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Not Using Full Gpu



I recently upgraded my video card to a 980ti and am now experiencing some issues with the game.  When ever im in a mission my GPU never uses max load, it always sits at about %50 load. This means some times i get 150 FPS and other times it dips down to 50 frames, but the load never changes, even when it dips to 50 frames. HOWEVER, as soon as i enter my ship, the load goes to %90 and 400+ fps.  Anyone have any suggestions on how to get my GPU load higher during missions.


GPU 980ti

CPU i7 4790k



Thanks for your help

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Why would you need 400 fps anyway?


Cap it to 120, let your gpu breathe.

Monitor is 144, so i would like to keep frames around that.



this is normal. 

Warframe is extremely CPU bottlenecked. so your GPU will generally not be fully utilized because Warframe is limited by CPU, not GPU.

CPU is 4 Cores at 4.4 GHz and they are never at full load either. Souldnt be causing a bottle neck

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How can this CPU be a bottleneck

technology limitations.


Threading is a complicated process, and Warframe does what it can, but CPU's are still a big bottleneck.

Warframe is fairly well optimized, it's just a limitation of what's available as Consumer products.



most big budget games are incredibly GPU bottlenecked because they use 4096*4096 Textures everywhere, Polycounts of scenes in the tens of Millions, and enough blinding effects to Kill a rave party.

therefore their CPU calculations aren't the bottleneck anymore.


however, Warframe doesn't do that, and is smart with resources - and thefore GPU isn't a big bottleneck.

and because of that, CPU becomes the bottleneck.

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technology limitations.


Threading is a complicated process, and Warframe does what it can, but CPU's are still a big bottleneck.

Warframe is fairly well optimized, it's just a limitation of what's available as Consumer products.



most big budget games are incredibly GPU bottlenecked because they use 4096*4096 Textures everywhere, Polycounts of scenes in the tens of Millions, and enough blinding effects to Kill a rave party.

therefore their CPU calculations aren't the bottleneck anymore.


however, Warframe doesn't do that, and is smart with resources - and thefore GPU isn't a big bottleneck.

and because of that, CPU becomes the bottleneck.


Does that mean my 8 cores are actually doing something instead of being a wasted investment except when I run virtual machines?


(Pretty sure WF only uses 4 of them at any moment from my monitoring, could be wrong.)

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technology limitations.


Threading is a complicated process, and Warframe does what it can, but CPU's are still a big bottleneck.

Warframe is fairly well optimized, it's just a limitation of what's available as Consumer products.



most big budget games are incredibly GPU bottlenecked because they use 4096*4096 Textures everywhere, Polycounts of scenes in the tens of Millions, and enough blinding effects to Kill a rave party.

therefore their CPU calculations aren't the bottleneck anymore.


however, Warframe doesn't do that, and is smart with resources - and thefore GPU isn't a big bottleneck.

and because of that, CPU becomes the bottleneck.

I cant believe that this game is well optimised or when it is the basement is crap.All people hate EA but when you played the Star Wars Battlefront beta you know what awesome graphics(maybe best graphics at this time) + very good basement + extremly good performance is.They impressed me alot.

So what is the problem with Warframe?That what you wrote but what exactly is the diffrence?Can DE change that with for example upgrading the engine or whatever?

Seriously thats no hate against warframe(i love it) but the performance is really lacking for what you get offered :

Here a comparison :


This is new but should run worse then for example then warframe by me.Thats not the case.Runs way better(the beta) then warframe.warframe has some crazy fps drops sometimes no ones understand while having way smaller areas and way worse textures but some more enemies.

Edited by K0bra
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Does that mean my 8 cores are actually doing something instead of being a wasted investment except when I run virtual machines?

according to good Sources, Warframe uses 2 Threads. yes/no due to Windows Load Balancing.


I cant believe that this game is well optimised or when it is the basement is crap.All people hate EA but when you played the Star Wars Battlefront beta you know what awesome graphics(maybe best graphics at this time) + very good basement + extremly good performance is.They impressed me alot.

So what is the problem with Warframe?That what you wrote but what exactly is the diffrence?Can DE change that with for example upgrading the engine or whatever?

Shooters like that have almost nothing going on CPU side. it's all graphics.


