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After reading a lot more about you folks and what you've been up to, I have determined that you certainly -need- a quirky, oddball, literature-freaky girl who has a firebrand streak.

Not, that, you know, I happen to have knowledge of such a roleplayer... Just pointing out a flaw in content ... 

... Yah ...

Also; name references. I approve of the more archaic stuffs you guys use. That main Cephalon name, for instance.

Sorries. It's superlate, and all my Discords are dead, so, I've nothing better to do with my time than to bombard your thread with random stuffs whilst reading it. Oh! Question: how late can I make addendums/adjusts and still have the application reviewed in full? Cause ... I am wanting very badly to write a few shorts and affix them to the bio.


P.S. My character and I can both bake cookies!

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Image Depicts Vuko spreading Fake News. This is 100% not real. Totally not real. Fake.
Yo yo what's good y'all, and welcome to the eighth issue of the Tales of the Awakened Weekly Newsletter! Let's dive on in with the art of this week!

First up we've got some of the very first masterpieces gifted to us by the talented Vuko! Everyone give him a hand!


Next up we have some Captura brought to you by our Server Administrator himself, Disruptis! In spirit of the whole Solaris United "ARG" (if you can even call it one), he produced a brief crossover between our Discord and the Solaris United one!

Lastly, we've got Leveret who's still chugging away at Inktober! Here's just one of the many artistic creations.
Next newsletter there will be a link to an entire gallery of his Inktober artwork. Stay tuned for that!

Recruitment Update:
As the last week of October wraps up, so will this round of applications! I'm expecting to begin rolling out critique/acceptances by next weekend, so keep an eye on your forum inbox for when those ship. I will likely be unable to get all of them done in one day, so bear with me and have patience! One other thing to note; I will not be publicly announcing who got accepted and who didn't. This is to ensure no one gets mad at each other or anything. However, if you do not get accepted, feel free to start a round-table discussion in this thread about your character and how to improve (assuming that you're okay with other people knowing you didn't manage to make the cut this time around.) Alternatively you may reply to me in your messages.
OTHER THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW: We will be recruiting 2 more people come December! This means that as soon as you get your feedback, you can reapply right away for December (assuming you're still interested.)
If anyone has any more questions or need further clarifications, ask away!

Hallow's Eve Draws near- the Portal between our world and The Other opens soon!

As promised, here's the info on the upcoming Halloween Party in our server! On Wednesday, October 31st at approximately 12 AM Eastern Daylight Time, a link to our Discord will be uploaded to this forum! I'll be posting it as it's own separate post in the thread as well as stapling it to the top of the OP for ease of access.

RP Update Time Motherf&#@*rs!!

The raving monster slinks down the hallway further. Vuko detects an enemy on his radar outside the next area and decides to give chase. Unfortunately, after swiping his card on the door, he’s met with a harpoon in his shoulder! Wolf leads a team of CDF Breach Suppression specialists who are lined up in the hallway and attacking, even though they bite back horrendous fear of their own. Vuko is forced to retreat. Deco, fortunately or unfortunately is up to you, has escaped down some sort of tunnel system. A tunnel he’s not supposed to be in, but as far as the doctor is concerned the rules can go scrap themselves at this point.

