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The Future Of Endgame Warframe Progression? (Serious)


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"Would it be out of the question to suggest That we need more power mods for warframe abilities? Ya know... Maybe 4 new abilities for each frame so we can mix and match so everyone isn't the same and each warframe will have more playstyle options?

And maybe Legendary power mods for warframes that are extremely rare and require it's own unique polarity slot meaning that you'd have to polarize to use it? Just imagine that... A super rare legendary ability for each warframe, they would require 20 Capacity and have their own unique L Polarity slot. Using one of these power mods would require true dedication. This would make great use of left over Aura Capacity and make polarizing+Catalyst more appealing across the board.

Rough example : Loki - A Thousand Lies - Loki Turns all squad members invisible for a duration and leaves a decoy in their place, these decoys create radial disarms when they are killed. (ya know something for that uber uber hardcore player to work for?)

And this is even more far-fetched. Maybe after polarizing every single slot of a warframe, we'd be given 1 additional mod slot which would serve as wiggle room for those more... "Utility based mods" Such as Thief's wit and heavy impact while not having to sacrifice combat viability.


If the ideas sound good or even remotely interesting, Leave an Upvote, if not then just ignore this thread and let it be lost in oblivion.


Edit: I only want to put these ideas on the table for DE to see, I'll be the first to admit that if anything above was implemented, the method of which would be best left in DE's hands. I'm no game designer after all. So form your feedback with that in mind and try to resist any personal attacks on me if you think any if not all of the ideas are silly :3


Edit: Keep in mind the power descriptions are just the fun part of this thread. Not befitting to the "serious business", but not unwelcome. They're fun to read. ^.^


Also for those of you saying No to legendary power mods, but I'd just like to point out the Pros and Cons below.

Pros and Cons - For those of you saying No to legendary power mods, I'd just like to point out the pros and Cons below.


-Long term goal for both casual players and Completionist alike

-Solves the issue of (polarizing not worth it because of aura)

-Solves the issue of left over aura capacity

-Adds a reward to players dedicated to mastering a single frame

-Adds gratification by giving something truly meaningful to the player



-Press 4 to win



And I counter this by saying 200-or 250 energy to use. It's supposed to be an idea about rewarding a long term player with a new and very unique power that requires sacrifice to use. It's not meant nor was it ever intended to sound like another easy mode button. I'm sure there would be other ways to balance it's use but you get my point yes?


(Just my thoughts)



More - Thoughts on Power Cooldowns

I'd also like to add that I believe that powers, namely Ubers need a cooldown. We need to get DE to put an end to 4 spamming. I read a thread somewhere about power cooldowns in the form of your warframe overheating when you used skills to prevent spam. I think this is a brilliant idea and would add to the versatility of possible additions of powers and mods in the game.

Edited by Sirabot
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I'd also like to point out that Adding new warframe powers would cripple the required (God Tier) status of warframes by making each frame much more diverse. Having 4 new powers to mix and match with current powers would create true build diversity based on player preference.

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i love this idea even if it doesn't get implemented i kinda wanna have fun with what they could be, like volts could be all the light in a massive area turning off, and enemies starting to glow and just fizzle out of existence in sparky explosions and the lights could return since it wasn't an overload but a power transfer. just imagine seeing almost complete darkness except for the shining enemies that are about to meet their doom.

Edit: oh got another one Embers could actually become fire and she for a very long duration leaves things a fiery mess, honestly its fire you cant really get too creative with it.

Edit 2: did i mention im enjoying this? for frost he could call upon a massive Snow Storm that just slowly chips away at enemy health slows them drastically and devastates shields  and if something can actually survive long enough in this thing its frozen and not the crappy frozen we got now that wares off with a bit of damage no i mean frozen for a set duration

Edit 3: im going to be spending a lot of time here i can already foresee it, Vaubans could be his ultimate creation yet! hes managed to remake one of the voids death spheres and hes tinkered with it enough to not get his friends killed.. hopefully

Edit 4: ...ill stop eventually just not now... Mags could be the opposite of crush, tearing things apart atom by atom she can pull and push and shove and force until the poor guys cant handle it anymore and burst

Edit 5: i fully understand that their planning on adding 4 new powers to frames instead of a super power but i can dream cant i?

also a twofer! Nyx can now fully manipulate everything's mind into not only being unable to recognize friend from foe but now just drive them into pure insanity, seeing things that dont exist or even shooting themselves when all else fails, and of course insanity has no cure and Saryns is honestly simple just corrode everything around her and make it spread a bit like creep from SC2 with the effect that enemies who touch the creep aren't going to end up surviving this and when something dies due to creep it spreads the creep

Edit 6: last one.. definitely not because im running out of ideas just cuz this is getting too big hehe, anyhow my final idea would be for Banshee where she moves at the speed of sound and causes sonic booms periodically that knock back and hurt anything nearby at the time and the longer shes been moving without stop the more common it is for it to happen

Edited by Aver
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I want new powers, but I don't think getting bigger and better "uber ults" would be a good idea. I'd much rather see more diversity and utility in all warframes.


