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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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45 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

You have a point, lol.

Probably the worst offenders when it comes to boss mechanics in common enemies is uncanny aim and juggernaut health.

Uncanny Aim - did you just impact proc me , have a headshot in return.

Juggernaut health - health regenaration is frustating in enemies , have you ever been in orb vallis with a average buils and had to deal with a kyta racknoid and their bullS#&$ regenarating shield.

I don't realy make any enemy desing but if were to do enemy I would create strong enemies with obvious flaws. This way the player has to keep ajusting their play style and the enemy will feel powerfully. But ultimately would preserve the power fantasy in warframe ( as long as the player is exploiting the enemy weakness , not just spaning damage )

I have to say , I love your grineer desings ( especially the gungodness). They feel powerfully , their design fits the grineer aesthetic and they feel more like the #*!%ed up super soliders that I think the grineer should be.


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16 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

If there is anything that Riot Games done right* with League of Legends (I hate that game with a burning passion) it's the way they divide their teams. Live gameplay team works ONLY on stuff that needs attention now (bugs fixes, rapid balancing of outliers), Balance team works on, well, balance, Champion teams work on new characters, etc.

I could say a lot of bad about League, but not that they are bad at management.

'Nuff said. I think of them as an ideal model for content release and balance. I haven't touched the game in years, but do follow news on it, enough at least to know that every patch has small fixes and balances, not just on champions but also on items so that even if an item isn't fixed an attempt is made at bringing it back in the right direction*


16 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

*Ok, league's music team is literally godlike, but that's that.

There are a lot of bangers aren't there? ^^

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28 minutes ago, Teoarrk said:

every patch has small fixes and balances,

Not to mention, they are incredibly consistent. Patch every 2 weeks, EVERY 2 weeks (as far as I remember anyway, obviously with breaks during holidays). I remember reading about how they finalize patches a whole week before deadlines, and only work on optimizing it from that point. That has to be respected, no matter what one thinks about the game.

28 minutes ago, Teoarrk said:

There are a lot of bangers aren't there? ^^

Yup, for sure.

32 minutes ago, keikogi said:

Probably the worst offenders when it comes to boss mechanics in common enemies is uncanny aim and juggernaut health.

Heh, I guess.

TBH, I suppose I should remake Uncanny aim's description, I've been already looking at it, and it really sounds confusing. It also shouldn't be a perfect accuracy buff either, but rather a kind of "Your accuracy falls off over time instead of instantly". Perhaps, some limit to it's activation needs to be implemented. I actually didn't even think about impact procs, lol

I think it shouldn't activate when the unit is cc'd, instead it should be more of a "They might get a quick shot at me, right as I entered invisibility or dodged in a bad direction".

[Remade Uncanny aim. New version: Innate: Uncanny Aim: This unit's aim is less affected by enemy dodging actions.]

Juggernaught health is obviously a kind of razor-edge-balance thing, yes, but I'm not working with numerical values here, so let's just say it's less "your enemy is back to full hp in seconds" and more "You can't just proc bleeds and walk away".

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1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

[Remade Uncanny aim. New version: Innate: Uncanny Aim: This unit's aim is less affected by enemy dodging actions.]

This version still "punishes" the player for playing "right" ( using and abusing mobility ). What do think of this version.

Uncanny Aim: this unit will improves its own accuracy as long as it targets the same target , after X seconds this unit also ignores evasive manivers accuracy penality. This effect resets if this unit cannot fire at their target for more then 3 seconds ( either because they lost line of sight or because this enemy got CC). 

This version is arguably stronger but the player has the power to prevent this power to evrr being brought into battles.

1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

Juggernaught health is obviously a kind of razor-edge-balance thing, yes, but I'm not working with numerical values here, so let's just say it's less "your enemy is back to full hp in seconds" and more "You can't just proc bleeds and walk away".

Since you know riot games and you want to stop the owa shindeiru. What about this version.

Juggernaut health- half of thr damage received is turned into " grey health ". If the player stops doing direct damage ( non damage overtime ) to this unit for 2 seconds , this unit will cleananse itself from damage over time effects and receive the "grey health " as healing over 2 seconds. This way the player will always be able to kill the juggernaut , but there is no concern of the healing just outpacing the damage output.

Edit: it will be hard to explain grey health to someone that does not know league of legends.

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Finally, finished looking at your grineer units. Did not had the time to have a deep look at each one of them but I have to say I've liked what I saw. I love what I saw. I like the fact the grineer are still making some progress when it comes to create better soldiers ( does not mean they are healthier, the syanese units come to mind here ).

I also like the crazier argumentation made to make solider fight to last breath ( the balloon grineer and unicycle grineer come mind ). 

The way you made less humanoid units that still feel distinctly grineer ( harpy , kuva priestes , the one that is a head attached to space ship , most of the melee brutes ).

The best part is grineer technology advanced quite a bit but still quite crude looking. 

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4 minutes ago, keikogi said:

Finally, finished looking at your grineer units. Did not had the time to have a deep look at each one of them but I have to say I've liked what I saw. I love what I saw. I like the fact the grineer are still making some progress when it comes to create better soldiers ( does not mean they are healthier, the syanese units come to mind here ).

I also like the crazier argumentation made to make solider fight to last breath ( the balloon grineer and unicycle grineer come mind ). 

The way you made less humanoid units that still feel distinctly grineer ( harpy , kuva priestes , the one that is a head attached to space ship , most of the melee brutes ).

The best part is grineer technology advanced quite a bit but still quite crude looking. 

Oh, thank you very much. I hope I'll be able to keep on delivering, as there is way more in store for the Grineer in the future.

