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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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8 minutes ago, (XB1)Turaglas said:

I know they're metal.  They're also terrible as weapon concepts because chainsaws don't offer mechanical leverage to aid in melee combat.  Which is why a heat spike or a radiation spike would be more beneficial as a bayonet.  

What about a dual torque chain saw? One that has blades that go in opposite directions for that nasty "chewing" effect? If they do it les with "serrated teeth" and more "individually wrought metal spikes", I bet it'll sink in just fine.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Turaglas said:

I'm not particularly fond of the forum but it's infinitely better than Bethesda's.

Been musing heavier concepts of Ignis and Harpak.

Dare I ask how "low" Bethesdas could be? 


Also, hm, bigger burn and "More Moby" harpoons eh? I can definitly see the first in the form of, say, a Rukgun.


I'm currently on a pause myself of forum quoting before I dive into my next weapon, the Psigun. An eclectic little piece, I gotta say.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Like the speargun from Bioshock 2? 😛

Ell, with the sudden appearance of Archgun hand-helds, perhaps it'd BE a Moby Whaling Device! Something to hunt Lephantis in space as a grizzled Hydroid.

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1 hour ago, Unus said:

Ell, with the sudden appearance of Archgun hand-helds, perhaps it'd BE a Moby Whaling Device! Something to hunt Lephantis in space as a grizzled Hydroid.

Like this thing?

I feel like with Archwing handhelds opening up so many more options, now I can do so many more fun things.

I'm gonna make a TAU CANNON. And before @Almighty_Jado asks, YES. YES IT IS

7 hours ago, Unus said:

Dare I ask how "low" Bethesdas could be? 



It's Bethesda. If there's anything I've learned from a certain game (you know what) it's that Bethesda doesn't settle for simple rock bottom, they drill themselves deep into the earth's core.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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4 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Like this thing?

I feel like with Archwing handhelds opening up so many more options, now I can do so many more fun things.

I'm gonna make a TAU CANNON. And before @Almighty_Jado asks, YES. YES IT IS


It's Bethesda. If there's anything I've learned from a certain game (you know what) it's that Bethesda doesn't settle for simple rock bottom, they drill themselves deep into the earth's core.

I imagine so, perhaps loaded with bigger ammo, given the size of the system's horrors and how long they've been around.

Poor game interns. Wonder if they see any of the extra money the company wrings from Fallout's udders, or if the investors only get all the cream?

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9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

@(XB1)Turaglas @Unus @(XB1)Fluffywolf36 @Almighty_Jado I'd like to ask you to keep discussion on topic. For unrelated posts, you can use general discussion, or private messages.

Understood sir. What started as a discussion about chainsaw/solid bayonet hybrids became promptly derailed by visitation by the fellow you mentioned, kinda went off the rails from there.

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Small Update:

1. Lots of mini-changes and updates to a wide variety of units have been rolled out.


a) Nano-Fiber Mesh-type armor has been added to several units from earlier updates, e.g. Regor-unique enemies now possess 100 N-F Mesh, making them immune to damage over time effects, at least until that armor is removed (reminder: only removable after all other armor has been removed first). Other units include Drakkar and Krall uniques as well as most Inner Sanctum elites.

b) Added enemy-unique status info to enemies who can proc said effects. See below for details.

c) As always, any typos and mistakes (e.g. Assault Trooper was mentioned to use EMP nades, but only in the "lore" description, now they have it as an ability as originally intended) I saw have been pruned.

Also, mentioning older changes that I didn't highlight before:

d) The before-mentioned glossary has been started out, most important head-canon terminology is explained there.

e) Kuva Inferno has been renamed to Kuva Hellchariot, for reasons...

2. Partially in preparation for the quickly incoming Vallis Invasions, I came up with some (still work in progress)  enemy-exclusive status effects. These can be inflicted by certain units on unwary Tenno.

Enemy Status Effects:

Instead of randomly proccing, damage dealt by certain enemies causes a "build-up" bar (if you played Dark Souls you know what I mean) to appear, when the bar is full, the status effect activates. The bar depletes overtime when not taking damage.

Effects (this list will expand as I come up with new effects)



Suppression: Tenno affected by Suppression lose 75% parkour and slide speed for the duration for the effect. Additionally, double jump is disabled and Operator is forced to go into Void Mode, as long as they have energy. This effect ends instantly if the unit that applied it dies.