Moreover, I want skills that require some skill or finesse, I think we're all tired of the "4 to nuke" situation.


I'd love to see some more cross warframe synergy similar to how Mag's bullet attractor+ Excal's radial Javelin can just devastate anything.


Another thread coined the whole "we're space ninja's not space wizards"

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Excalibur's Legendary - Kingmaker: Blinds all foes in a large area as he jumps into the air then raining down skanas on all foes blinded.

(couldn't jump very high because of most low ceilings but still) :P





Edit: Keep in mind the power descriptions are just the fun part of this thread. Not befitting to the serious business, but not unwelcome. They're fun to read. ^.^

Edited by Sirabot
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They've talked about more powers to each warframe, and the idea of being able to take only 4 powers out of 8 or maybe 6 sounds incredibly fun, especially IF those legendary abilities would be very strictly locked, maybe few times a day or maybe you'd have to use some kind of item each time? They really should be something you'd not see everyday.

Banshee making bullets lose their path, enemies launch into the air...

Ember making fireballs rain from the sky...

Volt charging his body with electricity nobody has ever saw before, instantly frying enemies that are close...

Frost throwing a MOTHERF***ING TORNADO that sucks everyone and throws them in all directions in a frozen state...

Edited by Aure7
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I will admit I really do love the idea of more powers ultimately leading up to a legendary power~

It sparks my interest for sure, I would love to see what they would do for each warframe as a legendary power.


Personally, this is me throwing in my two cents but I think it would be amazing if they added these kinds of mods in some sort of "boss rush" it would be amazing to have a planet of extreme difficulty or something where we could fight all the old bosses and have a major fight ahead of us. 

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I support loki being able to create a ton of troll decoys.

my sides.



anyways, this is interesting as F***. 

i'm all for more cool stuff.


while we're at it, Frosts' legendary power would be he does his disco finger spin, while spinning in circles - and calls in a tidal wave of snow and ice, crashing through the level and sweeping enemies away. 

think about it. a tidal wave of snow and ice. 


Volts' could be chain lightning that chains up to 200 times, and INCREASING damage on each chain. so the more enemies, the more it'll chain, and the more damage it'll do! miniscule damage to start with.


Nyx could.... uh....er...... mind control all the tenno, and everyone has a party. i'm stumped here. 


Mag would pull ALL enemies in the range of Crush and smash them all into one point, at high velocity, etc. more enemies in range, the more damage they take in colliding with a pile of other enemies. it would be hilarious to watch.


Ash would.... just kill things faster. LOL.

(no offense, Ash is cool)


Rhino would just scream at the air, that poor &!$$ed off man.





Personally, this is me throwing in my two cents but I think it would be amazing if they added these kinds of mods in some sort of "boss rush" it would be amazing to have a planet of extreme difficulty or something where we could fight all the old bosses and have a major fight ahead of us.

it MUST be Lore tied and it MUST scale with players. i've seen other game(s) which have had a 'boss rush', and it was an epic failure. earlier game players got destroyed by it, and for endgame players it was laughably easy. 

Edited by taiiat
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it MUST be Lore tied and it MUST scale with players. i've seen other game(s) which have had a 'boss rush', and it was an epic failure. earlier game players got destroyed by it, and for endgame players it was laughably easy. 


Oh no I understand.  I also think there is a semi easy solution to this, actually.  I think it would be great if the "boss rush" was Orokin themed.  As in we see a bunch of grunts ( Infested/ Grineer/ Corpus ) as corrupted in the void.  Why not have corrupted bosses?

I can't imagine that there isn't someone of greater power who has become corrupted, so why not make a boss rush out of them? I think it would great fun~ :3


EDIT: Also about the whole 'scaling' problem.. I mean this is an issue is almost any game.. But the way I see it you would WANT to make it difficult.  You wouldn't want new players to try and go in it.  I mean look at any end-game content on any mmorpg just as an example.  (( BTW yes I am talking about WoW here, forgive me it is my best reference )) You wouldn't want to take someone to a raid who just hit the max level with no idea what they were doing who didn't have the gear or the damage/skill to take on the raid, you would want to take someone experienced. 

It would be a challenge that would require you to pre-plan, I'm sick of hearing some of my friends say stuff like "Oh it is only Nightmare mode, let me take my rank 10 Ember, I just used a forma on her but that is okay, it isn't like this is hard or anything"

Edited by Halloc
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yea honestly no matter how much fun i had with those ideas id prefer they just add new skills to not necessarily replace current skills but make you really think which skill would you rather have rather then it is now where you got 4 skills and the only choices you really got is to equip all or some

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Also about the whole 'scaling' problem.. I mean this is an issue is almost any game.. But the way I see it you would WANT to make it difficult.  You wouldn't want new players to try and go in it.  I mean look at any end-game content on any mmorpg just as an example.  (( BTW yes I am talking about WoW here, forgive me it is my best reference )) You wouldn't want to take someone to a raid who just hit the max level with no idea what they were doing who didn't have the gear or the damage/skill to take on the raid, you would want to take someone experienced. 

