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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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On 2018-09-03 at 7:59 AM, HugintheCrow said:

I'd imagine most would see him as an overly ambitious underling, except for Ela, which hates him unconditionally. Then again he did become a de facto leader of the High Council in official lore (through manipulation and assassination of his opponents). This clearly means he has to have powerful allies somewhere in the Nobility, not to mention powerful enemies as well. While his larger than life persona clearly allowed him to achieve quite a lot, he has also fallen fairly heavily out of favor due to the whole Balor Fomorian thing.

Hek is a character I really like actually, and so that's why I mention him so much in my headcannon lore here. I've already made him some enemies (Nazol Fokk from the very first post in this topic as well as Ela Drakkar) and allies (Graka Spruk and her House).

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There may or may not be some Law of Retribution-like quest/storyline somewhere down the pipeline.


Yeah, I would really like the enemies to do more than walk towards you in straight lines and occasionally take cover.

AH! I thank you for the detailed explanation and congratulate you on achieving what I once hoped to. My Pit has nothing compared to the adulation of your abilities. It both saddens me and brings me glee to see such a fetid flower blossom.

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3 hours ago, Unus said:

AH! I thank you for the detailed explanation and congratulate you on achieving what I once hoped to. My Pit has nothing compared to the adulation of your abilities. It both saddens me and brings me glee to see such a fetid flower blossom.

Not sure what do you mean, but thanks I guess.

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2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Not sure what do you mean, but thanks I guess.

All the conversations you've been having with folks, all the people you've been getting into contact with. Its been a dream of mine that I've never been able to reach, and yet, here you stand, triumphant. Green with non-toxic envy suh.

The "Fetid Flower" part was me comparing your noble ladies to a rotting garden of cancer and madness, all ready to spread their tendrils across the Empire and the Sol-Origin system. I'm saddened because I have a feeling that I am largely outdated now, but I am glad to have met and worked with you on aspects of it as time has gone on, even if they were only meager slices of the greater whole.

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House Krall:



House Matriarch: Trecha Krall, the Genius

House Motto: "The Stars, they are the Grineer Empire."

House Color: Morning Blue (RGB 141, 163, 153)

Unique Units:

1. Krall Alfa-Lancer

2. Krall Stapled

3. Krall Invigorator

Unique Tactics:

1. "Revive Protocol"

2. "Thirst for Knowledge"

3. "Our Sisters, Our Mothers"

While traditionally more military-focused, the Krall have recently undergone massive restructuring due to the new Matriarch's personnel changes, which effectively weeded out any independent officers and nobles. The House's history is strongly tied with the Asteroid Fields and Shipyards of Ceres, where most Krall forces were stationed and it's more recognised members served as Captains and Admirals. However the shift of leadership has seen many of their regiments move to Uranus' many underwater lab complexes and Sedna's frontier research facilities. With this in mind, many started questioning whether House Krall should retain it's High Nobility status. However, because of the Matriarch's many scientific achievements and breakthroughs, the Worm Queen has shut down all of these initiatives.

The Matriarch:


Old art:



If one was to summarize Trecha Krall in as short of a sentence as possible, saying: "Afraid of death" would be the best way to achieve this. Due to this, unnatural for a Grineer, fear, she has created a grand total of 362 824 different life support and preservation systems. Most of which she has installed on herself. If that wasn't enough, the moment she overheard that she was considered as the next Matriarch, she instantly sent assassins against every other candidate. Obviously, if you kill them first, they can't kill you. While this made her extremely resilient and powerful, it is a weakness as well. No risk-taking, no independently-thinking soldiers may be allowed, even if it could be beneficial. Only Trecha remains as the sole mind of her House. An army of Grineer, even more mentally stunted than the regular are her drones and servants. The wounded and dead are used to make new soldiers, akin to Vay Hek's ghouls.


Old art:



Likes: Technology, Progress, Absolute control

Dislikes: Those she can't control, Pain, Death

Example quotes (used inside missions where House Krall is involved) :

"It's the Tenno?! Quick, prepare evacuation!"

"No no no! Not now!"

"Waste their time! I'm too important for this."

"Stop, Tenno! We can talk, right?"

Other Members:

Trecha is the only member of the House Krall that retains higher brain functions.


House Special Tactics:

1. Revive Protocol:

All units can attempt to revive a nearby corpse of an ally, even it has been slashed to pieces or disintegrated.

This does not have 100% chance to work. The corpses possess a percentage of the original unit's stats and behave erratically.

Slashed/Disintegrated corpses can merge with other nearby body parts to form "Nightmare Stapleds" (more details in the Stapled entry below).

2. Thirst for Knowledge:

All units are way more likely to attempt to signal the alarm when alerted.

All units have way larger alert radius and respond to attacks more quickly.

Crowd control abilities decrease in effectiveness when used repeatedly on all units.

3. Our Sisters, Our Mothers:

Nearby units share status procs. This decreases their effect on individual units.

When a unit dies under the effect of a status proc, all nearby units have that effect removed instantly.

Units gain temporary resistance to procs when affected with the same ones repeatedly, this is shared to all nearby units as well.

Units gain temporary damage resistance when affected by critical strikes repeatedly, this is shared to all nearby units as well.

House Special Units:


Krall Alfa-Lancer:



These soldiers have been lobotomized (as if standard brainwashing wasn't enough), which made them lose any semblance of free will.  Not trusting normal methods of conditioning, Trecha has created an incredibly complex algorythm that governs the behaviour of every single of her soldiers. In order for this to function, a special control drone has been attached to the units' nerves. Destroying the drone will sever the connection to the system, making the unit nothing more than a lifeless doll, but the machine tends to hide in difficult to reach places. Follow the cables to find it. The soldiers have a blanket 90% damage reduction and can easily replenish their allies' health by casting Well of Life on themselves.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Lifeless: This unit is immune to Crowd Control, and Life Steal is ineffective when attacking this unit.

Ability: Well of Life: This unit can sacrifice it's own health to heal nearby allies.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Leviathan, Dwerg, Sheev

Abilities: Well of Life

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 300

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 100

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.5x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Elite Lancer droptable

Krall Stapled:



When soldiers get wounded to the point where augments cannot help anymore, they are either thrown to the grinder or used in experiments. Stapleds are a way to make them useful on the battlefied again. Merging several damaged bodies into one creates this abominations. Leaving them to their own devices can be devastating, as any corpse can be picked up and merged into the Stapled, making it stronger and healing it to full. If finally destroyed, they can even attempt to revive themselves using nearby bodies. When the original corpses were extremely mutilated, a Nightmare Stapled is "born". Those creatures possess immunity to damage over time effects and heavily resist crowd control.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Lifeless: This unit is immune to Crowd Control, and Life Steal is ineffective when attacking this unit.

Innate: Merge: This unit consumes nearby corpses to grow larger and stronger. There is a chance to inherit additional weaponry and abilities in this way.