This effect can currently be applied by e.g.:

Grineer: Suppressors (duh...), Kuszas, Bastions, Stormfuries and Tusk Heavy Gunners;

Corpus: Suppressor MOA (duh...), Vice-Hunter Ospreys and Tumblers;


Shredded: Tenno affected by Shredded lose 1 (one) point of armor every time they take damage. The armor loss lasts until this effect ends. Additionally, Bleed effect deals 10% more damage to the affected Tenno.

This effect can currently be applied by e.g.:

Grineer: Heavy Gunners and any of their variants, Sacrifice Armors and Noxes;

Corpus: Heavy Assault MOAs and any of their variants, Void-Ripper Hyenas and Elite Lions;


Power-Down: Tenno affected by Power-Down are immediately forced to Transference out. For a short duration, affected Tenno cannot Transference in. If Operator dies during this period, their Warframe is instantly downed.

This effect can currently be applied by: Ghast Anihillators.


Nullifier Strain: Tenno affected by Nullifier Strain will become staggered the moment they attempt to cast a power. This effect drains more rapidly while Transferenced out.

This effect can currently be applied by e.g.: Temple Elite Strikers, Temple Nullifier Snipers and the High-TechPriest Stomas Klan;



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See you soon on the Vallis, besieged by the Grineer Yeti Special Tusk* Force.



*Get it? It's a Special Task Force, but Tusk.

Edited by HugintheCrow
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On 2018-11-08 at 11:22 PM, HugintheCrow said:




NEF ANYO! You thought you could hide your precious Orb Vallis from us. But you FAILED!

I knew the Tenno MAGGOTS would lead me directly into your little "business" operation!

My FOMORIANS are already on the way to burn you to molten SLAG! You will PAY for your treachery!




Let's get into it.

Operation Payback:


(used warframe promotional materials, my own captura shots and fan-made font found here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/880893-warframe-logo-fan-font/)

The Grineer did not forget Nef Anyo's treachery during the events of Tubemen of Regor. Now, that his lucrative business on Orb Vallis has been revealed, it is time for the Corpus to reap what they sowed. Vay Hek seeing an opportunity to redeem himself, launches an overwhelming invasion force towards Venus. In response, AnyoCorp has sent out a public broadcast, promising wealth and favour to those who help defend the Vallis.

"Tenno, while the Grineer are obviously not our allies, weakening Nef could help our friends in Fortuna. At the same time, we can't let the Empire to impose themselves as the new owners of the Solaris. You'll have to use your better judgement to choose which side to help." - High Lotus Councillor Nucifer

What you need to do:

For the duration of this event, Orb Vallis will be invaded by Grineer Yeti Special Tusk Force. These soldiers are specifically trained in open-area combat and feature new units, weapons and tactics. *When Railjack launches, new missions on the orbit will be added to this concept*

You'll need to complete unique bounties, accessible through specific NPC's.

As with all Grineer vs Corpus invasions, you need to choose your side. Speak with Eudico to contact Nef Anyo directly and access Corpus-aligned bounties or talk to Hrull Kor (who will apppear on the right to the Orb Vallis lift inside Fortuna) to access the Grineer-aligned ones. Completing bounties grants event standing to be used for buying rewards from respective bounty-givers.

Players can choose to spend all their standing for rewards, or save up and advance to the next level of the event "syndicates", unlocking NIGHTMARE BOUNTIES. These bounties are not only level 80-100 from the get go, they will also feature dangerous modifiers and greater rewards.

IMPORTANT: Final rewards are given after the event completes, completing bounties for one side LOWERS the standing with the other faction.

Hrull Kor:




This Grineer veteran is part of the Tusk High Command and has been tasked with overseeing the Yeti Special Tusk Force operations on Orb Vallis.




General Notes:

Each Bounty has three stages, with each stage granting standing on completion (it is not necessary to complete the full bounty, but similarly to Profit-Taker Heists bounties, you only get actual item rewards at the end). NIGHTMARE bounties grant an item reward after each stage.



Protect Corpus Director:

Stage 1: Locate the Director

Mission Type: Rescue

Description: The Director has locked themselves in a secure panic room somewhere in this facility what they don't know, the enemy already has the codes to open the lock. Find the Grineer with the codes, take them, and secure the VIP.

Details: The Grineer who possesses a code is always a special eximus unit. This mission has time limit.

NIGHTMARE modifiers: There is multiple possible panic rooms, each with a matching code. The Director is obviously in one of those, you don't know which, the enemies seem to do.