It would be a challenge that would require you to pre-plan, I'm sick of hearing some of my friends say stuff like "Oh it is only Nightmare mode, let me take my rank 10 Ember, I just used a forma on her but that is okay, it isn't like this is hard or anything"


Indeed -_- And I am guilty of this because it really isn't hard. I wish It was but it just isn't. It's artificial difficulty of course, which can always be manipulated and exploited because of bad AI. But that's another topic I'm sure. Still though. This suggestion was born of Legendary Power Mods. And I agree, they need to be VERY hard to get. Not just RNG, but you can go in and expect to loose. Even with an OP & experienced team. That's the point. We need something very difficult and worth striving for to prevent burnout. This is one of Many solutions.

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I'm on the fence about actually Implementing Mega Ulti's. But it is fun to Brainstorm what the final culmination of each Frame's powers would be. More abilities would also be nice for Variety, I rarely find myself modding in more than two abilities at a time on any frame.


Ash: Throws guided Shuriken at all enemies within range. The moment they all hit Ash, moving faster than light appears at each hit enemy and performs a Bladestorm attack. (maybe even smoke screens a very large area just to top it off before or after)

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 Also for those of you saying No to legendary power mods, I won't say you're wrong but I will say this



-Long term goal for both casual gamers and Completionist alike

-Solves the issue of (polarizing not worth it because of aura)

-Solves the issue of left over aura capacity

-Adds a reward to players dedicated to mastering a single frame

-Adds gratification by giving something truly meaningful to the player



-Press 4 to win



And I counter this by saying 200-250 energy to use. It's supposed to be an idea about rewarding a long term player with a new and very unique power that requires sacrifice to use. It's not meant nor was it ever intended to sound like another easy mode button.


(Just my thoughts)

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this is going to sound like an excuse to make up more skills, that's because it really is lets come up with the other skills that aren't uber and actually have a small chance of making it like mag being able to pin a group of people to the ground for a bit just stunning them or trinity taking some of the damage her teammates would take and spreading it to the group, or ember imbuing her gun with fire making them explode in a small aoe etc... and you know me ima come back and edit this <3

Edit 1: i found something else to do so this will prob be my only one for a while, their all going to be loki cuz i really miss being able to do everything on him, one skill could be he slows down nearby enemies to a near stop so that all of their reactions are dulled and it takes them a long longer to do anything like say notice a certain warframe walk past a few dozen times, another one could be that he gives his non melee weapons a powerup that causes enemies shot by them to not be able to spot players (oh god i can foresee bugs just saying this XD) and the final one could be something simple like super jump since you know that kinda utility belongs on the most utility heavy frame in the game

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this is going to sound like an excuse to make up more skills, that's because it really is lets come up with the other skills that aren't uber and actually have a small chance of making it like mag being able to pin a group of people to the ground for a bit just stunning them or trinity taking some of the damage her teammates would take and spreading it to the group, or ember imbuing her gun with fire making them explode in a small aoe etc... and you know me ima come back and edit this <3

You're not hurting anything. Ideas are good here. The more the better. So let it all out. I just want DE to read this thread and know that we do need more versatility for warframes endgame. Not just with the content but with the Actual play style of the warframes. So all ideas and suggestions are welcome and worth the effort, even if just for fun.

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Ash: Evanescence

Cost: All remaining energy

Target: One enemy per energy point

Effect: After you activate Evanescence, a timer appears with the text: "Evanescence in 3..2..1.."

After that, a cutscene appears: Ash raises his hand, and all of the nearby doors close and lock down. Then, Ash raises his other hand, and the lights go out completely. He flashes his wirstblades and goes on a bloody rampage, killing every enemy in the room, as long as he has enough power to do so. After the cutscene is over, the lights will remain off and the lockdown needs to be deactivated manually.


Edited by Nazgul999
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Ash: Evanescence

Cost: All remaining energy

Target: One enemy per energy point

Effect: After you activate Evanescence, a timer appears with the text: "Evanescence in 3..2..1.."

After that, a cutscene appears: Ash raises his hand, and all of the nearby doors close and lock down. Then, Ash raises his other hand, and the lights go out completely. He flashes his wirstblades and goes on a bloody rampage, killing every enemy in the room, as long as he has enough power to do so. After the cutscene is over, the lights will remain off and the lockdown needs to be deactivated manually.


Too much? The doors shutting and creating lock down and the lights going out would create a huge annoyance to other players :P

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