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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

I remember liking the Hekvox, also it is apprioprate, considering Hek's involvement. If you're cool with it, I might nab it. I guess I can picturefy* it too.


*draw it

Up to you suh! Just don't tell Hek it's more an insult then a compliment, uck yuck.

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Operation Payback Update 0.x

Added all stats and descriptions for the Yeti Special Tusk Force units.

As always, fixed some typos around the thread.

Reorganised the way Grineer Councillors were presented, as well as adding all the ones I chose not before (mostly canon characters, or those that appeared in the thread before).

Link to the list in question: Click

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On 2018-12-23 at 7:53 AM, Unus said:

Makes it even more terrifying considering the loss of our smooth talking doctor and his ancient wormy font of wisdom. With only a few sociopaths plus a shrieking midget with a love of making cannibalistic threats in charge, I wouldn't be surprised if a few leaders may give into raw pessimism and turn bandit under their leader's noses just to subsist. A leg ripped from here, an arm rendered stumpy from desperate yanking there, and no one to really care beyond a basic mention in an Anyo Corp infomercial. Yeesh.

Any attempts at pirating the Grins may actually provoke the response Mr. Crow has just recently implemented here in his thread-strand, given how secretly vulnerable they are right now.

Actually, this is something I think I need to clarify.

In my opinion, too often (in canon materials) the villains are shown to be weak, or in some way inadequate to fight the Tenno. A good story has the evil forces feel overwhelming and the good guys have to try their hardest to eke out a win.

I think Corpus suffers the most form being extremely "cartoony" most of the time, Nef Anyo being a funny, crazy " bad capitalist", but Grineer have that too (Worm Queen acting like a spoiled brat, when she is confirmed to be a thousands-years-old Orokin noble; the Hek, DE?). Not saying Warframe needs to be serious all the time, but we got floofs (which I adore) to cover that. Could use the villains being slightly more imposing instead of being goofy, but largely useless.

In this thread, the Grineer are not weakened at all, in fact, they are way, I mean way stronger than what canon would show us. Lotus trying to stop Grineer from making energy guns in canon and only now they made Nukor? Way ahead of you, we are making prototype battleship-mountable Railguns.

We, Tenno, moved ahead, both story- and power-wise while both Grineer and Corpus are sitting at tech levels basically the same as they had at the start of the story. This is ridiculous, and I'm fixing it.

My Grineer have, as opposed to the Canon inactivity, made following strides in technology and development:

1. Partially reversed the Genetic degeneration, via the New-Breed program.

2. Successfully incorporated Kuva infusion as means to mass-produce elite troops (e.g. Brain-Linked used in tank production).

3. Built a complete fleet comprising of several types of powerful vessels, including dozens of Fomorians.

4. Plundered a sizeable amount of Orokin vaults, thanks to Sahra Regor's visions.

5. Developed esoteric weapons able to directly engage the Operators.

6. Accessed the full knowledge of Ballas' Vitruvian, thanks to Korsar troops stealing it from the player.


I know it's difficult to make the players feel directly threatened by those who they slaughter countless numbers of every day.

That is why I chose to threaten those that the players can't really guard forever.

Edited by HugintheCrow
remembered one more thing
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37 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

In my opinion, too often (in canon materials) the villains are shown to be weak, or in some way inadequate to fight the Tenno. A good story has the evil forces feel overwhelming and the good guys have to try their hardest to eke out a win.


...Agreed on both counts, honestly. There's only two villains I can think of that feel like they've... "backed up" their wins. The Sentients in general (I mean, they still have <spoiler>) and Ballas.

Granted, we finally get to stab him, but not until after the events of the Sacrifice. Meanwhile, Salad V was threatening... 

at first... but then he received a dizzying humiliation conga during the Gradivus Dilemma. Anyo has a lot of pull and there's what he's done in Fortuna (which does help) but he's gotten a pretty humiliating defeat twice. Also, when it comes to the Grineer, we are literally in their base, killing their doods.

There's more I can say, but I gotta go. Long story short the reason the Sentients and Ballas actually have weight to me is because they’ve actually won.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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3 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

...Agreed on both counts, honestly. There's only two villains I can think of that feel like they've... "backed up" their wins. The Sentients in general (I mean, they still have

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) and Ballas. Granted, we finally get to stab him, but not until after the events of the Sacrifice. Meanwhile, Salad V was threatening... 

at first... but then he received a dizzying humiliation conga during the Gradivus Dilemma. Anyo has a lot of pull and there's what he's done in Fortuna (which does help) but he's gotten a pretty humiliating defeat twice. Also, when it comes to the Grineer, we are literally in their base, killing their doods.