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44 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Oh, thank you very much. I hope I'll be able to keep on delivering, as there is way more in store for the Grineer in the future.

Good luck. Since you are planning more grineer desing I might have a interesitng pitch for you. I don't really do much whrn it comes do enemy desing ( most of my participation on this foruns is comenting on warframe desing) but there one time that I did that.

The guy propose a warframe but looking at it I just saw a really badass grineer so I gave him a rought blueprint on how to turn the idea into the TUBEMEN of REGOR. Here it is just look at my comments on thread 

The idea is quitte interesitng because it shows a bit of history in game. Since we sabotaged the TUBEMEN most of thr time you would fight a unit with a birth defect ( weak heart or lungs , both come with unique exploitable weakness ) ( note: since you like your enemies strong the weak varaints could be more on the doble edged sword kind of deal , for example thr one with the external hraet could have incresed speed and melee damage due to his oversized transplanted heart ). 

Have a look at it might be able to salavage that design. Can't give you suggestion to where put it because I've just started reading your grineer lore.

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Father Donovan: It seems my idea worked out after all. I can already detect them coming here, like moths to a flame.

Mission: Efficient usage of a life of that "Cephalon".

Father Donovan: That still doesn't mean I enjoyed doing it to him.

Mission: I would think not, otherwise, I'd have considered purging your data 872 more times by now.

Father Donovan: Good to know. And just out of curiosity, how many times have you actually considered it?

Mission: 492924345333 times... No, 49292434534 times... No, 492924345335 times... No, 492924345336 times...

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Ordis: Operator, you have a new message. It's from that *ANNOYING B-* thief, Maroo.


Yo, Tin-suit!

I've got a lead on some sweet-ass developments! And since we started working a litlle more closely recently, I thought you might be interested too.

Check this out: Corpus apparently crash landed an Orokin-damn Obelisk on the Planum, for no reason. Even Grineer are wondering, so they certainly didn't shoot it down. That ship went down faster than you can breeze through a Corpus data-vault, so not much loot to be found there, but the Grineer who got to the crash first, found some "vaultgate". ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Impenetrable, impossible to break into. Yeah right, I got through so many impenetrable vaults, I don't even remember the exact number. Thing is, Clones got it on tight watch, and this is military territory, so kinda outside of my comfort zone. You on the other hand, could totally check it out.

Sending them coords with this message.

Ordis: Operator, are you sure we want to meddle with this? It sounds suspicious, *like everything Maroo does*...



Thus begins

The Minds under the Dunes Quest:

Chapter 1:
Cracking the Vault:


Mission 1: 

You fly to the location given by Maroo, as she mentioned it is on the Daedalia Planum, nearly exactly in the middle of the warzone. Weirdly enough the atmosphere is extremely calm and quiet here.


The vaultgate is right there, on the bottom of the canyon. The Grineer seem to have already built some fortifications around it, but the giant anti-air-anti-space cannon mounted on the rocky wall remains silent as you land.

This is really strange. Maroo mentioned there would be Grineer around, and the built-up excavation site is obviously unscathed, meaning nobody fought here. There are unused weapons in racks on the walls, random Grineer junk laying around... What happened here?

Ordis: Perhaps the Grineer entered the vault, and *like the idiots they are* forgot to leave it open behind them?

The gate does seem like whatever is behind it could in fact hold an entire detachment, so Ordis' theory is the best explanation right now. That doesn't mean you're not gonna open it. Not to get them out, of course.

You swiftly make your way down, right to the looming structure of the gate. It's metallic surface feels like it's... moving? Moving, at all times, ever so slightly, in one direction, then another, as if it wasn't fully solid, as if it was... alive. 

You give the gate the good old "shoot it first", but nothing happens. No actually, there is some reaction. The metal's unnerving movement became faster right where you shot it, and then in a blink, it became slower as before again. This happens wherever you attack it. No actual damage seems to be inflicted though, so after a few tries you stop wasting ammo and energy.

Walking around the structure, you notice a small "console", for a lack of a better word, attached to the wall. It looks like a simple black square, hardly distinguishable on the dark grey surface of the metal. It begins to glow slightly when you approach it.

Please Enter Passcode:

There is no keyboard, so you attempt to touch it. The moment your warframe's fingers get close to the screen, an ear-splitting siren echoes through the canyon


Deploying countermeasures

The Vault's metal begins to move faster again, way more faster than before. Suddenly, several humanoids simply jump out of the wall and engage you. These creatures are fast! Jumping, running, no, driving on wheels (?) , they can even teleport to get to you! You've never fought an enemy that would challenge your speed in this way. And damnit, they are tough too. It's like your attacks do nothing to them, no wait... They are repairing on the fly! Parts literally appear out of thin air, and combine with hard to describe forms of the assailants, and so, they are whole again.

Ordis: Operator, they are made out of whatever this wall is made out of! I think you should get away from the vault!

This seems to have worked. The creatures stop following you, and simply wait there, right out of your range, but, thankfully, they can't attack you either. You take the opportunity to look at them closer. They are for sure made out of the same metal as the vaultgate. Now that they aren't moving extremely quickly, you can see that they aren't exactly as human-like as you thought. They really do have wheels instead of feet, and their arms end with vibrating blades. Their heads are simple cubes with three frontal lights arranged in a triangle, seemingly in a facsimile of a face.

You decide to move away more, maybe these "countermeasures" are distance based? Yes, it seems that was it, the moment you move away behind cover, the creatures have vanished, probably right inside the wall again. Or rather, they have merged with it.