Stage 2: Escort the VIP

Mission Type: Hijack/Escort

Description: Escort the Director to a suitable evac zone. His vehicle has been sabotaged by the enemy and so it will need to be powered by the Warframes shields to work.

Details: More anti-vehicle enemies can be found in this stage.

NIGHTMARE modifiers: If the vehicle stands still for too long, the enemy calls down artillery on it, automatically losing the mission. There are mines on the road.

Stage 3: Secure Evac

Mission Type: Operative Defense/Secure Area

Description: The Evacuation vessel is currently on route to the Director's location, however to land, it will need to have an evac zone secured. Protect the VIP from harm and remove all enemies in the area, before the vessel has come.

Details: A certain amount of enemies needs to be defeated before timer runs out.

NIGHTMARE modifiers: The Director can't be downed, they will die instantly. 


Protect AA Gun:

Stage 1: Defend the Gun

Mission Type: Defense

Description: Defend one of the Anti-Air cannons that protect the Vallis' skies.

Details: The Gun Crew needs to be defended as well.

NIGHTMARE modifiers: The Gun Crew can't be downed, they will die instantly.

Stage 2: Clear the Supply Route

Mission Type: Mobile Defense

Description: The enemy blocked the resupply routes, so the cannon will soon run out of ammo. This must not happen.

Details: Each Barricade acts like a Mobile Defense target, deploy bombs to destroy them.

NIGHTMARE modifiers: The cannon needs to be defended as well. The Gun Crew can't be downed, they will die instantly.

Stage 3: Final Reinforcements

Mission Type: Assassination

Description: The enemy deployed a heavy vehicle to destroy the AA Gun. That vehicle cannot reach the cannon.

Details: A Markaba MBT is the assassination target.

NIGHTMARE modifiers: There are multiple Tanks, each coming from a different direction.


Wipe out Enemy encampment:

Stage 1: Locate the Camp

Mission Type: Exterminate/Capture

Description: The enemy has made a hidden camp somewhere in the area. It needs to be removed before they entrench themselves too heavily.

Details: A large enemy force has to defeated and their leader captured to learn the position of the camp.

NIGHTMARE modifiers: Strict time limit is added to the mission, multiple possible capture targets are shown on the map.

Stage 2: Raid the Location

Mission Type: Exterminate/Defense

Description: With the position of the camp known, it's time to assault it before they either reinforce it, or evacuate.

Details: A certain amount of enemies need to be destroyed in the specified location, then a Corpus Bombardment Beacon need to be defended against a certain amount of reinforcements.

NIGHTMARE modifiers: Strict time limit is added to the mission. The Beacon no longer regenerates shields nor hp.

Stage 3: Round up the Remains

Mission Type: Exterminate/Assassination

Description: All remaining enemies must be routed. Additionally, an important commander has been sighted leaving the site, they must be eliminated.


NIGHTMARE modifiers: Strict time limit is added to the mission, the Camp Commander spawns at level 155.


Destroy Siege Weapon:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Secure Assets:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Kill Enemy Commander:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Kill an Assassin:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 




Assassinate Corpus Director:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Destroy AA Battery:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Secure a Landing Area:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Deploy Siege Weapons:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Steal Assets:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Protect Grineer Commander:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 


Steal Experimental Technology:

Stage 1: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 2: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 

Stage 3: 

Mission Type: 



NIGHTMARE modifiers: 



What you need to know:

The event behaves like Ghoul Incursions in how each bounty completed changes the percentage on the progress bar. However, the bar starts out at 50%, each Corpus bounty decreases it , while each Grineer bounty increases it. When the bar reaches either 0% or 100% the event completes.

Each NPC has 5 bounties of increasing level at all times. These shuffle periodically just like normal ones do. The general mission layout of each specific bounty is the same every time, but there are things that can be different.

Yeti Special Tusk Force units:


(disclaimer: several Yeti units use a Scrabba pistol, originally created by @(XB1)Fluffywolf36 here: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/841974-fluffys-warframe-concepts-drawings-of-weapons-and-enemies/?do=findComment&comment=10335434)

Most basic Grineer units come as Yeti variants, obviously. Their equipment is changed though, here are the changes:

Yeti Lancer: equipped with Hind/Scrabba/Skulbak

Yeti Elite Lancer: equipped with Grinlok/Scrabba/Halikar

Yeti Trooper: equipped with Pankor/Arpiga/Skulbak

Yeti Butcher: dual wields Machete and Prova

Yeti Scorpion: equipped with a Krohkur

Yeti Seeker: equipped with Flarkan/Sheev

Yeti Bombard: Electrotechnic Ogris (like the retired Spark enemy)

Yeti Heavy Gunner: equipped like the Tusk variant

Yeti Mortar Bombard: equipped like the Tusk variant

Yeti Predator: equipped like the Tusk variant

Yeti Brute: equipped like the Tusk variant


Yeti Assailant:




Assailants specialise in hit and run strikes, able to quickly teleport in and out of combat, while delivering lethal finishers to Corpus units. Even unwary Tenno might find themselves on the sharp side of their blade.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Melee: Finisher: This unit can perform finishers.