Sonera threw the excited crewman a pleased smile, feeling something for his emotion and yet, what is that? A sense of worth? Emphaty? BAH! ”No no, it’s too fast, too little” The Tenno waves her right hand in the air next to her head, as if getting rid of these invisible insects.
“Ah? Wait wait! Don’t think much of it, I have yet to try and save it!” She speaks to the quivering crewman and lifts her gaze to study the door.
“This is it? Well… let’s see," she adds with a hum as she steps in front of it. Lifting her left palm, she softly knocks on the metallic surface with her knuckles, listening to the thickness. ”Oof! Tough crack tough crack” she tilts her head to the side and cracks a devilish grin, the Wukong’s fangs peeking from the folds of his fake mouth piece.
“Step back, back back” She says from over my shoulder and take a step back from the door. Assuming they have done as she said, she joins her hands and, with a flash of dull green, summons her sapphire Iron Staff. She takes another step back and rolls her shoulders in preparation. In perfectly executed, fluid motions, she twirls her staff in her right hand, slicing once in front of her and throwing it up where it does a light spin before she grabs it once more. As soon as she swiped it from the air, it tripled in width and the Wukong made a fast 360 spin on its heels to grab some momentum. At the end of the spin, Sonera uses the larger point of the weapon like a ram, bashing it in to the door with the force of a charging Rhino, hoping something gives in.
"Wait, they might know what they're doing." Frez interrupted Mino. After the first Fortuna et Ops, and many less optimal encounters, Frez had a weird combination of fear and respect for what Tenno could do. He watched as Sonera did all of this stuff, and as they summoned the staff. He did back up upon seeing the weapon, though, gesturing for everyone else to do so as well.

“I-I’m good, y-you guys can handle this,” Kára replied. She seemed to… stammer? The Valkyr picked herself off the ground, sand streaming out of the niches in her armour. She slapped her face as Sauriv sauntered over to body-block her from the way they came.
Atela quickly retracted the zipline she had been using, removing the arrow from the cliff rather carefully. Putting it back in the quiver. Crossing the remaining obstacles with ease, the agile Tenno waited for the others. She didn't really look at anyone else, barely even acknowledging that there was a whole bunch of other Tenno and whatnot here. In all honesty, the Ivara just wanted to get this stuff over with to check out this tomb and get whatever was waiting inside before the Grineer did.


With Adrova settled for now, the focus moves mostly to the two discussions at hand. One is, of course, if and how Chegar can be saved. Kapak theorizes that Chegar (the operator) is trapped in a transference loop inside his infested Warframe, but may still be able to be separated. The other discussion - more of an argument, really - is a bit of a broken record at this point... Leveret's operator is certain that what they're about to face is too dangerous for a Corpus, and is trying to convince Efahz to stay behind. So far it doesn't look like it's working, as Efahz argues he's trained for this and the Tenno will need all the backup they can get. But will he survive to see the end of the mission?

The Clerks tending the Dunk Tank get a real hoot out of the Infested Creatures' accidental physical humour. They offer the trio of beings a job- as entertainers! However, the creatures are distracted when an announcement descends from the PA system... something about a buffet somewhere catches the creature's attentions instantly!
Leveret's Operator is still at the Strength Challenge. And with their final attempt... the Tenno successfully gets the slider all the way up! It hits the bell- just the slightest little tink!, but it counts! ...right?

Inari shrugged, not sure what to make of the static filled message from the unknown vessel.
"Same here. Although couldn't understand them clearly enough, my message went on our own communication network, so we should be good....I hope." She turned to the data pad keyed up the transmit button.
"Unknown ship, can you repeat your last, you aren't coming in clearly. Can you repeat your last?" She took her finger off the key and looked at Geordie.
"What do you think? Should we try to bring them over or hold off for now?"