Ordis: The console said something about Infestation, has it not? Maybe it won't attack if we don't expose it to infested tissue? I think you might need to approach this in your, you know, real body, Operator. As much as I'd recommend just getting out of here, *AS FAST AS POSSIBLE*.

No, this is too interesting to let it go. You transference out of your Warframe and walk up to the console again.

Please Enter Passcode:
Note: There has been an Infestation attack, security measures level 3 requires Admin Passcode.

Well, Hek. You didn't have the normal password, so you sure don't have the Admin version, either. you ponder your options for a few moments, but then, out of nowhere, you get a call.

Ordis: Uhm, I don't know why, but, uh, Cephalon Simaris has requested a live call with you, Operator.

Simaris? Why? 




Maroo: So, Simaris knows something about the vault, huh?

Why is Maroo in the call?

Maroo: Yeah, sorry, I was listening in the whole time. You know, juuuuuust in case. Anyway, seems like we really won't get through this one, oh well. I guess I can let this one go... *wink wink, nudge nudge*


Ordis: He logged off. I suppose this is the part where you tell us we're gonna steal data from Simaris.

Maroo: Uh... Yeah. Right... So, we're gonna steal data from Simaris. Or something, I don't know how cephalons work. Can you like go to their virtual reality and take his stuff, or something?

Ordis: Not exactly. But, you can go to his virtual reality and simply listen.

Maroo: Listen, huh? I'm more of a talker. Now, our Tin-suit over here, they are a good listener, right?


Mission 2:

Ordis: Alright, Operator, this is fairly simple. After we fought Hunhow in the Datascape, I found a *glaring fault* in Simaris' data system. I planned on telling him, but he was slightly *GODDAMN AS-* annoying. So I didn't. I can get into Simaris' memories and see what he knows, I just need you to, how to say it, move his thoughts into what we need. Make him think about doors. Just go into his simulation and stand around any door you can find, that should be enough.

Objective: Complete 4 rounds of Sanctuary Onslaught, while spending enough time around door like objects.


Ordis: Yes, thank you Operator. This should be enough. But I'm afraid I don't have much to share. I was able to get to the memories, but they were so old, that they had cyphers I couldn't even begin to understand. That architecture was ancient, I... I think that was pre-Orokin. But how? Simaris is a cephalon, he shouldn't have existed back then... anyway, I got this:


Ordis: I realize this doesn't seem very helpful, but I know FOR SURE, this is the password we're looking for. No, I do not have any idea how or why Simaris would have exactly what we're looking for. Perhaps that vault is related to his Sanctuary? Maybe it's simply his server room?

Maroo: Okie dokie, I got the code, hmm, looks like it's scrambled, huh. Yes, I was listening in again. I guess I AM a good listener after all!

Maroo: I recognise this code's signature, I mean, I saw it before. I think it was in one of the Corpus research stations on Phobos, while I was "browsing" through their files to see if they have any "news" to "share".

Ordis: Can you remember which facility it was?

Maroo: Uh, nuh. I think it was one of the Synthol Express labs.

Ordis: They are several thousand research facilities strong... and that's just around Phobos.

Maroo: Woah, SynthEx got big! I need to check their bank account again.

Ordis: But can you actually remain on topic? Wait, you can access their bank account?

Maroo: Yeah, I got a friend working there, I've never used that connection, was never worth burning the access.

Ordis: Give it too me. Corpus don't use banks just for money. They consider ideas and data as a currency as well.

Maroo: I like your thinking, Ordo.

Ordis: I'm still Ordo? Really...


Ordis: I don't have the codes that Maroo mentioned. But I do have some locations. Operator, shall we?

Objective: Complete 3 single-vault spy missions that appeared on nav console around Phobos.

One vault later:

Ordis: There is nothing here, we need to check elsewhere. But Operator, you need to be careful, SynthEx will most likely increase security after this.

Another vault later:

Ordis: We have one more chance to get this, I'm sure it must be there. At this point, SynthEx must know it's about them, so they will really watch their backs.

Last vault later:

Ordis: Operator, we found it! I've added it to the previous matrix... It still doesn't make much sense, I'm afraid.


Ordis: At this point, the unique structure of this code is fairly recognizable to me. I... I think I can track it. Give me a second, I'll try some scans.


Ordis: I found a weak trace. It's inside an Ur-Obelisk Battlecruiser, the CBS Profitable, currently in Mars' orbit. It might be difficult to get into. It's one of the main ships of the Corpus fleet there. It's not on high security, it's on the highest possible at all times.

Maroo: But you'll go in anyway, right? (Yes, I was listening in yet again, ha!)

Objective: Enter CBS Profitable and steal the, hopefully, last piece of the code.


The ship is in fact gigantic, from here it basically obscures Mars in it's entirety. Ordis sends the Lander back, and engages your Archwing systems.

Ordis: I think it's best if you obtain the data and instantly send it with the ship's comms system. It will be faster that way. And, if anything goes badly, it means you'll be able to just, well, leave your Warframe behind, I guess.

Objective: Go inside the ship, find the data and send it out using an open channel.


You emerge from the Ur-Obelisk. Victorious, the code has been sent to Ordis and he is now completing the password. Curiously, the last piece of the puzzle was inside a broken Cephalon, who was brought for questioning in the ship. What could a cephalon do to get in such trouble? Maybe crash a ship?

Ordis: I believe this is the completed password. It might look like nonsense to you anyway, Operator, but I ensure you, it should work.


And so with the password found, you fly to the vault again...

Mission 3:


This time, you see the Grineer. And even some Corpus. They are all dead. The vault is silent, yet it moves as it did before.

You walk up to the console.

