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Ember Rework: A New Mechanic And Scalable Power


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Hello all. The Ember rework threads have been a dime a dozen lately, and opposed to many other frame rework ideas, the proposals all seem relatively similar. I am here now to maybe open you all up to something more creative. I promise that this is something different.


With many new frames, DE often implements an entirely new mechanic that is special to just that frame. Like Limbo and his rift or Volt and how he interacts with electronics. I am proposing a new mechanic that Ember’s abilities revolve around. This would give her synergy parallel to Limbo, but not have her abilities be dependent of each other.


The trick here is, I do not suggest much of a change for her first three abilities. It is more of adding the new mechanic to her abilities… then completely reworking WoF.


The base concept is “Scorched Ground.” It appears as just coals on the ground and is simply a texture that applies to the ground. There is a picture in the spoiler below that shows a basic concept on how it would appear.



Scorched ground has a few interesting mechanics.

  • Scorched Ground works in patches. All Scorched Ground that is connected with each other becomes one entity, a “patch.” There can be multiple patches, but the amount of enemies for the following items is relative to the specific patch, not to the total enemies on all patches.
  • All enemies on scorched earth will receive constant fire damage. This is not just a simple DoT however, it is dependent on the amount of enemies on the patch. There is an initial base damage of 100 fire damage per second to all enemies on the patch. But for every additional living enemy on the patch, they receive an additional 25 fire damage per second.
  • It buffs damage of allies stepping on the Scorched Ground with fire damage. However, this damage is relative to the amount of living enemies that are stuck on the Scorched Ground. I believe that an additional 5% fire damage on top of your current weapons damage for every enemy that is on the same pad of scorched earth. This stacks with enemies, so if 20 enemies are on the same patch, it will give +100% fire damage to allies on the patch.
  • Scorched Ground has a duration based on the ability used to create it. For the last three seconds before scorched ground disappears, its physical appearance will dim to let the player know that the Scorched Ground is dissipating.


There are also two ways for enemies to catch on fire and effect Scorched Ground, Burning or Bursting.

  • Burning: This is the more common way that an enemy catches fire in regards to scorched earth. As soon as an enemy steps on Scorched Ground they will be subject to the DoT and add to the enemy count for the damage and ally buff. When an enemy is on Scorched Ground for a continuous three seconds, they will catch fire and be stuck in that fire proc for the rest of the duration of the specific patch of Scorched Ground the enemy is standing on.
  • Bursting: Bursting is like a chain reaction similar to the chain reactions from Molecular Prime. When an enemy is caused to Burst (by aspects of Ember’s abilities) they are immediately put into a fire proc animation that will last the rest of the duration of the Scorched Ground they are standing on. They also Scorch a small range (about a 2 meter radius) around them. This further extends the range of the patch of Scorched Ground. In addition, all enemies within the range of the initial Burst of the enemy will Burst themselves, creating a chain reaction. Just to clarify, only enemies in that small Burst range during the initial Burst will Burst themselves (wow, that was a mouth full). Enemies that wander on to the Scorched Ground created by the Burst will simply Burn.


And there that is. A new mechanic that Ember’s abilities revolve around. Now to detail how abilities use this mechanic.

