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Posts posted by FierceRadiance

  1. I'm just frustrated that more than once my teammates and I have fought him most of the way down his health bar, only to have him either A ) disappear without dying, or; B ) on the couple of times we did beat him, he dropped Ammo Drum or something equally useless. Only once so far have I gotten one part of his hammer.

    I think it's fair to say that none of us are fighting this guy for anything other than his Wolf-specific drops. So let him drop what we're looking for, not dreck we can get many other places with a lot less effort.

  2. Thank you both.

    Silly me, I just did several Google Searches for Warframe/Equinox/"change forms", "switch between" and several other combinations and came up dry. Google failed me.

    Guess if I had just paid attention when reading the Ability descriptions....😖

  3. Okay, I give up. I built Equinox a while ago, ignored her abilities as too complicated to memorize unless I mained her, and put her on the shelf.

    With the release of Eq Prime -and after having watched a teammate turn a Defense mission into a boring snooze by one-shotting the map with her more than once - I'm at least interested enough to want to know how to change modes from Day to Night. And........nowhere can I find information on what to press to switch between them, in-game.

    So how do you switch between Day & Night forms/abilities?

  4. A) The matchmaking system? The last six times I beamed out on the Orb, I showed up alone. When I was supposedly joined by others, they never showed up on my telltales or on my map.

    B) the Gyromag systems needed for Agent level with Little Bird? The only way to get Hildryn BP is to earn Agent status, and to do that you need Gyromags, but suddenly this "common" reward can't be earned for love or money?

    C'mon, DE - this opportunity only exists for another handful of days. You need to fix these issues NOW.

  5. Yeah, no.

    If you want to buy baits, that's fine. But without them, it can take a *lot* longer than 3 minutes. You're extrapolating your results to everybody else, because 'hey, I did it that fast, why can't you'? My own experience was, I spent a half-hour not catching a single fish, because the temp was wrong, and I didn't buy bait--BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LEARN HOW TO DO SOMETHING I DON'T WANT TO DO. And I don't like fishing.

    Also, people who don't agree with you aren't wrong. They just have a different opinion than you.

  6. Just curious; I've discovered and scanned about half the Data Hashes ~ why does the progress bar next to each one only say 58% or 59%? Is this the community rate, rather than my individual rate? If so, shouldn't there be some kind of indicator of my personal progress? The little boxes of static aren't changing, so then how is personal progress being counted, or displayed?

    Just seems like an odd way of representing......something.

  7. On 2019-03-11 at 5:08 PM, Zilchy said:

    I do have baits. Just like most players do. Fortuna's been out for ages, only new players lack baits at this point and that's who the challenge is aimed at, teaching them the basics. Everyone else can blitz it in minutes.

    Don't you mean most players WHO LIKE TO FISH have baits? I don't. I'm with OP, I'm not a fan of everything in the game, and in order to participate in this new version of Alerts, I have to endure parts of the game I don't enjoy and wouldn't play. We never had to do that before. If something you wanted came up in an Alert, and it was a mission type you didn't enjoy (or had to have others with you to play) you could pass on it, and eventually it would show up again in some other kind of mission (excepting Nightmares).

    This new system is manipulative, and it's behavior engineering. If you're okay with that, all well and good. But I'm not okay with it, neither is OP, and we should be able to say so without putting up with grief from players who don't agree.

    And the situation is interesting in one other way, too. Those of you commenting that players don't have to participate in Nightwave if they don't want to.....you didn't have to comment on this post, either. But something made you feel like you should. You claim that same logic doesn't apply to feeling compelled to play Nightwave. Of course the two situations aren't exactly the same....but they are similar. And you did what you're saying we shouldn't do: you felt compelled to participate. ....Huh.

  8. A comment on Nightwave's philosophy.

    Alerts were a way to obtain something you wanted or needed by doing a particular mission, with teammates or not, depending on your level and/or the mission type itself, within a certain window of time.

    Nightwave, on the other hand, is designed to induce you to play modes, missions, endure particular situations which you may or may not have any interest in, in order to earn a form of currency that will eventually be rendered useless by design. "Earn it while it's available, then spend it before it's gone", essentially. But you no longer get rewarded for just doing the missions

    When you think about it, Nightwave is designed to manipulate player behavior to get players to do things they might not otherwise do (unlike Alerts, which straightforwardly rewarded player participation). Alerts were simply the same missions as always (absent Nightmares, of course) in return for rewards that were difficult or even impossible to obtain any other way.

    Put another way, I have a particular brand of drive-thru coffee that I enjoy, and they give rewards to frequent purchasers. Or rather, they used to give rewards. But as time has passed, the length of time users had to redeem the 'rewards' became shorter and shorter, and the rewards themselves began to change from free drinks, to coupons - opportunities to spend even more money at the store, rather than a 'thank-you' for doing business with them. Eventually I stopped participating, because I stopped being willing to be manipulated into behaving in certain ways (buy THIS drink which we want to promote for moar reward points, spend THIS amount of money over a particular weekend to get moar reward points, etc.).

    To me, Nightwave is like my former coffee company. It subtly tries to encourage you to behave in certain ways, in return for not rewards, but reward points. Myself, I've never been a fan of being manipulated, and Nightwave seems pretty clearly designed to manipulate behaviors. So for me personally, the Nightwave missions that I would normally do in the course of playing the game, and which I can easily do, I'll do. But if I'm right, this means that refusing to bust a gut doing oddball strange scenarios like 60-minute survivals with no air will eventually mean that down the road, I'll fall just short of some Sparklie 'reward' because I wouldn't change my behaviors.

    So be it.

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  9. 1 hour ago, NinjaZeku said:

    Plus not least, matching your elemental damage choices to the enemy faction you're facing makes a huge difference
    (I've seen a bunch of new-ish players use Blast damage when fighting Grineer ... argh, it still hurts).

    This. My father used to say, 'there are horses for courses', meaning different factions are vulnerable to different elemental damage, and different elemental damage combinations (Example: Cold + Electricity= Radiation damage, which most Grineer are vulnerable to). Make or find a cross reference chart, and mod according to the enemies you're likely to face. (It's one reason why each WF and weapon has 3 different load-out slots, so you can create 3 different specialized builds for specific enemy types.) Plus, as you investigate more, you'll learn that many weapons are innately better against certain enemies and worse against others, because of the type of damage the weapon does, and each enemy's vulnerabilities. Study and become wise, Tenno.

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  10. IIRC, DE has often mentioned this as a possibility, but rarely delivered.

    If you had the desire (and the time) to go back on watch all the previous Devstreams, you'd see there are many things that DE has said (or suggested) were coming, but a large number of them never made it into the game (or haven't happened YET). Repeating events is one of the things that mostly hasn't happened yet.

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