Please Enter Passcode:
Note: There has been an Infestation attack, security measures level 3 requires Admin Passcode.

Ordis enters the code into the system via a direct uplink through your hand. The console changes, it feels... nicer now, like a great quality cloth, compared to what previously seemed metallic.

An ear-splitting siren echoes in the canyon. But this time, no creatures emerge. The siren is different too, less frightening, more urgent.

The vaultgate opens. slowly, but surely, the massive gate slides it halves to the side, revealing what's inside.


A small elevator shaft, that could only serve maybe 2-3 people at once...


Chapter 2:
What awaits Inside:


Mission 3, cont.:

You approach the elevator. Ordis clearly dislikes the fact that you need to forgo your Warframe to do this, but there isn't much anyone can do about that. Those self-repairing guards seem too hard to dispatch for it to be worth it. 

With a cute *ding* the elevator opens, as if it was trying to you further, deeper into whatever lies within. And so, you walk in. The doors close behind you with barely any sound. And the elevator starts going down. And down, and down, and down, and down, and it's going for so long, you feel as if you're gonna burn in the planet's core soon. But then, the doors open.

And you're in the largest, most giant enclosed space you've ever seen.


It's a city. Giant, sprawling city, full of huge skyscrapers, and immesurable amount of walkways, suspended mid-air between the buildings. The sky is grey, and moves, ever so slightly, in one direction, then another. The sky, in a cave... Where is this?

Then you notice more movement. It's everywhere. Everything is moving, ever so slightly, in one direction, then another. There is more and more movement. Walkways aren't empty, the skyscrapers aren't abandoned. Everywhere you can see, each building, every structure comes to life, remaking themselves, appearing out of nowhere, disappearing into nothing. And there is more movement.

Countless hordes of creatures, similar to those that attacked you at the gate, everywhere. Being built, being upgraded, being moved, moving themselves.

This isn't a city. It's a factory. Giant, sprawling structures, creating themselves, so they can create an immesurable amount of these monsters. Machines?

You notice that while you were observing all of this, the elevator you used to get inside vanished. There is only a way down now.

And so, you follow it.

After what seems to be an infinite amount of time, you arrive at a wall. No, wait. The wall is now a doorway. You have no choice but to enter it.

The room you walk into is large. Impossibly huge, way too much for the outside to make sense. There is countless screens here, beeping and screeching, solving some obscure equations. A sudden movement, and you're quickly being transported forward and downward, as the floor itself became an escalator.

After some time again, you arrive at another room. This one much smaller than the previous.


First things you notice are four cylindrical capsules standing tall in the center of the room. Three of them are open and clearly broken, with a danger-suggesting red light attached. They are also accompanied by a perfectly preserved skeleton each. The fourth one has a human in it.



Unknown: Ah. You've arrived, "Tenno". Welcome! I am Father Donovan and I, I will be your "host" for today.

A new, much larger machine suddenly appears right in front of you and grabs you before you can react. But then, they simply let you go...

Father Donovan: Make yourself comfortable, or not, if you prefer, but please, show me your power! Destroy me if you want, but do show off your strength to me!

As the room you're in is now a box with no exits, you might as well oblige.

Objective: Show the creature what you've got.

Even after firing a volley after volley of Void energy, the mysterious machine still stands, unscathed, no larger, more imposing, better armed and armored.

Father Donovan: Ha, most impressive! So this is what Void is capable of? Yes, this is great. MISSION!

Unknown: Yes?

Father Donovan: I wanted to say this so many times already... ESCALATE SILVER BULLET TO PHASE 2!!!

Mission: Escalating Silver Bullet to phase 2... Believe me, I wanted to say it myself. Escalation Complete! Prepare for Quantum Jump.


You open your eyes. You are in front of the vault's elevator, no, in front of the place where the elevator was. You are outside.

And now, they are too.


Chapter 3:
What awaits Outside:


Later, somewhere far away:

A huge, dark shape suspended in cold, open space, just outside of the solar system lights up just a little.

Around it, yet more shapes begin to do the same. More, more and more, until the stars are difficult to see.

Detector Mind: Comms on channel VSR-SB-01 Priority 0001 Detected.

Father Donovan's voice: I wanted to say this so many times already... ESCALATE SILVER BULLET TO PHASE 2!!!

Helper Mind: Overmind? How do we proceed?

Overmind: Triumvirate, required Decision awaiting.

Triumvirate: Decision made. Set Coordinates. Initiate Quantum Bridge Control. Start Quantum Jump.

Jump. The shapes begin to dissapear in a blinding display of light. Now there is no longer any shapes here. They are coming. They are coming back.


We are coming back. We shall RECLAIM.


The Conclusion lies below.


Back to the Main Post


Edited by HugintheCrow
chapter 3 out now!
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Anyway, what's done is done. Come to my Sanctuary, Tenno, we need to talk, personally.


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Don't read the following if you didn't read The Quest.


Minds under the Dunes:

Chapter 4:
What remains to be said:




Tenno, you didn't listen to me when I told you to leave that vault alone. You broke into my memories. But that's what I get for not explaining things to you openly. I should have expected this would happen, based on your previous behaviour.

Anyway, what happened is now unrepairable, no point dwelling on it too much.

You probably expect me to tell you what exactly happened, right?

Then listen, and listen well.

The person you've met, he told you his name, correct?

He calls himself Father Donovan. Father is just a title he has, a reminder of an old era. Donovan is part of an organisation, that I also was once a member of.

That organisation is called ViSoRi. And their beginnings are older than the Orokin empire. You might be wondering how am I so old. Well...

I... I'm not exactly a Cephalon, you see.