  • Fireball: This is relatively similar to how it works now, but in a slightly different fashions. When fireball impacts an enemy, it still does the 400 damage to said enemy, but no longer has the AoE. An enemy impacted by Fireball will be caused to Burst. This results in a new area of Scorched Ground and a possible chain reaction. If an enemy is not directly hit with fireball but the ground is, a small patch of Scorched Ground will be create where all enemies who enter will Burn. The base duration for each of these possibilities of the Scorched Ground is 5 seconds.
  • Accelerant: This ability remains basically the same as it is now. It multiplies fire damage by 250% (an increase of 150%). It would be nice if it also multiplied Radiation, Blast, and Gas damage by 175% (and additional 75%). The elementals are half fire, so Accelerant should have half of the effect on them. To those that say that is OP, it is most definitely not. Rhino’s Roar gives more of a boost due to effecting all damage types. Accelerant only increase the elemental damage, requiring that you are using the correct elementals in the first place. There are no Scorched Ground aspects to this ability.
  • Fire Blast: This remains visually very similar to how it is now. The additions to it are that it causes all enemies caught in the original blast to Burst themselves. It also Scorches the ground within the range of the ring. For 75 energy, this is still rather lackluster. I propose that it also has a 50% chance to redirect incoming projectiles similar to Turbulence. This is no end-all-be-all. At base power strength, half of the projectiles can still enter the range. In addition, in order to use this buff, you need to confine yourself to a small area, removing the best way to avoid damage, movement. To prevent this from being too over powered, the percent chance to redirect projectiles will cap at 75%. Another option would be to simply have it be a 50% damage reduction, but that is not as fun. The base duration of the ring and Scorched Ground would be 20 seconds (same as now). If you go the Turbulence route, 100% chance to redirect may not be entirely OP. Zephyr has that ability for 75 energy, but she has the advantage of it moving with her. I am not sure exactly what would be the best option here for balance's sake. 
  • World on Fire: And here comes the big change. I am proposing that WoF completely revolves around the aspects of Scorched Ground. This is simple to explain, but the ramifications of this are not. For the duration that WoF is active, the ground hat Ember is contacting below her will be scorched. In addition, all enemies within 6 meters of Ember herself will be caused to Burst. Because this ability forces Ember to get near groups of enemies, something Ember should not be often doing with her base stats, an additional 25% movement speed would be warranted. The Scorched Earth created will last for an additional 20 seconds after the duration of WoF (10 seconds) ends.

There is one more little piece of synergy, recharging patches. Three of Ember’s abilities have the ability to recharge patches of Scorched Ground. Remember that when two areas of Scorched Ground become connected, they become one entity. There is no way to tell that the parts came from different sources, they both become under the same duration and dissipate at the same time. When two areas come intact, they average the remaining time together, accounting for total area of each original patch (Larger patches will be weighted heavier).

((square meters of patch A)(Duration of patch A)+(square meters of patch B)(Duration of Patch B))/(2(Square meters of patch (A+B))

  • Fireball: If you shoot a fire ball at a patch of Scorched Ground, the duration of that patch will be increased by 5 seconds.
  • Fire Blast: If the area of the Scorched Ground comes in contact with another area, the duration of the Scorched Ground of the other patch and the duration of the Scorched Ground of Fire Blast (20 seconds) will be averaged, it will account for total surface area.  
  • World on Fire: A patch that Ember is standing on will have two seconds added to its duration for every seconds she is standing on it. A more useful aspect of WoF could simply be to connect patches together, resulting in a higher damage buff for allies and higher DoT.


Inside the spoiler below are some progressions of how powerful Scorched Ground could be.



Orange Circle= Ember

Green Circle with Green outline= Unaffected Enemy

Green Circle with Red outline= Enemy being damaged by Scorched Ground

Dark Red area= Scorched Ground

Dark Red outline of a Circle= Range of WoF



This picture represents how an area can be Scorched to lock down a hallway. The picture above is in two parts. In the top Ember uses Fire Blast to make an area of Scorched Ground. Ember then walks away from that area and the enemies walk onto it. As soon as the enemies step on they are subject to the Fire DoT and add to the damage boost Allies of Ember receive. Because there are two enemies shown on that patch os Scorched Ground, they are each receiving 150 Fire damage per second (100+25*2). Any Ally of Ember that is standing on that patch will receive +10% (.05*2) fire damage to their weapons. If those enemies stay on the Scorched Groun for five seconds, they will catch on fire and be stuck in the burning animation for the rest of the duration of the Scorched Ground they are standing on.



This is a picture of Ember using Fireball (path of fire ball depicted by dotted arrow). This also shows how Bursting can lead to chain reactions. In the second frame, the enemy struck with Fireball is caused to Burst. That creates a new are of Scorched Ground around that enemy. Because three other enemies were in range of the initial burst, those enemies are caused to burst themselves (third frame). The burst of those enemies further adds to the area of the Scorched Ground and three more enemies are caused to burst. As of the fourth frame, each enemy is receiving 275 fire damage per second (100+25*7) and allies of Ember are receiving +35% (.05*7) fire damage for their weapons. The fifth frame shows an enemy that wonders onto the patch of Scorched Ground. Because this enemy was not in any of the initial Burst ranges, this enemy will not burst themselves. They simply are exposed to the DoT and add to the enemy count (with the eighth enemy, it is now 300 fire damage per second and +40% fire damage).