Innate: Self-Revive: This unit can revive itself by using Merge.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Varies

Abilities: Merge, Self-revive

Base Damage: varies

Damage Scaling: varies


Cloned Flesh: varies


Alloy Armor: varies

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 350

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: N/A

Krall Invigorator:



Invigorators are controlled by the same algorithm that steers most of Trecha's forces. These units however, can sometimes be "piloted" by Trecha herself. Possessing Kuva-Invulnerability granting Keshegs with added Electricity-proccing capabilities, these warriors are deceptively strong melee fighters, but their true power lies in their namesake ability. Invigorators can temporarily buff all nearby allies to either become completely invulnerable for a short duration (this does not apply to the Invigorators themselves, although you still need to knock that Kesheg out of their hands), or fully heal them, reverse any status procs and grant them a permament speed buff. Eliminate on sight, or face the consequences.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Lifeless: This unit is immune to Crowd Control, and Life Steal is ineffective when attacking this unit.

Innate: Heavy: This unit resists effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Kuva-Invulnerability: This unit is completely invulnerable and immune while wielding it's Kuva weapon. Void Dash will temporarily remove this effect.

Ability: Invigorate: This unit can fully heal, reverse any status procs and grant a speed buff to all nearby units.

Ability: Mass Invulnerability: This unit can make all nearby allies completely invulnerable and immune.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Weapons: Stun-Kesheg

Abilities: Kuva-Invulnerability, Invigorate, Mass Invulnerability

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Cloned Flesh: 650


Alloy Armor: 600

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Guardian droptable


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Edited by HugintheCrow
updated art
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I've made another topic, mostly for ideas than aren't as "focused" as those in here.

For the purposes of certain things I have planned, those ideas will be considered "implemented", for the sake of brevity, I won't repeat them here, so reading this "supplemental material" is definitely encouraged 🙂.

Thread in question found here.

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Alright, I've been delaying this for way too much. Let's go. Full description of the Inner Sanctum.

1. Hall of Greetings:


Costs 500 Kuva to enter.

Exterminate mission.


Dark, winding corridors lead the Tenno inside the Fortress. What evil force lies in the core of this place? If you wish to know, you will have to go through the many mistresses of these Halls. Come, and we shall greet you to the best of our ability...


Noble Hideout: Randomly chosen at the beginning of the mission, one of the High Noble Houses will be the enemy in this mission. More details about the Houses above in the thread.

Void Unstability: This mission is considered a permament Void Fissure. Any relic can be brought by the players, but the Reactant amount needed to open it is increased, based on the Cell size. Additionally, Kuva Vor is guaranteed to spawn at some point, no matter what Alarm level is raised.

2. The Lidless Eye:


Costs 1000 Kuva to enter.

Sabotage mission.


A terrible machine is being built inside the Sanctum. The Void-Echo Sensor could potentially track all Tenno inside the Origin System, no matter where they hide. This project simply cannot be completed, or the Tenno will be wiped out. But it is no ordinary machine, and it's heart is a powerful, immortal beast, that will chase you until it kills you.


Eximus Fortress: Analogical to Sortie modifier.

Fomorian Golem: To destroy the Void-Echo Sensor, it's core, the Golem has to be killed. However it is invulnerable to all damage. In order to complete the mission following tasks need to be accomplished:

1. Destroy all Kuva Injectors on the map. They are targets similar to reactor cores found in traditional sabotage.

2. Damage the Golem itself to the point of unstability. It will become slower and start regenerating health.

3. Bring the unstable Golem to the main control room and coerce it to fall into the fiery Sensor core. This completes the sabotage.


3. Kuva Refinery:


Costs 1500 Kuva to enter.

Defense mission.


Inside the heart of the Grineer Empire, the facilities to refine and process all Kuva reside. If the Tenno could steal the supplies from here, it would be a great blow to the enemy. But, with all forces of the Kuva Fortress mobilized against them is it even possible to win such a battle?


Kuva Gathering: Defending the Kuva Refiner for 5 waves grants Kuva on extraction. Each 5 waves adds more Kuva, but all of it is lost if the mission fails. Energy core holding units like in Excavation will spawn periodically. The cores can be used to either increase Kuva production or heal the Refiner. The machine takes damage not only from enemy fire, but also loses health over time, increasing for every nearby enemy.

Kuva Onslaught: Kuva Vor spawns every 5th wave. Kuva Executor and Assassin duo can spawn in every 5 wave intervals. Additionally all enemy units have passive resistance against crowd control. Any and all Noble Houses can join the fray at any point, fielding their unique units and tactics as normal.

4. Yuvan Theatre:


Costs 2000 Kuva to enter.

Assassination mission.


The innermost parts of the Sanctum are finally in the Tenno reach. Will they bring solution to the puzzle, or will they only give us more questions?


This assassination mission features 3 targets. They are fought one after another in a "boss rush" fashion.

1. Fomorian Golem Skeleton:

Invulnerable again, the monster chases the players through the map, it can only be slowed down temporarily by detonating Kuva tanks when it passes by them. After reaching the apparent end of the map, a giant statue in the middle of the room has to be destroyed while evading the Golem. After it is destroyed, the Golem can be killed once and for all.

2. Drum Guardian:

The guardian can only be damaged when all Naga Drums located in the arena are silent. Periodically spawning enemies will attempt to use the Drums to reactivate them. The giant only takes damage in the central area of it's torso, where the organs are exposed.


3. Kuva Priestess:

The Priestess is the final boss of the mission. Defeating her is the hardest thing you've done yet. She uses unique attacks and abilities to bring her enemies down. Kuva Phantoms spawn periodically in the arena, attempting to heal her. Void Dash is the only move that can kill the Kuva Phantoms. The Void Phantom appears very frequently during this fight. Elite units will spawn near constantly as long as the Priestess is not dead.

Power of Song: Unique attack used by the Kuva Priestess. Periodically, she will teleport to the center of the arena and unleash map-wide waves of energy (multiple waves in quick succession, amount of waves is based on her current hp). Those come in 2 colors, Red and Black, each color has it's unique sound cue. A Warframe can never touch (even if the operator is using Transference) any of those waves, this is a warning. Not passing through each wave properly deals either 50% of your maximum hp (Red) or outright downs you (Black), this cannot be circumvented by switching to operator or any other means. Red Waves have to be Void Dashed through, while the Black Waves need to be hit by a Void Blast, then Void Dashed through. The Priestess is invulnerable during this attack.



Accessing the Inner Sanctum Trial (edited circa 28-10-2018):


After clearing all 4 nodes of the Inner Sanctum, you will be given the Naga Drum Blueprint by Teshin (parts dropped by Kuva Priestess), using it after defeating Kuva Priestess unlocks the Regicide Quest, which in turn unlocks the Inner Sanctum Trial when completed. Nightmare version of the Trial is unlocked by clearing the base version once.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
changed the Trial-unlock requirements
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On 2018-09-08 at 9:10 PM, HugintheCrow said:

House Krall:


While traditionally more military-focused, the Krall have recently undergone massive restructuring due to the new Matriarch's personnel changes, which effectively weeded out any independent officers and nobles. The House's history is strongly tied with the Asteroid Fields and Shipyards of Ceres, where most Krall forces were stationed and it's more recognised members served as Captains and Admirals. However the shift of leadership has seen many of their regiments move to Neptune's many underwater lab complexes and Sedna's frontier research facilities. With this in mind, many started questioning whether House Krall should retain it's High Nobility status. However, because of the Matriarch's many scientific achievements and breakthroughs, the Worm Queen has shut down all of these initiatives.

