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I Am A Deaf Player-- "why Does Lotus Randomly Appear Onscreen, Flicker, And Disappear?"


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I think it just slipped past them. This obviously isn't intentional. The Devs made it clear that they didn't want to exclude any group from the game, and that some of the players that turned out to be colorblind were having trouble discerning red/green prompts.


And quite a lot of people with perfect hearing would like the option to have text appear instead of having Lotus just speak. Lotus's voice gets fudged up when using Loki's Invisibility, and that's also a problem.


This might be a case where PMing Rebecca to bring her attantion to this would be acceptable.

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Just a supportive bump, I think that and colorblind issues need to be dealt with. The Lotus doesn't ever say anything super important, thankfully.







And while they're at it they should make her comments smarter too. "Enemy movement up ahead, it's the Grineer." NO SHlT, did you expect something else on a Grineer ship??


I just did a Grineer mission with corupus on it, it was a three way battle. Halfway through the mission she warned me about robots and not Grineer. Was it useful information? No. Was it redundant? I guess not. : /

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Hell that must have been a bit confusing.


On the bright side, at least you don't constantly hear lotus telling you the blatantly obvious, like 'It's the Grineer' or 'There's something wrong, there's a heavy unit approaching'.


Anyway, all dialogues should have the option to be captioned/subbed.

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You get extra love from me on this one.


Partly because I play with the game nearly muted and music blaring (so I'd actually get a huge benefit from knowing if it was an important update like "THIS MISSION IS NOW EXTERMINATION LOL" and such)...


And partly because I always feel bad for ya'll, even taking it upon myself to do up transcripts for cutscenes in another game because a deaf player pointed out that there wasn't any subtitles for exactly three of them.

Edited by TheBlueJelly
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Support the suggestion.

While I hear well(as well as one can still hear after decades full of heavy metal concerts),as someone who 99% of the time has music running it can get kinda confusing if Lotus decides to add objectives mid-mission and one puzzles if he just missed the "to the choppa!"-prompt or she actually added another objective.

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I agree there should be subtitles, but I imagine there aren't because there are still updates to be made to the script as a whole. Otherwise, you are seriously not missing anything. After 100,000 kills, enemy deaths are downright annoying, and Lotus doesn't exactly have a large vocabulary. We all love our community manager here, but we always know It's the Grineer.


The other aspect is that there isn't really a need for further communication. We could just as easily play this game with no sound, because once you've played a game type, you've played them all.... and you will continue playing them to death, with zero coordination required between teammates. Once you've unlocked all the planets, you've already seen it all and done it all enough to be ignoring any and all messages from anything attempting to communicate with you. Due to the fact that we are entering a tile to absolutely wreck the place for some reason or another, we don't even need ambient noises to tell us enemies are nearby.

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Good post, not a topic you hear about a lot. At least I don't.

Is that meant to be a pun on the deaf thing?


I agree that they need to AT LEAST have an option to meet the needs of color blind, deaf etc because it really is not fair on them that they can't enjoy the game the way that we can. Btw SunSpotPony, at least you don't need to worry about about any guns having terrible sounds :)

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Subtitles/captions are definitely a must, our hearing impaired friends deserve to experience the wonders of lotus-spam (I actually find it entertaining most of the time)! On a more serious note, it would really help lessen the confusion when objectives switch mid-mission.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello, everyone. I am a big fan of warframe, and I think it's a really fun and clever game. I'm also deaf. That's right. I don't hear. I was born this way.

For the longest time while playing this game, I wondered why so frequently Lotus's portrait would pop up randomly, flicker, and disappear.

It was only after a little while of seeing the bosses like Vor and the Stalker having their pictures pop up with text, that I finally realized that Lotus? Was probably saying something. So I asked the other players and they said that yeah, Turns out she explains things like why there is fire everywhere, why my shields were at half-health for the whole level, or that we're in lockdown, or commentary about what a boss-fight is going to be like.

And because my ears don't work? I never heard any of that.


So I ask that maybe you consider, at least for some more important things like boss descriptions, mission descriptions, etc? You give Lotus some text, just like you do with the stalker and the bosses.

There are approximately 32 million hearing-impaired people in the world. As it happens, deaf and hearing impaired people, owing usually to the fact that they end up speaking the same language, end up becoming groups of friends. What's one of your biggest way of getting success for warframe so far? Word of mouth (or hand, in this case.) Exclude the hearing impaired from your game, and they're not going to bring it to their friends. Give the hearing-impaired an option to experience the game fully,  and they might even share it with their friends, bringing you more potential customers.


Mate, trust me when i say you're not really missing out on any mission critical info.

In fact the constant (at the moment impossible to deactivate) Lotus repetition gets quite obnoxious after a while.

Even with Rebecca's charming voice talent, it gets old after 300 hours of play.

Edited by NIL0S
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Though I like Rebecca's voice even I agree that she has an immense amount of work waiting for her as our dear Lotus really has only a few lines - and those few lines become annoying pretty fast after the first few hundred times you meet them. At the same time I cannot switch voices off as even with them on I frequently miss mission objective changes and such.


So all in all I agree that captions are very important and should be present but not just them, proper objectives listing, maybe some extra details and a full map of the already explored areas. From this pack, captions should be the easiest - I mean the mechanic is there, so writing a sub for those (rather few) lines (at least in english) shouldn't be a problem.

(Yes, I know, there are many different languages out there (I'm no english either) but english is a good start - and the most frequently understood language on the world.)


Let's hope they will have some time to do this after they implement my Necro frame. :) Also does it come in golden?

____________  _ _  ____________



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I love the voice actress for Lotus. I wish the devs could let players alter the frequency of "Lotus Status Updates" and tips and whatever else she says. Maybe add it to the chat log so she doesn't have to repeat nearly the same thing every ~5 minutes. Tell us how to alter it in an INI file and we'll do the work for you, no UI work needed!

All that said, I support this with over 9001 percent support. All my bases are belong to you, dear wonderful OP <3

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