This is a picture of the before and after of Ember using World on Fire. The first frame shows the initial mobs, and Ember’s planed path. The second frame shows the aftermath of WoF. As Ember moved along the path, enemies in the range of WoF were caused to Burst. In addition, a trail of Scorched Ground has been left where Ember was contacting the ground. Even though many enemies were outside of the range of WoF, the chain reactions of Bursting brought them under its effect. Notice the small group of three enemies in the bottom right. The initial enemy was in range of WoF, but because the enemy was not close enough to connect the patches, those enemies are under their own DoT then the rest of the enemies. The enemies on the larger patch are all receiving 450 (100+25*14) fire damage per second and allies of Ember have +70% (.05*14) fire damage added to their weapons. Because the smaller group is not connected, they are under their own DoT of 175 fire damage per second and allies only gain +15% fire damage.



To emphasize the importance of connecting patches, the picture above shows that Ember jumped (was not touching the ground) in between the first and second groups, causing them to be in separate patches. Now, the enemies in the first patch only are receiving 275 (100+25*7) fire damage per second and the damage buff is only 35% (.05*7). The enemies on the second patch are in the same boat with only 7 enemies on that patch. In order to reap the most gains from Scorched Ground, you must use some strategy.



That is it. A rework of Ember that is not run of the mill on any way. This would turn her into a CC and damage buff powerhouse (look out Nova). It makes all of her abilities complement each other, but each are useful in their own right (unlike Limbo). Also, with this she truly becomes the master of fire. She uses her flames against here enemies and is capable of tending to the flames, not just fire and forget. In order for Ember to be most effectively used with a system as of this, you must be strategic with ability use. Just pressing 4 will not do much unless you think about the best way to capitalize off of the buffs of Scorched Ground.


Edit 1: Now to explain how this "scales" with enemy level (the scaling with player skill is self-explanatory). The damage done by Scorched Ground is a vicious cycle due to being effected by enemy count. The more enemies on a patch, the faster the enemies die. With less enemies on the patch, less damage is being done, the more enemies that can survive on the patch. In the end, it creates a sort of equilibrium, relative to the health of the enemies, where the rate at with enemies die is balanced out. For low level enemies, the damage will remain low due to enemies dying quickly on the patches of Scorched Ground. In higher levels, more enemies will be able to withstand the damage for a longer time, increasing the damage done. Ta-da, damage that scales with enemy level.


Is this a hell of a buff? Yes. But the master of fire should be a frame to be feared. Her base squishiness and incapability of face tanking (remember, Fire Blast is stationary and caps at 75%) makes her use of CC necessary. The damage buffs she has the capability of giving may be huge (DoT and Damage Buff can scale endlessly), but are entirely dependent on the skill and strategy of the person using Ember.


I would equip flame repellant for proposing such an outlandish idea, the Forums normally prefer just moar damage, but this is a fire based frame, I will embrace the flames. If you do not like the idea, that is fine by me. If you take one thing from this it is to open your eyes to more creative ways to buff frames and make them fit a definable role for the team. Smile, it is a good day. 

Edited by DrBorris
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I kinda skimmed through it but have a suggestion to make


Making fire procs debuff for fire would be a viable solution for making burning in general more useful and helping her powers scale a bit more


Fire blast would be wildly popular for damage stacking

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I like this a lot. Not sure about the scorch multiplier for multiple enemies though. Seems like that could quickly stack to ridiculous levels, and that's before considering Accelerant.


But remember, the more enemies on the patch, the higher the DoT, the faster the enemies die, thus less enemies on the patch, then lower damage, then more enemies can survive on the patch... 


It is a vicious cycle. In a way, it balances itself out.

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I like it.

Even though it seems a bit too complex. In the heat of the battle it will be pretty tricky to micromanage all those patches, check if they are connected and count enemies on them.

WoF will still be restricted to low levels, as even with upcoming armor upgrade Ember will still be too squishy to scoot amongst enemies. Maybe with stamina upgrade parrying will become viable. Or crazy coptering into enemies.