The Matriarch:


If one was to summarize Trecha Krall in as short of a sentence as possible, saying: "Afraid of death" would be the best way to achieve this. Due to this, unnatural for a Grineer, fear, she has created a grand total of 362 different life support and preservation systems. Most of which she has installed on herself. If that wasn't enough, the moment she overheard that she was considered as the next Matriarch, she instantly sent assassins against every other candidate. Obviously, if you kill them first, they can't kill you. While this made her extremely resilient and powerful, it is a weakness as well. No risk-taking, no independently-thinking soldiers may be allowed, even if it could be beneficial. Only Trecha remains as the sole mind of her House. An army of Grineer, even more mentally stunted than the regular are her drones and servants. The wounded and dead are used to make new soldiers, akin to Vay Hek's ghouls.


Likes: Technology, Progress, Absolute control

Dislikes: Those she can't control, Pain, Death

Example quotes (used inside missions where House Krall is involved) :

"It's the Tenno?! Quick, prepare evacuation!"

"No no no! Not now!"

"Waste their time! I'm too imortant for this."

"Stop, Tenno! We can talk, right?"

House Special Tactics:

1. Revive Protocol:

All units can attempt to revive a nearby corpse of an ally, even it has been slashed to pieces or disintegrated.

This does not have 100% chance to work. The corpses possess a percentage of the original unit's stats and behave erratically.

Slashed/Disintegrated corpses can merge with other nearby body parts to form "Nightmare Stapleds" (more details in the Stapled entry below).

2. Thirst for Knowledge:

All units are way more likely to attempt to signal the alarm when alerted.

All units have way larger alert radius and respond to attacks more quickly.

Crowd control abilities decrease in effectiveness when used repeatedly on all units.

3. Our Sisters, Our Mothers:

Nearby units share status procs. This decreases their effect on individual units.

When a unit dies under the effect of a status proc, all nearby units have that effect removed instantly.

Units gain temporary resistance to procs when affected with the same ones repeatedly, this is shared to all nearby units as well.

Units gain temporary damage resistance when affected by critical strikes repeatedly, this is shared to all nearby units as well.

House Special Units:


Krall Alfa-Lancer:

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Description: These soldiers have been lobotomized (as if standard brainwashing wasn't enough), which made them lose any semblance of free will.  Not trusting normal methods of conditioning, Trecha has created an incredibly complex algorythm that governs the behaviour of every single of her soldiers. In order for this to function, a special control drone has been attached to the units' nerves. Destroying the drone will sever the connection to the system, making the unit nothing more than a lifeless doll, but the machine tends to hide in difficult to reach places. Follow the cables to find it. The soldiers have a blanket 90% damage reduction and can easily replenish their allies' health by casting Well of Life on themselves.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Type: Ranged

Weapons: Leviathan, Dwerg, Sheev

Abilities: Well of Life

Cloned Flesh: 200

Alloy Armor: 300

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.5x

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Elite Lancer droptable

Krall Stapled:

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Description: When soldiers get wounded to the point where augments cannot help anymore, they are either thrown to the grinder or used in experiments. Stapleds are a way to make them useful on the battlefied again. Merging several damaged bodies into one creates this abominations. Leaving them to their own devices can be devastating, as any corpse can be picked up and merged into the Stapled, making it stronger and healing it to full. If finally destroyed, they can even attempt to revive themselves using nearby bodies. When the original corpses were extremely mutilated, a Nightmare Stapled is "born". Those creatures possess immunity to damage over time effects and heavily resist crowd control.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Type: Ranged/Melee

Weapons: Varies

Abilities: Merge, Self-revive

Cloned Flesh: varies

Alloy Armor: varies

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 350

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: N/A

Krall Invigorator:

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Description: Invigorators are controlled by the same algorithm that steers most of Trecha's forces. These units however, can sometimes be "piloted" by Trecha herself. Possessing Kuva-Invulnerability granting Keshegs with added Electricity-proccing capabilities, these warriors are deceptively strong melee fighters, but their true power lies in their namesake ability. Invigorators can temporarily buff all nearby allies to either become completely invulnerable for a short duration (this does not apply to the Invigorators themselves, although you still need to knock that Kesheg out of their hands), or fully heal them, reverse any status procs and grant them speed buff. Eliminate on sight, or face the consequences.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Grineer Asteroid Fortress Hidden

Type: Melee

Weapons: Stun-Kesheg

Abilities: Invigorate, Mass Invulnerability

Cloned Flesh: 350

Alloy Armor: 300

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 300

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Kuva Guardian droptable


AH, you've reminded me of a character I've been designing in my spare time for my Deimos project, alongside the denizens of Deimos itself. I may have to tell you about him in the future, hear your thoughts.

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5 hours ago, Unus said:

AH, you've reminded me of a character I've been designing in my spare time for my Deimos project, alongside the denizens of Deimos itself. I may have to tell you about him in the future, hear your thoughts.

I'd definitely would like to see more of your Deimos and the Starborn Brigade.

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A little teaser, since I haven't posted here for some time.



First time I'm using sound files here, so if it doesn't work, please tell me. I tried to find some reasonable site to host this. Let's hope they don't delete this. Also, all credits for original audio go to Digital Extremes, obviously. All soundfiles used were found at: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Councilor_Vay_Hek/Quotes


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A quick update/disclaimer while I'm finalizing work on the first Trial.


I will NOT describe any rewards that could come from the Trials, only the mechanics and other such things (like lore tid-bits).

Why? I consider rewards a controversial topic (as in it's very hard to come up with something interesting that doesn't break the game or makes people jump into needless angry arguments) and since this thread is just me making stuff up for fun and will never be implemented anywhere, it would only stress me out to try and come up with good reward system, which wouldn't be worth making anyway.

I've made this topic to talk about Grineer Empire, it's armies and important characters, not necessarily what the players could get from killing them.

This is the reason I've not really added any rewards for the Inner Sanctum's regular mode (other than making the Kuva Refinery a designated endgame Kuva farm 😉). I had an idea that each major boss (Fomorian Golem, Drum Guardian and the Kuva Priestess) would each have a special mod set, that they would drop on defeat (Just like Hemocyte is dropping Hunter set). I don't feel comfortable (balance-wise) making mods yet, so this is a thing I might do in the future.


tl;dr; I'm not going to make any reward systems now, but maybe at some point I'll revisit stuff and add them.


The Inner Sanctum Trial is coming today-ish. 

Information kinda deprecated.


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Heavily edited circa 15.02.19.

I decided to move all the info about the Inner Sanctum to this post. So here it is:

Inner Sanctum Map Node: 



The Inner Sanctum is meant to be endgame. Prepare for 3rd Sortie-tier levels, difficult minibosses at every turn and heavy usage of the Transference. The requirements for unlocking this new area of the Kuva Fortress are also somewhat intricate. So here we go.


