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TennoLive 2018 - Ash Prime Twitch Drop!


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8 minutes ago, (PS4)ConCiseBucket1 said:

That has nothing to do with ash, if he hides the chat he just hides it and to live with ash prime you had to watch the TennoCon live show

LOL, how did you quote me and get it to show up in Spanish? lol

Anyways, yes I watched like 99% of the Tennocon Live Show, but I hid the chat. Dunno just thought that maybe that logs someone out of chat and I know they base all of their RNG plat rolls based upon who's present in the chat.

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My wife and I watched TennoCon on our own computers for the whole duration. The Twitch browser status showed us watching the stream in Twitch. We interacted with the chat as well. We never received an Ash Prime while clan mates did. I know my account was linked because I had received the normal Twitch account-link rewards just a few hours before the event when I initially linked. I really hope we get the free Ash Prime frames. Biggest appeal as a new player is getting to try new frames regardless of "ease of grind". 

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Ash is everywhere lol

+1 since I haven't gotten mine either.

Friend of mine got his from watching. I stuck around to see and now the weekend's passed I'm just wondering if server load's still backed up.

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Still waiting on mine as well. Watched about 20 min before the start till the very end (So over an hour) and didn't receive anything. Also verified that my WF account and my Twitch account both see that I am linked. Not in a rush to get it, just want to put this here so that others who may have watched the same amount of time as I have don't riot 🙂 Most people seem to have had an issue with watching for longer than the required 30min and still no receiving. #WaitingGame

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4 minutes ago, taeyangu3232 said:

沒拿到ash prime 我完整的看完一小時 電腦還跟著一起掛著

我也還沒拿到。。之前官網好像有說每多一個人就會降低1%的速度,現在是以2.945%的速度在發放ash p,但是官網說十天內會送到的,一起安心等吧~

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I also logged in at about 6:11 it kicked me off but got back on and watched the whole thing and I still have not recieved an ash prime. I loved some of the new changes so video was great but still kinda hoping for that ash prime.

I also wanted to add I'm not in a huge rush take your time I understand things happen I just want to make sure if there's some sort of list that I'm on it even if it takes awhile that's fine. Great game btw

Edited by (PS4)SIL3NTKILL3R_92
Felt I left some things out
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