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You can close the ad. So no, it's not interfering if you close it. If you have trouble closing the ad, just let me know.


I dont know if im looking at it wrong or if this has already been addressed, but the the extra effect damage is not being added for the elements.

For example fire does extra damage to infested so you should have a block to check for that as well or add the ratio into it. 

This is not planned because you can see this value in the 'details' window.


Never mind its because the base damage is wrong. The base damage should be double what it's showing.

Note that you can switch from charged/non charged attack. In game arsenal shows charged attack values.

Edited by Stoi84
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Simply close the ad, is it that hard to see that we can do this ? Or is it not working properly ?

I experienced two ads I could no close. Have not encounter them anymore but just scrolling a bit more will avoid them to obstruct the mods.

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I found a couple of possible issues:


Boar Prime base status chance in-game is 40% (unmodded). Here, it shows 33.55%.


Latron Prime status chance calculation seems wrong. Both in-game and here shows a base of 25%. But if 2 of the dual stat event mods are put in, in-game shows a value of 78.1% while here it shows only 55%. If all three event mods are used, in-game shows 89.8%, while here it shows only 70%


Banshee's in-game base duration for Sonar is 30secs. Here it is only 18secs.

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For the Boar Prime, in fact, for all weapons with more than 1 bullet/pellet per shot, I use a more accurate formula. If in game you see, let's say, 20% status chance and you know you have 10 pellets per shot, then it's because it's 2% per pellet. But 2% per pellet for 10 pellet is not 20% in the end, this is why I use the right formula and the value is called 'status probability'.


For the latron prime, 25 * 2.2 = 55, so the value is correct. Do you use a multishot mod on the latron ? Try to see the value without multishot, in game, it's maybe the cause of the difference, because if I tick the 90% multishot in Warframe Builder, I have 77.28% status probability, which is close to the in game value. The difference is maybe because of the formula I use, as explained just above.


I fixed the duration for the Sonar skill, which was indeed outdated.

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On the Valkyr DETAILS page under Warcry it states certain percent change in Firerate, but it should be Melee attack rate instead. I checked with a proposed +50% and fire rate on primary weapon did not change after casting Warcry.


Anyway thanks for the great work, I can properly plan my builds with this tool and calculate the needed Formas. I had a build in my mind that needed 5 Formas, and after putting all the mods in place (in Builder), I rearranged/modified them a bit, and the same resulst now needs only 3 Formas, saving a tremendous amount of work.

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Accuracy works in a different way for a lot of weapons if I remember correctly. There are not much informations about that. I'm using a simple formula (100 - 40% = 60) which may show different results than in game, depending on the weapon. No changes here,  this was always the case. 


Edit : Oh, you mean that accuracy is no longer affected at all. I'll have a look at this.

Edited by Stoi84
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Not sure if something along these lines has been posted before but you may want to look at how you calculate power duration compared to how it works in-game.

My Vauban has max Constitution, max Continuity, R6 Narrow Minded, R4 Fleeting Expertise and according to Warframe Builder his bastille should last 42s. It actually lasts 25s.

But Warframe Builder says his Vortex should last 20s and it does. Weird!

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It's probably because the base duration on the mod is wrong (in the builder). I may need to update the values, I'll have a look at this too.


Edit : Everything fixed.

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I didn't change the name of the helmets, so a Vanguard Rhino Helmet, for example, despite the name, still has the stats it had before 13.2.3, or if you prefer, it has the stats of a Arcane Rhino Vanguard Helmet or whatever it's named now. The thing is you can't create a build with a helmet just for the skin because there's only the old verrsion of the helmets (with stats), you need to use the base helmet if you don't want any modifier from the helmet.

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The damage calculation for burst fire weapons seems way off. It appears to count the whole burst in the base damage.


For example let's compare the same corrosive/blast builds for the Boltor Prime and the Burston Prime VS fossilized infested.


The Boltor Prime can get 34,725.60 Burst/21,174.15 Sustained DPS base and 51,710.88 Burst/31,531.02 Sustained VS Fossilized. 


Now onto the Burston Prime. It has 72,112.32 Burst/23,014.57 Sustained DPS base and 108,952.16 Burst/63,673.74 Sustained.

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The damage calculation for burst fire weapons seems way off. It appears to count the whole burst in the base damage.


The builder, and all theoretical dps sites, like dps frame as well, calculates burst and sustained dps for burstfire weapons incorrectly. The only accurate value is the damage per shot (or in warframebuilder's case, damage per burst).


This is because all burstfire weapons have a hidden statistic used to value the time before you can fire another burst. Sites like warframebuilder use the RoF to calculate DPS but are forced to ignore the refire time because it is not provided by DE. If you go in game with an unmodded Burston Prime, it will take longer than 4.5 seconds to empty the magazine, which is what the 10 fire rate implies (and is used for the burst and sustained calculations). It gets even more impossible to calculate when you realize there's a 'sweet spot' which can reduce this refire time.


It's still a good gun, but you have to take the burst+sustained with a grain of salt and understand its anywhere from 25-40% less than displayed.


The builder's DPS calculations is warped because it multiplies damage/burst times fire rate, which is not at all correct. It should be something much more complex, like damageperburst/(timebursttakes+refiretime)

Edited by Darzk
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(Just an important note)


I think there should be some kind of button beside the warframe/weapon/sentinal etc section to take us straight to the list of builds that there are. It can be very cnfusing for people to find a small magnifying glass (took me a good 5 minutes lol)

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