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Maybe we can make slots craft able in a way? You make an extra pod for your ship, and choose "Mount Pod" to add the slot. Or craft Weapon Racks and add a "Mount Weapon Rack".


lets be frank here. DE is not in the business to give out awesome free stuff. they give out what they do because there is a business model in place to make them profit. a fairly large part of that model is the money they make via plat for slots. take away their profit, we lose updates and fast. this does not excuse them and some of their more "derp" ways of getting plat out of its players (rush, im looking at you).

warframe is f2p, though it will be considerably easier if you spend a little bit. you can potentially get every frame and every wep and never spend a single dime on the game. anyone who says otherwise is as i said "an idiot and should be ignored".

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But if you like both of your frames and have their optimal builds you only have two extra slots for weapons and that's it.


Maybe we can make slots craft able in a way? You make an extra pod for your ship, and choose "Mount Pod" to add the slot. Or craft Weapon Racks and add a "Mount Weapon Rack".


Or, if you love them so much, you pay 5$ on platinum and bam, you have enough slots for all the frames?


Seriously, a person that gets a second frame, and that has plat enough from the start (those initial 50) can get another 2 slots. If he manages 4 frames, why not pay 5$ on the game? Theres people spending 60$ on games like COD3, BF3 and so forth, on warframe to reach 4 frames you have to have played what, 100-200 hours? Does it hurt to then contribute with 5$?


I got a founders pack and upgraded it cause DE has given me 500 hours already of fun gameplay. I have acquired all the frames, all the mods (except Primed Chamber), all the weapons (except Braton Vandal and lato Vandal and Prime) without spending a single platinum on buying them, or keys.


I only buy slots and some catalysts, atm I have 2 reactors sitting down from alerts waiting for mag Prime and Necro... I have 4 Formas and I never bought a single Forma. Even built my dojo, with only my brother, and chucked in most of the Forma, all obtained free.


Sorry, this game deserves those freakin 5$ if you want more slots.


EDIT: All the game needs is some proper interface explaining to the new players how each item is obtainable and what does it do, nothin else.

Edited by Hybridon
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EDIT: All the game needs is some proper interface explaining to the new players how each item is obtainable and what does it do, nothin else.

aka the idiot text you see on various things.


"warning, hot coffee is hot"

"knife is sharp"

"dont put children in plastic container and close the lid"

"dont pet a burning dog"

and so on and so on...

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aka the idiot text you see on various things.


"warning, hot coffee is hot"

"knife is sharp"

"dont put children in plastic container and close the lid"

"dont pet a burning dog"

and so on and so on...


I mean, when I joined I had no idea what the alerts where, what each item did, I found out on the forums, or even wiki and so forth. More on the wiki.


Thing is, they shouldnt rely on the wiki, they should get people or knowing some few stuff ingame, with a proper interface, with small tips. Like when I click on a catalyst it says something like:


"This item doubles the mod capacity on your weapon. You can buy it here, or obtain it from alerts, that spawn aorund the solar system, good luck Tenno."


Not exactly that, but just a minor explanation.


When the first alert pops up also, have a little explanation. This is an alert Tenno, these show aorund the Solar Map randomly and give out different prizes, randomly, ranging from credits and resources, up to rare items, only obtainable free on alerts.


Other than that, the f2p is well built in here, a totally free player can enjoy the game as much, he will indeed have a tougher time, but then again, if you want it to be faster you pay for convenience, thats plat.

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Here's my opinion and attempt at summary...


It's true that Forma, Reactors, and Catalysts are found in Alerts and Login Rewards (both BPs and items), But I agree with the OP's point - there could (and maybe should) be a level of credits at which these "we-hope-the players-buy-platinum" items may be bought.




It's all about microeconomics, isn't it - pricing. DE wants/needs to maximize revenue: more revenue = more content = game longevity. The best way to do this is to keep the pool of players as large as possible and maximize payments (ATM buying of platinum, Founders, etc) 



Players have different willingness to pay for platinum:

- Players who have unlimited play-time can have the lowest willingness-to-pay, they simply grind things out. 