1. Reach Mastery Rank 10. This one is simple enough. Ensures you have adequate equipment and understanding of the game.

2. Clear all currently (as of the time of writing this post) available quests. If somehow you didn't do that yet. Ensures plot continuity.

3. Acquire 10000 Kuva (not a career total, must have it all in the inventory) as well as have cycled a Riven mod at least once (that part should be easy though). Ensures you have the resources you will need.

4. Acquire the Korsar Teleport Beacon by helping out the Shadow Marines (see Part 1 of this thread) and use it at least once. Ensures plot continuity.

5. When all of the above is done, the player will be contacted by Krina Hrokgar (Korsar Leader). The message will unlock a new quest, "Corpus Omega-Proxy".


"Hey Tenno, I know it might seem weird to ask you for help, but we fought together before.

Here it goes: We got some intel on a brand new Corpus proxy being built. It's big, really big.

This message got the coords, if you think you could come and hang out."

6. After the quest completion (more on that below), the player will be messaged by Teshin. This transmission will also unlock the Inner Sanctum's first mission node (connected to Taveuni, Kuva Fortress). It will also PERMAMENTLY increase base level of all Kuva Fortress missions to 50-60 as well as introduce permament alert level system to them (again, more on that below).

Corpus-Omega Proxy Quest:

After the message from Krina, a quest node on Pluto will become available. The mission is a Corpus Ship Assassination, with it's target being the mysterious Omega-Proxy. When the mission starts, the player will be contacted by Krina, who will lead them towards the target. No enemies will be present at that point. After reaching the boss arena, the player will be ambushed by a great number of Kuva soldiers, including multiple Guardians and Jesters.


Krina: "Sorry, Tenno. But you got something we need and asking politely just wasn't an option."

Ordis: "Operator?! The Grineer! They are on the Orbiter! THESE BLOODY-*static*"

After fighting off the Kuva forces, the player will return to the Orbiter, only to find that nothing really changed. Except, the Vitruvian device (acquired during the Sacrifice quest) is gone.

This discovery prompts the aforementioned message from Teshin.


Teshin: "Tenno, you were made a fool. There is no saying what the Grineer could do with Ballas's knowledge.

Thankfully, I know where they took the Vitruvian. It's the Kuva Fortress."

Operator: "Well, it shouldn't be too bad then. I've already raided that place multiple times."

Teshin: "There are things you still don't know about that place... I... You need to be careful Tenno. The enemy has only grown in power since we last fought them."

This completes the quest, unlocking the Inner Sanctum's first node, the Hall of Greetings. Entering this mission requires 500 Kuva every time (although Kuva can sometimes be acquired inside). Next nodes will be unlocked later, each with their own requirements.

Permament Alarm System:

Inspired by the Alarm Level mechanic in the Orb Vallis, Kuva Fortress has multiple stages of Alarm. Once a stage has been reached, however, it can only be reverted once. After the same Alarm level has been raised again, it cannot be hacked away. The Fortress hates uninvited guests. Door lockdown happens every 2 Alarm stages and can always be disabled via hacking.

In addition to increased enemy spawns and levels, the Alarm levels can attract different, powerful enemies.

Inner Sanctum Alarm levels:

(Each Alarm level increases enemy unit levels, up to level 150)

1. Kuva Executioner and Kuva Assassin duo deployed against the player.

2. Door lockdown, Kuva Executioner and Kuva Assassin duo deployed against the player.

3. Kuva Executioner Eximus and Kuva Assassin Eximus duo deployed against the player.

4. Door lockdown, Kuva Executioner Eximus and Kuva Assassin Eximus duo deployed against the player, the Void Phantom starts spawning rarely.

5. Kuva Vor spawns.

6. Door lockdown, the Void Phantom appears more often.

7 (and every odd level from now on). Kuva Carriers appear more rarely in the mission, the Void Phantom appears more often.

8 (and every even level from now on). Door lockdown, Kuva Carriers appear more rarely in the mission, the Void Phantom appears more often.

Inner Sanctum: Basic mechanics:

1. As said above, entering any Inner Sanctum mission costs [500*Mission tier] Kuva. This has to be paid by every player in the party.

2. In the Sanctum, no male Grineer, apart from the Kuva Daks and Kuva Vor, can be found. Yes, this means yet more units are coming.

3. Inner Sanctum uses a variation on the Grineer Asteroid Fortress tileset (called Asteroid Fortress Hidden), with new rooms and traps. No archwing tiles exist within this tileset.

4. Teshin replaces Lotus-Ordis for these missions.

5. Void Phantom:




A unique mechanic tied to the Permament Alarm System (read above) is the Void Phantom.

When reaching a certain Alarm level inside the Sanctum, the Phantom gains increasingly high chance to spawn ever so often.

When appearing, it will taunt the players directly.

The Phantom is completely INVULNERABLE AND IMMUNE TO ALL CROWD CONTROL. It will despawn after some time has passed.

While unkillable, it cannot directly damage the players, it's attacks can only cause stagger. However, when in Operator mode, the Phantom may attempt to possess the player's Warframe.

When that happens, the Operator is instantly recalled and multiple Transference Static procs is applied, these have no cap. Umbra Warframes can only be possessed when their hp has been depleted.

6. Kuva Immortals:




Kuva Immortals are Inner Sanctum specific traps that fill many rooms in the tileset.

These warriors of old are strapped into the walls of the Sanctum, forced to defend it for eternity.

When alerted, they will instantly raise Alarm level and engage the player. When killed, they will be revived by an automatic electro-revive system after a delay. This cannot be stopped.

Their life support system cannot be destroyed.



image: a mockup of the interface a player would see when selecting the "Inner Sanctum" node on the Kuva Fortress map. If you squint, you can even see the node's proposed location.


I Hall of Greetings:


Costs 500 Kuva to enter.

Exterminate mission.


Dark, winding corridors lead the Tenno inside the Fortress. What evil force lies in the core of this place? If you wish to know, you will have to go through the many mistresses of these Halls. Come, and we shall greet you to the best of our ability...


Noble Hideout: Randomly chosen at the beginning of the mission, one of the High Noble Houses will be the enemy in this mission. More details about the Houses above in the thread.

Void Unstability: This mission is considered a permament Void Fissure. Any relic can be brought by the players, but the Reactant amount needed to open it is increased, based on the Cell size. Additionally, Kuva Vor is guaranteed to spawn at some point, no matter what Alarm level is raised.

II Lidless Eye:


Costs 1000 Kuva to enter.

Sabotage mission.


A terrible machine is being built inside the Sanctum. The Void-Echo Sensor could potentially track all Tenno inside the Origin System, no matter where they hide. This project simply cannot be completed, or the Tenno will be wiped out. But it is no ordinary machine, and it's heart is a powerful, immortal beast, that will chase you until it kills you.


Eximus Fortress: Analogous to the Sortie modifier.

