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STRENGTH TO THE ENEMY Enemy additions/concepts, 100+'s of units, weapons; lore and pictures [NEW: Fall Of Kronos update! 2 NEW Factions: Daemons and the Riven! Daemon units (14 new powerful enemies)! Riven units (17 incredibly strong enemies)!]


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Posting on hold, while the finals are happening. Expect Regicide to continue come next week.

Working on Inner Sanctum's Trial rework.

Also, inspired by the Wolf of Saturn reveal, I made a small mockup (WIP, anything can change) of a Saturn-based expansion, coming after Regicide and Law of Retribution 2.0



In short, current pipeline looks like this:

1. Finishing Regicide (2 more short comics + IS Trial rework);

2. LoR 2.0/Operation Towerfall (complete PoE overhaul/expansion + Law of Retribution Trial);

3. Orokin Dig Site Kronos (6 new different activities, score-based leaderboard endless endurance mode included);

4. Urania Depths (3-dimensional underwater open world + Grineer Zaws, Kitguns and Bashgears);

+ one secret expansion involving Knights. That's all I'm gonna say for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Quick update:

Work on the Trial remake is ongoing, here is a mockup for the Trial Launch Screen.


When I update the Trial mechanics post, the reasoning behind cutting the squad into Teams A and B will become clear.

The leader is always the host, and they are given more insight on what is happening at all times. Communicating with the leader is vital to victory. Each Team has it's own chat to make it easier to notify/warn each other, but the Squad leader can always access both of them.

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1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

Quick update:

Work on the Trial remake is ongoing, here is a mockup for the Trial Launch Screen.


When I update the Trial mechanics post, the reasoning behind cutting the squad into Teams A and B will become clear.

The leader is always the host, and they are given more insight on what is happening at all times. Communicating with the leader is vital to victory. Each Team has it's own chat to make it easier to notify/warn each other, but the Squad leader can always access both of them.

AH! Looking to revitalize a bit more of the "Teamplay" aspect of the game are ya? I can't say no to anyone hopeing to heal the raider's gnarly wounds since the loss of The Law.

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28 minutes ago, Unus said:

AH! Looking to revitalize a bit more of the "Teamplay" aspect of the game are ya? I can't say no to anyone hopeing to heal the raider's gnarly wounds since the loss of The Law.

Yep! My previous attempt at a Trial didn't have enough team stuff in it outside of the forced split-up during the Golem fight. The one I'm working on should be able to fix that.

Also, while i'm at it, I guess I could throw some snippets of that rework (should be coming sunday/monday, next comic part late saturday, although most likely sunday too).

1. Instead of the Trial being cut into several mission, you get a single, predetermined (no rng) map to explore (lots of hidden rooms and stuff!), and 4 bosses you need to defeat to clear the whole thing. 

2. In short, the Trial will have 3 phases: Pre-Golem, Pre-Priestess and Post-Sanctum. Pre-Golem refers to all  stuff you can do before engaging the first boss, Fomorian Golem, Pre-Priestess refers to everything after Golem but before the Kuva Priestess fight (3rd Boss), Post-Sanctum is after you defeat the Priestess(es) and is mostly the final fight against the Elder Queen.

3. Rewards are given after each Boss. Each player has a choice from 3 chests (choose after each boss meaning 4 times) : Resource Chest (gives like 7k endo and 5k kuva, numbers wip), Riven Chest which gives 3 random rivens and Enhancement Chest which gives 5 enhancements 3 guaranteed arcane (one of which is always rare) and 2 which can be arcane/virtuous/magus, drawing from both cetus and fortuna pools. In addition there are 4 Hidden Chests, laying around somewhere in the level. These give lower rewards, but with the same choices (Endo&Kuva or Rivens or Enhancements).

4. Nightmare mode has not only completely revamped mechanics, but has more hidden chests, allows to choose 2 out of 3 chests after each boss, has one more boss, and has a SECRET BOSS, which will be the hardest thing in Warframe ever, not only it's gonna be hard to find it and unlock the fight, but the fight's gonna be extreme.

Oh, also, the nightmare mode is timed.

Edited by HugintheCrow
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34 minutes ago, HugintheCrow said:

Yep! My previous attempt at a Trial didn't have enough team stuff in it outside of the forced split-up during the Golem fight. The one I'm working on should be able to fix that.

Also, while i'm at it, I guess I could throw some snippets of that rework (should be coming sunday/monday, next comic part late saturday, although most likely sunday too).