There's more I can say, but I gotta go. Long story short the reason the

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in which we lost

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was so shocking to me was because we lost.

It might be just me, but I think your post machine broke there.

Wouldn't be the first time I see the forums do something weird to posts.

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12 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

There's only two villains I can think of that feel like they've... "backed up" their wins. The Sentients in general...

I definitely agree with this. It feels as if Sentients basically stole all power and story momentum from everyone else (on the villain side, anyway), honestly.

While it makes sense that they would be the biggest bad, at least for this story arc, it's not like others dissappeared. Well, actually it feels like they did.

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16 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

I definitely agree with this. It feels as if Sentients basically stole all power and story momentum from everyone else (on the villain side, anyway), honestly.

While it makes sense that they would be the biggest bad, at least for this story arc, it's not like others dissappeared. Well, actually it feels like they did.

I had less than 2 minutes to type that out and accidentally coded in a spoiler.

It’s not as insurmountable a challenge as Destiny has when it comes to making Guardians actually feel threatened - the story has had to bend and twist itself over so far backwards it can give itself self-<censored>. But there’s a lot of challenges in the way there.

There’s an idea I was toying with that you might like. We have an event where the Grineer are trying to take over a colony - let’s call it Siaarnaq.

But here’s the thing. No matter what, we lose. The Grineer are going to take over the colony no matter what, it’s just a question of how many people we can get off there before the takeover is complete.

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20 minutes ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

There’s an idea I was toying with that you might like. We have an event where the Grineer are trying to take over a colony - let’s call it Siaarnaq.

But here’s the thing. No matter what, we lose. The Grineer are going to take over the colony no matter what, it’s just a question of how many people we can get off there before the takeover is complete.

My dude, you're playing with spoilerific powers beyond your understanding*.




*I have a similar idea brewing, although for a place way more familiar.


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13 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

My dude, you're playing with spoilerific powers beyond your understanding*.



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*I have a similar idea brewing, although for a place way more familiar.


I mention Siaarnaq cause it’s actually a minor location in a fanfic I’m writing. When I do Warframe lore, I like to look for moons and dwarf planets that aren’t already used as nodes.


Need any help with writing it? I can help out on that one.

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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4 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Actually, this is something I think I need to clarify.

In my opinion, too often (in canon materials) the villains are shown to be weak, or in some way inadequate to fight the Tenno. A good story has the evil forces feel overwhelming and the good guys have to try their hardest to eke out a win.

I think Corpus suffers the most form being extremely "cartoony" most of the time, Nef Anyo being a funny, crazy " bad capitalist", but Grineer have that too (Worm Queen acting like a spoiled brat, when she is confirmed to be a thousands-years-old Orokin noble; the Hek, DE?). Not saying Warframe needs to be serious all the time, but we got floofs (which I adore) to cover that. Could use the villains being slightly more imposing instead of being goofy, but largely useless.

In this thread, the Grineer are not weakened at all, in fact, they are way, I mean way stronger than what canon would show us. Lotus trying to stop Grineer from making energy guns in canon and only now they made Nukor? Way ahead of you, we are making prototype battleship-mountable Railguns.

We, Tenno, moved ahead, both story- and power-wise while both Grineer and Corpus are sitting at tech levels basically the same as they had at the start of the story. This is ridiculous, and I'm fixing it.

My Grineer have, as opposed to the Canon inactivity, made following strides in technology and development:

1. Partially reversed the Genetic degeneration, via the New-Breed program.

2. Successfully incorporated Kuva infusion as means to mass-produce elite troops (e.g. Brain-Linked used in tank production).

3. Built a complete fleet comprising of several types of powerful vessels, including dozens of Fomorians.

4. Plundered a sizeable amount of Orokin vaults, thanks to Sahra Regor's visions.

5. Developed esoteric weapons able to directly engage the Operators.

6. Accessed the full knowledge of Ballas' Vitruvian, thanks to Korsar troops stealing it from the player.


I know it's difficult to make the players feel directly threatened by those who they slaughter countless numbers of every day.

That is why I chose to threaten those that the players can't really guard forever.


On my end, I was thinking two different ways.

1. No matter what we have done in game, from leader slaying to plan foiling, both factions still exist at largely full power. There's this feeling that nothing we do actually has affected the Empire, the Conglomerate, the Gestalt, or the Sentry in any way. There's this lingering sense on my end that were kinda just barnacles sitting on a whale, occasionally causing just enough pain to get the whale to do what we want.