Atela was only just leaving Mars still, back in her Orbiter. Well, that had happened. Honestly, she was glad to be off of that planet again. Sand was coarse, and rough, and always got stuck in the frames. It was a pain to clean sand out of stuff. But, as the craft ascended into the upper atmosphere, said sand was removed. Mars really was the worst. "At least when I drag us somewhere, it's interesting." Kamos spoke up, currently overseeing something being made in the foundry. "And I never end up anywhere with sand. Maybe acid rain, but not sand. At least acid rain does some cleaning." He was brushing some red sand from his own Frame, the Rhino looking a tad more silver without it. "At least we all got out intact, which is more than I can say for half of your ideas. If I wanted a repeat of Sedna again, I would just pilot this ship into the Sun." Atela was fairly sure that most of the sand was probably out of every nook and cranny, so she started moving on to the weaponry she had brought. "Check scanners, quickly. Make sure no Grineer are following us. And maybe try a fee comm frequencies, just to be sure." "Would you stop bringing up Sedna already? It's not my fault that the acid rain was conductive! I thought it would deal with that arc trap for us." Kamos grumbled something indecipherable before walking out of sight to go check the scanner. There was absolute silence for a couple precious monents. And then, Kamos answered Atela. "Okay, we don't have any Grineer. But, uh... I am picking up a really weird message. On an obscure channel, too. Looks like it's coming from Eris." "Let's check it out, I suppose." Atela requested from the opposite side of the ship, checking to be sure that none of the guns were jammed. "And relay that message to me. I'm not sure what your definition of 'weird' is, still."
The Tenno ship had reached Eris, running a few more scans before locking onto the derelict. With the message mentioning a bridge, it certainly seemed like a logical place to go. Remaining cloaked, the ship slowly moved toward the abandoned ship. They were invisible to Grineer scanners, but it was likely that any Tenno specifically looking for other Tenno out here would find them. Meanwhile, the two were loading their weapons and preparing for the worst, unsure of what to actually expect here.
To Isa, her drones closest to the bridge exploded violently upon the sudden introduction of strange, blurred figures flittering about, flashing across the hull of the faded gold of Orokin vessel, the figures however daring not to travel further than they had appeared. After a moment of further pause, a halfway point of soft flesh could be distinguished midway between the landing bays and bridge, the remaining proxies deploying charges and vacating back to their mother. The charges would explode in brief flashes, lighting up the surrounding derelicts as debris and flesh chunks burst out grotesquely, providing entry for a mere soul into an ink black hole. To Kamos and Atela, the vessel loomed in the distance, the invitation of an apparent aid echoing ominously from it. As before, they too would see that the Landing Bays were the safest and best option should they choose, being the between point of the bow and stern of the vessel.
With some haste, RED swiftly pushed her vessel towards the Landing Bay; a few Infested chunks splattered against the hull as her eyes twisted and cycled as they watched the Tenno signature blink to life and suddenly spit explosives out onto the husk, suddenly biting out a chunk for its own entrance. "Typical." she muttered as she scratched at her metal jaw, shaving off shards of the steel on accident as she hissed and whipped her head about to stalk over to a retracted spidery limb folded up against the wall; her claws snapped out and pulled it down, muttering obscenities to herself as she adjusted the coolant, causing the mist to rise up to her waist now as she tried to lower her readable signature. All but the soft red glow of her vessel's vents were alight now, as she went dark. RED rolled her shoulders and found herself at the command seat; eyeing the landing pad... It was a dead giveaway, and she was certain she'd be found by the Tenno but... as seconds dragged to minutes, she noted the Tenno's typical deadset focus on the objective within. Betting on their predictable expedient efficiency, RED's ship slowly drifted into the Landing Bay's gaping maw. Without the assistance of any external lights, she was forced to drift into the structure blind; although, she dared not venture too deeply into the infested vessel, so she set her ship down near the edge of the open bay. RED's ship had no 'legs', rather, metal shields shot out and dug into the floor, and braced the ship. Locillus was quiet, as RED summoned forth another panel set upon a spidery limb; she shutdown the thrusters of her ship and shut the shudders of the cockpit as she initiated a simple scan of the local environs, checking if Life Support was active on the ship, and if there was any gravity...

After examining the room for danger, our intrepid Sonera begins data analysis. How exactly? By pressing random buttons of course! A machine on the assembly line roars to life. Meanwhile, Aurelia has finished the exploit and rebooted the device. Suddenly, the holographic projection of a Limbo shoots into the air, illuminating the darkened corridor. Everyone stops what they’re doing and gathers, even the button swiping fanatic, as the image now tells them about the testing station they are all in…
Back on Kawamo, the reunion of two good companions is nigh. With Isa not far off from the meeting point, Kapak swings open the Orokin door- cough, I mean, slides the paper door open to see Disruptis’s operator giving him the biggest grin he’s seen in over a year. And as Kapak leaps across the room to wrap the Tenno in the warm embrace of an infested hand strangling his puny neck, Disruptis can only think that he should’ve seen it coming.