Design Notes:

Don't let them blindside you.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis

Weapons: Murdahuk

Abilities: Stealth Finisher, Teleport

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Cloned Flesh: 200


Ferrite Armor: 100

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 150

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Scorpion droptable

Yeti Interceptor:




Wielding the freshly field-tested Demoloks, Interceptors have a simple job: destroying any and all Corpus reinforcement vehicles. They are so focused on wrecking them, they will actively avoid combat with normal units, but if cornered, their anti-materiel rifle can deal great damage to all targets. 

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Anti-Vehicular Combat: This unit deals massively increased damage against vehicles.

Grenade: EMP Grenade: This unit can throw EMP grenades, which detonate after short delay, disabling electronical units and proccing 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic status effect on all units in the radius.

Design Notes:

While enemies are generally bad at killing each other due to their comparatively low damage, the Interceptor gains a huge bonus to damage when attacking vehicles. If you start seeing Condors exploding everywhere, it's these guys' fault. For balancing reasons, they have the same delay before firing as Ballistas.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis

Weapons: Demolok/Skulbak

Abilities: EMP Grenade

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Cloned Flesh: 200


Ferrite Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 150

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Ballista droptable

Yeti Tech:




Coming from the Korsars, the Techs are specialists trained to disrupt the Corpus proxies. They achieve this by either directly hacking into them, turning them to their side, or just wrecking them with their trusty anti-robotic pistol. They will often attempt to race the player to the data vault during Spy bounties, which can result in mission failure if they win.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Grenade: EMP Grenade: This unit can throw EMP grenades, which detonate after short delay, disabling electronical units and proccing 18?cb=20140124221429 Magnetic status effect on all units in the radius.

Ability: Hack Systems: This unit can hack any consoles available.

Design Notes:

Adapted from the Korsar Tech.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis

Weapons: Scrabba/Data-Kraker Sheev

Abilities: EMP Grenade, Hack

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Cloned Flesh: 100


Ferrite Armor: 100

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Artificial Limbs: 0.25x

Base Affinity: 100

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Commander droptable

Yeti Brutalizer:




The powerful Brutalizer is a heavily re-augmented Brute, wielding the strength of several artillery pieces at once. Realizing that dropping siege equipment can be difficult during an open conflict, the Tusk High Command elected to design this unit. Instead of artillery being dropped for the soldiers, these soldiers ARE the artillery. Their equipment is basically the whole catalogue of Grineer heavy guns: Prototype Railgun used by the Javelins, Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon and 3 miniaturized Hellstorm Mortars allow this unit to engage targets at all ranges.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Movement: Jetpack: Using their Jetpack Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Melee: Seismic Shockwave: This unit can smash the ground to knockdown all nearby opponents.

Design Notes:

This guys are pretty rare, but they bring a lot of pain.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis

Weapons: Arm-mounted Railgun, Arm-mounted Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon, 3x Hellstorm Mortar

Abilities: Seismic Shockwave, Jetpack

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Ferrite Armor: 800


Ferrite Armor: 600

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.5x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 300

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans:3

Mod Drops: Grineer Powerfist droptable

Yeti Beacon Trooper:




These Close Combat troops carry powerful Itaka shotguns into the fray.Their armor is equipped with triangulator device, allowing them to become walking teleport beacons for the Grineer waiting in orbit, spearheading offensive operations. In short, these guys are never alone. They can also use the beacon to teleport themselves around.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Companion: Teleport Reinforcements: This unit can summon random Yeti Grineer units, whenever it wishes.

Design Notes:

Their beacon acts somewhat like the Corpus ones, but faster-acting and can be destroyed as well.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis

Weapons: Itaka/Skulbak

Abilities: Teleport, Summon Reinforcements

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 400

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Commander droptable

Yeti Sharpshooter:




Sharpshooters are veteran soldiers trained and equipped to perfectly abuse the conditions of areas such as the Vallis. Their Flarkans allow them to quickly mark targets for their allies and then proceed to suppress the enemy with the automatic marksman carbine, the Finkar, so they can't escape.