2. It's EXACTLY at this moment of vulnerability when these forces will turn around and get vicious. Before we really started needling  them this bad, both nations were filled with bravado and smug self assurance. Now, we've gouged out a wolverine's eye and stole a cub from a bear. This can't POSSIBLY end well for us once they know the pressure points to jab at. Especially once they find out the Lotus is missing and try to address Ordis' facsimile. . .


As you say though, this is your threadstrand. What I posted has mostly been the two possible premises my own has been functioning under.

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10 hours ago, Unus said:

As you say though, this is your threadstrand. What I posted has mostly been the two possible premises my own has been functioning under.

Hey, sorry if it felt like a personal jab, it was meant more as a general critique of Warframe's lore, DE-made lore.

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2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

Hey, sorry if it felt like a personal jab, it was meant more as a general critique of Warframe's lore, DE-made lore.

OH, NO SIR, not at all! I was just shareing the interpretation I had of the very same, as a manner of understanding each other's work better. I felt no personal attack from you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I have quite frankly gotten bored of writing the Bounty stages for the Operation Payback (the fact it's a solid amount of work for pretty much no payoff didn't help) I decided to leave it for now and refocus on things I enjoy more. Like drawing more overpowered enemy units, hahaha. 

This time I think you'll get really angry at me, @(XB1)Turaglas, cause I made so many dudes with chainsaws. So many.

I'm joking, obviously. Not about the chainsaws though. Those are real.


As always, full stats will come later.

Also, before I forget: Full Disclosure, I made some units in this one heavily inspired by creatures from a game duology called "Etherlords" by Nival Interactive. You probably never played it, since it's super obscure, and coincidentally one of my favourite games from childhood, so yeah. Before you say I'm stealing ideas from them, consider the fact that their game is a complete Magic the Gathering rip-off ;^) (down to the fact it's a fantasy card game with 5 color-coded factions, yep you guessed it: green, blue, red, black and white)

The black faction is called "Synthets" and they are basically undead, but cyborgs. I think they are the reason I like dudes with machine parts sticking out of them.

On another topic, in this update you can find more "Ghast" enemies, which are an elite force, trained and equipped against the Tenno operators themselves, as well as the Wardanceress, which is the unit that drops the Kriga blueprint.

First Ghast can be found here: Link

Without any further ados here they are:






These soldiers have had their hand exchanged for a high-power chainsaw for enhanced melee combat. While they might look clumsy, their attacks are fast and potentially insta-lethal against targets already low on health. Due to the savage power of the weapon, Tenno charged by a Sawman don't get to bleed-out normally, instead they are forced to use a revive. The Sawmen are also equipped with a single Viper for ranged attacks.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Wind-Up Charge: This unit can charge forward, and if they hit any enemies, they will impale them and deal large amounts of True damage.

Ability: Sprint: This unit can increase it's movement speed for a duration.

Design Notes:

There was a time when Butchers had Glaives and were called Sawmen. You can call this guy a reference to that time. 

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Arm-Saw, Viper

Abilities: Wind-up Charge

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x, Saw: 0.0x

Base Affinity: 220

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Butcher droptable

Other Drops: N/A





Slashers are savage melee warriors, with both of their hands replaced by vicious circular saws. Their attacks are extremely fast and potentially insta-lethal against targets already low on health. Due to the savage power of these weapons, Tenno charged by a Slasher don't get to bleed-out normally, instead they are forced to use a revive.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Insanity Speed: This unit can move extremely fast, and cannot be slowed.

Ability: Wind-Up Charge: This unit can charge forward, and if they hit any enemies, they will impale them and deal large amounts of True damage.

Design Notes:

On one side, an improvement over the Grineer Sawman, on the other, a reference to Etherlords' Sawer Man creature. Funny how that works.

Link to the only picture of Sawer Man I could find on the internet, I told you this was an obscure game

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Power-Saws

Abilities: Wind-up Charge

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 250

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x, Saws: 0.0x

Base Affinity: 250

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Butcher droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Iron Maiden:




The Iron Maidens are elites that lost a lot of their original bodies and so, were given lightweight flying frames to assault enemies from the air. Their Burst-Ogris Cannons cannot home onto the Tenno, but using it, they can extremely quickly saturate the area with explosions. The flying frame can repel close enemies ensuring that the Maiden is in safe firing distance. If someone really wants to go into melee, they are ready with a Heat-Edge Cutlass.