1. Instead of the Trial being cut into several mission, you get a single, predetermined (no rng) map to explore (lots of hidden rooms and stuff!), and 4 bosses you need to defeat to clear the whole thing. 

2. In short, the Trial will have 3 phases: Pre-Golem, Pre-Priestess and Post-Sanctum. Pre-Golem refers to all  stuff you can do before engaging the first boss, Fomorian Golem, Pre-Priestess refers to everything after Golem but before the Kuva Priestess fight (3rd Boss), Post-Sanctum is after you defeat the Priestess(es) and is mostly the final fight against the Elder Queen.

3. Rewards are given after each Boss. Each player has a choice from 3 chests (choose after each boss meaning 4 times) : Resource Chest (gives like 7k endo and 5k kuva, numbers wip), Riven Chest which gives 3 random rivens and Enhancement Chest which gives 5 enhancements 3 guaranteed arcane (one of which is always rare) and 2 which can be arcane/virtuous/magus, drawing from both cetus and fortuna pools. In addition there are 4 Hidden Chests, laying around somewhere in the level. These give lower rewards, but with the same choices (Endo&Kuva or Rivens or Enhancements).

4. Nightmare mode has not only completely revamped mechanics, but has more hidden chests, allows to choose 2 out of 3 chests after each boss, has one more boss, and has a SECRET BOSS, which will be the hardest thing in Warframe ever, not only it's gonna be hard to find it and unlock the fight, but the fight's gonna be extreme.

Oh, also, the nightmare mode is timed.

Hm. . . "Boss Rush, with a hidden treasure mix-in."

How delightfully Destinian!

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And just to clarify my goals with the whole Trial thing:

The Normal Mode is something I'd like to be clearable by most players. A mode, where you can go into public matchmaking and succeed reasonably well.

The Nightmare Trial is for those who want that "hardcore" itch scratched (like those who enjoyed the original real in-game Trials). Which is why it's locked to premades only.

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Lore Mini-Update:

Made some changes to the Hierarchy of the Grineer Empire. Namely added the Worker caste.

And just for the future reference, remember this piece of information as it might be important:


The Workers are famously the hardest caste to get out of, and those who are able to achieve that, generally end up as generic cannon fodder anyways. Those who are able to ascend from this low, low rank to higher, commanding positions are usually the lucky few who were born with an uncanny tinkering genius (e.g. see Reth from Rathuum). These elite weapon/device makers are known as the Forgemasters and they command great respect within the entire Grineer community.


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On 2019-03-01 at 12:34 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Gonna whip up a small Wolf of Saturn Six tie-in update.

I've got some ideas how integrate it into my narrative.




Hello, Tenno.

My name is Shaula Ruk and I speak on behalf of the Grand General Sargas Ruk and the Grineer Empire.

As you might know, recently there has been a breach of security in one of the Grineer penal institutions.

While we have already subdued most of the runaways, there is still one important escapee at large.

This so-called "Wolf" has gathered a lot of support from illegal, underground organisations, which seek to unbalance the system.

However, there is one small detail that neither the Wolf, nor his benefactors know.

He has been infected with a quite nasty virus, and while it is completely harmless to the superior Grineer biology, if the Wolf was to be allowed near any large non-Grineer population center, let's just say that place would be bereft of life faster than you can say "For the Queens!"...

Now, obviously, honorable defenders of the people such as you, Tenno, could never let a man as dangerous as the Wolf spread that vile plague.

We, the Grineer, agree it would be horrible indeed if this "Wolf"'s irresponsible behaviour caused unneeded death and suffering... Which is why we decided to offer you help.

Take the blueprint attached to this transmission, it is a beacon system, which will allow you to track the Wolf's signature.

It's not perfect, but it will make finding him much easier.

Now, you might ask, what would we like to get in return? Don't worry about that, helping out the Tenno is all we want.

After all, we all fight together for the same reason. To liberate the system of chaos and destruction...


Oh, and if you were contacted by the criminal known as "Nora Night", you should probably not listen to her.

We possess a good amount of evidence that she and her allies are to be blamed for the security breach that occured in the Saturn Six penal institution.

I know you will make the right choice, Tenno.

Shaula Ruk, Over.





Bio-Signature Tracker-Scanner Blueprint x3

26?cb=20140515160015 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152126 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 150 | 32?cb=20140515152127 3 | 32?cb=20140515152126 1 | 1 minute

Use during any mission to force a timed Wolf of Saturn encounter. Failing to kill this Wolf will fail the mission.


