma was never really a kind of buffer, well he is, but mainly we use it to keep ourselves alive, and by that we needed good support from our abilities, I'm not really into vex armor being a buff, it was a good thing because his team abilities are quite better know, but the area of effect is so small that, indeed it should've stayed the way it was. 

For the damage, I accept the new formula, but I'd love something more among: Damage = Base * ((furry*Serration*Heavy caliber)+mod) because personnaly, I wouldn't have put this as an area, I would've let it as simple as the own buff of Chroma, ONLY CHROMA WILL REMAIN, it does say everything for itself ! So yeah, I kind of accept the furry changes, but I'd definitly want some love shown to this, if they did this in therms of eidolon, why would've they reduced it to there ? Yeah reducing it and making it an area was a kind of a good move, but for Chroma itself nah, I'm not sure 'bout that. 

For the armor, allright, I have say that, for the supposly king of tanks, the remaining from a ruin, the master of the elements, it's not normal to be on the bottom, while all you've got is that ! Technically, all Chroma has right now, was him ability to stay alive, because that's what it's suppose to be, now, it's still a thing, because I have around 7 Forma, and played him for so long that it's survivable, but I have to tell you, Rhino's better in all point of view now, even more tanking side and damage side wich was Chroma main capacity. I mean technicaly, every warframe should be balanced, and they're on it as we speak right now, but Chroma defenitly need some revisite, because he lsot his dignity, all I hear from my surrounding is thing among: I shoved my chroma from my inventory, I'll never play him until a changes is coming and stuff like that.


First of all, I expect something to come, I don't know what or how it's gonna be, but DE is watching us all, they know that a lot of people are angry at them because of that and I mean Chroma players, but there are some there that understand why they did this. Right now, Chroma is playable, but as we all can see and approve, he lost his dignity, what used to make him THE Chroma, THE dragon, THE king of tanks, THE remaining from a ruin. Personnaly, I don't really know what to expect, every person has a different aspect of what Chroma should be, but as basic as it sounds, from the origin, everything we know is, he's a freakin' dragon wearing rest of sentient as a pelt, he can substain war as it says he's only what remains in a ruin, so definitly they should think about that and not work on him as like he's just some toys, personnaly, I know dragon flies, BUT NOT ALL, in some mythologies dragon are just majestic creature even if they can't fly, it still describe them as one of the most powerful and resistant creature. I'd like them to touch him in the aspect of: He's suppose to be maybe not the biggest tain, the better, but definitly far in the top, since he's a dragon, he should be very very VERY powerful, but I understand that there's a limit at how he can be, so just think about making him something more valuable in therms of late game damage, technically, a dragon would inspire the world around him, and I love to think that elemental ward was that part, but for real, he's a dragon, so in short he should keep his original tanking aspect, and inspire the world around him as he did, but as we all know, Chroma is in a tough position where maybe all we know from him could be changing as we speak, but definitly, when you ask everyone who's the best tank you know in warframe, many many many person would've answered you Chroma, because for fudge sake or caramel sake THAT WAS WHAT HE WERE, so for real DE, I'll leave my suggestion for some rework down this message, and I trust you, guys I said I trust them, because they always did some great things in the past, for the present and in the future, I remember the old time where we had 2 skills, or even just the single armory. 

So yeah, I know I've said a lot, but it's more as a commentary, I'll leave down below what I think from my aspect and what I love about his lore and capacibility how we should looks or what kind of changes he could be into. And I'll tell them later since I work tomorrow, and I got stuff to do, but see you later !



Edited by Volksnake
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If they change his 1 to something like Ivara and Vauban to allow him to switch elements then obviously he'll need a new passive (Maybe a built-in, slightly weaker Rage?). Or maybe something that can draw aggro so it synergizes with his Vex Armor.
Personally, I want a change to his 4 and have it work similar to Inaros' activation of Scarab Armor. Either drain his energy or some of his health (half?) to summon the Effigy with a health meter like usual but on a duration rather than a drain.

Edited by (PS4)VanTX89
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On ‎2018‎-‎06‎-‎20 at 5:34 AM, (XB1)Furious Kaiser said:

One idea that I see no one has spoken about yet.... make Chroma's Spectral Scream an exalted weapon with the new capabilities to add primary/beam weapon mods to it. Honestly think this is an easier path for them to code then to outright change passives or abilities completely. Could be wrong tho, just a thought.

Not gonna lie, my thoughts keep coming back to this and I can't help but do a little brainstorming from time to time....

In the vein of making Chroma's Spectral Scream ability an exalted (flamethrower beam type) weapon and allowing mods to be equipped to it opens up some interesting doors. Make it so his other abilities change elements based on the mod's used on Spectral Scream. On top of this drastically buffing the damage output of Spectral Scream, we would then be able to get 4 additional effects for Elemental Ward with the advanced elements as well, such as armor negation with corrosive element, health/energy regen with viral, shield negation with magnetic, exploding kills with explosive. Just spitballing some ideas here....

Edited by (XB1)Furious Kaiser
Grammar, re-wording icky sentences.
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