This unit may be Field-Promoted.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Flight: This unit can fly.

Ability: Repel Wave: This unit can generate a wall of repelling force, knocking all enemies away from itself (does not knockdown).

Design Notes:

Ok, this one is more of a Quake reference if anything. I mean, come on, Strogg are literally Grineer, or the other way I guess.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Burst Ogris, Heat Katlas

Abilities: Repel Wave

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Alloy Armor: 550


Alloy Armor: 400

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 10

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Walking Fear:




This monstrosity is the newest pet-project of the infamous scientist, Dr Tengus. Powerful serrated blades allow the creature to inflict 18?cb=20150811174234 Bleed with each strike, while arm-mounted LMG keeps farther enemies on their toes. But the worst ability of the Walking Fear lies in a chemical compound it can release by simply breathing it out. The "Insanity Potion" as dubbed by it's creator, Dr Tengus, can simultaneously confuse and damage any non-Grineer entity inside the area of effect (by dealing both 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation and 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin damage, while applying their procs).

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Insanity Potion: This unit creates a cloud of confusing and poisoning Neuro-Toxin, dealing both 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation and 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin damage over time, while applying their procs.

Design Notes:

Avoid the dark cloud. Seriously. Inspired by the Walking Horror from Etherlords (one of the most powerful creatures in that game, in fact).

Here is a picture of that creature, also kinda hard to find.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Leg-Blades, Arm-mount LMG

Abilities: Insanity Potion

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Machinery: 300


Composite Armor: 300

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.5x, Back Battery: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.5x

Base Affinity: 400

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Napalm droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Walking Horror:




This monstrosity is the newest pet-project of the infamous scientist, Dr Tengus. Powerful serrated blades allow the creature to inflict 18?cb=20150811174234 Bleed with each strike. But the worst ability of the Walking Fear lies in a chemical compound it can release by simply breathing it out. The "Insanity Potion" as dubbed by it's creator, Dr Tengus, can simultaneously confuse and damage any non-Grineer entity inside the area of effect (by dealing both 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation and 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin damage, while applying their procs). The Walking Horror is essentially a bigger, badder version of the Walking Fear. It loses the LMG, but gains the ability to breathe the poison over very long distances. It can also grab nearby Tenno to try and strangle them with it's tail.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Saturated Insanity Potion: This unit creates a very large cloud of confusing and poisoning Neuro-Toxin, dealing both 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation and 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin damage over time, while applying their procs.

Ability: Tail Grab: This unit can grab nearby enemies to attempt to execute them.

Design Notes:

Avoid the dark cloud. Seriously. Inspired by the Walking Horror from Etherlords (one of the most powerful creatures in that game, in fact).

Here is a picture of that creature, also kinda hard to find.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Leg-Scythes

Abilities: Saturated Insanity Potion, Tail Grab

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Machinery: 450


Composite Armor: 500

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.2x, Back Battery: 1.5x, Limbs: 0.5x

Base Affinity: 600

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Napalm droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Kuva Duke:




These elite warriors are part of the Inner Sanctum's Kuva Guard. Remember how it only accepts females? Well, these guys are mostly mechanical anyway, so they are allowed in. In fact, pretty much only their face is organic. Anything else is armor and so they can 't take damage from attacks against it. In battle they are fearless melee warriors, tearing through the opposition with their high-powered Jet-Swords. They can fly and teleport around very quickly, chasing any and all enemies until someone dies. If they really can't keep up, they will bust out their Railguns, mounted in place of their right arms. Those are the same guns used by the Javelin units, just miniaturized.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Movement: Flight: This unit can fly.

Design Notes:

Somewhat of a counterpart to the Iron Maiden, I guess? Aim for their face.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Jat Sorda, Arm-mount Railgun

Abilities: Teleport

Base Damage: BISHOP

Damage Scaling: BISHOP


Alloy Armor: 500


Composite Armor: 450

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 50

Body Multipliers: Anything but the Head: 0.25x

Base Affinity: 500

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 3

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Ghast Razor:




The Ghast Razor is part of the Ghast Anti-Tenno Special Force. While they might look like just slightly beefed up Slashers, there is a little more to them than that. Not only are they extremely fast, to the point of overtaking every single Warframe (equal to 2.0 sprint speed), they also have an array of deadly abilities. First of all, any attack made by them can instantly dispel ALL beneficial effect on their target (this includes stuff like Iron Skin, Defy, btw), and whenever they strike down an Operator, the Warframe is inflicted with a powerful  18?cb=20150811174234 Slash proc. Whenever downed, the Razors will enter a meditative state, where they ignore all ability and aoe damage. During this state, they will rapidly siphon health from all nearby units, including Tenno. If they can get full healed they come back to life, if not, they explode, dealing damage equal to hp siphoned. Operator hp is counted 10x for the purposes of this siphon effect.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Tenno Alignment Modifier:

Sun: Higher damage on the Bleed

Neutral: Slightly higher damage on the Bleed, slightly higher chance to Dispel

Moon: Higher chance to Dispel

Innate: Diffuse Power: This unit's attack have a high chance to remove all buffs from the target, ignoring all immunities (and potentially removing them as well). This unit leaves a powerful  18?cb=20150811174234 Slash proc, on a Warframe whenever it "kills" an Operator.

Innate: Death Siphon: On death, this unit begins to steal health from ALL nearby units, if they can collect enough to fully heal themselves, they will come back to life, if not, they will explode, dealing the collected health as damage. Operator hp is counted 10x for the purposes of this siphon effect. This can trigger an unlimited amount of times, as long as this unit is successfully revived.

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Innate: Insanity Speed: This unit can move extremely fast, and cannot be slowed.

Ability: Wind-Up Charge: This unit can charge forward, and if they hit any enemies, they will impale them and deal large amounts of True damage.

Melee: Flurry: This unit can perform several attacks after each wind-up animation.

Design Notes:

These boys are the most powerful boys there are, in terms of saw dudes anyway. Inspired by the strongest (statistically) unit in Etherlords, the Razor Man

The only picture I could find of the guy in question, again.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Razor Saws

Abilities: Diffuse Power, Death Siphon

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Alloy Armor: 900


Composite Armor: 1000

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 90

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.5x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x, Saws: 0.0x

Base Affinity: 1000

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Grineer Manic droptable

Other Drops: Kuva (not guaranteed)

Ghast Annihilator:




The Annihilators are squad leaders for the Ghast Special Forces. These powerful elite warrioresses possess a twisted blessing of the Void granted by Orokin artifacts they've looted. Not only are they mostly immune to all Warframe abilities, they are also fiercely honorable (in a weird way) and simply refuse to take damage or be affected in any way by anyone other than their target. That target will know they are targeted very quickly too, as the Annihilator will instantly teleport on top of them to bash their skull in. Dueling an Annihilator is a deadly dance, as only one side can be victorious. Death by this unit disallows bleedout state.

This unit can apply Powered Down effect.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Tenno Alignment Modifier:

Sun: Deals more damage to the target

Neutral: Deals slightly more damage to target, heals slightly when attacked by non-target

Moon: Heals when attacked by non-target

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Movement: Teleport: Using their Teleport Gear, this unit can quickly reposition themselves, gaining damage reduction on certain frames of the animation.

Ability: Designate Target: This unit can choose it's focus target. Any enemy that is not the focus target cannot damage nor apply any effects to this unit.

Melee: Bash: This unit can stagger more reliably with it's melee attacks.

Melee: Parry: This unit can assume a parrying stance. If it is hit with melee during this animation, it will stun the attacker and retaliate with a powerful Finisher attack.

Design Notes:

The "nonononono NOOOOOO!" moment is here. And she's angry.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Orokin Executor Sword

Abilities: Designate Target, Teleport, Bash, Parry

Base Damage: QUEEN

Damage Scaling: QUEEN


Flesh: 1000


Composite Armor: 1000

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 90

Body Multipliers: Head: 1.5x, Back: 0.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 1250

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Grineer Manic droptable

Other Drops: Kuva (not guaranteed)





The Wardanceresses are Noblewomen not content with just seeing the bloodshed, they need to participate in it. To do so, they are augmented to the brim with the best Grineer technology. Their vicious sawblades cut true disallowing bleedout states, while powerful 3d movement gear allows rapid, unrelenting assault on any target. Similarly to Razors, they can Dispel ALL positive effects on their target on any strike (this includes stuff like Iron Skin, Defy, btw). They are probably the most agile and fast Grineer unit to date, overtaking any Warframe with ease.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Diffuse Power: This unit's attack have a high chance to remove all buffs from the target, ignoring all immunities (and potentially removing them as well).

Innate: Super Heavy: This unit is nearly immune to effects that cause involuntary movement (e.g. knockdowns, ragdolls, pushes, pulls, throws, Lifted status, etc.).

Innate: Shock Augments: This unit resists Crowd Control and is immune to knockdowns/ragdolls.