Warframe is pretty much the reverse. heavy calculations like AI general game logic and Et Cetera.

infact, the Shooters on Frostbite like you're exactly quoting - Frostbite is a fat engine. not terribly fat, but fat.


FPS's built on Frostbite should be able to run on much less than you need. like, an i3 should get pretty good performance, but the results are pretty meh.

i like how robust Frostbite is, but it's a bit fat.

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How can this CPU be a bottleneck by that old game?Which CPU you need then?Is it so bad programmed?


according to this website


* If the CPU load is below 70 percent most of the time, any video card upgrade will likely not be bottlenecked.

My CPU load in game is about %40 so my  GPU should not be bottle necked


Second, that does not explain why, when i enter my ship, the GPU load jumps to 100% and gives me 400 frames, but always stays around %50 load in missions even when my frames are all over the place.

go to Power Options>Change to high performance.

Not on a laptop. 

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according to good Sources, Warframe uses 2 Threads. yes/no due to Windows Load Balancing.


Shooters like that have almost nothing going on CPU side. it's all graphics.


Warframe is pretty much the reverse. heavy calculations like AI general game logic and Et Cetera.

infact, the Shooters on Frostbite like you're exactly quoting - Frostbite is a fat engine. not terribly fat, but fat.


FPS's built on Frostbite should be able to run on much less than you need. like, an i3 should get pretty good performance, but the results are pretty meh.

i like how robust Frostbite is, but it's a bit fat.

But what can people do to avoiding stuff like this

Found this on youtube and i have this kind of an issue not rarely.

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How can this CPU be a bottleneck by that old game?Which CPU you need then?Is it so bad programmed?


Its definitely CPU limited, I cant keep a HD6970 loaded with warframe and It only gets worse with more enemies.


CPU limited =/= CPU is 100% loaded and cant keep up


The GPU not being at full load means that the rest of the system cant keep it fed so it ends up doing ALOT of waiting for the system to give it something to do.


That being said it shouldnt be that big an issue on a 980ti, most modern GPU scale frequency dynamically between a given range and dont have preset performance levels like old GPU (I.E 3D/2D level). This allows for better power savings and denser designs with simpler control. The modern Nvidia GPU actively measures GPU power and load then selects a frequency based system requirements and thermal/power design. It not being at 100% isnt as much an issue as you lagging (the 980ti should maintain good FPS in warframe even at lower load), which suggests your simply not able to feed a GPU with that much extra horsepower with warframe. It does need to be remedied but they've been actively working on these sort of issues and its not as simple as flipping a switch.


Ill add to this though that with a slower GPU you can keep it fed, the r7 260x in my sisters computer is easily fed and able to keep up with my 6970 in warframe because the system ends up waiting on the GPU more than CPU.

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according to this website


* If the CPU load is below 70 percent most of the time, any video card upgrade will likely not be bottlenecked.

My CPU load in game is about %40 so my  GPU should not be bottle necked


Second, that does not explain why, when i enter my ship, the GPU load jumps to 100% and gives me 400 frames, but always stays around %50 load in missions even when my frames are all over the place.

Not on a laptop. 


The ship allows the CPU to load the GPU as there isnt as much going on and can easily keep the GPU loaded and thats why your FPS will jump that high. I can peg nearly 200fps with a 6970 in ship but its not happening in level.

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But what can people do to avoiding stuff like this

i don't know what the problem specifically there is because i know nothing about that person's computer whatsoever.


there are also hundreds of reasons why that could be happening on someone's Computer.

Computers are very strange animals, and stacking hundreds of levels of software on top of each other like all Computers do - makes it a miracle that they work in the first place.

software conflicts can happen to all sorts of people for unknown reasons. the age old 'everyone has different experiences due to how the planets are aligned' problem.


Second, that does not explain why, when i enter my ship, the GPU load jumps to 100% and gives me 400 frames, but always stays around %50 load in missions even when my frames are all over the place.

CPU load in your Liset is... basically nil.

this is why Framerate can jump up so drastically. no longer CPU bottlenecked, so you're now at the limitations of your GPU.


while in a Mission, now the CPU load is much higher.

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i don't know what the problem specifically there is because i know nothing about that person's computer whatsoever.


there are also hundreds of reasons why that could be happening on someone's Computer.

