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Posts posted by MeduSalem

  1. I may experiment a little bit around with that imprinting bullcrap to help out some of my friends... if they are looking for a particular trait and in case I'm lucky enough to get some of them...


    But I'll probably only be doing that once DE fixes most of the too random stuff happening. It's mostly useless currently because even if you're using imprints you still get way too random sh*t going on as far as I've read on the forums and various other places.


    The slogan of "design the Kubrow of your dreams" is pretty much a load of bullsh*t because of the random factors involved even in imprinting and that there's no official spreadsheet on what exactly happens if you take the imprints of specific Kubrows and what happens if you mix them together and whatnot. Currently it's like a mad science experiment and as if you've to study genetics to know what's going on. No one really knows all the details. They should have explained the mechanic in-depth within the codex or release a guideline with examples on the Forum.


    So I'll probably rank my Kubrows to 30, then wait for DE to fix the DNA Imprinting a little bit to deliver more reliable/predictable results, then scan my Kubrows for the imprints, give them to my friends (if I got what they need) and then wait for DE to implement a Quest to release it to the wild and put it into the fridge until then. I've no intention on playing Warframe Tamagotchi anyways. :s


    I dont even care about Kubrow looks, as i am going to use them only for mastery. Sentinels master race.


    My thought.



  2. I wouldn't remove coptering entirely because its actually a legitimate skill for melee.

    Nerf its ability to clear entire maps by all means but don't take away the ability to cut a grineer heavy in half by lunching into them and swinging your melee weapon into their heads.


    its fun and practical.


    Those are two different kind of things anyways.


    Spin-attack to kill an enemy should be done when your feet are on the ground.


    Coptering doesn't require your feet to be touching the ground, it requires you to be mid-air to be triggered which actually is a movement-exploit in my eyes the same way as infinite-wallrunning was. Gaining momentuum in mid-air is breaking the laws of physics the same way as infinite wallrunning does (not that wallrunning is very realistic to begin with) and it defies the restrictions set by the game with Stamina.

  3. Well I like him... even I'd prefer a female voice, but well can't have everything. Sometimes he gets quite repetitive, but I really like that he shares my disregard in Kubrows.




    You do not bring up that monstrosity. NOTHING compares to that.




    Also that.

  4. Well I would agree if i didn't use coptering a LOT on my valkyr for quick distance killing. also my spin attack is the strongest on my ichors, so it goes hand in hand. However, I think they should tweak it just a little bit, because a lot of times I will fall off a cliff because of a huge unexpected copter.


    I also use it a lot, but I guess it's the principle.


    The coptering is a precedence-case. It's been considered an exploit that was never supposed to happen, yet it got implemented as a regular feature due to popular demand/request. It got even buffed with Melee 2.0 so with most weapons you fly through complete rooms with ease. How's that not bypassing the Stamina system or any other restriction of the game?


    So I can relate to people being mad about the wallrun-fix/change. The "exploit" existed for over 9 months and was introduced with the Corpus Gas City. Many people have adapted to it and some didn't know it's an exploit that at all.


    So I'm basically for either remove both coptering and the wallrun-exploit or none at all. xD

  5. Account age: 1 year 4 months

    In Game: 716 hours

    In Steam: 1335 hours


    Took some major breaks every now and then, mostly in between major updates when stuff starts to become a grindfest, repetitive and/or boring. Mostly coming back for Events/Major updates. Often get stuff much later on when nobody gives two cents about them... especial true for prime parts. Spares me a lot of headaches. :D

  6. Oh well I'd like to know if that will scale up with even higher mastery ranks like 17+... :D

    I imagine at some point will the bar become too short. It's already getting short if you use custom names. xD

    Edit: Did DE remove the ability to view people reading threads?


    looks like they did


    It's bugged... Rebecca said they changed something on the forum a few weeks ago and ever since that you don't see as much people reading the threads anymore, if you see any at all. I guess they are working on it. They should definitely bring it back because the Forum felt much more alive with that. Now it feels like a graveyard.

  7. Even I would not like to sound that angry, but somehow I've to sign OP.


    Degrading/Decaying stuff is not a popular game mechanic in the eyes of players. It might get some players to log in more often, but in the long term many people say "screw it" and miss out on the content that's locked behind those mechanics.

    I'm not that mad at Argon Crystals even they feel like a cheap way so people are not able to overstock on a particular resource because it's not needed as often anyways and only in low quanitites but it's a "foundation" to add similar stuff (if not worse) and I'm not sure if we want to take this path.


    The Kubrows as interesting as they might be for some people I for sure will level that thing only to 30 and then toss it into the stasis chamber forever (or at least as long as we can't release it to the wilderness)... just because i'm not feeling like babysitting a Tamagotchi... I don't want to be forced to grind for credits/resources just so my companion doesn't die or degrade. If I'd want that I'd get myself a real pet in real life. So that's why I probably won't be bothering much about that.


    I might experiment a little bit with the DNA and crossbreeding thing to help some of my friends out who want a special trait or something, but if that's too random then I won't care much about it too because there's no sense doing so if it leads nowhere.

  8. Well we did try to warn them.


    That's true... even I never really took part in the Warframe balance feedback and only read most of the threads that all went to the Forum dumping grounds as time passed by I still acknowledged that there's a problem. At least I tried to give my best at the mod system and some weapon balancing, most of which were unsuccessful because either the community persisted on power/dps-hogging or the dev-team denied that there are actual issues with any of those topics.


    Let's hope they will catch up with that balancing feedback now... if not then the PvP mode is doomed.