Innate: Insanity Speed: This unit can move extremely fast, and cannot be slowed.

Movement: 3D Movement Gear: This unit can perform any Parkour manouvers, as well as being able to move in very unpredictable ways.

Ability: Wind-Up Charge: This unit can charge forward, and if they hit any enemies, they will impale them and deal large amounts of True damage.

Melee: Flurry: This unit can perform several attacks after each wind-up animation.

Design Notes:

I like saws. I might have a problem.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Kriga Saws

Abilities: 3D movement gear, Diffuse Power

Base Damage: ROOK

Damage Scaling: ROOK


Alloy Armor: 600


Composite Armor: 650

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 90

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x, Limbs: 0.75x, Saws: 0.0x

Base Affinity: 750

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 1

Mod Drops: Grineer Heavy Gunner droptable

Other Drops: Kriga Blueprint


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Edited by HugintheCrow
statted the units finally
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6 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

As I have quite frankly gotten bored of writing the Bounty stages for the Operation Payback (the fact it's a solid amount of work for pretty much no payoff didn't help) I decided to leave it for now and refocus on things I enjoy more. Like drawing more overpowered enemy units, hahaha. 

This time I think you'll get really angry at me, @(XB1)Turaglas, cause I made so many dudes with chainsaws. So many.

I'm joking, obviously. Not about the chainsaws though. Those are real.


As always, full stats will come later.

Also, before I forget: Full Disclosure, I made some units in this one heavily inspired by creatures from a game duology called "Etherlords" by Nival Interactive. You probably never played it, since it's super obscure, and coincidentally one of my favourite games from childhood, so yeah. Before you say I'm stealing ideas from them, consider the fact that their game is a complete Magic the Gathering rip-off ;^) (down to the fact it's a fantasy card game with 5 color-coded factions, yep you guessed it: green, blue, red, black and white)

The black faction is called "Synthets" and they are basically undead, but cyborgs. I think they are the reason I like dudes with machine parts sticking out of them.

On another topic, in this update you can find more "Ghast" enemies, which are an elite force, trained and equipped against the Tenno operators themselves, as well as the Wardanceress, which is the unit that drops the Kriga blueprint.

First Ghast can be found here: Link

Without any further ados here they are:



  Reveal hidden contents


Description: These soldiers have had their hand exchanged for a high-power chainsaw for enhanced melee combat. While they might look clumsy, their attacks are fast and potentially insta-lethal against targets already low on health. Due to the savage power of the weapon, Tenno charged by a Sawman don't get to bleed-out normally, instead they are forced to use a revive. The Sawmen are also equipped with a single Viper for ranged attacks.

Design Notes: There was a time when Butchers had Glaives and were called Sawmen. You can call this guy a reference to that time. 

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A


  Reveal hidden contents


Description: Slashers are savage melee warriors, with both of their hands replaced by vicious circular saws. Their attacks are extremely fast and potentially insta-lethal against targets already low on health. Due to the savage power of these weapons, Tenno charged by a Slasher don't get to bleed-out normally, instead they are forced to use a revive.

Design Notes: On one side, an improvement over the Grineer Sawman, on the other, a reference to Etherlords' Sawer Man creature. Funny how that works.

Link to the only picture of Sawer Man I could find on the internet, I told you this was an obscure game

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Iron Maiden:

  Reveal hidden contents


Description: The Iron Maidens are elites that lost a lot of their original bodies and so, were given lightweight flying frames to assault enemies from the air. Their Burst-Ogris Cannons cannot home onto the Tenno, but using it, they can extremely quickly saturate the area with explosions. The flying frame can repel close enemies ensuring that the Maiden is in safe firing distance. If someone really wants to go into melee, they are ready with a Heat-Edge Cutlass.

Design Notes: Ok, this one is more of a Quake reference if anything. I mean, come on, Strogg are literally Grineer, or the other way I guess.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Walking Fear:

  Reveal hidden contents


Description:  This monstrosity is the newest pet-project of the infamous scientist, Dr Tengus. Powerful serrated blades allow the creature to inflict 18?cb=20150811174234 Bleed with each strike, while arm-mounted LMG keeps farther enemies on their toes. But the worst ability of the Walking Fear lies in a chemical compound it can release by simply breathing it out. The "Insanity Potion" as dubbed by it's creator, Dr Tengus, can simultaneously confuse and damage any non-Grineer entity inside the area of effect (by dealing both 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation and 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin damage, while applying their procs).