Fomorian Golem: To destroy the Void-Echo Sensor, it's core, the Golem has to be killed. However it is invulnerable to all damage. In order to complete the mission following tasks need to be accomplished:

1. Destroy all Kuva Injectors on the map. They are targets similar to reactor cores found in traditional sabotage.

2. Damage the Golem itself to the point of unstability. It will become slower and start regenerating health.

3. Bring the unstable Golem to the main control room and coerce it to fall into the fiery Sensor core. This completes the sabotage.

III Kuva Refinery:


Costs 1500 Kuva to enter.

Defense mission.


Inside the heart of the Grineer Empire, the facilities to refine and process all Kuva reside. If the Tenno could steal the supplies from here, it would be a great blow to the enemy. But, with all forces of the Kuva Fortress mobilized against them is it even possible to win such a battle?


Kuva Gathering: Defending the Kuva Refiner for 5 waves grants Kuva on extraction. Each 5 waves adds more Kuva, but all of it is lost if the mission fails. Energy core holding units like in Excavation will spawn periodically. The cores can be used to either increase Kuva production or heal the Refiner. The machine takes damage not only from enemy fire, but also loses health over time, increasing for every nearby enemy.

Kuva Onslaught: Kuva Vor spawns every 5th wave. Kuva Executor and Assassin duo can spawn in every 5 wave intervals. Additionally all enemy units have passive resistance against crowd control. Any and all Noble Houses can join the fray at any point, fielding their unique units and tactics as normal.

IV Yuvan Theatre:


Costs 2000 Kuva to enter.

Assassination mission.


The innermost parts of the Sanctum are finally in the Tenno reach. Will they bring solution to the puzzle, or will they only give us more questions?


This assassination mission features 3 targets. They are fought one after another in a "boss rush" fashion.

1. Fomorian Golem Skeleton:

Invulnerable again, the monster chases the players through the map, it can only be slowed down temporarily by detonating Kuva tanks when it passes by them. After reaching the apparent end of the map, a giant statue in the middle of the room has to be destroyed while evading the Golem. After it is destroyed, the Golem can be killed once and for all.

2. Drum Guardian:

The guardian can only be damaged when all Naga Drums located in the arena are silent. Periodically spawning enemies will attempt to use the Drums to reactivate them. The giant only takes damage in the central area of it's torso, where the organs are exposed.

3. Kuva Priestess:

The Priestess is the final boss of the mission. Defeating her is the hardest thing you've done yet. She uses unique attacks and abilities to bring her enemies down. Kuva Phantoms spawn periodically in the arena, attempting to heal her. Void Dash is the only move that can kill the Kuva Phantoms. The Void Phantom appears very frequently during this fight. Elite units will spawn near constantly as long as the Priestess is not dead.

Power of Song: Unique attack used by the Kuva Priestess. Periodically, she will teleport to the center of the arena and unleash map-wide waves of energy (multiple waves in quick succession, amount of waves is based on her current hp). Those come in 2 colors, Red and Black, each color has it's unique sound cue. A Warframe can never touch (even if the operator is using Transference) any of those waves, this is a warning. Not passing through each wave properly deals either 50% of your maximum hp (Red) or outright downs you (Black), this cannot be circumvented by switching to operator or any other means. Red Waves have to be Void Dashed through, while the Black Waves need to be hit by a Void Blast, then Void Dashed through. The Priestess is invulnerable during this attack.




Unlocking the Trial:

After clearing every normal mission at least once, Teshin will send the player a message:


message from Teshin:

"I see you've penetrated the darkest corners of the Fortress. However, it seems the enemy has already acquired the knowledge they sought.

The Executor's Vitruvian has been breached and used up. The Grineer will no doubt grow stronger from this new-found understanding.

The Tenno secrets are no longer hidden from their eyes.

The Elder Queen is restless, she yearns for rebirth. We must stop her, lest the Empire becomes too powerful.

Take this and use it in the innermost parts of the Sanctum. With sound of the Naga drum comes understanding."


Attachment: Naga Drum Blueprint

In short: The Trial is locked until clearing the Regicide Cinematic Quest. The quest starts when the player has built the Naga Drum. Parts for the Drum drop from the Kuva Priestess in the Yuvan Theatre mission.


THE REGICIDE Cinematic Quest:

Quest Missions:




Finally in front of the Revival Coffin, the Tenno prepares to end the Elder Queen's miserable existence. But to even get close to it, they will need to defeat a giant army of Grineer, led by a fearsome Kuva Priestess, who will fight till death.






Against all odds, the Tenno destroy all enemies.


The defenseless Elder Queen is sure to fall this time...


Suddenly a void-energy surge explodes and sends Tenno into unknown...


To be Continued...







The Sun:


The Balance:


The Moon:










To be Continued...



Regicide Scene 18 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 19 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 20 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 21 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 22 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 23 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 24 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 25 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 26 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 27 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 28 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 29 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 30 by HugintheCrowDA

Regicide Scene 31 by HugintheCrowDA


As said before, completing this quest grants access to the Trial.




For general information about Trials, head here. DEFINITELY read the general info post before reading anything below here.




image: a mockup of the interface a player would see after selecting the Trial in the previous menu.  If you squint, you can even see the node's proposed location.

Basic Mechanics:


Enemy Reinforcements:

Every 5 minutes, a message appears "ENEMY IS REINFORCING". This causes all unique/special units to respawn, as well as releases a large wave of normal enemies.

Wipe Mechanics:

This refers to special situations where incorrect/bad play will cause the player or even the entire team to be instantly defeated.

Full walkthrough:


For ease of explaining, this section will be divide into sections based on the players' progress in the Trial.

Essentially, what you can and cannot do and where you can and cannot go at any time is governed by what bosses you've already defeated.

Naturally, you can't fight the second Boss without killing the first one, etc. etc., those kinda things.

Naming Convention:

In short, the Trial will have 3 phases: Pre-Golem, Pre-Priestess and Post-Sanctum.

Pre-Golem refers to all stuff you can do before engaging the first boss, Fomorian Golem.

Pre-Priestess refers to everything after Golem but before the Kuva Priestess fight (3rd Boss).

Post-Sanctum is after you defeat the Priestess(es) and is mostly the final fight against the Elder Queen.

The Walkthrough:

Phase 1. Pre-Golem:


Boss 1: Fomorian Golem:



Phase 2. Pre-Priestess:


Boss 2: Drum Guardian:




Boss 3: Kuva Priestess:



Phase 3. Post-Sanctum:

Boss 4: The Elder Queen:






Basic Mechanics:


Wipe Mechanics:

This refers to special situations where incorrect/bad play will cause the player or even the entire team to be instantly defeated.


The Nightmare Mode Trial has a strict timer, failing to complete the activity before the timer ends results in instant failure.

The timer starts at 30 minutes (Yes, I'd like the Trial to be a 30-ish minute long mission.), but every Boss kill grants bonus 5 minutes.

Initiating the Secret Boss fight grants bonus 10 minutes to the timer, as does killing it.

Enemy Reinforcements:

Every 2 minutes, a message appears "ENEMY IS REINFORCING". This causes all unique/special units to respawn, as well as releases a large wave of normal enemies.

Everytime this happens, enemy levels increase permamently!