    And to be honest, even DE_Adam said that those "balancing" stuff won't carry over to the PvE mode I'd be glad if some of that stuff still managed to get carried over to the PvE mode because there we have similar issues.

  9. Well I gave it a shot today and I spent 3 hours straight running missions and I got an egg in the final mission after which I would have said "screw it" if there wouldn't have been an egg too. xD


    Also I kept getting the same 3 damn mods over and over and over... I literally have a whole bunch of Mauls, Scavenge and Loyal Companion mods now... But didn't see any other mod. There are 17 mods in the droptables right? Well if so then the RNG is seriously flawed if it hands out the same mods over and over. :D


    Considering that I literally killed hundreds over hundreds of Feral Kubrows and destroyed countless dens in only 3 hours I start to think if most of the Tenno do the same then the wild Kubrows would be extinct by the end of the month if this would be real life. So much about the "right" to have a Kubrow as Lotus stated. ^^

  10. I like the ship, but the Menus still need some serious work and adjustments to fit the theme. Especially for the users who don't care as much about the "immersive" feeling. There need to be some better quick access features so they can get around the menus faster.

  11. What's the point of health against Corpus and Grineer?


    Bleed procs


    That and to give people who aren't so skilled at least some room to make some mistakes.


    Most people aren't the hardcore gamer type who are able to avoid all incoming bullets and whatnot that try to cut through your shields, which is especially true if hordes of enemies focus on you and you are out of energy, don't have AoE weapons or playing solo. Sooner or later most people are going to make a mistake. Health helps mitigate those mistakes.


    But since the Infested have so many ways to bypass your shields for many people it's like as if they don't have one. If your Health runs out you are dead, the shield doesn't help dampening mistakes and it's very easy to get all of your health drained in a matter of seconds. On top of that it doesn't help that health is not regenerating.


    • Rejuvenation is pretty useless if you are swarmed by enemies because you can't wait 3-5 minutes for your health to regenerate.
    • That enemies don't drop health globes makes the globes pretty rare as well. They are especially rare if you desperately need them. xD
    • The Team Healing thingies require you to stand still on the spot... yeah have fun with that when Ancients or Chargers are swarming you. :D


    So OP has a point somehow.


    I'm not experiencing this many problems because I've maxed out my gear already, so I can easily compensate for increased incoming damage on top of me being always on the move to avoid damage anyways. But I can relate to the pain other players might feel ever since this major shift to shield-bypassing effects has taken place.

  12. I agree... something needs to be done about those beacons... I literally know nobody who wants to fight Hek because they are all like "Are the drops for the Beacons better now?" and clearly they are not so they keep on refusing to do it.

    Lephantis was already ugly enough with that tiered Nav Coordinate things... but that we have to get 4 different Beacons with only a chance to get the right ones (excluding the Delta ones now) is just... nah/meh.


    Maybe it would be a good idea to distribute all 4 beacons among the different mission types found on Ceres and only drop a specific one in a specific mission type, so you could at least farm them purposefully...


    Otherwise you might end up getting too many of the ones you don't need and there's no better way in getting the ones you are missing.

  13. - Scrolling/selecting colors for your weapons/Warframe results in a freeze. ALT F4 is your only option.


    Alt+F4 isn't the only option!


    Once the UI freezes you can still click the "main menu"-button located on the top left next to the squad information. (At least I can do so 100% of the time) This brings up the main menu in the background (foreground still being stuck) and there you can select something like the Navigation menu and this will make your UI unstuck again.


    But that doesn't prevent the color palettes from getting stuck again if you re-enter that menu.

  14. Made another crappy mock up for the Main Menu with the design-language used for the Arsenal (menu labeling and sub menu placement is up to debate, you get the idea though):




    Made that one because I'd like to see some consistency throughout the menus as well... currently there are like half a dozen different design-languages on-going in the game... xD


    That would have to be on a toggle, personally I prefer using the keyboard for action buttons in pretty much every game. 


    Wouldn't need to be toggle-able, left clicking with the crosshair and "X" could co-exist perfectly. You could use either one in each situation. But toggle-able isn't a too bad idea as well.

  15. I think they're just sticking with X for continuity purposes. It's used as the interaction button in missions, so it's probably just easier to have it the same in the ship. That way players also wouldn't have to use two separate methods of interaction depending on where they were playing.


    Yeah, but once that feature is in then there's nothing preventing them to make use of the "clickable" consoles within the missions as well... to just run up to the console, hover over it with your crosshair and call the elevator, open the doors or whatever.


    Doing that would even solve some problems when there's multiple stuff around that could be interacted with... like 2 consoles that are too close to each other or when someone is downed next to a console. Currently it's total randomly which one is picked in such cases when you press "X" and it's annoying.

  16. The reason we can't use the mouse while walking around the ship is because it's being used for camera movement. This isn't really a problem, X is the default interaction key and works just fine in that context


    That's why they should make stuff click-able with the Left mouse button when hovering over a machine/console with your crosshair as long as we are close enough to it.


    Even 10 year old games like Doom 3 and Quake 4 could do that. They had so much more immersion with their approach that they literally put some arcade machine games within the game:



    How awesome would it be if we could play the Zephyr Flappy Bird mini game within the game... xD

    They just need to implement it to the Evolution Engine as well if it isn't already capable of such things thanks to the new UI.

    I know it might be against the slogan "Press X to Ninja" but well... that slogan is pretty outdated already anyways. The "X" to bring up a menu could be left as an alternative though.

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