Able to inflict Suppression effect on their targets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Mark Target: Nearby Grineer are more likely to focus on this unit's target.

Design Notes:

Their gun, Finkar is a reference to Finnish snipers and their fight against the Soviets in 1939-1940. Interestingly enough, this unit is the first male-model sniper in the Grineer army.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis

Weapons: Finkar and Flarkan/Skulbak

Abilities: Mark Target

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200


Ferrite Armor: 300

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 200

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Ballista droptable

Strider Gyro-Jet Bike (vehicle):




Striders are very fast and manouverable Gyro-Jets, able to turn on the spot. Their main gun is able to rip through fleshy targets, allowing the driver to support their aliies with heavy fire.

Able to inflict Shredded effect on their targets.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Nitro Boost: This unit can greatly increase it's speed.

Design Notes:

Pilot drawn above the vehicle to scale. Not really a unit, but it is often used by the Yeti forces to move around the Vallis quickly. It IS hijackable.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis

Weapons: Heavy Machine Gun

Abilities: Nitro Boost

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Machinery: 350


Alloy Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: 100

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: N/A

Scrambler Ball:




The Scrambler Ball is not an independent unit, but instead a deployable drone, akin to the Gunball I made earlier (it can be randomly carried by soldiers, like the Blunts are). The Scrambler will, after short deploying animation, attempt to disable all Robotic enemies in a medium radius. Interestingly, nearby Scrambler Balls boost each others' range. If the Ball is in a pool of Coolant/Water, it will electrify it.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Disable Robotic: This unit disables any enemy with Robotic health type.

Design Notes:

Another deployable, I find them an interesting addition to the enemy arsenal. Their effect can disable Sentinels and Legs-made MOAs too.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis

Weapons: N/A

Abilities: Disable Robotic

Base Damage: N/A

Damage Scaling: N/A


Machinery: 50


Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: N/A

Base Affinity: N/A

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: N/A

Vala's Flower/Kwarr Assassin:




While not technically part of the Yeti Special Tusk Force, this unit's first appearance coincides with the Operation Payback. These elites are trained personally by Vala Kwarr, one of the New-Breed Councillors. Supremely equipped, they can delete targets of importance in moments. Their training lets them avoid any instant-death mechanics (including falling out of the map, they will just teleport out).

Able to inflict Suppression effect on their targets (with their smoke grenades). 

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Always Alerted: This unit cannot be made unalerted and always spawns as alerted.

Innate: Detect Invisibility: When suspicious or alerted, this unit gains True Sight.

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Grenade: Suppressing-Smoke Grenade: This unit can throw Suppressing-Smoke grenades, which detonate after short delay, stunning all units in the radius, disabling usage of any abilities and creating a temporary smoke screen.

Ability: Invisibility: This unit can turn Invisible.

Ability: Dispel: This unit can attempt to remove effects of Warframe abilities.

Design Notes:

These don't show up normally, but will appear during certain bounties and can spawn in any normal mission after it has been invaded by the G3.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Orb Vallis/ Any Grineer mission

Weapons: Klensak and Miserikordia

Abilities: Invisibility, Detect Invisibility, Teleport, Dispel, Suppressing-Smoke Grenades, Always Alerted

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Cloned Flesh: 300


Composite Armor: 450

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: 

Other Drops: Klensak Blueprint, Miserikordia Blueprint



Just a heads up: It might take me some time for me to even start thinking about rewards. TBH, I'm not really that interested in coming up with them, mostly for reasons that I've already talked about in my other post, regarding the Trial rewards (LINK). Still, might revisit this in the future.

Corpus side:



Grineer side:




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Edited by HugintheCrow
work in progress (unit descriptions and stats rolled out)
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Feels like Gradivus Dilemma 2.0! Or depending on how you look at Tubemen of Regor, 3.0?

I have to admit. It's an interesting idea. It's a genuinely challenging dilemma. Do I weaken Nef with the chance of helping the Solaris but at great risk to them...

...Or strengthen Nef, also at great risk? It's genuinely worrying to think about. I want to say I'd fight off the Grineer, but then I - and the Business - might have doubts about how that works.



The Business: "We're stopping a blow to Nef? I understand your concern for us, but I worry a bit about what he'll do if he and the Board think everything's fine and he won..."
Eudico: "You said it yourself. Nothing we do will make him kind. It's a risk to let this happen, but then it might just be a bigger risk not to let Anyo get his nose bloodied."
The Business: "Very well. I just worry, is all."