Shaula Ruk:




Shaula is Sargas' spokesperson. As general Ruk is male, he was not viable to become a High Noble Matriarch. And so, Shaula was specifically made to represent the newly ascended House Ruk as it's Matriarch. Incredibly eloquent and well-spoken, she stands in stark contrast with the brute Sargas.


Shaula's Bounty:

When capturing Saturn Six Fugitives, the players can choose between sending them to Nora or Shaula.

While giving the captives away to Nora grants 50 Nightwave standing as normal, throwing them back where they came from grants a single Kronos Token (more about those in later updates) for each 3 captures.


Back to the Main Post



This is just the beginning, gonna put some more stuff out tomorrow...

Prepare for infiltrating the Saturn Six Max-Pen + the Company of the Damned.

Oh, and I decided to shift my schedule a little, if you remember this:


1. Finishing Regicide (2 more short comics + IS Trial rework);

2. LoR 2.0/Operation Towerfall (complete PoE overhaul/expansion + Law of Retribution Trial);

3. Orokin Dig Site Kronos (6 new different activities, score-based leaderboard endless endurance mode included);

4. Urania Depths (3-dimensional underwater open world + Grineer Zaws, Kitguns and Bashgears);

+ one secret expansion involving Knights. That's all I'm gonna say for now.

I'm going to change it to this:


1. Finishing Regicide (2 more short comics + IS Trial rework);

2. Orokin Dig Site Kronos (6 new different activities, score-based leaderboard endless endurance mode included);

3. LoR 2.0/Operation Towerfall (complete PoE overhaul/expansion + Law of Retribution Trial);

4. Urania Depths (3-dimensional underwater open world + Grineer Zaws, Kitguns and Bashgears);

+ one secret expansion involving Knights.


Edited by HugintheCrow
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On 2019-03-03 at 1:13 AM, HugintheCrow said:

Prepare for infiltrating the Saturn Six Max-Pen + the Company of the Damned.

I have a full plan to integrate the Wolf as a recurrent character in my divergent headcanon lore (Reminder that whatever happens in this thread IS meant to contradict official canon).

However, I do want to see what DE has planned for the further weeks. If we don't see anymore substantial lore, I'm going to continue with my concept, if we do, I might modify it.

For now, have this Company of the Damned I promised.


Company of the Damned:

The Infestation Virus is pretty much incurable, especially if you are a lowly Lancer, but as long as you still cling to your senses, you can be of use.

That is the idea of this accursed division. Soldiers who were infected, or simply deserters/criminals who aren't worthy of the Rathuum are used for the most suicidal, impossible missions, where it's not about succeeding, it's about dealing as much damage and causing as much chaos as possible. These soldiers aren't even given a way to return to barracks, on the off chance they actually win. They are just left where they are, so they can potentially cause an Infestation outbreak behind enemy lines.

As you may imagine, the fugitives of the Saturn Six escaped specifically to try and avoid being put into this division, as it pretty much guarantees a terrible fate.

The Company of the Damned has a chance of spawning during any Infested Invasions, appearing as enemies when it's Corpus being Invaded, or as allies (hopefully) when it's the Grineer being attacked. They are also capable of spawning whenever a group of Saturn Six Fugitives (or the Wolf himself) appears in the mission.

The Units:





The Half-Turned are fairly self-explanatory: the Infestation has taken over most of their body, but thankfully, their Grineer loyalty is still intact. This doesn't mean they can't suddenly burst into a fully-transformed monstrosities, but that's why they have a self-destruct system tied to them. In the event that they are completely taken over by the virus, the system will detect the transformation and detonate a kill-charge. At least that's what's supposed to happen, as the system itself might become corrupted by the Infestation. In any case, these units have a chance to either explode or transform into a Grakata-wielding Infested Charger without any prior warnings.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Sudden Explosion: This unit can spontaneously explode, dealing Physical damage in a radius.

Innate: Charger Transformation: This unit can spontaneously transform into an Infested Semi-Charger.

Design Notes:

Tbh, I've seen loads of fanarts of something like this one, so I can't say it's super-original. Then again, the Chargers really are just Infested Lancers, so they gotta come from somewhere.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Tileset

Weapons: Grakata/Sheev

Abilities: Sudden Explosion(random)/Charger Transformation(random)

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: PAWN


Infested: 200


Ferrite Armor: 50

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 60

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Lancer and Infested Charger droptables

Other Drops: N/A





Purifiers have a slightly higher authority over the rest of the Company. They are still suicide troops, just maybe more respected ones. Their armor is somewhat proofed against Infestation (whether that's actually true, nobody knows), and they are equipped with oversized Flemak Sludgethrowers, which admittedly are pretty good against the Infested. These guys don't explode into Infestation forms, instead they explode into a Viral cloud on death.