SIDE STORY (The Weaver's Manifest) by Kapak and Lekalis:
"Lost... shipment... 88?" Kapak reached for the woman's body, throttling it as if it would give him answers. "What the Void's going on??" The Nidus reached out, attempting to wrench the body from the metal claws that trapped it in place, but as he did, the ground became as water. Slowly at first, and then with frightening speed, the rust and dirt sifted like fluid, causing Kapak's hulking mass to sink quickly into it. "No...!" Kapak uttered before the dirt closed in around his head. Kapak sat upright, choking and coughing on the mineral rich, orange fluid of his bizarre, fleshy bathtub. As he wheezed and gasped for air, he looked around. He was back inside his Orbiter. His gaze darted over to the Strider's old Loki. It sat there, unlit, unmoving, as dark and cold as the metal that its false limbs were crafted from. Its head was drooping slightly to the side, but other than that nothing seemed out of place. "Ugh," he muttered as he crawled out of the citrine bath, "I don't know what is in that tea, but I need less of it." Kapak emptied the rest of now (now cold) tea onto the Orbiter floor where it was quickly absorbed by the nearby Infested tissues. He packed up the remaining tea leaves into a small golden urn plucked from his messy pile of treasure and began to exit the room. He stopped by Lekalis' silent body and lightly squeezed his shoulder.
"Until we drink again, friend."

And that's all folks! Remember to to tune into this thread October 31st to gain super limited time access to our server!! You'll get the ability to read a wide selection of our RPs in full, as well as gaining the chance to talk with some of our members and stuff! Cheers!


Edited by Almighty_Jado
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Thanks to everyone who joined us for our Halloween get together! And best of luck to all applicants- voting is now over and we will be contacting our winners this weekend! If you did not make it, you can expect a message with some constructive criticism to help improve your chances of getting in next time- which will be around New Years'! Also, if you missed this party, we will have a Christmas one!

In the meantime, Fortuna may be dropping soon, so you can look forward to that, I guess! See you Saturday for the weekly newsletter!

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Hey all, good chance there won't be a newsletter this week because the work of having to write up all the feedback things plus real life issues just doesn't leave me with a lot of time.

Also! We're doing a small change to our feedback thing- everyone will receive a simple message in their DMs saying whether or not they were accepted. After receiving the message and you find out that you didn't make the cut, you may ask us for feedback on how to improve, and you'll receive a message with a more in depth look at your character and find out how you can improve, or why you didn't make it this time.
This way, we only have to write up feedback for people want it and are still interested in applying.
NOTE: YOU DO NOT have to ask for our feedback in order to reapply. The feedback is only there to help you better your chances of getting in, but if you don't want to change anything, you're totally free to reapply without altering your character or bio at all.

Applications will likely not reopen until next weekend. If any newcomers apply between now and next weekend, there is a chance your application may be deleted when we clear our list out.

Thank you for everyone's continued patience. Ciao!

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Hello everyone! We are back with another issue of our weekly newsletter after a hiatus consisting of a combination of real life issues, helping the joiners, distributing applicant feedback, and of course, Fortuna!

So let us begin with art!
This issue we've got 3 pieces by Lev. We got Kapak vomiting after being exposed to Corpus Antiserum, Lekalis meditating with music under the acid skies of Ceres, and Adrova respectively.

Also, did you know our top artist Lekalis has the occasional Art Stream? It's a great place to chill and watch some masterwork get done.