But it will make superb traps. And it should be outright epic when combined with Limbo.

Overall, I support any change that increases skill ceiling.

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this is one of the best ideas I've seen to far for ember, though I think the "scorched ground) should replace fire blast instead of WoF, but what I really like is to keep all abilities and have the scorched ground effect remain, it'll activate through using ember's abilities as you say and will stay around her by default, and that "burst" idea really is what caught my eye of this idea, I really find it awesome and effective

I do have one suggestion though, instead of fire blast reflecting 75% on the bullets (which I don't think it's OP at all btw), I'd rather seen it "melting" them (this with the exception of some "bullets" like the corpus flex rifle and supra and.....basically all the corpus's weapons), so she'll still not get hurt, but will have a 75% chance to melt all the bullets that are fired at fire blast's ring 

I can understand all the trouble you went through while making this thread (must be like 1 or 2 hours XD) and you sir, have gained all my respect.....*bow and +1* 

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I think you're really onto something here, OP.  I'm not sure the patches should work exactly like you're saying, as far as the numbers go, but the damage stacking would be quite nice, and the adding fire damage to allies would be frickin' awesome.  All of her skills would have so much synergy with each other, with 1, 3, and 4 feeding into the effectiveness of Accelerant, and then Accelerant feeding that boost right back into the squads' effective damage.


Ember would go from one of the most overlooked and under-developed frames to one of the most complete.  I love this idea.

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I like where you're going OP, but how is this different from Nova?

It is not press 4, then win (like Nova).


It is think/plan, press 4, think some more, press 1, 2, and 3 a few times, then win. You need to be consciously planning in order to reap the rewards, simply pressing 4 will do nothing productive. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ember still feels underwhelming even with her recent "buff". I put the word "buff" lightly, as WoF feels pointless with a toggle and duration, but her other changes were nice.

Anyway, pretty neat idea. Though sadly i doubt DE will notice it. If they do, they aren't likely to implement it. I think they're done with Ember, as they said she's "in a good place" (Even though it's us players that technically decide that).

Edited by XxCurtennoxX
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Dude, great work with this! Very fleshed out, interesting and with a clever way of introducing scalability to Ember.


It's kinda funny though, I thought I myself had an epiphany very recently, in regards to Ember. I had the idea, very similarly to you, that she could have the unique mechanic of spreading patches of fire all around the battlefield with her abilities (as can be seen in this thread), which then could be "ignited" more powerfully on enemies by the use of Accelerant, to make those patches more deadly, on top of causing their dots to spread to nearby unaffected enemies. Then I saw THIS thread today and realized that you probably have the better version and far more clever execution of that very similar idea.


At least I feel glad I thought of something similar, great minds thinking alike and all that :P ;)

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Hello all. The Ember rework threads have been a dime a dozen lately, and opposed to many other frame rework ideas, the proposals all seem relatively similar. I am here now to maybe open you all up to something more creative. I promise that this is something different.


With many new frames, DE often implements an entirely new mechanic that is special to just that frame. Like Limbo and his rift or Volt and how he interacts with electronics. I am proposing a new mechanic that Ember’s abilities revolve around. This would give her synergy parallel to Limbo, but not have her abilities be dependent of each other.


The trick here is, I do not suggest much of a change for her first three abilities. It is more of adding the new mechanic to her abilities… then completely reworking WoF.


The base concept is “Scorched Ground.” It appears as just coals on the ground and is simply a texture that applies to the ground. There is a picture in the spoiler below that shows a basic concept on how it would appear.



Scorched ground has a few interesting mechanics.

  • Scorched Ground works in patches. All Scorched Ground that is connected with each other becomes one entity, a “patch.” There can be multiple patches, but the amount of enemies for the following items is relative to the specific patch, not to the total enemies on all patches.
  • All enemies on scorched earth will receive constant fire damage. This is not just a simple DoT however, it is dependent on the amount of enemies on the patch. There is an initial base damage of 100 fire damage per second to all enemies on the patch. But for every additional living enemy on the patch, they receive an additional 25 fire damage per second.
  • It buffs damage of allies stepping on the Scorched Ground with fire damage. However, this damage is relative to the amount of living enemies that are stuck on the Scorched Ground. I believe that an additional 5% fire damage on top of your current weapons damage for every enemy that is on the same pad of scorched earth. This stacks with enemies, so if 20 enemies are on the same patch, it will give +100% fire damage to allies on the patch.
  • Scorched Ground has a duration based on the ability used to create it. For the last three seconds before scorched ground disappears, its physical appearance will dim to let the player know that the Scorched Ground is dissipating.