This unit is an Officer.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Innate: Death Explosion: On death, this unit explodes dealing 18?cb=20140124221459 Viral damage to all units inside the radius.

Design Notes:

Fun fact: These guys were originally planned to be actually high-ranked, well-respected officers, but ended up as much damned as the rest of this detachment.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Tileset

Weapons: Grun Flemak

Abilities: Death Explosion

Base Damage: KNIGHT

Damage Scaling: KNIGHT


Cloned Flesh: 200


Alloy Armor: 200

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 250

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 5

Mod Drops: Grineer Scorch droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Punishment Trooper:




The Punishment Troopers, also known as "Penals" are not Infested or anything, they are simply serving their punishment time, the only problem being, they were sentenced to death... Equipped just with a simple Sheev and Suicide-Bomb-Backpacks, these are probably the most miserable of the Grineer. Their Backpacks carry powerful Thermonuclear Charges, which can deliver devastating damage in a solid radius, but are obviously one use.

Mechanics and Abilities:

Ability: Kamkazz Bomb: This unit can self-detonate a powerful Thermo-Nuclear device, which deals a catastrophic amount of 18?cb=20140124221430 Radiation damage to all units inside the radius.

Design Notes:

Remember Nora talking about S6 Prisoners "fabbing bombs"? Well, these guys wear those bombs as backpacks. While Grineer are somewhat apprehensive when it comes to Atomic weapons (They are well aware of their own armor's weakness to Radiation), sometimes they just can't justify not using them.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset

Weapons: Sheev

Abilities: Kamkazz Bomb

Base Damage: PAWN

Damage Scaling: PAWN


Cloned Flesh: 100

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x, Limbs: 0.75x

Base Affinity: 40

Base Level: 1

Codex Scans: 10

Mod Drops: Grineer Butcher droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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Edited by HugintheCrow
units statted
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It's like a Grineer version of the Wulfen from 40k... and probably a number of other similar things from there.

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

As you may imagine, the fugitives of the Saturn Six escaped specifically to try and avoid being put into this division, as it pretty much guarantees a terrible fate.


...was watching an @DKDiamantes video awhile ago that asked why the Wolf went off the rails - this is an interesting explanation.

2 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

I have a full plan to integrate the Wolf as a recurrent character in my divergent headcanon lore (Reminder that whatever happens in this thread IS meant to contradict official canon).


S'what fanfic is for. There's nothing saying I can do anything with Ganymede, but then, there's nothing saying I can't. 

This looks like it channels both horror at Grineer cruelty, AND the uncertainty of whether I might end up fighting Infested. Was Tengus involved in this? Also, a quote comes to mind:

"Don't like Tenno... but hate Tengus. Fear Tengus. Tengus troops come for me, take gun or blade, destroy my brain. Death before Tengus!"

Edited by (XB1)Fluffywolf36
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23 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:



Hello, Tenno.

My name is Shaula Ruk and I speak on behalf of the Grand General Sargas Ruk and the Grineer Empire.

As you might know, recently there has been a breach of security in one of the Grineer penal institutions.

While we have already subdued most of the runaways, there is still one important escapee at large.

This so-called "Wolf" has gathered a lot of support from illegal, underground organisations, which seek to unbalance the system.

However, there is one small detail that neither the Wolf, nor his benefactors know.

He has been infected with a quite nasty virus, and while it is completely harmless to the superior Grineer biology, if the Wolf was to be allowed near any large non-Grineer population center, let's just say that place would be bereft of life faster than you can say "For the Queens!"...

Now, obviously, honorable defenders of the people such as you, Tenno, could never let a man as dangerous as the Wolf spread that vile plague.

We, the Grineer, agree it would be horrible indeed if this "Wolf"'s irresponsible behaviour caused unneeded death and suffering... Which is why we decided to offer you help.

Take the blueprint attached to this transmission, it is a beacon system, which will allow you to track the Wolf's signature.

It's not perfect, but it will make finding him much easier.

Now, you might ask, what would we like to get in return? Don't worry about that, helping out the Tenno is all we want.

After all, we all fight together for the same reason. To liberate the system of chaos and destruction...