My name was once Simeon Arkadiy Isaev, I was a scientist, living on Earth, working in a team that changed the world. We created means to control Quantum power. With it, we could remake all materials, all items, all things at such a basic level, that we could essentially play gods. Computers became real thinking, feeling people overnight.

But the tech was incredibly costly. Only the wealthiest corporations could have funded further research. We met up with the leaders of the VSR Triumvirate, a super-corp made out of 3 parties, in order to get that crucial funding.

And so we did, VSR was happy to help, the work of our lives was complete. Humanity was ready to usher in a new era where we would become able to begin colonisation of all planets, no matter how far. A simple Quantum Bridge would allow us to travel there safely.

And then, a small lunar colony, the Luna 1st found the Void. And they've begun worshipping it and considering themselves better for it. Thus they became known as the Lunaryans.

The Void technology seemed pointless at first, considering we had the Quantum power already, but soon, the more transformative abilities of the Void became apparent. The Lunaryans invented Technocyte, and then, they invented Kuva. Our science could do many things, but it could not manipulate "souls", it could not make humans immortal. Besides, we didn't want to become undying. It seemed too much for us.

But the Lunaryans craved it more than anything, and when they achieved it, their superiority complex reached a new height. They gave everyone an ultimatum.

"You become our servants, or you become food of our Technocyte."

Everyone chose the first option. Everyone, but the VSR Triumvirate.

Together with one of my colleagues, a person I can now only recall as "Samodeus", they've developed their countermeasure to the Lunaryans. Digitalisation.

They became able to turn a physical object into data so completely that they could reverse the process anytime they wanted, with no repercussions. And so, they and their people became digital. Lunaryan's Infested threat? Irrelevant instantly. The digital system was based on constant microshifts in the very quantum nature of matter, making any attempts to infest it pointless. I was one of the first who became digital.

The Lunaryans were furious, as more people left them, for their threat was no longer a thing. But VSR went even further. They developed weapons, and mobile platforms able to wield these weapons. The VSR Drone Programme.

These Drones were completely immune to Infestation, able to recover any damage by simply asking for raw matter to be sent to them via hyperspace, and most importantly, they allowed digitalised people to move around in real space. The digital were able to remotely control these Drones wherever the Quantum system was reaching, the entire Solar System.

What happened next, however wasn't so great for the VSR. Lunaryans declared war, well, more like they launched a surprise assault. That conflict was named the War for Mars, as it was where VSR had most of their servers. The conflict ended quickly, but not before many people died, physical and digital. It was at that point, when VSR showed their last trump card.

The Silver Bullet.

They fired a giant salvo of Nuclear weapons through all the Quantum bridges they could, to decimate literally everything Lunaryans had. But it was just a way to buy time, as VSR decided it was time to go. They launched their up-until-now secret fleet of giant server-ships. With all their digitalised personnel moved to those ships, they opened a massive Quantum bridge, and left the system, vowing to return when Lunaryans are no more.

The Silver Bullet worked perfectly. It destroyed nearly all Lunaryan civilisation, and gave VSR enough time to pack up and leave. But they underestimated the tenacity of the Lunaryans.

They didn't just bleed out and died. They became stronger, they became the Orokin.

For some time, I believed myself to be the last remaining human in the system. I was wrong. Outside of the Orokin, more people were able to somehow survive.

I decided to dedicate the rest of my life to collecting and preserving the remnants of the past. The Sanctuary. I really thought I'd die one day. Digital humans weren't meant to be immortal. The system was made so even cyber-humans would die of age. But for some reason, I didn't die. I remained, immortal...

Just like Father Donovan. He approached me at some point, telling me he stayed in the system to administrate a hidden spy-satellite network, to be able to confirm Lunaryans'/Orokins' complete defeat.

This is a lot to get through, I know. But the gist of it is: The VSR couldn't see that the Orokin were defeated, because I tricked them.

Now they know and will do everything to reclaim the system for themselves. You, as a remnant of the Orokin, will be targeted first and foremost.

Why did I want to stop them? Yes, they were at one point my allies, you could say. But that just means I knew them well.

I know there is no way they wouldn't become exactly as the Lunaryans did. Thinking themselves superior, wanting to eradicate all oposition. The Silver Bullet made me sure I was right.

They launched massed Nuclear weapons against the entirety of human civilisation, nearly wiping it out, just as a smoke screen! 

Do you understand now why I chose to hold them off?

I have no doubts that VSR will strike soon. The Tenno are the only ones able to defeat them, you have that responsibility. But you need to prepare, learn more about them.

I will give you all support and help I can, but in the end, I can't actually help that much.



Thus ends the Minds under the Dunes Quest.


You've obtained the Quantum Lab Blueprint.


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Just now, HugintheCrow said:

Not really. I don't even consider parazon that relevant anyway, just a way for DE not to make unique melee-type based animations.

You are right DE probably want to introduce more enemies that work like the Exploiter ( press melee for cut scene ). Without an " universal" melee weapon doing this kind of stuff would take a lot effort. But somehow the simple Idea of weapon used for quick time events turned into weapon used for all intercation with the world ( want to revive someone dagger , want to hack something dagger , want to stealth finishe something dagger , want to kill a litch dagger).

It will be used for hacking that's why I tought it would be relevant agaist a data based faction.

Anyway, We will probably get our hands on it tomorrow so we can finally see if it just a lazy way to implement finishers or it is a relevant system on the game.

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So, you might wonder what happens after you finish the quest?

Well, quite a lot actually.

Daedalia Planum, Post-Quest changes:


Remember how this Open world is a crossfire between Grineer and Corpus? Now it's a three-way crossfire between Grineer, Corpus and periodically appearing ViSoRi drones.