There are also two ways for enemies to catch on fire and effect Scorched Ground, Burning or Bursting.

  • Burning: This is the more common way that an enemy catches fire in regards to scorched earth. As soon as an enemy steps on Scorched Ground they will be subject to the DoT and add to the enemy count for the damage and ally buff. When an enemy is on Scorched Ground for a continuous three seconds, they will catch fire and be stuck in that fire proc for the rest of the duration of the specific patch of Scorched Ground the enemy is standing on.
  • Bursting: Bursting is like a chain reaction similar to the chain reactions from Molecular Prime. When an enemy is caused to Burst (by aspects of Ember’s abilities) they are immediately put into a fire proc animation that will last the rest of the duration of the Scorched Ground they are standing on. They also Scorch a small range (about a 2 meter radius) around them. This further extends the range of the patch of Scorched Ground. In addition, all enemies within the range of the initial Burst of the enemy will Burst themselves, creating a chain reaction. Just to clarify, only enemies in that small Burst range during the initial Burst will Burst themselves (wow, that was a mouth full). Enemies that wander on to the Scorched Ground created by the Burst will simply Burn.


And there that is. A new mechanic that Ember’s abilities revolve around. Now to detail how abilities use this mechanic.

  • Fireball: This is relatively similar to how it works now, but in a slightly different fashions. When fireball impacts an enemy, it still does the 400 damage to said enemy, but no longer has the AoE. An enemy impacted by Fireball will be caused to Burst. This results in a new area of Scorched Ground and a possible chain reaction. If an enemy is not directly hit with fireball but the ground is, a small patch of Scorched Ground will be create where all enemies who enter will Burn. The base duration for each of these possibilities of the Scorched Ground is 5 seconds.
  • Accelerant: This ability remains basically the same as it is now. It multiplies fire damage by 250% (an increase of 150%). It would be nice if it also multiplied Radiation, Blast, and Gas damage by 175% (and additional 75%). The elementals are half fire, so Accelerant should have half of the effect on them. To those that say that is OP, it is most definitely not. Rhino’s Roar gives more of a boost due to effecting all damage types. Accelerant only increase the elemental damage, requiring that you are using the correct elementals in the first place. There are no Scorched Ground aspects to this ability.
  • Fire Blast: This remains visually very similar to how it is now. The additions to it are that it causes all enemies caught in the original blast to Burst themselves. It also Scorches the ground within the range of the ring. For 75 energy, this is still rather lackluster. I propose that it also has a 50% chance to redirect incoming projectiles similar to Turbulence. This is no end-all-be-all. At base power strength, half of the projectiles can still enter the range. In addition, in order to use this buff, you need to confine yourself to a small area, removing the best way to avoid damage, movement. To prevent this from being too over powered, the percent chance to redirect projectiles will cap at 75%. Another option would be to simply have it be a 50% damage reduction, but that is not as fun. The base duration of the ring and Scorched Ground would be 20 seconds (same as now). If you go the Turbulence route, 100% chance to redirect may not be entirely OP. Zephyr has that ability for 75 energy, but she has the advantage of it moving with her. I am not sure exactly what would be the best option here for balance's sake. 
  • World on Fire: And here comes the big change. I am proposing that WoF completely revolves around the aspects of Scorched Ground. This is simple to explain, but the ramifications of this are not. For the duration that WoF is active, the ground hat Ember is contacting below her will be scorched. In addition, all enemies within 6 meters of Ember herself will be caused to Burst. Because this ability forces Ember to get near groups of enemies, something Ember should not be often doing with her base stats, an additional 25% movement speed would be warranted. The Scorched Earth created will last for an additional 20 seconds after the duration of WoF (10 seconds) ends.