Recruitment Update:
So I know I iterated earlier that applications will be open again this weekend, but unfortunately sending out feedback is taking a little longer than expected. So instead of giving a solid date as to when applications will be open again, I will send out a post in this thread when the time comes!
THINGS TO REMEMBER: If any newcomers apply or previous applicants between now and when the applications actually open, there is a high chance your application may be deleted when we clear our list out.


Alright, with all that stuff out of the way, let's get to....

RP Updates!

Vuko opens the door with his access card and is met immediately by a harpoon to the shoulder. It impales him to the wall briefly, allowing more projectiles from the CDF squadron to be aimed and fired off too. The Ivara manages to pry the harpoon off however, and rolls back into the corridor he came from a millisecond before his warframe ends up swiss cheese.

Sonera successfully breaks down the door. The group filters in to a thankfully empty room and attempts to see what can work. They begin scouting out how a Bridge Lockdown was initiated since there is no one inside, yet it would have had to be initiated from within. Life support systems across the ship are bound to run out out in only a couple of hours. Frez wants to scan the ship for survivors while Sonera questions why they haven't made a move to the escape pods.

Still leading the way, Geordie takes a shortcut and leaps from the last bridge right across to the doorway of the tomb, where he waits for the rest of the group. Cyrus, Ifrit, and Atela all cross as well, while Halcyon takes the long way around with a speed boost from Geordie. Kara still has yet to cross, however. She seems nervous? Either way, looks as though they'll be heading inside soon....what puzzles and traps might await them?


The argument between Leveret's operator and Efahz as stopped for now. Maybe he's managed to convince Efahz to stay behind? Both of them are pretty grumpy now, to say the least. Efahz stomps off and plops down next to Adrova, who's still munching away at the meal he'd been served earlier. Svytoj continues to attempt to talk to Clogori, but it's becoming increasingly obvious that he considers himself some kind of infestation-wielding mastermind. Meanwhile Kapak is.....making tea?

The Infested creatures cannot compete with the larger humans heading towards the buffet, lest they be squashed! They look for another way to get up to that level- perhaps somewhere that only creatures of their size can fit?
Stahk and the mysterious man hit the liquor stall to get a drink. Back at the shooting gallery, Frez has successfully shot the golden kavat- the ultimate prize awaits him! He reaches into a mystery box...

Tenno Naelynn as well as a squad of Steel Meridian forces arrive shortly to also inspect the mysterious relic of a vessel. While Inari reaches out to them, another mysterious, silent vessel appears. This bizarre shard of history has certainly drawn a lot of attention.

Red, Isa, Kamos and Atela all board the derelict vessel and make their ways though the dark corridors. They are still unaware of each others' presences, and remain equally as unaware of what horrors may lurk in the shade...

Where we left off, the holographic projection waits a few seconds for people to gather and then continues. The recording explains how the cast have practically already been accepted into the Corporation, and how this is going to be a test to examine what each individual needs to be trained on. “You are here with no knowledge of where this station came from or what’s on board it. Which I guess is basically already the scenario but muck it, I’ll say it again. You only know that it has been flagged for abnormal plausibility...Your objective is to find if there is, and if so, to contain or otherwise get it in position to be immobilized for a period of twelve hours so retrieval is safe to handle it...This is set up to be as realistic as possible, and since all of it is pulled from past encounters, I can assure you it is authentic.” The Limbo then finishes by apologizing for the initial deception and providing a way for people to leave should they so wish. The applicants then assemble and discuss what they should do moving forward. Sonera and Svytoj voice their excitement while Kamos, Chegar, and Aurelia wear mildly concerned expressions. Leveret, ready to get this show on the road, calls for another roll-call, which Sonera happily lists off for him.
Back in Kawamo, Kapak slings Disruptis into the overturned desk, enraged at his demeanor. Disruptis lets it happen, still drunk off the delirious greeting, but not for long. He snaps out of the stupor and breaks down, letting all of his pained emotions out at once. The two Tenno sit there in silence as Disruptis grieves. Meanwhile, Isa and Boonka are halted in their walk towards the meeting place by a young village girl with a light-pink skull and small ram horns. She bounds curiously up to the two and before the purple skull’d man can get a word in, asks Isa who she is. The Tenno decides to use her real name, Iya, to introduce herself before Boonka convinces the child to leave and return to her daily duties. Soon enough, Boonka leads Isa to and deposits her at the same building Kapak and Disruptis are currently in.