Drones will often appear in new Situations, and sometimes in the "technological"-themed Tombs (Alpha and Delta Zones, as well as the Olympus Mons Tomb).

 Battle Sectors Activities:


image: A mockup of the post-quest Mars Battle Sector menu. Disregard Railjack stuff for now, it's time will come.

NEW Activities:

Donovan's Challenge:

Father Donovan wishes to know more. In return, he offers some of the offensiver power of the VSR-ARES. Engage in time trial to defeat hordes of simulated enemies, so that Donovan can obtain his data. Fight well, and you will be challenged directly by the Father himself, piloting various prototype Drone builds. Perhaps there is knowledge to be found for yourself as well.

More info here.


Mission, VSR-ARES' Supervisor AI, has launched the OLYMPUS Protocol, a Quantum remodeling code, which if it goes through, will transform the entirety of Mars into a VSR-controlled, fully-operational battle station. Simaris can slow them down, but only a direct strike can completely stop the conversion. Tenno must find a way to connect Simaris' simulation to the digital realm of VSR-ARES, so that they may attempt a counterattack.

This is a Trial, and a such, more info can be found here.

Trial details can be found here.


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Donovan's Challenge:

"Tenno, may I invite you for a little <talk>? I believe we could both learn a lot from each other. Your demonstration of Void powers was enlightening, but also left me craving to see more..."

Father Donovan wishes to learn more about you, Tenno. This obviously sounds like a trap, but perhaps you might learn something about this new enemy by walking into it.


Donovan's Challenge is available to access from the Mars Battle Sectors menu, and unlocked via the Minds under the Dunes Quest.

How it works:

The general setup of this gamemode is somewhat similar to Simaris' Onslaught. You have a rotation of maps, filled with enemies to kill.

There are several key differences however.

First, instead of having to keep up an efficiency meter, each "level" only requires a set amount of kills. It is when you fail to meet that requirement that you end the mission. Consequently, many maps can be way shorter than Onslaught's constant timer.

Second, each map is more elaborated than a single large room and you will always face enemies in crossfire scenarios, with VSR-ARES always being one of the multiple possible sides.

The faster you clear maps, the more points you obtain towards boss fights, in the end, if you wish to get most rewards, you want to fight as many bosses as possible. Usually, the bosses are chosen randomly from Star-chart bosses, but every third boss is guaranteed to be Donovan himself, piloting a prototype Drone. These machines are way bigger and stronger than normal VSR units and feature unique mechanics.

Donovan also has a bonus for you if you are able to reach a weekly target of maps cleared. This target will increase for you every week as you complete it, but failing it will lower it. Rewards associated with this bonus depend on how hard it is to achieve. Play well.


It wouldn't be a good gamemode without secret collectables, would it? Ok, it would be, but this makes it even better.

In each map, there is a chance of a Quantum Data Fragment to spawn somewhere. Find it and scan it like you would Cephalon fragments and you'll obtain part of VSR backstory and lore. (Thankfully, you don't actually have to do anything, and you'll be able to read them in the thread very soon).


First and foremost, completing maps grants a chance to obtain VSR weapon RESEARCH blueprints. Now, you ask, how do you research VSR weapons? They don't have a lab?


THEY DO. Remember the end of the Quest?

On 2019-10-28 at 11:35 PM, HugintheCrow said:

You've obtained the Quantum Lab Blueprint.

You can build this new Dojo room, or just go to a dojo with it inside (Although it would be covered up and inaccessible if you haven't completed the quest, just like Tennokids are for new players) and do your research there.

Second of all, defeating VSR enemies anywhere, but especially in Donovan's Challenge, drops parts you need to research and build these new weapons.

Additionally, since we all know Fashionframe is endgame, Donovan-piloted VSR bosses can drop parts of an armor set.


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So, I think we've waited for this long enough.





The ViSoRi (spelling fully intended) are an ancient organisation, with roots in a pre-Orokin super-corporation, the VSR Triumvirate. They harness the strength of the matter-and-energy-bending Quantum power. One could say they are the Science to the Orokin Magic.

This faction is notably split into 2, somewhat different parts, the VSR-ARES and [REDACTED].

VSR ARES is the first part you'll meet and fight, as they are the opposing forces found in the Minds under the Dunes Quest.

[REDACTED] will come in a future, VSR-focused update.

Fluff (non-gameplay stuff):

VSR-ARES is led by only 2 characters, on Mars, there is no more actual ViSoRi other than Father Donovan and Mission. The name (VSR-ARES) comes from the fact that this unit operates on the Mars (Ares being the original Greek name for the Roman-adopted god, Mars).

More information on the characters will be found in the Quantum Data fragments, hidden and obtainable in the Donovan's Challenge (but for the purposes oif this thread, you'll be able to read them all very soon, no gameplay involved).

Glossary of Terms:

Quantum power: The technology realised by Simaris' and Samodeus' work, back when they were humans. This technology made possible unimaginable things, as matter and energy themselves became programmable. Everything owned by the VSR is built out of programmed, quantum-bound matter.

Programmable matter: The material out of every VSR thing is made from. VSR is able to directly manipulate any matter to become any other kind of matter, same thing with energy. Thus, literally any item can become any other item in a matter of seconds. This can be used to terraform planets extremely quickly, create weapons of mass destruction, or, well, pretty much anything, as long as you can learn how to code it.