- Players who have disposable income and limited time to play may have the highest willingness-to-pay

- there are many levels of willingness-to-pay between the above; e.g. I will only buy platinum at 50% or better



Therefore items should be obtainable by many different prices and methods of paying to maximize player participation and buying of platinum at the each of the levels of willingness-to-pay... in pricing theory anyway. These prices can be in different terms as below.



Interest in F2P is subject to frustration if players perceive unfairness in the differences in access to items and platinum pricing to accommodate these different levels of to willingness-pay. There are many different ways to help players understand (or rationalize) these differences, usually luck, proficiency, hard-money payments, or grinding. Players generally accept these methods, but can be suspicious of payments (P2W) and frustrated with grinding.



I imagine it's a balancing act to manage the mechanics of revenue enhancement with player enthusiasm. DE needs to make money while managing the perception of the ways it gets.




There are always new ways to enhance revenue and promote player interest and I think DE is doing a decent job of managing them both.




WTH am I going to do with the millions of credits and f*ing nanospores I keep accumulating?

Edited by punkrockwarlord
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You pay for weapon and warframe slots which amounts to paying for a broad inventory.  Thats not pay to win.  Any game that has rpg like leveling is going to take time to develop highest tier.  Thats not pay to win.  Not sure you have played the game long enough to realize this.

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Formas are certainly not a problem. They can be aquired from running t2 and t3 exterminate and raid void missions which are easy to get keys for and easy to grind out. They also can be aquired from login rewards and alerts.


It's only P2W if they're actually selling un-obtainable goods in the cash shop which directly affect your power.

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Technically its not p2w, its RNG to win.


In most f2p models you have to grind away to aquire non cosmetic items.Here you have to hope you get an alert or a good log in reward roll.


Still I dunno if it was just RNG or if they actually did something but in the last few weeks I saw an increase in forma/potato alerts and log in rolls.


Honestly I think a high credit cost potato/forma blueprint would be a good idea.I'd rather grind up credits and know for sure that I can aquire what I need when I need it than hope for the dice to roll well.


Or perhaps make the blueprints a high level boss drop(with low chance of course) once we get bosses that take more than just raw full auto spray in the face to kill.

Edited by Cabadath5
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This is such a non-topic.


Youtuber comments... any F2P game where weapons are purchasable with real money is labeled pay to win.


I've been playing very casually for a few months, mid April maybe?  Anyway I have yet to put a penny into the game, mostly because I keep wondering if I'm going to keep playing, I log in almost daily and run a mission most days sometimes 3 or 4.  It has been at least 3 months looking at my clan activity since I ran with people I know and we did multiple missions together.


I have 4 formas and 1 forma BP.  I have 2 frames both potato'd and one extra, I have 3 sidearms, 3 melee and 2 main weapons all but the Lato potato'd.  I have a BP and 2 more reactors.  Point?  Stuff drops without farming or grinding and you get it for free.  I wish I would have known before I dropped my free starting plat on the potato's because the extra slots are what I really want if I keep playing.


If extra slots are the only thing you have to pay for, and everything else is frankly EASY to come by and free I really don't see how anyone can claim Pay2Win... but its the internet, and that statement follows any game that collects money for anything other than an initial purchase price.

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You can get both for free via alerts and login rewards. In fact, you just missed a Forma alert a couple of hours ago.

Except more players want Orokin rewards, Forma's are easier to get since you can get them from the daily login, void runs, alerts, and with platinum. Reactors and Catalysts are very rare dailies, 24 hour alert after a livestream or platinum.

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people call it p2w cause they can't shell out $10 for a decent number of catalysts and reactors. 


of course there's going to be a carrot that leads us into buying platinum, but that's what f2p games need to stay alive and Warframe has by far the fairest prices out there.

if you think Warframe has bad prices, you haven't seen nothing.

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Disagree with the OP. There are multiple ways to obtain both Forma and Potatoes without paying; it just takes work. Play the game for a week and watch the alerts; you'll get what you need.


Also, you don't need Forma in order to win. It's important to potato your primaries at later levels, but if you've played long enough to get to those later levels then really you should have a blueprint if you've tried at all. The only time I've bought potatoes is when I wanted a couple extra weapons that I really wanted to play with. I have not regretted a cent.

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