Also, another idea for an interesting mechanic we could add in for bonus Solaris or Vox Solaris standing:


The Business: "With the invasion going on, Aug breakdowns are common and replacements are scarce. But young Legs had a solution. And, ghoulish though it may be, I can't deny its practicality. I need you to... repo... some limbs from the Grineer. Provide them to Solaris in need. It'll go a long way towards paying debts for us to have this many as backup."

And so, if you do this, random Solaris will be spotted with Grineer-made legs and arms. 😛



9 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

One reward - possibly a drop, possibly a bounty reward - could be a Scrabba blueprint. 

(Scrabba information is placed below, spoilered, for the sake of good taste. TL;DR for all of y'alls, the Scrabba is an EMP shotgun pistol made to take down clustered groups of proxies. As inspired by modern "Drone-killer" guns. I was gonna make it do radiation damage, but the thought of electric, magnetic, and puncture damage for the sake of fun with acronyms was too funny to resist.)

(Plus, radiation would make it feel too Plasmor.)


Grineer 'Scrabba' EMP Shotgun Pistol


"Harkonnar Production Zone anti-proxy EMP shotgun. Useful against swarms of MOAs, Ospreys... and unwary Tenno."

Total Damage: 213
    Electric: 66
    Magnetic: 91
    Puncture: 41
    Impact: 15
Crit Chance: 16%
Crit Multiplier: 2.0x
Status Chance: 26%
Fire Rate: 4.3 rounds per second
Damage Falloff Full damage up to 11.0m
                    Min damage at 26.0 m
                    81% max reduction
Maximum Range: 28m
Near-infinite enemy punch-through. 
NOTE: As this acts like a baby plasmor, this means it has virtually no penetration of hard surfaces, such as cover or doorways. 

Rathuum Augment: Atomic Pulse: Explodes with blast and radiation damage on kills.

Oh, and by the way: If you need to use any of my other Grineer firearms (like the Volsk) you're always welcome.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Feels like Gradivus Dilemma 2.0! Or depending on how you look at Tubemen of Regor, 3.0?

I have to admit. It's an interesting idea. It's a genuinely challenging dilemma. Do I weaken Nef with the chance of helping the Solaris but at great risk to them...

...Or strengthen Nef, also at great risk? It's genuinely worrying to think about. I want to say I'd fight off the Grineer, but then I - and the Business - might have doubts about how that works.

Also, another idea for an interesting mechanic we could add in for bonus Solaris or Vox Solaris standing:

And so, if you do this, random Solaris will be spotted with Grineer-made legs and arms. 😛



One reward - possibly a drop, possibly a bounty reward - could be a Scrabba blueprint. 

(Scrabba information is placed below, spoilered, for the sake of good taste. TL;DR for all of y'alls, the Scrabba is an EMP shotgun pistol made to take down clustered groups of proxies. As inspired by modern "Drone-killer" guns. I was gonna make it do radiation damage, but the thought of electric, magnetic, and puncture damage for the sake of fun with acronyms was too funny to resist.)

(Plus, radiation would make it feel too Plasmor.)

  Reveal hidden contents

Grineer 'Scrabba' EMP Shotgun Pistol


"Harkonnar Production Zone anti-proxy EMP shotgun. Useful against swarms of MOAs, Ospreys... and unwary Tenno."

Total Damage: 213
    Electric: 66
    Magnetic: 91
    Puncture: 41
    Impact: 15
Crit Chance: 16%
Crit Multiplier: 2.0x
Status Chance: 26%
Fire Rate: 4.3 rounds per second
Damage Falloff Full damage up to 11.0m
                    Min damage at 26.0 m
                    81% max reduction
Maximum Range: 28m
Near-infinite enemy punch-through. 
NOTE: As this acts like a baby plasmor, this means it has virtually no penetration of hard surfaces, such as cover or doorways. 

Rathuum Augment: Atomic Pulse: Explodes with blast and radiation damage on kills.

Oh, and by the way: If you need to use any of my other Grineer firearms (like the Volsk) you're always welcome.

Some cool ideas here for sure, I like the patchwork Solaris.

Scrabba being a reward would mimic the way Stubba and Quadrakk are obtained, so yeah, does sound like a solid idea.


Also, sounds to me like you really took liking to The Business... Adding him to dialogues everywhere 😄.