Artificial Intelligence: You're probably familiar with this term already, but with the VSR, this term comes to a new meaning. Thanks to the Quantum power, thinking and feeling synthetic life can be made. As opposed to Corpus, who view their rudimentary (from VSR perspective) AI as tools, ViSoRi consider AI equal to natural born humans. Mission, a Core-System Supervisor AI, is one of the most important people in the organisation after all.

Core-System: The main operating system of all computers used by the VSR, and, at the same time, a sort of language, in which matter can be programmed. Core-System AIs are fully aware, sentient beings. Also the name of the main VSR-ARES server.

Digitalisation: A process in which a physical person becomes fully scanned and remade as a digital data-construct. This is the technology that gave VSr the edge over the Lunaryans. Ironically enough, it's early prototypes were then found by the Orokin, and repurposed to create Cephalons. As opposed to the Cephalons, however, Digitalisation is fully reversible, as it records and safeguards all necessary information to recreate a physical body.


Crunch (gameplay stuff):

ViSoRi use unique health and armor types, not found anywhere else in the game.

Health: Quantum-Bound Matter:


+-0% 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact

+-0% 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture

+-0% 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash

-25% 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold

+25% 18?cb=20140124221426 Electricity

-50% 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat

-75% 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin

+50% 18?cb=20140124221425 Blast

-50% 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221427 Gas

+40% 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic

+20% 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation

-50% 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral

N/A 18?cb=20140311074920 True

-50% 18?cb=20160713085454 Void

Armor: Quantum-Shifted Armor:


+-0% 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact

+-0% 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture

-80% 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221426 Electricity

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin

+25% 18?cb=20140124221425 Blast

-30% 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive

-25% 18?cb=20140124221427 Gas

+50% 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic

-10% 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral

N/A 18?cb=20140311074920 True

-50% 18?cb=20160713085454 Void

ViSoRi don't fight for themselves directly, they use special, purpose-built "Drones". These Drones are extremely heavily armed and armored compared to other factions, but you will never see them in large amounts. Basically, while most factions, especially the Infested, are a horde shooter, the VSR are a team-based shooter. They aren't many, but each of them is worth an entire squad of other factions' units.

VSR's main "gimmick" isn't just their raw power, however. Their drones can fully repair and augment themselves throughout the course of combat. 


This ability allows them to stay relevant enemies, no matter what the players try to do. There is no "cheesing" the ViSoRi, you wil have to respect them, or you will perish. And if you wish to run, the ViSoRi won't have trouble keeping up with even the fastest of players. The "VSR Mobility" perk shared by all VSR Drones, allows them to move way faster than pretty much anyone else on the ground, let's them fly for limited time, and even allows teleportation at will.

Fully-explained mechanics here.

And the VSR-unique Eximus here.


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14 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

So, I think we've waited for this long enough.





The ViSoRi (spelling fully intended) are an ancient organisation, with roots in a pre-Orokin super-corporation, the VSR Triumvirate. They harness the strength of the matter-and-energy-bending Quantum power. One could say they are the Science to the Orokin Magic.

This faction is notably split into 2, somewhat different parts, the VSR-ARES and [REDACTED].

VSR ARES is the first part you'll meet and fight, as they are the opposing forces found in the Minds under the Dunes Quest.

[REDACTED] will come in a future, VSR-focused update.

Fluff (non-gameplay stuff):

VSR-ARES is led by only 2 characters, on Mars, there is no more actual ViSoRi other than Father Donovan and Mission. The name (VSR-ARES) comes from the fact that this unit operates on the Mars (Ares being the original Greek name for the Roman-adopted god, Mars).

More information on the characters will be found in the Quantum Data fragments, hidden and obtainable in the Donovan's Challenge (but for the purposes oif this thread, you'll be able to read them all very soon, no gameplay involved).

Glossary of Terms:

Quantum power: The technology realised by Simaris' anb Samodeus' work, back when they were humans. This technology made possible unimaginable things, as matter and energy themselves became programmable. Everything owned by the VSR is built out of programmed, quantum-bound matter.

Programmable matter: The material out of every VSR thing is made from. VSR is able to directly manipulate any matter to become any other kind of matter, same thing with energy. Thus, literally any item can become any other item in a matter of seconds. This can be used to terraform planets extremely quickly, create weapons of mass destruction, or, well, pretty much anything, as long as you can learn how to code it.

Artificial Intelligence: You're probably familiar with this term already, but with the VSR, this term comes to a new meaning. Thanks to the Quantum power, thinking and feeling synthetic life can be made. As opposed to Corpus, who view their rudimentary (from VSR perspective) AI as tools, ViSoRi consider AI equal to natural born humans. Mission, a Core-System Supervisor AI, is one of the most important people in the organisation after all.

Core-System: The main operating system of all computers used by the VSR, and, at the same time, a sort of language, in which matter can be programmed. Core-System AIs are fully aware, sentient beings. Also the name of the main VSR-ARES server.

Digitalisation: A process in which a physical person becomes fully scanned and remade as a digital data-construct. This is the technology that gave VSr the edge over the Lunaryans. Ironically enough, it's early prototypes were then found by the Orokin, and repurposed to create Cephalons. As opposed to the Cephalons, however, Digitalisation is fully reversible, as it records and safeguards all necessary information to recreate a physical body.


Crunch (gameplay stuff):

ViSoRi use unique health and armor types, not found anywhere else in the game.