And that is all for today! Remember to like comment and subscribe. SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON
I will do my best to work with Disruptis and get the remaining feedback out, so just do us a favor by remaining patient. Go play some Fortuna! There's a lot of stuff to be done there!

Bye! See y'all next week!

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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1 hour ago, (XB1)WaterJewel94694 said:
  1. Can i submit applications anytime?
  2. In the form where it says in game name what does it mean specifically?  My username in the actual game?
  3. Lastly is it possible for me to submit two characters at the same time because i wanted to create twins for this RP if i get accepted.

1. You can submit your application anytime, just not quite yet. I'll have a post in this thread out when we finally reset our inbox to receive new applications.
2. Ingame name is the same as your forum name. In this case, your in game name is (XB1)WaterJewel94694
3. Nope. We only have one person in our group who has the ability to RP as twin Tenno, and he's a special case. He's proven to me to be an excellent writer both in language and plot, and so we let him introduce his main character's sidekick in as a permanent addition to his main character. But even he applied to our server with a single character. Only through proving yourself can you earn the right to bend the rules.

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7 hours ago, (XB1)WaterJewel94694 said:

just out of curiosity what's the difference between corpus tenno and orokin tenno?

Corpus Tenno are Tenno who come from the Corpus caste of Orokin during the ancient times.

Orokin Tenno are Tenno who were citizens of the Orokin empire.

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Woohoo! Double digits! 10 newsletters down, infinity more to go! Thanks to everyone for your continued support and eagerness to join- we would be nothing without it. Today I'd like to start by getting the important announcements out of the way.

Recruitment Update:
So yeah, it has been an insane week. If you notice, this newsletter is coming out 24 hours late! Oh no! We also have some feedback that is yet to be delivered, but I'm pushing my fellow mods to get that out to you who are still outstanding. Please bear with us!

KEY THINGS TO NOTE FOR WINTER APPLICATIONS: the Quiz section of our application form is being removed! You will no longer have to fill out the lore-testing quiz. This is partly because it would get really tedious to fill out every single time you have to reapply, and also partly because there's been some talk about the potential of it embarrassing any applicants who perform poorly on it. So, your application will be primarily weighted on your writing skill. Better hone those brains and imagination engines!

Also, a reminder: we're on the verge of cleaning out our application database to make room for the Winter applications- this means if you apply BEFORE we finish this process, your application may be consumed by the Void.

Next Seasonal Event!
Disruptis and Cev, the top dogs of the Discord have been thinking about opening up the Discord once more during Christmas break, similar to the Halloween event. However, this time it will likely be for a longer period of time, and people may be more available due to it being the holiday season. More news will follow soon.

Possible Regular Recruitment Scheduling.
DISCLAIMER: This is not fully approved yet, but a speculation of how we can do things in the future.
So I've been toying with the idea of accepting two applicants in a literal seasonal style- 2 applicants per season. This will mean 2 new people can join every 3 months, for a total of 8 new people per year. What do you people think? Is this too often to be accepting new people, or too little? More info on this in the future as well.

Not a massive amount of art this week, but still some good stuff!


First up is an awesome piece by Lekalis, depicting himself and his... rival? Comrade? It's Ella! While the artwork definitely doesn't reveal any definite backstory of our favorite Grineer-themed Loki, it definitely reveals how awesome Lekalis' art is! Definitely gives me some Red Moon or Armed with Wings vibes!