Design Notes: Avoid the dark cloud. Seriously. Inspired by the Walking Horror from Etherlords (one of the most powerful creatures in that game, in fact).

Here is a picture of that creature, also kinda hard to find.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Walking Horror:

  Reveal hidden contents


Description: This monstrosity is the newest pet-project of the infamous scientist, Dr Tengus. Powerful serrated blades allow the creature to inflict 18?cb=20150811174234 Bleed with each strike. But the worst ability of the Walking Fear lies in a chemical compound it can release by simply breathing it out. The "Insanity Potion" as dubbed by it's creator, Dr Tengus, can simultaneously confuse and damage any non-Grineer entity inside the area of effect (by dealing both 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation and 18?cb=20140124221459 Toxin damage, while applying their procs). The Walking Horror is essentially a bigger, badder version of the Walking Fear. It loses the LMG, but gains the ability to breathe the poison over very long distances. It can also grab nearby Tenno to try and strangle them with it's tail.

Design Notes: Avoid the dark cloud. Seriously. Inspired by the Walking Horror from Etherlords (one of the most powerful creatures in that game, in fact).

Here is a picture of that creature, also kinda hard to find.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Kuva Duke:

  Hide contents


Description: These elite warriors are part of the Inner Sanctum's Kuva Guard. Remember how it only accepts females? Well, these guys are mostly mechanical anyway, so they are allowed in. In fact, pretty much only their face is organic. Anything else is armor and so they can 't take damage from attacks against it. In battle they are fearless melee warriors, tearing through the opposition with their high-powered Jet-Swords. They can fly and teleport around very quickly, chasing any and all enemies until someone dies. If they really can't keep up, they will bust out their Railguns, mounted in place of their right arms. Those are the same guns used by the Javelin units, just miniaturized.

Design Notes: Somewhat of a counterpart to the Iron Maiden, I guess? Aim for their face.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Ghast Razor:

  Reveal hidden contents


Description: The Ghast Razor is part of the Ghast Anti-Tenno Special Force. While they might look like just slightly beefed up Slashers, there is a little more to them than that. Not only are they extremely fast, to the point of overtaking every single Warframe (equal to 2.0 sprint speed), they also have an array of deadly abilities. First of all, any attack made by them can instantly dispel ALL beneficial effect on their target (this includes stuff like Iron Skin, Defy, btw), and whenever they strike down an Operator, the Warframe is inflicted with a powerful  18?cb=20150811174234 Slash proc. Whenever downed, the Razors will enter a meditative state, where they ignore all ability and aoe damage. During this state, they will rapidly siphon health from all nearby units, including Tenno. If they can get full healed they come back to life, if not, they explode, dealing damage equal to hp siphoned. Operator hp is counted 10x for the purposes of this siphon effect.

Tenno Alignment Modifier:

Sun: Higher damage on the Bleed

Neutral: Slightly higher damage on the Bleed, slightly higher chance to Dispel

Moon: Higher chance to Dispel

Design Notes: These boys are the most powerful boys there are, in terms of saw dudes anyway. Inspired by the strongest (statistically) unit in Etherlords, the Razor Man

The only picture I could find of the guy in question, again.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Ghast Annihilator:

  Reveal hidden contents


Description:  The Annihilators are squad leaders for the Ghast Special Forces. These powerful elite warrioresses possess a twisted blessing of the Void granted by Orokin artifacts they've looted. Not only are they mostly immune to all Warframe abilities, they are also fiercely honorable (in a weird way) and simply refuse to take damage or be affected in any way by anyone other than their target. That target will know they are targeted very quickly too, as the Annihilator will instantly teleport on top of them to bash their skull in. Dueling an Annihilator is a deadly dance, as only one side can be victorious. Death by this unit disallows bleedout state.

This unit can apply Powered Down effect.

Tenno Alignment Modifier:

Sun: Deals more damage to the target

Neutral: Deals slightly more damage to target, heals slightly when attacked by non-target

Moon: Heals when attacked by non-target

Design Notes: The "nonononono NOOOOOO!" moment is here. And she's angry.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A


  Reveal hidden contents


Description: The Wardanceresses are Noblewomen not content with just seeing the bloodshed, they need to participate in it. To do so, they are augmented to the brim with the best Grineer technology. Their vicious sawblades cut true disallowing bleedout states, while powerful 3d movement gear allows rapid, unrelenting assault on any target. Similarly to Razors, they can Dispel ALL positive effects on their target on any strike (this includes stuff like Iron Skin, Defy, btw). They are probably the most agile and fast Grineer unit to date, overtaking any Warframe with ease.