Oh, and if you were contacted by the criminal known as "Nora Night", you should probably not listen to her.

We possess a good amount of evidence that she and her allies are to be blamed for the security breach that occured in the Saturn Six penal institution.

I know you will make the right choice, Tenno.

Shaula Ruk, Over.




Bio-Signature Tracker-Scanner Blueprint x3

26?cb=20140515160015 5000 | 32?cb=20140515152126 3000 | 32?cb=20140515152124 150 | 32?cb=20140515152127 3 | 32?cb=20140515152126 1 | 1 minute

Use during any mission to force a timed Wolf of Saturn encounter. Failing to kill this Wolf will fail the mission.


Shaula Ruk:

  Reveal hidden contents



Shaula is Sargas' spokesperson. As general Ruk is male, he was not viable to become a High Noble Matriarch. And so, Shaula was specifically made to represent the newly ascended House Ruk as it's Matriarch. Incredibly eloquent and well-spoken, she stands in stark contrast with the brute Sargas.


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This is just the beginning, gonna put some more stuff out tomorrow...

Prepare for infiltrating the Saturn Six Max-Pen + the Company of the Damned.

Oh, and I decided to shift my schedule a little, if you remember this:

I'm going to change it to this:


   Ah, it's almost like it was all set up to be a victory for the Kweens no matter how it all turns out. Either a new colony clearance tool as the wayward wolf wanders, or the Tenno are honorbound to bring down the loon.

Daw, publicity midget.

1 hour ago, HugintheCrow said:

I have a full plan to integrate the Wolf as a recurrent character in my divergent headcanon lore (Reminder that whatever happens in this thread IS meant to contradict official canon).

However, I do want to see what DE has planned for the further weeks. If we don't see anymore substantial lore, I'm going to continue with my concept, if we do, I might modify it.

For now, have this Company of the Damned I promised.


Company of the Damned:

The Infestation Virus is pretty much incurable, especially if you are a lowly Lancer, but as long as you still cling to your senses, you can be of use.

That is the idea of this accursed division. Soldiers who were infected, or simply deserters/criminals who aren't worthy of the Rathuum are used for the most suicidal, impossible missions, where it's not about succeeding, it's about dealing as much damage and causing as much chaos as possible. These soldiers aren't even given a way to return to barracks, on the off chance they actually win. They are just left where they are, so they can potentially cause an Infestation outbreak behind enemy lines.

As you may imagine, the fugitives of the Saturn Six escaped specifically to try and avoid being put into this division, as it pretty much guarantees a terrible fate.

The Company of the Damned has a chance of spawning during any Infested Invasions, appearing as enemies when it's Corpus being Invaded, or as allies (hopefully) when it's the Grineer being attacked. They are also capable of spawning whenever a group of Saturn Six Fugitives (or the Wolf himself) appears in the mission.

The Units (full stats whenever I feel like it) :


  Hide contents


Description: The Half-Turned are fairly self-explanatory: the Infestation has taken over most of their body, but thankfully, their Grineer loyalty is still intact. This doesn't mean they can't suddenly burst into a fully-transformed monstrosities, but that's why they have a self-destruct system tied to them. In the event that they are completely taken over by the virus, the system will detect the transformation and detonate a kill-charge. At least that's what's supposed to happen, as the system itself might become corrupted by the Infestation. In any case, these units have a chance to either explode or transform into a Grakata-wielding Infested Charger without any prior warnings.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A


  Hide contents


Description: Purifiers have a slightly higher authority over the rest of the Company. They are still sucide troops, just maybe more respected ones. Their armor is somewhat proofed against Infestation (whether that's actually true, nobody knows), and they are equipped with oversized Flemak Sludgethrowers, which admittedly are pretty good against the Infested. These guys don't explode into Infestation forms, instead they explode into a Viral cloud on death.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A

Punishment Trooper:

  Hide contents


Description: The Punishment Troopers, also known as "Penals" are not Infested or anything, they are simply serving their punishment time, the only problem being, they were sentenced to death... Equipped just with a simple Sheev and Suicide-Bomb-Backpacks, these are probably the most miserable of the Grineer. Their Backpacks carry powerful Thermonuclear Charges, which can deliver devastating damage in a solid radius, but are obviously one use.


Faction: 20?cb=20141025164153 Grineer

Tileset: Any Grineer Tileset




Base Damage: 

Damage Scaling: 

Cloned Flesh: 

Composite Armor: 

Nano-Fiber Mesh: 

Body Multipliers: Head: 2.0x

Base Affinity: 

Base Level: 

Codex Scans: 

Mod Drops: Grineer droptable

Other Drops: N/A


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  Haha! Reminds me of a combination of my Grem and my Tengus Numens in one itchy-tasty package.