Next up is a piece by myself, which is a multipurpose piece created for @HugintheCrow's sick Grineer Concept stuff, as well as our own RP. This special Grineer soldier is designed to literally destroy your soul using a combination of Eidolon Lure tech and Kuva. Your Oro is never safe around this fellow... R.I.P. Kuve...
(Main purpose of us creating this unit was to allow us to kill off Tenno side characters or inactive members' characters without having to make them fight a random-arse Sentient or fight another Tenno)

Also check out Lev's compendium of inktober art!


Thinking fast, Vuko grabs the harpoon that had been fired into him and directs it around the corner. It impales a CDF operative’s head to the wall, forcing the unit to retreat cautiously. They start to charge their over-sized warframe tasers as Vuko resolves himself to finish this once and for all. The Tenno throws two noise arrows to distract the enemy and flies across the wall towards them. Two operatives fire their energy weapons down the corridor, but narrowly miss him. The squad leader, Wolf tries to get one last shot off as he bounds into the intersection but misses and then…. They all fall asleep to the sound of arrows hitting the ground. Vuko, standing over the now unconscious crowd, has to make a split for it! Only problem is that the halls flanking the intersection he is now standing in seem to stretch very long.

Sonera, Frez and the survivors settle into the room. Frez makes sure those with the heaviest weapons are stationed at the vent where they came in- eventually Infestation would sniff them out and charge for them, no? They realize a distress beacon had been lit, but they need to make sure any rescue ships that approach know that their ship is Infested, otherwise the outbreak could spread to them. One of the Crewmen begin to investigate the comms while Frez and Sonera inspect an almost-dead person lying in a side closet. He's really cold, and unresponsive, yet he's still breathing just the slightest bit. The crewmen check for a heartbeat, and can't find it, but also check for signs of Infestation and can't find any either. The questions are piling up...

The group has finally entered the tomb proper, and after descending a set of stairs, they find themselves investigating their first puzzle. A sealed door is guarded by a pair of Inaros statues, and murals on the wall depict a Martian man standing on a large pipe, as water rushes from it towards the bowls and jugs of the people below. What could this mean?


Kapak serves Adrova the tea and explains that it is Ruk's Klaw tea, which has medicinal properties that may help him get back some of his lost memories. In an attempt to get things moving again, Efahz grumpily announces he'll stay behind and watch Adrova. Without further ado, Kapak gears up and meets Leveret in his Liset to head back to the cluster of infested ships. Clogori is still hiding in there, somewhere. They're about to meet Svytoj in the hanger, at which point they'll once again venture deep into the foreboding corridors of the ship.

The Infested creatures spy some children attempting to navigate the fun-filled ship via a maintenance corridor. Perhaps there would be something there for the monsters to use?
Stahk the Corpus sits down for a drink with the stranger, but is promptly needle'd in the back of the neck. With what? Find out next time!
Frez wins a floof! Wow, it's pretty soft! A perfect little gift to himself.

A sudden influx of more Tenno ships and a Steel Meridian Bolkor has joined the group in preparation to enter the massive, ancient wreck. Inari attempts to respond to everyone and organize set up communications.

Kamos, Atela, RED and Isa are now fully confined by the ship's dark hallways. Kamos spots Isa and RED using his scanner, and Atela cloaks him and herself. They were determined to find out who these people were. RED spotted them for a moment before Atela's cloaking arrow pulled the two Tenno into shadows.
RED uses her mechanical claws to saw through the vessels' obstacles and began to explore deeper.
In the meantime, Isa heads down a path that likely (and hopefully) led to the ship's bridge.