There is one more little piece of synergy, recharging patches. Three of Ember’s abilities have the ability to recharge patches of Scorched Ground. Remember that when two areas of Scorched Ground become connected, they become one entity. There is no way to tell that the parts came from different sources, they both become under the same duration and dissipate at the same time. When two areas come intact, they average the remaining time together, accounting for total area of each original patch (Larger patches will be weighted heavier).

((square meters of patch A)(Duration of patch A)+(square meters of patch B)(Duration of Patch B))/(2(Square meters of patch (A+B))

  • Fireball: If you shoot a fire ball at a patch of Scorched Ground, the duration of that patch will be increased by 5 seconds.
  • Fire Blast: If the area of the Scorched Ground comes in contact with another area, the duration of the Scorched Ground of the other patch and the duration of the Scorched Ground of Fire Blast (20 seconds) will be averaged, it will account for total surface area.  
  • World on Fire: A patch that Ember is standing on will have two seconds added to its duration for every seconds she is standing on it. A more useful aspect of WoF could simply be to connect patches together, resulting in a higher damage buff for allies and higher DoT.


Inside the spoiler below are some progressions of how powerful Scorched Ground could be.



Orange Circle= Ember

Green Circle with Green outline= Unaffected Enemy

Green Circle with Red outline= Enemy being damaged by Scorched Ground

Dark Red area= Scorched Ground

Dark Red outline of a Circle= Range of WoF



This picture represents how an area can be Scorched to lock down a hallway. The picture above is in two parts. In the top Ember uses Fire Blast to make an area of Scorched Ground. Ember then walks away from that area and the enemies walk onto it. As soon as the enemies step on they are subject to the Fire DoT and add to the damage boost Allies of Ember receive. Because there are two enemies shown on that patch os Scorched Ground, they are each receiving 150 Fire damage per second (100+25*2). Any Ally of Ember that is standing on that patch will receive +10% (.05*2) fire damage to their weapons. If those enemies stay on the Scorched Groun for five seconds, they will catch on fire and be stuck in the burning animation for the rest of the duration of the Scorched Ground they are standing on.



This is a picture of Ember using Fireball (path of fire ball depicted by dotted arrow). This also shows how Bursting can lead to chain reactions. In the second frame, the enemy struck with Fireball is caused to Burst. That creates a new are of Scorched Ground around that enemy. Because three other enemies were in range of the initial burst, those enemies are caused to burst themselves (third frame). The burst of those enemies further adds to the area of the Scorched Ground and three more enemies are caused to burst. As of the fourth frame, each enemy is receiving 275 fire damage per second (100+25*7) and allies of Ember are receiving +35% (.05*7) fire damage for their weapons. The fifth frame shows an enemy that wonders onto the patch of Scorched Ground. Because this enemy was not in any of the initial Burst ranges, this enemy will not burst themselves. They simply are exposed to the DoT and add to the enemy count (with the eighth enemy, it is now 300 fire damage per second and +40% fire damage).



This is a picture of the before and after of Ember using World on Fire. The first frame shows the initial mobs, and Ember’s planed path. The second frame shows the aftermath of WoF. As Ember moved along the path, enemies in the range of WoF were caused to Burst. In addition, a trail of Scorched Ground has been left where Ember was contacting the ground. Even though many enemies were outside of the range of WoF, the chain reactions of Bursting brought them under its effect. Notice the small group of three enemies in the bottom right. The initial enemy was in range of WoF, but because the enemy was not close enough to connect the patches, those enemies are under their own DoT then the rest of the enemies. The enemies on the larger patch are all receiving 450 (100+25*14) fire damage per second and allies of Ember have +70% (.05*14) fire damage added to their weapons. Because the smaller group is not connected, they are under their own DoT of 175 fire damage per second and allies only gain +15% fire damage.



To emphasize the importance of connecting patches, the picture above shows that Ember jumped (was not touching the ground) in between the first and second groups, causing them to be in separate patches. Now, the enemies in the first patch only are receiving 275 (100+25*7) fire damage per second and the damage buff is only 35% (.05*7). The enemies on the second patch are in the same boat with only 7 enemies on that patch. In order to reap the most gains from Scorched Ground, you must use some strategy.



