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Will You Still Use Rhino Now?


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Not wanting to start a rant topic or anything, I'm just wondering how many of you will still use rhino, and how many have already thrown him into the garbage


He was my main, i liked the idea of a solo tank who drew fire on him and kept them at bay for squad to shoot them down. Now his only useful skill was murdered and it seems like it has no purpose, regarding energy and usefulness... his other skills are.... mediocre at best, and the new frame is infinite times better for crowd control. Even trinity with vampiric energy can use link indefinitely and was already better than iron skin before. Now rhino cant even go melee toxic ancients and even ember can have more dmg % resistance with focus on overheat :/.


It seems like any use of rhino was utterly destroyed, what do you guys think?



EDIT_1_19-05 : We have heard from DE that they will change some aspects regarded as bugs, but still the main points seem to remain. I do not know if this is being reviewed or what could change, but Rebecca posted this so i figured i'd link you guys the reply: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/45884-will-you-still-use-rhino-now/?p=478115

Edited by Eisvogel
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To be perfectly honest he is still playable with the 80% damage reduction. The problem I have is that he no longer can stand his ground against shockwaves and such. He flies back a ton of distance with superarmor and is kind of a pushover now.

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No I won't.

He is slow, no damage buff for melee.

I use melee and the ability to stay in close with target for dealing melee damage is what made it suitable for me. Now I will switch back to loki.

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Yes, absolutely, I will still use Rhino gleefully.

His charge is still hella useful and power efficient.

Coupled with his ability to do a significant radial damage/disrupt to both take out targets and buy time.

Iron Skin is still insanely useful for heavy engagements or buying yourself the durability needed to revive a comrade.

Honestly, his only weak power in my books is his 4 slot. The base duration of it simply doesn't seem to have the chops it needs at starting levels, but I'll see if i feel that way once it's upgraded/enhanced.

Rhino is still plenty fun and useful as far as I'm concerned, just better balanced now.

Edited by Drusus
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I have a sneaking suspicion that at least some of the immunity loss was an oversight (I know the knockdown immunity, for one, was). Hopefully we'll get an official statement on it sometime soon - in the meantime I've been leveling some of my other frames, anyways.

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I'd already lost interest in Rhino and this change more or less cements it for me.  The 80% change was fair and needed imo, but the removal of his immunity to poison, knock back, and disruption makes him less than desirable for me.  Prolly going to shelf him until some counter-balancing is done.

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Nor am I using banshee any more, as I no longer immune while channeling and can no longer kill enemies far distance.

Same, at the very least they could make her invulnerable while channeling. I might still main her then.

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I'll be swapping to another frame most likely. I only ever used Iron skin in the thick of combat when I was taking too much damage or needed time to find enemies (I have significant visual impairment so the extra time to find things shooting at me was a godsend) and Rhino charge to cross gaps for convenience. I couldn't justify using his other abilities and now its hard to justify using the frame at all when other frames have much more appealing options.

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Murdered? it still reduces damage by 80% at max so it's still pretty dang use full. Yeah Trinity is technically now does better as a tank but you got to remember that this is a PvE game not a PvP game so it doesn't really matter.


That didn't stop every Drew, and Sally from screaming for an Iron skin nerf. If what is essentially the designated tank doesn't need invincibility, why the heck should the support?

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I'm hearing that we've got ingame chat confirmation that the immunity loss was unintentional. Still waiting on an official post. Please try to maintain sanity for the moment.


The post wasn't about raging or losing sanity anyway :3, just trying to know how many of us have discarded it and how many will still put their chips on rhino. While you are at it, the unintentional immunity loss, does it include poison immunity? Else he is just one useless big guy against infested.

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The post wasn't about raging or losing sanity anyway :3, just trying to know how many of us have discarded it and how many will still put their chips on rhino. While you are at it, the unintentional immunity loss, does it include poison immunity? Else he is just one useless big guy against infested.


Yup, just think of it as a preemptive strike at insanity. I'm uncertain exactly which aspects of the nerf were intentional at this point - for now it seems to be the waiting game.

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I used to be one of the most ardent Rhino defenders but at the moment I can no longer in good faith recommend Rhino over Frost or Trinity in any situation whatsoever. Snow globe is too critical to give up for anything Rhino can offer.

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I used to be one of the most ardent Rhino defenders but at the moment I can no longer in good faith recommend Rhino over Frost or Trinity in any situation whatsoever. Snow globe is too critical to give up for anything Rhino can offer.


Yeah... same feeling here

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I will be honest here, I started with Mag and fell in LOVE with Rhino once I saw the awesome Melee prowess he could output.


Yes, silly me, trying to focus on the melee aspect of a shooting game, but Rhino gave me JUST that with IS, now, not so much...


I LOVE using Rhino Charge, and I am making the Excalibur Frame right now (16 hours to go!), so I am sure I will love Slash Dash once I get Excalibur.


Anyways, I loved Rhino, but I think I will be selling him... It was quite discouraging to see the shield dropping so fast at infestation, might as well get Ember for those. And also, might as well get Frost to face Grineer/Corpus.


I liked Rhino because he worked quite well vs all type of enemies, now... Well, Corpus drop you quite fast, Infestation even faster, and to me, Grineer were never a problem to begin with, so yeah, I am storing this frame.

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