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Posts posted by Husla

  1. Re-playable quests sure, re-playable and keep getting rewards no. Primarily your fault for not checking before selling. If you're not going to ask support [which I doubt they will give them to you since it's been more than 30days] then tough luck. Wait, till the reintroduce them by other means.

  2. Just want to let you know. OP has an alt account in which he was using to try and make counter offers to me. If he didnt blatantly tell me, the message I wrote to his alt. I wouldn't have known. Be wary of this player.

  3. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)theelix said:


    Weren't people asking for a nerf? Don't people hate Exalted Blade spamming Excalibur? Isn't Naramon Shadow Step such a problem? 

    Sounds like DE only did what people asked. 


    To be honest, posts like this make me think Melee 2.0 wasn't good enough. 

    So they're catering to one side. If I like stealth melee but someone else doesn't. Why does that mean I have to change, why can't they change to not using stealth themselves?

  4. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Daisy_Dukes_USA said:

    Glyph are free ... just have to follow then on their Twitch/YT and they give codes ....

    To buy it seriously .... ??? if someone asked u plat' , it's just a scammer. But in fact , some of them are just stupid af and idk why they are partners and how DE chose them :angry: they just want to get a "notoriety" and are uncool with the community .... thus yes some glyph are hard to get.


    Maybe so, but I remember someone from DE saying. They don't care how they give glyphs out. :/

  5. Lets change the perspective.

    - To them you're trying to ruin their mission by leaving early.

    - You had reacted just as bad, in the first image.

    - You're posting this on the forums, while they maybe cannot



    My questions to you. 1. Why join a public game. 2. Why did you have to leave early. 3. What are you trying to get out of by creating this thread. 4. Why are you bad at using saryn.

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