That is it. A rework of Ember that is not run of the mill on any way. This would turn her into a CC and damage buff powerhouse (look out Nova). It makes all of her abilities complement each other, but each are useful in their own right (unlike Limbo). Also, with this she truly becomes the master of fire. She uses her flames against here enemies and is capable of tending to the flames, not just fire and forget. In order for Ember to be most effectively used with a system as of this, you must be strategic with ability use. Just pressing 4 will not do much unless you think about the best way to capitalize off of the buffs of Scorched Ground.


Edit 1: Now to explain how this "scales" with enemy level (the scaling with player skill is self-explanatory). The damage done by Scorched Ground is a vicious cycle due to being effected by enemy count. The more enemies on a patch, the faster the enemies die. With less enemies on the patch, less damage is being done, the more enemies that can survive on the patch. In the end, it creates a sort of equilibrium, relative to the health of the enemies, where the rate at with enemies die is balanced out. For low level enemies, the damage will remain low due to enemies dying quickly on the patches of Scorched Ground. In higher levels, more enemies will be able to withstand the damage for a longer time, increasing the damage done. Ta-da, damage that scales with enemy level.


Is this a hell of a buff? Yes. But the master of fire should be a frame to be feared. Her base squishiness and incapability of face tanking (remember, Fire Blast is stationary and caps at 75%) makes her use of CC necessary. The damage buffs she has the capability of giving may be huge (DoT and Damage Buff can scale endlessly), but are entirely dependent on the skill and strategy of the person using Ember.


I would equip flame repellant for proposing such an outlandish idea, the Forums normally prefer just moar damage, but this is a fire based frame, I will embrace the flames. If you do not like the idea, that is fine by me. If you take one thing from this it is to open your eyes to more creative ways to buff frames and make them fit a definable role for the team. Smile, it is a good day. 

Actually, this is a good idea. What do you do about the energy drain though? Does that stay, and would the skill run until you are out of energy or does the drain go away and does the skill go back to being duration based?

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I overall like this idea. But I've a few questions:


1. So do you mean she will keep all her 4 abilities, while adding the scorched ground as an effect induced by casting WoF and Fire blast? (becoz I couldn't quite saw you mentioned about it. Maybe I just skim it too fast)


2. Are the scorched grounds induced by different Ember able to combine together? (Or should they?)




It's a long passage and I can't digest it all right now. I'll do it later after some rest.


Thanks for the nice idea!

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Actually, this is a good idea. What do you do about the energy drain though? Does that stay, and would the skill run until you are out of energy or does the drain go away and does the skill go back to being duration based?

I have thought about energy drain, but that might make her a bit too OP. Being able to run around with WoF (proposed change), put every enemy on the map in stun-lock, do massive DoT, and give equally massive damage buffs to allies for too long of a period of time may be too much. However, it could possibly be balanced if the energy drain was heavy enough. The use of WoF would be very conducive to an energy drain, having the ability to cancel the ability at least would be necessary. So... maybe. That depends on how exactly all of the OP would be implemented.



I overall like this idea. But I've a few questions:


1. So do you mean she will keep all her 4 abilities, while adding the scorched ground as an effect induced by casting WoF and Fire blast? (becoz I couldn't quite saw you mentioned about it. Maybe I just skim it too fast)


2. Are the scorched grounds induced by different Ember able to combine together? (Or should they?)




It's a long passage and I can't digest it all right now. I'll do it later after some rest.


Thanks for the nice idea!

1. Her abilities remain very similar in effects (besides WoF), but how they come to those effects would be vastly different. Fire Blast, WoF, and Fireball would all revolve around Scorched Ground.


2. Ummmmm.... maybe? Not 100% sure about this. It would be awesome if two Embers could work together to maintain enormous patches, but it may also be detrimental, especially if one Ember has no idea what they are doing. This could go both ways. I would probably come down to if the patches mechanics were based on power strength. If the 5% damage and additional 25 damage were universal, unaffected by power strength, I would recommend having the patches be universal (all Embers can effect the each other's patches). If those numbers were effected by power strength, then the patches would be independent to each Ember (and then make the color of the patches be effected by ability color). So... not sure. The dream team would want independence, but the thought of multiple Embers working together sounds extremely powerful. 


Thanks for all of the positive feedback, and thanks to XxCurtennoxX for the bump.

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