What IS your Tengus like? Mine may possibly be. . . a bit. . . racist.

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Well Hug, came back to the forums after a long hiatus and color me impressed.

The amount of content you've added to thread is spectacular as the first time. 

Hope life is treating you well and keep the good ideas coming. They're awesome.

What do you think could be done with obsolete pieces of content like the tethra ciphers that we have in our inventories, or the informants that assumedly still lurk around the system. 

What if we could hack into the informant network to find out info on Grineer VIPs and resource caches? 

What if we used the scanner to learn about Grineer Blockades and operations?

What if the Tethra cipher could be used to access a Grineer Shipyard specific Raid mission, like the one on the Kuva Fortress?

Food for your thoughts.

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5 minutes ago, Unus said:

What IS your Tengus like?

He's one of the most brilliant (and cruel) minds of the Empire. His specialty is (obviously) psychology, although instead of mending broken minds, he uses his knowledge to hurt people harder. There is a reason why I named him "Frud Tengus". Hint: Frud==Freud - e.

4 minutes ago, Teoarrk said:

Hope life is treating you well and keep the good ideas coming. They're awesome.


5 minutes ago, Teoarrk said:

Food for your thoughts.

Would have to read up on those things a little. I believe I was not yet playing when those events were going on. The idea to bring back some of the lore from them is a pretty interesting one, however.

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Since theres a Geneforge under Venus, I can see there being a very large interest from research heads, such as Tyl and Tengus. I would like to think that the Corpus would be hard pressed to maintain airspace dominance against the Grineer with how sparsely defended the zone is. Maybe the Corpus have a forcefield or gate system of some kind in space, but without further evidence I think that Grineer interest will be hitting OV hard and fast once they learn of the Geneforge.


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18 hours ago, HugintheCrow said:

He's one of the most brilliant (and cruel) minds of the Empire. His specialty is (obviously) psychology, although instead of mending broken minds, he uses his knowledge to hurt people harder. There is a reason why I named him "Frud Tengus". Hint: Frud==Freud - e.


Would have to read up on those things a little. I believe I was not yet playing when those events were going on. The idea to bring back some of the lore from them is a pretty interesting one, however.

  AH, mines a bit. . . oddball.

Loo Tengus

He's large, but he's also hunch-backed, short, walks on all fours, and has a large pustule as a hump.

He's got this mustache/ chinstrap combo of wires he's constantly strokeing and tugging at that allows him to interface with human brains if properly shoved into the skull, a "gift" of the Technocyte he cultivated himself. 

His skin is warped and gnarled with technocyte, yet, not a single spore nodule, neurode, or nano-nest mars him, as he's taken great care to self-surgically remove every single reproductive aspect of the plague, effectively making him an "isolated carrier".

He speaks with a "mad Asian" accent outside of e-mails, he's plucked out his own eyes and replaced them with magnifying lenses, and has a cold general disregard for anyone who isn't in a seat of leadership. For example, instead of talking to Tenno on missions, he speaks directly at the Lotus.

He believes that soldiers are tools to their leaders, and thus regards independent action as being unethical and treasonous, something that ruins the important  plans and ideas of their betters.

He's the kinda villain that has several gigabytes of plans within plans within plans within plans buried in his computers and has contingencies installed in everything he does, regarding the failures of said contingencies to be the fault of those who try to implement them rather then himself.


I had a boss fight written out for him at one point, but, I could never quite get it to be unique enough in my eyes.

(Phew, sorry about that, I've had that idea buried away for much to long.)

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5 minutes ago, Unus said:

He believes that soldiers are tools to their leaders, and thus regards independent action as being unethical and treasonous, something that ruins the important  plans and ideas of their betters.

Now I understand why you mentioned Trecha reminded you of someone.


9 hours ago, Teoarrk said:

Since theres a Geneforge under Venus, I can see there being a very large interest from research heads, such as Tyl and Tengus. I would like to think that the Corpus would be hard pressed to maintain airspace dominance against the Grineer with how sparsely defended the zone is. Maybe the Corpus have a forcefield or gate system of some kind in space, but without further evidence I think that Grineer interest will be hitting OV hard and fast once they learn of the Geneforge.


Operation Payback

I plan on returning to it when Railjack is released (to make space battles a thing).

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