Evolving Difficulty Modifier:

Consecutive completions of the Nightmare mode increase the difficulty of the Trial for the player. This includes increased damage and resistances of enemies, appearing client-wise (one player feels the effects, the others don't). Obviously, if you have a stable group, then you will all feel the same increase in enemies' power.

Unique Rewards:


Aside from generic Trial rewards (see the main Trial and Assault post), this Trial rewards:

Trial Mod Set (also obtainable from the Kuva Fortress Assault mission):

Set Bonus:

This mod set's bonus increases all completion rewards of the IS Trial by an additive 0.5 multiplier per mod equipped. As it's only possible to equip 4 out of the mods at the same time, you can effectively boost your rewards by +2.0 (effectively you get 3 times (1.0 + 2.0) the normal amount of completion rewards).

Trial Bonus:

Each mod's effect is boosted when playing the Trial itself.

The Mods themselves:

Sanctum Aegis:



+50% Over-Health per rank

IS Trial max value: +600% Over-Health

Overhealth is a bonus health type appearing over your shields and normal hp, it can only be replenished with health orbs. Armor values affect this type of defence. This health scales from your base health, and does not take into account mods like Vitality. It is of Object type, and so does not have any resistances nor weaknesses.

Sanctum Slayer:



+15% Melee Damage and +15% Heavy Attack Damage per rank

IS Trial max value: +180% Melee Damage and +180% Heavy Attack Damage

Sanctum Avenger:



+8.33% Generic Damage for 1.66 seconds after ally death per rank

IS Trial max value: +100% Generic Damage for 20 seconds

Generic Damage is any damage you deal, powers, weapons, anything.

Sanctum Eternal/Sanctum Exhume:




+5% chance to revive every -12 seconds per rank (72 seconds at rank 0, lowers every rank)

IS Trial max value: +60% chance to revive every 6 seconds

Essentially, your Sentinel/MOA gains a chance to revive on it's own every given time interval.


+5% chance to revive every -12 master's kills per rank (72 kills at rank 0, lowers every rank)

IS Trial max value: +60% chance to revive every 6 master's kills

Essentially, your Kubrow/Kavat gains a chance to revive on it's own every time you kill a certain amount of enemies.


Trial Cosmetics:


Full walkthrough:


For ease of explaining, this section will be divide into sections based on the players' progress in the Trial.

Essentially, what you can and cannot do and where you can and cannot go at any time is governed by what bosses you've already defeated.

Naturally, you can't fight the second Boss without killing the first one, etc. etc., those kinda things.

Naming Convention:

Bolded out are differences from the Normal Mode:

In short, the Nightmare Trial will have 4 phases: Pre-Golem, Pre-Priestess, Pre-Void and Post-Sanctum.

Pre-Golem refers to all stuff you can do before engaging the first boss, Fomorian Golem.

Pre-Priestess refers to everything after Golem but before the Kuva Priestess fight (3rd Boss).

Pre-Void refers to additional Nightmare Mode-only content available after killing the Priestesses, but before going into the Void and initiating the final phase.

Post-Sanctum is after you defeat the Priestess(es) and is mostly the final fight against the Elder Queen.

The Walkthrough:

Phase 1. Pre-Golem:


Boss 1: Fomorian Golem:



Phase 2. Pre-Priestess:


Boss 2: Drum Guardians:




Boss 3: Kuva Priestesses:




Phase 3: Pre-Void:

Boss Rush:



Kuva Fountain:







Phase 4. Post-Sanctum:

Boss 4: Angelus-Form Sahra Regor:




Boss 5: The Elder Queen:





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WARNING: Content below this point (right until another warning sign) has been DEPRECATED and is no longer considered part of this concept. It is kept for archival purposes only!


Trial chapters:

1. Lidless Eye


The Grineer are attempting to build a gigantic sensor inside the Inner Sanctum using the technology they stole from the Vitruvian. If the sensor is completed, no Tenno will be able to hide from the Empire. This machine needs to be destroyed, no matter what.

The Grineer use a unique energy source to power their contraption, a Fomorian Golem. This beast is invulnerable to damage, due to the atmosphere being filled with Kuva. Destroying the Kuva Injectors will rid the air from the vile substance and enable the players to defeat the monster. Before it can be accomplished, the players will be chased by an immortal creature.

The mission's goal is to defeat the Golem. This is more complicated than the normal node mission version (noted in Bold font).

In order to complete the mission following tasks need to be accomplished:

1. Destroy all Kuva Injectors on the map. They are targets similar to reactor cores found in traditional sabotage. Each Injector has to be hacked into (2 different consoles at the same time) before it can be damaged. To damage it, the Golem needs to be nearby.

2. Damage the Golem itself to the point of Unstability. It will become slower faster and start regenerating health becomes invulnerable again. The Golem can only be damaged while there is no Kuva Carriers around it. While there is at least one, the Golem becomes invulnerable and regenerates health. The Golem is only Unstable when below 10% health.

3. Damage the Sensor Core. In order to damage it, kill Kuva Carriers and pick up Kuva Charges they drop, then drop the Charges into the Core itself. The Core takes damage only during a short weakness period, which is triggered by hacking a console in the room (the console has a cooldown before it can be hacked again it is also destructible by enemies, which can cause the mission fail).

3. 4. Bring the Unstable Golem to the main control room and "coerce" it to fall into the fiery Sensor core. This completes the mission.


Tip: While one group deals with the Injectors, the other should work on the Core.


Nightmare modifiers:

1. Hacking cannot be bypassed by ciphers.

2. Kuva Executioner and Assassin duo will spawn after each destroyed Injector.

3. Kuva Carriers possess a shield only destroyable by void damage.

4. Void Phantom spawns way more frequently.

2. Yuvan Theatre


The Grineer priests are attempting to revive the Elder Queen by focusing all their Kuva into the Void Coffin hidden in the center of the Sanctum. They have to be stopped. The location is the most heavily guarded place in the whole Empire and the enemy will stop at nothing to defeat the Tenno.

The revival procedure uses the Kuva to create a new, powerful body for the Queen. In order to interrupt the process, the Tenno must damage the Kuva processing systems and the Void Coffin itself.

This chapter is akin to a Mobile Defense mission combined with Assassination.

In order to complete the mission following tasks need to be accomplished:

1. Defend the Kuva Refiner for 5 waves (instead of a fixed amount of units in each wave, the wave ends when the machine completes a cycle). Energy core holding units like in Excavation will spawn periodically. The cores can be used to heal the Refiner or speed up the wave progress. The machine takes damage not only from enemy fire, but also loses health over time increasing for every nearby enemy. Kuva Vor with his Corrupted detachment will spawn in the last wave.

2. Take the Kuva Bomb from the Refiner, it must be charged using the warframe energy. If dropped, it will quickly lose charge (automatically drops if the carrier has no energy left). When at max charge it can be used to destroy the Kuva processing unit, which opens the next stage of the mission. Enemies will attempt to destroy the Bomb and will prioritize attacking the carrier. 