Computers are very strange animals, and stacking hundreds of levels of software on top of each other like all Computers do - makes it a miracle that they work in the first place.

software conflicts can happen to all sorts of people for unknown reasons. the age old 'everyone has different experiences due to how the planets are aligned' problem.


CPU load in your Liset is... basically nil.

this is why Framerate can jump up so drastically. no longer CPU bottlenecked, so you're now at the limitations of your GPU.


while in a Mission, now the CPU load is much higher.


Pretty much this, theres no way to say "Oh thisll make you never lag" because everyone's got a different experience and system even with the same hardware. One person with OP specs may have no issues (and plenty dont), others like OP will and do even with equal hardware.


I.E In the same house im not able to play BNS china with my room mate because i lag so ungodly bad and she with a GTX260/FX8120 vs my 6970/Xeon 1240v3 with her playing it flawlessly. Same house, technically I have more power, but I simply cant play it even after a clean install and dont know why.

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while in a Mission, now the CPU load is much higher.




Liset = 250+ fps

In PvP with no ai, I'm at 170+ FPS

In a normal mission, 150 fps

With lots of enemies + abilities flying around = 100 fps

In void mission with traps, in conjunction with the above = 80 fps

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everyone's got a different experience and system even with the same hardware. One person with OP specs may have no issues (and plenty dont), others like OP will and do even with equal hardware.

and it's really damn hard to figure out why.

this happens with every game piece of Software, there's just some really strange things that... nobody can explain that happen to only a few people here and there.



don't forget the ultimate!


4+ Players in a Mission, high Enemy Density, Players spread out across the map, causing an incredible number of Tiles to be active, which super drags down performance.

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Latelly i have been these strange hiccups in the game, especcially in the void, where in a normal room the fps stays at 150+fps, but the moment i exit the room and i go to bigger rooms the fps drop down to 80-90.


The game clearly needs some cpu optimization.

It doesnt matter if i'm soloing or i play with other people.


@op you can force higher aa for the game through the nvidia control panel(supersampling x8 fps killer), but regardless of the aa you use this game isnt going to max out your gpu.


My pc setup


fx 8320 @4.5ghz

8gb ram @1866

gtx 760

samsung 840 evo (warframe is installed on this drive)

wd caviar blue 500gb

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Hi, I have a same setup too but except with i7-4770K...I mostly get higher fps than you though...With few exception on specific T4 mission with alot of traps

What do you fps do you avg?


I was doing some solo missions and i was having trouble keeping 144



I have GPU-Z installed on my computer, and most of the time it says my PrefCap is Vrel- Reliability. Indicating perf is limited by reliability voltage. but i feel like this should not be an issue as i have 850w gold PSU. Only sometimes it says Util.

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What do you fps do you avg?

I was doing some solo missions and i was having trouble keeping 144

I have GPU-Z installed on my computer, and most of the time it says my PrefCap is Vrel- Reliability. Indicating perf is limited by reliability voltage. but i feel like this should not be an issue as i have 850w gold PSU. Only sometimes it says Util.

Gpuz is a great to to periodically check you clock and such but its not for active monitoring. If youre concerned about your PSU you need to monitor its activity not your GPU and make sure no rails dip or spike beyond accepted tolerance. The thing with constantly querying the gpu for info on it is that not only is there a latency and penalty involved but at times the returned info is plain incorrect, so id close gpuz and any gpu monitor and look at actual performance vs what numbers tell you and beyond that if you have a concern that it might be PSU check it at the source either in bios or ideally a voltmeter as GPUz isnt gonna be your goto for anything psu related. If you have to check if it dips under load software might be ok for PSU checking I cant remember atm I just woke up.

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What do you fps do you avg?


I was doing some solo missions and i was having trouble keeping 144



I have GPU-Z installed on my computer, and most of the time it says my PrefCap is Vrel- Reliability. Indicating perf is limited by reliability voltage. but i feel like this should not be an issue as i have 850w gold PSU. Only sometimes it says Util.

Go to your nvidia control panel driver, and at manage 3d settings create a profile for the warframe x64.exe.

In there you can set the power management mode at prefer maximum performance, which in a way forces the gpu to use higher gpu clock.


When gpuz says Util i believe this is the gpu voltage. The only thing you can do about it is to Vmod it through bios, but i dont recommended it.

I doubt a single 980ti can draw 850 watt.


Your system oced can draw about 600-650 watts.

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