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Nef Anyo Concept


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So I just finished dark sector and yeah it was a good game, have lots of ideas but I'll post this one first. I was thinking if nef can use the armor/frame of hayden and his skills. Let's say it was a reverse-engineered excalibur with some tweaks into it. How? During selling of cryopods and warframes, he got curious about these frames and probably smuggled one excal and started working on it with his group of scientists secretly. They managed to make an imperfect replication of the excal-frame with some minor flaws and BAM hayden anyo.

He would look like this, maybe some changes on color and textures (might need to enter a captcha)--- http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=931360
1. Lanka - same damage and knockdown.

2. Spectra - If you get near him, he will pull out his spectra and try to laser you, dealing high dps.

3. Prova - After casting invisibility and after Phase 1, he will use his twin provas to hit you. High attack speed and a ridiculous amount of damage.

4. EMP grenade - He will throw a noticeably large grenade and after maybe 4 seconds will explode in a large radius, disrupting you.
1. Shield - He will cast a large shield in his left arm which can take a large amount of damage before breaking.

You know the shield in dark sector when you fought the Nemesis which has this large blade and a shield? yeah that shield.

2. Push - Pushes you to a wall, pinning you for 10 seconds or until you get damaged.

3. Invisibility - Same invisibility as before, but this time he will chase you around and try to whack you with his prova stick.

Maybe he will act like the stalker in dark sector, only revealing if he will strike.

4. Teleport - On Phase 1, he will use push first then teleport away from you, giving him time to recharge his shields.  (idea by HolySoul77)

                    On Phase 2, he will simply teleport to you.
P 1 - He will mainly use his Lanka, Spectra, emp grenades, his shield and push. He will act like normal nef anyo.
P 2 - When below 30% health, he will become enraged, he will ditch his main weaps and uses two prova sticks. He will usually cast his invisibility, teleport, and push. His running speed will become buffed and will utilize jumping, wall running, parkour, etc. and will have melee combos.
Note: This post is to give ideas about anyo and emphasize the mechanics on the game dark sector (if you havent played it, play it. I think it only cost like 10 dollars on steam. really great game) I'm sure this wont get passed on to the game for being to connected to that game or being too lore-breaking, but if you want a real anyo concept, there is a post by Lone_Dude link here--- https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/94121-sgt-nef-anyo-revision/


Edit: forgot to add how much health needed for phase 2, lines to separate

Edited by cr4ckin_d0pe
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I like this idea but don't think it suits Anyo, who seems to be more of a distance fighter. IMHO I think this would be better suited for Tyl Regor, who is more of a melee fighter. Maybe Phase Two could have him doing what Anyo would've done, without the invisibility?

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