Design Notes: I like saws. I might have a problem.

Comes in Frontier, Arid, Drekar, Kuva, Tusk and Yeti variants


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Ah, quite the stroggian menagerie you've posted this time around suh! Lets see. . .

After a bit of observation, my order of interest goes:

Kuva Duke- There's an air of fallen nobility to this type, like they gave so much to the Empire that they can't even enjoy the perks of the status they have now. Aesthetically pleasing to boot, likely by request I imagine.

Ghast Razor-

Though I find they may be a teensy tiny bit. . . overkill abilitieswise, something about the face on thisun is truly fascinating to me.


Heh, I'm getting a sharp tang of Harley Quinn emanating from this one. I also enjoy their potential ability to maneuver alongside and with us, much in the same way I crafted my Grineer head-hunter troopers.


Edited by Unus
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8 hours ago, Unus said:

Though I find they may be a teensy tiny bit. . . overkill abilitieswise, something about the face on thisun is truly fascinating to me.

The Ghast units are very strong on purpose, considering they can spawn only during very long endurance runs or Kuva Floods (There will be a post all about the Ghast Force themselves where everything will be explained in more detail).

Even considering this, the Razor is essentially a boss-tier unit, you will NOT see more than one, maybe two (not simultaneously) in a whole mission. The Life Siphon Meditation makes him unable to move, if that wasn't clear.

Also, I like the idea of having a monstrous enemy that you actually have to run away from (cause he scary) using all possible parkour moves just to barely get away (instead of overtaking every single enemy in the game by doing a single bullet jump).

Also, Razor's abilities actually come from the unit that inspired their look, the Razor Man from Etherlords. That creature has a dispel effect on each attack as well, and refuses to get back up from resting unless you sacrifice another creature. References, references everywhere.

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7 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

The Ghast units are very strong on purpose, considering they can spawn only during very long endurance runs or Kuva Floods (There will be a post all about the Ghast Force themselves where everything will be explained in more detail).

Even considering this, the Razor is essentially a boss-tier unit, you will NOT see more than one, maybe two (not simultaneously) in a whole mission. The Life Siphon Meditation makes him unable to move, if that wasn't clear.

Also, I like the idea of having a monstrous enemy that you actually have to run away from (cause he scary) using all possible parkour moves just to barely get away (instead of overtaking every single enemy in the game by doing a single bullet jump).

Also, Razor's abilities actually come from the unit that inspired their look, the Razor Man from Etherlords. That creature has a dispel effect on each attack as well, and refuses to get back up from resting unless you sacrifice another creature. References, references everywhere.

Ahhhhh, the bigger explanation is forthcoming, got it suh! My thoughts had assumed it would act as a "Kuva Manic" of sorts, whereas you want the fellow to act as a "Kuva Grustrag", hehe.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Due to the fact that this thread is nearing half-anniversary, I've decided to update some art, specifically the guys that began it all, the Korsars/Shadow Marines.

Don't worry about the previous pictures though, I'll leave the old art in spoiler tabs in the original post and it's all there on my deviantart, HugintheCrowDA (Don't know if linking it is against the rules or something, but I trust in your google skills).

Link to the original post with those dudes: Click.

Here are the updates though:

Korsar Lancer:




Korsar Heavy Lancer:




Korsar Shield Lancer:




Korsar Trooper:




Korsar Heavy Assault Gunner:




Korsar Heavy Support Gunner:




Korsar Tech:




Korsar Combat Medic:




Korsar Brute:





Nazol Fokk redesign:






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1 minute ago, (XB1)Fluffywolf36 said:

And the poses in the art update are so... dynamic!

They were always supposed to be free-space-flying units (I mean, they can appear in archwing missions...).

And poses are less of a "problem I can't deal with" to me now, and more of a "fun challenge to beat".

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The Inner Sanctum Trial post has been updated with the first mission of the long-awaited REGICIDE quest, featuring a short comic.

Check it out here: Click.

For those who don't want to click anything, I'll put it in this post as well.


Finally in front of the Revival Coffin, the Tenno prepares to end the Elder Queen's miserable existence. But to even get close to it, they will need to defeat a giant army of Grineer, led by a fearsome Kuva Priestess, who will fight till death.




Against all odds, the Tenno destroy all enemies.


The defenseless Elder Queen is sure to fall this time...


Suddenly a void-energy surge explodes and sends Tenno into unknown...


To be Continued...



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