3. Defeat the Boss Rush. Starting with the Fomorian Golem Skeleton. It is no longer invulnerable, but it is still a powerful, deadly foe. Next, the Drum Guardian, the base mechanics are complemented by faster attacks and the fact that the players will need to fight TWO Guardians at the same time. Constantly spawning units will attempt to activate the Drums located on the stage. If the Drum Guardian is near a drum that's playing, it will become invulnerable, if all drums are active at the same time... It's a team wipe. Then finally the Kuva Priestess, who guards the Void Coffin. Except there is also TWO of them. Throughout the fight, Kuva Carriers will try to deliver their payload to the Coffin in the center of the room. Stop them at all cost, as the Priestesses gain health regen and more attacks as the Coffin is filled (There is no way to decrease the charge percentage if a Carrier gets through). The Priestesses will not use the Power of Song attack at the same time, unless the Coffin is charged with Kuva to 50%. If the Coffin is fully charged, game over. Defeating both Priestesses completes the mission. 

Tip: Deal with the dual bosses by splitting the teams into two groups. Killing both enemies at the same time will cut the time spent fighting and decrease risk tied to the insta wipe mechanics.


Nightmare modifiers:

1. Hacking cannot be bypassed by ciphers.

2. The Kuva Bomb will explode on losing all charge, failing the mission automatically.

3. Each boss possesses a shield only destroyable by void damage.

4. Kuva Carriers possess a shield only destroyable by void damage.

5. Void Phantom spawns way more frequently.

6. There is less Drums in the Drum Guardian arena, but they cover a larger area with their aura; the Void Coffin needs less Kuva to be filled completely.

3. Killing the Immortal


Using the Naga Drum, the Tenno are transported to a secret location in the Void. This is where the Elder Queen has hidden her soul, her Oro.

In this short Assassination mission, Warframes cannot be used, the players will be only able to use the Operator mode (if the health is depleted, the Operator will enter bleed-out instead of returning to their Warframe).

The mission takes place in a small arena suspended in the Void. The Elder Queen's Orokin Form is the target. Killing her will complete the mission and the Trial.

The Elder Queen employs many different attacks, using her Kuva Scepter in melee, firing Void energy projectiles at range, teleporting around the arena, or summoning Kuva Phantoms, which will heal her and attack the Tenno. She can also use the modified version of the Power of Song, creating more waves than the Priestess with only one color, only difference being the sound.

After taking a certain amount of damage, the Queen will start summoning Void Phantoms (yes, multiples) who can deal devastating damage to the Operators, but can be destroyed. Each Phantom alive when the Queen start the Power of Song will act as another source of the waves.

Power of Song: Unique attack used by the Kuva Priestess the Elder Queen. Periodically, she will teleport to the center of the arena and unleash map-wide waves of energy (multiple waves in quick succession, amount of waves is based on her current hp). Those come in 2 colors, Red and Black, one color (WHITE), however, there are still TWO types of waves, each has it's unique sound cue (THE ONLY WAY TO DISCERN THE TYPE OF THE WAVE IS TO LISTEN TO THE SOUND CUES). Not passing through each wave properly deals either 50% of your maximum hp (Low sound) or outright downs you (High sound), this cannot be circumvented by any means. Low sound Waves have to be Void Dashed through, while the High sound Waves need to be hit by a Void Blast, then Void Dashed through. The Priestess The Queen is invulnerable during this attack.

Nightmare modifiers:

1. Void Phantoms spawn way more frequently.

2. Kuva Phantoms can only be destroyed with Void Dash.

3. Power of Song Low sound waves down instantly, while the High sound waves kill instantly.

So, yeah, this is my attempt at making a Trial. Large amount of cooperation is needed as well as proper gear and team composition. As said before, rewards might be made up at a later date, although if they come, it will be at least new arcanes/new system, a new warframe and some exclusive cosmetic swag (which I'd obviously draw).

Bonus points for those who know what I'm referencing with the Power of Song.

Coming next:


Grineer Reinforcements 3, Law of Retribution 2.0 and Vahd Special Force



WARNING: This is the end of the DEPRECATED, archived content.


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Edited by HugintheCrow
rework underway last update: 31.10.2019
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News Update:

Having been inspired by this (click for the original forum thread) great idea by @Loza03, I will now use (with their permission) a different damage scaling system than the one currently present in the game (This thread was always about an idealised, dream Warframe anyway). This is obviously a retroactive change, I'll go through my posts and edit them, who knows maybe I'll make a proper table of contents as well.

Enemies' damagenow  scales differently on unit-by-unit basis (e.g. Bombard scales harder than a Lancer). As making up values for units in this thread would be worthless without also assigning values to all already existing units in the game (which is too much for a single person), I've created this simple comparison system to at least approximate the threat levels a little.


Damage Comparison System:

Every custom unit in this thread will have 2 new values assigned to it. Those will be Base Damage and Damage Scaling.

Base Damage describes how powerful the unit is at it's base level (e.g. a Lancer has base level 1, so it would tell how strong is a level 1 Lancer).

Damage Scaling describes how strongly the damage increases with each level the unit gains (Keep in mind that a unit with low Base Damage but high Scaling will easily overpower a unit with reverse stats in the "endgame" level bracket).

As I said, I will NOT use numerical values, nor will the values I will use 100% accurate and exact, they are meant to be approximations.

The values are:

for Base Damage:

PAWN: represents a unit comparable to a Lancer or a Roller, disposable cannon fodder, meant to spawn (and die) in droves;

KNIGHT: represents a "squad leader"-type unit like a Commander or a Seeker, with better weapons than the mooks, but still not very threatening;

BISHOP: represents a stronger unit like a Elite Lancer or a Scorch, an elite of sorts;

ROOK: represents a powerful and dangerous unit, like a Napalm or Trooper;

QUEEN: represents an extremely dangerous unit, like a Balista or a Bombard;

(Keep in mind the above descriptions assume the unit is at a base level and they are probably fighting a player who just started out)

for Damage Scaling:

PAWN: represents a unit comparable to a Lancer or a Roller, disposable cannon fodder, meant to spawn (and die) in droves, no matter what level;

KNIGHT: represents a stronger, but still very common unit like an Elite Lancer or a Seeker, with better weapons than the mooks, but still not very threatening in the endgame;

BISHOP: represents a stronger unit like a Balista or a Scorch, an elite of sorts, a higher priority should be given to these at high levels;

ROOK: represents a powerful and dangerous unit, like a Napalm or Trooper, a high danger to the players these should be dispatched very fast;

QUEEN: represents an extremely dangerous unit, like a Heavy Gunner or a Bombard, a near guarantee of death to an unwary player, this is how peak enemy performance looks like;

(Keep in mind the above descriptions assume the unit is of very high, most likely sortie-tier level)


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Edited by HugintheCrow
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Random weapon suggestion, don't know where you'd use it, but hope you like it:

The Zorch - A Grineer Heavy Plasmacaster

"A crude but effective apparatus, capable of discharging explosive globs of searing plasma over long distances. Inaccurate but powerful, dealing high heat damage."


