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Posts posted by Husla

  1. Even with the change, if you remove the primed mods. You'll still have to wait a long time before you can get all current daily weapons. I personally didn't like the way they did it before and won't like it after.

    Amount of days needs to be reduced, 30 days max. When warframe finally has a proper end, maybe MR30. Players{new/casual] can and will have nearly all items unlocked but those daily login weapons are going to kick them in the face.

  2. If you're not dps, then you shouldn't need to worry about getting damage.

    -If you're trin, just keep lures alive, don't have to go crazy and spam bless every second. Just keep an eye on both lures.

    -If you're harrow, only thing you have to do is use your 4th just before he does his magnetic aoes for the first 3 limbs then do it again before final part so chroma gets the juicy red crits

    - if you're wanting to be dps. try ice chroma for tank-iness, max strength with around 40sec duration to his third abilty. I use cerata to damage myself. with both toxin mods/ powerthrow/ the mod that gives -4 bounce and whirlwind. think it maxes at 523% for me

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