Sonera inadvertently leads the group into yet another darkened room with conveyor belt workstations filling up the available floor space. Tools and various materials lay scattered hap-hazardly across the floor like caltrops, weaving their way through Moas in various states of repair and destruction. A section of the far wall looked… odd. After a bout of speculation, they walk up to it for further inspection. Leveret and Inari take swipes of the colouring and come away with fresh blood, despite the text obviously looking dried up. Kamos finds a Moa tucked away in the corner and brings it to everyone’s attention.
On Earth, Isa and Kapak's continued interrogation of Disruptis reveals that he recently cam into contact with Cev, another Remnant member and a good friend of his, a couple days ago. The Tenno explains the history of the situation:
"Now, a quick recap. As you guys know, we disable the solar rails and move the tower into earth’s orbit. Then Vay Hek comes out of nowhere with a fomorian and tears us a new one. But just as it shows up, I disconnect from my Warframe.
I… could’ve never imagined the Fomorian would show up. I did, however, rig some general countermeasures in case we needed to protect the tower from… unexpected threats. Had them on Sanctuary too actually. Only problem is I need to flip the switch in person back on my orbiter.
Honestly, I’m not sure what I was thinking. It was the only thing I knew how to do. I hoped it would do… something. Anything really. Might’ve kept the Void anchor from going boom long enough to get everyone out, but it’s hard to tell for sure….
I was about to send the rest of the Remnant a message. But someone was waiting for me on board. They jammed my transmissions right as I entered and near-fried my Cephalon. If it hadn’t been for her special properties, XerAI would’ve been toast.
I’m not even sure what hit me. It was dark and all happened too fast. I fought a creature with the power to destroy Oro and the intellect to slice me open for it. My best theory to this day is that it was a more… sentient, Sentient. I have no idea how it pulled a wool over XerAI’s receptors and got in, but it did.
That’s how I got this by the way. Mucker just about tore me up before I flushed it into Venus’s stratosphere. It couldn’t fly I guess. It was a long time before I finally healed. Like, this long.
The whole battle was kind of weird actually… But regardless, the Sentient toasted my Cephalon’s… um… memory… kind of. She lost everything in her databanks short of her own personality and a few important details. That meant she lost your calling cards, and couldn’t safely contact you with another general broadcast without letting any enemies know right where we were. But I didn’t come here for healing. XerAI wouldn’t take that risk. I had a nice little hidden station outside of systemic orbit that I chilled in. Eventually I stumbled upon this place:
Kawamo! Home to less than five thousand authentic members of a unique people group. They’ve stayed largely under the radar for years, even dodging Grineer attacks thanks to the deserts all around. As far as I know, I and two other unrelated people are the only Tenno to ever stumble across it. Now unfortunately, “The Grineer do enjoy mining the desert for resources, so they’ve squatted in the more safer zones. They’ve tried a lot of times to cross over, but by the time they make it their ranks are so thin they can dodge rain drops! Easy pickings! That’s how it used to be, at least. Word now is that they’re getting more and more successful; It might only be a matter of time before the Kawamo have to up their response-game. But, we’re not worried about that today. I told these guys I’d help them out in little ways. Just kind of the thing I do when I visit new colonies, really. They hit me up not long ago to help them deal with a situation with some of their kin being kidnapped by the Grineer. That’s the first part of why I brought us here, because I wanted to see if you guys were willing to help me with that."

That'll do it for this week's newsletter! One whole decade of newsletters complete! Special thanks to @Disruptis and @rabbitsandroses for helping out. See everyone next week, or sooner! 😉

Edited by Almighty_Jado
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@(XB1)WaterJewel94694 and everyone else who decides to apply:

PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU GIVE US A SHARED LINK WHEN YOU GIVE US YOUR BIO. We cannot access it if you just copy and paste the URL at the top of your browser.

In the future we will not be so kind- if you don't share your document, we won't see it and we won't vote on it.

Disruptis has provided a quick tutorial on how to share a document.

On 2018-10-22 at 12:00 AM, Disruptis said:

There are still some people who haven't switched their docs' sharing settings so we can see them!


^ This is all we see for a few characters' sheets! Everyone please check that your documents are set up like so:



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