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8 minutes ago, DrMegavolt said:

Random weapon suggestion, don't know where you'd use it, but hope you like it:

The Zorch - A Grineer Heavy Plasmacaster

"A crude but effective apparatus, capable of discharging explosive globs of searing plasma over long distances. Inaccurate but powerful, dealing high heat damage."


Sounds fun enough. How do you imagine it feeling when you use it?

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Sounds fun enough. How do you imagine it feeling when you use it?

In a word: BZORCH!

I'm not sure exactly how it would work, but it barfs out these big blasts of fiery plasma, which would streak across the battlefield and explode, ideal for immolating crowds?

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1 hour ago, DrMegavolt said:

Random weapon suggestion, don't know where you'd use it, but hope you like it:

The Zorch - A Grineer Heavy Plasmacaster

"A crude but effective apparatus, capable of discharging explosive globs of searing plasma over long distances. Inaccurate but powerful, dealing high heat damage."


That does look pretty cool. You got the Grineer esthetic down.

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2 minutes ago, DrMegavolt said:

though the magazine is ripped straight from the Grakata.

Ah, yes, I used it in some guns as well, it definitely helps sell the weapon as a Grineer one. Another fairly recognisable magazine is the one used on Grin/Mareloks and Ignis.

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11 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Ah, yes, I used it in some guns as well, it definitely helps sell the weapon as a Grineer one. Another fairly recognisable magazine is the one used on Grin/Mareloks and Ignis.

I've done that sort of thing before too. I don't know what a lot of components on Warframe guns do - I don't know if ANYONE does - so I've copied a lot of stuff, like the little nub things on the side of the Knell or Tigris. Like so. 

There's more, but I can't name it off the top of my head.

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Another sketch and idea of mine for you use, should you so choose: the Grimpler, a Grineer construct composed of a disembodied head and organs, built into a quadrupedal, spiderlike robotic shell with a dorsal Grinlok turret. It can leap across rooms and climb walls, ceilings, and other map geometry, and generally tries to stay back and take potshots with its turret, but if forced into melee, it has toxin injector fangs with low damage but a guaranteed Toxin proc.


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On 2018-09-30 at 8:41 PM, HugintheCrow said:

News Update:

Having been inspired by this (click for the original forum thread) great idea by @Loza03, I will now use (with their permission) a different damage system than the one currently present in the game (This thread was always about an idealised, dream Warframe anyway). This is obviously a retroactive change, I'll go through my posts and edit them, who knows maybe I'll make a proper table of contents as well.

To get the full picture, head to the previously linked thread, but to list the general pointers:

1. Certain weapons (mostly non-aoe, single shot ones) gain Piercing stat, which governs their ability to ignore a % of target's armor or in case of a shielded unit, a % of the target's shield-defense (more on that in point 2.);

2. Shields on enemies now decrease all damage taken by health as long as the shield is up. I call this shield-defense (^).

3. Enemies' damage scales differently on unit-by-unit basis (e.g. Bombard scales harder than a Lancer). As making up values for units in this thread would be worthless without also assigning values to all already existing units in the game (which is too much for a single person), I've created this simple comparison system to at least approximate the threat levels a little.


Damage Comparison System:

Every custom unit in this thread will have 2 new values assigned to it. Those will be Base Damage and Damage Scaling.

Base Damage describes how powerful the unit is at it's base level (e.g. a Lancer has base level 1, so it would tell how strong is a level 1 Lancer).

Damage Scaling describes how strongly the damage increases with each level the unit gains (Keep in mind that a unit with low Base Damage but high Scaling will easily overpower a unit with reverse stats in the "endgame" level bracket).

As I said, I will NOT use numerical values, nor will the values I will use 100% accurate and exact, they are meant to be approximations.

The values are:

for Base Damage:

PAWN: represents a unit comparable to a Lancer or a Roller, disposable cannon fodder, meant to spawn (and die) in droves;

KNIGHT: represents a "squad leader"-type unit like a Commander or a Seeker, with better weapons than the mooks, but still not very threatening;

BISHOP: represents a stronger unit like a Elite Lancer or a Scorch, an elite of sorts;

ROOK: represents a powerful and dangerous unit, like a Napalm or Trooper;

QUEEN: represents an extremely dangerous unit, like a Balista or a Bombard;

(Keep in mind the above descriptions assume the unit is at a base level and they are probably fighting a player who just started out)

for Damage Scaling:

PAWN: represents a unit comparable to a Lancer or a Roller, disposable cannon fodder, meant to spawn (and die) in droves, no matter what level;

KNIGHT: represents a stronger, but still very common unit like an Elite Lancer or a Seeker, with better weapons than the mooks, but still not very threatening in the endgame;

BISHOP: represents a stronger unit like a Balista or a Scorch, an elite of sorts, a higher priority should be given to these at high levels;

ROOK: represents a powerful and dangerous unit, like a Napalm or Trooper, a high danger to the players these should be dispatched very fast;

QUEEN: represents an extremely dangerous unit, like a Heavy Gunner or a Bombard, a near guarantee of death to an unwary player, this is how peak enemy performance looks like;

(Keep in mind the above descriptions assume the unit is of very high, most likely sortie-tier level)

(Heavy sigh) Dear sir, how I wish the thought crossed Digital's mind early in production. Saw it as an excellent proposal two years ago, see it as a worthy one now. Makes me wonder if we can "Prime-Time" it via some clever art.

5 hours ago, DrMegavolt said:

Another sketch and idea of mine for you use, should you so choose: the Grimpler, a Grineer construct composed of a disembodied head and organs, built into a quadrupedal, spiderlike robotic shell with a dorsal Grinlok turret. It can leap across rooms and climb walls, ceilings, and other map geometry, and generally tries to stay back and take potshots with its turret, but if forced into melee, it has toxin injector fangs with low damage but a guaranteed Toxin proc.


Ah, aiming for the macabre route for Grin design Mr./Ms. Volt? Heh, have I got a cast for you to meet!

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Small update:

As it is written in the topic's title, I'm currently working on a Lore-based expansion.

What this means is that I'll be adding a lot of non-gameplay info about the society and culture of the Grineer. This is going to be the most non-canon* thing here yet. (Yay for more fanfiction!)

I'll admit I'm kind of burnt out on mechanical design and stat-crunching, so I intend on going full-fluff mode for some time. Expect dozens of new characters and some new locations as well. Gotta flesh out that High Council at some point, right?

*I'll probably be going straight against canon at some points too, whenever I fell something's poorly/not at all explained in-game.

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4 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Small update:

As it is written in the topic's title, I'm currently working on a Lore-based expansion.

What this means is that I'll be adding a lot of non-gameplay info about the society and culture of the Grineer. This is going to be the most non-canon* thing here yet. (Yay for more fanfiction!)

I'll admit I'm kind of burnt out on mechanical design and stat-crunching, so I intend on going full-fluff mode for some time. Expect dozens of new characters and some new locations as well. Gotta flesh out that High Council at some point, right?

*I'll probably be going straight against canon at some points too, whenever I fell something's poorly/not at all explained in-game.

No rush, but I can't wait to see what you come up with - this sounds interesting!

Edited by DrMegavolt
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