Edited by HugintheCrow
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1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

Some cool ideas here for sure, I like the patchwork Solaris.


I figured they'd love having free prosthetics. The Solaris are price-gouged with every breath they take (almost certainly not hyperbole) so the thought of someone giving them possibly life-saving, massive-debt-saving necessities would be a godsend to them.

Plus, Grineer make them in bulk, and they're rated for the high stresses of combat. (Not, mind you, combat with a Tenno, but what is? 😛 ) It makes perfect sense.

1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

 Scrabba being a reward would mimic the way Stubba and Quadrakk are obtained, so yeah, does sound like a solid idea.


Exactly what I was thinking, there. ^~^

1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

Also, sounds to me like you really took liking to The Business... Adding him to dialogues everywhere 😄.

What can I say? He's a fun character. Wetworks guy with a mysterious past, never gave up on Solaris United, clearly has a lot of ingenuity to work with...

For real though. My arsenal's always up for your use if you need it.

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2 hours ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

Feels like Gradivus Dilemma 2.0! Or depending on how you look at Tubemen of Regor, 3.0?

I have to admit. It's an interesting idea. It's a genuinely challenging dilemma. Do I weaken Nef with the chance of helping the Solaris but at great risk to them...

...Or strengthen Nef, also at great risk? It's genuinely worrying to think about. I want to say I'd fight off the Grineer, but then I - and the Business - might have doubts about how that works.

Also, another idea for an interesting mechanic we could add in for bonus Solaris or Vox Solaris standing:

And so, if you do this, random Solaris will be spotted with Grineer-made legs and arms. 😛



One reward - possibly a drop, possibly a bounty reward - could be a Scrabba blueprint. 

(Scrabba information is placed below, spoilered, for the sake of good taste. TL;DR for all of y'alls, the Scrabba is an EMP shotgun pistol made to take down clustered groups of proxies. As inspired by modern "Drone-killer" guns. I was gonna make it do radiation damage, but the thought of electric, magnetic, and puncture damage for the sake of fun with acronyms was too funny to resist.)

(Plus, radiation would make it feel too Plasmor.)

  Reveal hidden contents

Grineer 'Scrabba' EMP Shotgun Pistol


"Harkonnar Production Zone anti-proxy EMP shotgun. Useful against swarms of MOAs, Ospreys... and unwary Tenno."

Total Damage: 213
    Electric: 66
    Magnetic: 91
    Puncture: 41
    Impact: 15
Crit Chance: 16%
Crit Multiplier: 2.0x
Status Chance: 26%
Fire Rate: 4.3 rounds per second
Damage Falloff Full damage up to 11.0m
                    Min damage at 26.0 m
                    81% max reduction
Maximum Range: 28m
Near-infinite enemy punch-through. 
NOTE: As this acts like a baby plasmor, this means it has virtually no penetration of hard surfaces, such as cover or doorways. 

Rathuum Augment: Atomic Pulse: Explodes with blast and radiation damage on kills.

Oh, and by the way: If you need to use any of my other Grineer firearms (like the Volsk) you're always welcome.

I'd actually been thinking about that for quite a while. Given that alotta Grin prosthetics are Corpus manufactured, I wonder if there are any shortages where Solarin parts enter the Grin network and vice-versa. Also brought up my ponderings as to the possibility of grinic raids for parts and vice-versa, those being an explanation for some of the combat history see in debtor data in grinic space.


Oh! That final bit, I can toss my hat in as well. Could even share a bit with you as the "Stubba Provider" and me as a sort of "Quartakk Provider".


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3 hours ago, Unus said:

Given that alotta Grin prosthetics are Corpus manufactured, I wonder if there are any shortages where Solarin parts enter the Grin network and vice-versa.

...Wait, they are? Huh. 

3 hours ago, Unus said:

I wonder if there are any shortages where Solarin parts enter the Grin network and vice-versa

That makes sense...

3 hours ago, Unus said:

possibility of grinic raids for parts and vice-versa,

Knowing that the Grineer are living on borrowed time, that's... worrying.

3 hours ago, Unus said:

Oh! That final bit, I can toss my hat in as well. Could even share a bit with you as the "Stubba Provider" and me as a sort of "Quartakk Provider".


I like the sound of that! I'll even do art of it if need be.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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1 hour ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...Wait, they are? Huh. 

That makes sense...

Knowing that the Grineer are living on borrowed time, that's... worrying.

I like the sound of that! I'll even do art of it if need be.