Health: Quantum-Bound Matter:

  Reveal hidden contents

+-0% 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact

+-0% 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture

+-0% 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash

-25% 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold

+25% 18?cb=20140124221426 Electricity

-50% 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat

-75% 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin

+50% 18?cb=20140124221425 Blast

-50% 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221427 Gas

+40% 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic

+20% 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation

-50% 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral

N/A 18?cb=20140311074920 True

-50% 18?cb=20160713085454 Void

Armor: Quantum-Shifted Armor:

  Reveal hidden contents

+-0% 18?cb=20150811174304 Impact

+-0% 18?cb=20150810075255 Puncture

-80% 18?cb=20150811174234 Slash

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221425 Cold

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221426 Electricity

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221428 Heat

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin

+25% 18?cb=20140124221425 Blast

-30% 18?cb=20140124221426 Corrosive

-25% 18?cb=20140124221427 Gas

+50% 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic

-10% 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation

+-0% 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral

N/A 18?cb=20140311074920 True

-50% 18?cb=20160713085454 Void

ViSoRi don't fight for themselves directly, they use special, purpose-built "Drones". These Drones are extremely heavily armed and armored compared to other factions, but you will never see them in large amounts. Basically, while most factions, especially the Infested, are a horde shooter, the VSR are a team-based shooter. They aren't many, but each of them is worth an entire squad of other factions' units.

VSR's main "gimmick" isn't just their raw power, however. Their drones can fully repair and augment themselves throughout the course of combat. 


This ability allows them to stay relevant enemies, no matter what the players try to do. There is no "cheesing" the ViSoRi, you wil have to respect them, or you will perish. And if you wish to run, the ViSoRi won't have trouble keeping up with even the fastest of players. The "VSR Mobility" perk shared by all VSR Drones, allows them to move way faster than pretty much anyone else on the ground, let's them fly for limited time, and even allows teleportation at will.

Prepare for fully-explained mechanics here.

And the VSR-unique Eximus here.


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Found this a quite interesting an enemy Idea, start as “basic” shell than after the player starts fighting them the unit changes its parts to adjust its fighting style to the player. But I have two questions.

How these guys interact with AOE damage, sounds like AOE weapons would be meta against these guys (these weapons would normally hit all body parts at the same time)?

How many times each guy can swap parts ?

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7 hours ago, keikogi said:

1. How these guys interact with AOE damage, sounds like AOE weapons would be meta against these guys (these weapons would normally hit all body parts at the same time)?

2. How many times each guy can swap parts ?

1. AoE would in fact be pretty good, provided one can deal with the fact that these units are massively resistant to damage, compared to other factions.

(Nope, Corrosive Projection won't save you, it will make drones spawn with zero armor, which will prompt their in-game AI logic to acquire an armor upgrade, nullifying the effects nearly instantly, and making them tankier than before in some cases)

Single target heavy damage weapons would probably we the way to go, as each Drone is a mini-eidolon pretty much.


2. They can do so infinitely (albeit with a cooldown, dependant on unit level and other factors), if you were to purposefully avoid killing a Drone it could grow in power until it's literally undefeatable. They are "time-bombs", you want to defeat them before they get too strong.

(Extreme example of a super high level VSR: A melee unit equipped with a heavy stun-inducing weapon may strike you, stun you on the first frame, and then mid animation switch to an assassination-enabling blade, and since the game will consider this a single animation, you'll get instantly attacked with a finisher).

I just released more info on them, look above this post for a link to the tactical info.

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Basic Mechanics:



Full Walkthrough:


For ease of explaining, this section will be divide into sections based on the players' progress in the Trial.

Essentially, what you can and cannot do and where you can and cannot go at any time is governed by what bosses you've already defeated.

Naturally, you can't fight the second Boss without killing the first one, etc. etc., those kinda things.

Naming Convention:



Basic Mechanics:



Unique Rewards:


Aside from generic Trial rewards (see the main Trial and Assault post), this Trial rewards:

Trial Mod Set (also obtainable from the Mars Assault mission):

Set Bonus:

This mod set's bonus increases all completion rewards of the MARS Trial by an additive 0.5 multiplier per mod equipped. As it's only possible to equip 4 out of the mods at the same time, you can effectively boost your rewards by +2.0 (effectively you get 3 times (1.0 + 2.0) the normal amount of completion rewards).

Trial Bonus:

Each mod's effect is boosted when playing the Trial itself.

The Mods themselves:


Trial Cosmetics:


Full Walkthrough:


For ease of explaining, this section will be divide into sections based on the players' progress in the Trial.

Essentially, what you can and cannot do and where you can and cannot go at any time is governed by what bosses you've already defeated.

Naturally, you can't fight the second Boss without killing the first one, etc. etc., those kinda things.

Naming Convention:

Bolded out are differences from the Normal Mode:



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Had a look at the gameplay sounds quite interesting but there is a problem. Do you remember me talking about enemy healing and citing kita raknoid. This enemy type effectively snowballs in power and resistance if can’t win the DPS race. But I do like their mechanics of calling in new parts so here is an Idea. So here is an Idea.


What if it the end of the quest Simaris gives something to interact directly with Data.

Change to ViSoRi Drone Mechnics

New Passive

DATA link – upon receiving enough damage or deciding to switch tactic this unit will establish a quantum link to the server ( Has no animation but the player will a data stream coming out of the unit and connecting to a wall or skybox or ground ), takes 1 second forming the link and the link has a minimum length of 15 meters.

Request Upgrade- using the established link the unit will call an upgrade.


Player interaction

Players can use data something to destroy the data link.

Player can void dash trough the data link, if they hit an upgrade while it moves is through the data link, he will steal it.


On 2019-05-28 at 5:32 PM, HugintheCrow said:

Game-like Behaviour:

VSR Drones do not seek cover, and often do not dodge attacks.

Also this changes allow the ViSoRi , like any true gamer to blame bad connection for their defeat.

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