Yeah, at least, prior to the Gravidus deal-breaker. I'm honestly surprised they weren't able to reverse engineer a a droid out of their access to those prosthe. . . .ooooo. . .. . lightbulb.

Makes it even more terrifying considering the loss of our smooth talking doctor and his ancient wormy font of wisdom. With only a few sociopaths plus a shrieking midget with a love of making cannibalistic threats in charge, I wouldn't be surprised if a few leaders may give into raw pessimism and turn bandit under their leader's noses just to subsist. A leg ripped from here, an arm rendered stumpy from desperate yanking there, and no one to really care beyond a basic mention in an Anyo Corp infomercial. Yeesh.

Any attempts at pirating the Grins may actually provoke the response Mr. Crow has just recently implemented here in his thread-strand, given how secretly vulnerable they are right now. That, and, it continues Hek's long last childhood dream of a̶c̶q̶u̶i̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶l̶o̶t̶ ̶o̶f̶ ̶l̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶u̶i̶l̶d̶ ̶a̶ ̶d̶u̶d̶e̶-̶r̶a̶n̶c̶h̶ ̶o̶n̶  a fiefdom to permanently call his own.

Heh, in the end, it really depends on what Mr. Crow wants as an addition. I have plenty of weapons that are primaries and plenty of weapons that are Grineer. Sup to him whether he wants anything a mine or not. Otherwise, i'm more then content to say hello to a new crossfire map of absolutely epic proportions. I wonder if my Parapet Super-Heavy may be of use somewhere.


OH, and, in regards to Hrul Kor, is he incognito where hes standing outside of the Lift? "In the field", disguised as a worker perhaps? Might show his veteran nature via hiding in plain sight, something hes gained from years of experience that other Grins can only hope to dream of.

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10 hours ago, Unus said:

Oh! That final bit, I can toss my hat in as well. Could even share a bit with you as the "Stubba Provider" and me as a sort of "Quartakk Provider".

What do you have in mind?

5 hours ago, Unus said:

OH, and, in regards to Hrul Kor, is he incognito where hes standing outside of the Lift? "In the field", disguised as a worker perhaps? Might show his veteran nature via hiding in plain sight, something hes gained from years of experience that other Grins can only hope to dream of.

He's standing inside Fortuna, literally opposite of Eudico next to the lift entrance. I guess I should clarify that. His modified body looks less Grineer on purpose (notice the fact he has that open collar of helmetless Corpus Crewmen).

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6 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

What do you have in mind?

He's standing inside Fortuna, literally opposite of Eudico next to the lift entrance. I guess I should clarify that. His modified body looks less Grineer on purpose (notice the fact he has that open collar of helmetless Corpus Crewmen).

Well. . . mulling it over a bit, I have at least three options I feel could serve your cause.

The Soesh Sniper Rifle and it's surprise-attack capabilities. Something special from the ancient past, remade in cruder form by outsiders.

The extremely punchy Skelak shotgun and it's ultra-extreme punch-through capabilities, no cover being safe ever again.
Or, perhaps the Hekvox, a portable explosion in a neat little package which tends to leave foes as red smears on the landscape, maybe a set of legs if shot at the right angle?


There are several possibilities, but, in truth, it's whatever you need to fill the niche you desire. Earth's set was a submachine-secondary and a rifle, Venus' could very well be a shot pistol and a. . . something other then a rifle?


AHA! My suspicions proven true! I thought he had that look to him and that's what you were aiming for, but, I didn't want to slather my personal opinions about your work all over your digital face.

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54 minutes ago, Unus said:

Well. . . mulling it over a bit, I have at least three options I feel could serve your cause.

The Soesh Sniper Rifle and it's surprise-attack capabilities. Something special from the ancient past, remade in cruder form by outsiders.

The extremely punchy Skelak shotgun and it's ultra-extreme punch-through capabilities, no cover being safe ever again.
Or, perhaps the Hekvox, a portable explosion in a neat little package which tends to leave foes as red smears on the landscape, maybe a set of legs if shot at the right angle?


There are several possibilities, but, in truth, it's whatever you need to fill the niche you desire. Earth's set was a submachine-secondary and a rifle, Venus' could very well be a shot pistol and a. . . something other then a rifle?


AHA! My suspicions proven true! I thought he had that look to him and that's what you were aiming for, but, I didn't want to slather my personal opinions about your work all over your digital face.

I remember liking the Hekvox, also it is apprioprate, considering Hek's involvement. If you're cool with it, I might nab it. I guess I can picturefy* it too.


*draw it

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