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Posts posted by MeduSalem

  1. God I hope not, no matter how little ammount of random you put in, as long as it is involved with plat, without an actually reliable alternative to obtain it then it's a bad thing and people will tear it down.




    I'd be all for Platinum for 100% deterministic, because you paid the premium currency and paid for convenience...


    And maybe have Credit Gambling similar to how Transmutation works... for those High-Rollers who don't know what else to do with their Credits. ^^


    I made an entire thread in the general feedback section with a proposal to make the current breeding and stuff less of a random mad science experiment because I don't like the words Platinum and Random to be combined. xD

  2. Rank 15 does not unlock an extraction slot, that's a fact. I've already seen a few people bellow rank 15 with 5 extraction slots.

    Did you purchase a prime package?


    He must have. Reaching MR 10 only gives you 3 slots and the other two come for Founders and for Prime Access.


    I'm MR16 and I've 5 slots. I know it. I was a sucker for Ember Prime Access as well as Grand Master. :P

  3. So basically he wants to change the way you gain Mastery Points because he's too lazy leveling the gear?


    I guess that would be a no from many players who invested the time and got all the way up to 16 or maybe 17. ^^


    But I'd be open for additional ways to gain some Mastery XP as well... for example completing Scans or so... similar to the way one gains some XP for completing the Star Chart, but the main way of getting Mastery XP should remain through mastering all the gear available. Hence "Mastery Points".


    Also currently there's no need to go beyond 8 to unlock all weapons... maybe to 10 if you want one more extractor.


    Oh yes I forgot about Loadout Slots.

  4. I never use any rush or crap like that... If I need to go faster I copter to catch up.


    Mostly I use Vitality&Redirection in combination if at all (Redirection is at least something I personally can't deal without). There's like no viable build for Ember Prime using Rage/Quick Thinking, but I haven't tried that lately so what do I know.


    I'd prefer Vitality over Vigor any day, especial ever since so much stuff bypasses the shields directly because the 120% more shield/HP provided by Vigor can't compete with 440% Vitality from a min-maxer's viewpoint. Using Vigor is just being less durable on purpose with little benefit. The little bit more regenerative shield? Well I'll move more around to compensate that but rather enjoy having a greater fail state buffer beneath my shields.

  5. Don't really know... They are all either heavy bullet sponges or have invincible/weakspot phases... none of them really requires any tactics. Just bringing a high DPS weapon with you already is a default win. :s


    That said... I liked Lephantis very much in the beginning...


    Also I like to play with Phorid any day. Kiting him in circles is just funny to abuse because he's completely helpless then. Have been teaching this tactic to newcomers pretty often. xD

  6. RNG is just bad to some people sometimes... because I had luck and got one of each breed with the first 4 randomly incubated eggs. But after that I kept on getting more Raksas and Huras than the other two types... and by more I mean 2-3 times more.


    That's when you start using Imprints, but I had some pretty awkward experiences with that as well... so I'll wait for better times until DE implements a way for a more deterministic outcome. Or a better way to customize Kubrows in the first place.

  7. Well there are many opinions on that topic...


    So, this:

    1) Small health regen by default. Restore 0.25-0.50 HP in sec.

    2) Cheap personal medkits. Restore 20/30/40% of total HP in 30 sec, cannot stack.

    3) Enemies drop much more HP orbs. HP orbs restores 5-10% of your HP.


    letir said the points I was going to say pretty much summed up right there. The values are up to debate though and is definitely something that can be balanced out over time.


    1) The HP regeneration makes some sense early on when people don't have much health yet, no money for medkits and when they've bad luck with HP orbs.


    2) Medkits would be the emergency failsafe method when there are no orbs nearby and no chance to get some.


    3) Enemies that drop more health orbs would be the most common free method of getting health back and it scales much better than early on HP regeneration.


    That way the health-related mods like Lifestrike/Rage/Quick Thinking/Equillibrium can stay where they are. It's either that or make the mods more common so people can develop builds for such situations early on.


    They are the only things I think that are feasable building on the current balance of mods/weapons and factions, as well the overall damage system build upon it.




    But nonetheless a major problem is also the Armor system itself... that thing literally provides no purpose for most frames other than Valkyr or Frost with Snow Globe f.e; In the long run that thing would have to be looked at as well somehow. For example I've no maxed out Steel Fiber because it's simply not worth going for when only equipped on 2 frames or so. The flat out damage reduction is simply not needed in most cases.




    Over the past months I've been thinking about proposing a very very (and probably 10 times more very) brutal change to the way Health/Armor/Shield system works together, much like a (Warframe-)Defense 2.0 that would work with the idea of DE forcing people to adapt their defense mods to the factions... but I gurantee most people wouldn't like that, but my idea was as following:


    Shield only works for incoming ranged damge. Regenerates the fastest.


    Armor kicks in when shield runs out and to tank melee damage. The more hits you take the more broken the Armor becomes and then it loses it's effectiveness and damage passes through to HP. The Armor gets automatically reparied overtime by Nanobots but takes extremely longer than Shields obviously.


    Health is the non-regenerative fallure state once Armor/Shields are gone.


    No damage (Toxin/Slash/...) would directly bypass the shields/armor. Not even the elementals. They would either be tanked by the shields or by the armor (each being better against a different set of Physical/Elemental damage but they should be tuned to match with each other) because I think of our Warframes as something like a protective suit that's able to filter crap like Gas, Toxin and Viral as long as it is in good shape. That said once the armor is in a broken state you're not protected by stuff like fart clouds anymore.


    This could (but since it's only hypothetical there's no gurantee) work very well in tandem with existing factions... so you have to build up armor extremely for the melee faction like Infested because they don't give a sh*t about your shield and get directly into Melee range bypassing your shields, also they spray around a lot of toxins and gas, and that's also tanked by Armor. And yes the default Warframe armor ratings would have to be upped for many frames to make it work.


    Shields would obviously work best for the ranged factions like Corpus and Grineer, while especially against Corpus because their piercing weapons cut through your Armor like through butter, but now wonder they have to deal with armor-wearing Grineer. The Grineer would be somewhere in the middle because they often have slash/impact weapons ever since they have to deal with the Corpus.


    That said none of both armor/shields are 100% immune against any incoming physical/elemental damage type. Every damage type at least does a percentage. So you may have much armor but the fart Ospreys would still deal an amount of damage to your armor, but it would be much more lethal when your armor is broken.


    Also the amount of melee enemies found in ranged factions shouldn't exceed a certain amount otherwise it would become ugly. The same applies for Infested... the amount of ranged-damage dealing enemies would also have to be controlled because you obviously can't build up for ALL health, armor and shields at the same time.


    On a side note I'd also make the armor the enemies (Grineer, Bosses) work the same way. Takes a specific amount of damage until it's broken and then damage applies fully to HP. With the difference that Shield/Armor bypass would work there because they have no advanced Warframes like we have.



    That's obviously a major change and would require a lot of rebalancing of the factions and their weapons and that's what's been holding me back from even proposing it, because I know how playerbase is like "HELL NO" and DE is not that good at overall balancing.


    It would literally mean that shields would become useless against Melee enemies and that you'd have to build up Steel Fiber to make up for that so you eventually have to adapt your Warframes' defense to the faction you play against, something that I think most people wouldn't like to see because many are already "Meh" about Damage 2.0... So why would they want (Warframe-)Defense 2.0 where they also have to switch between a set of mods to make their defense work.


    Also there might be flaws to it but since I've been holding it on the backburner I never really looked too deep into it. ^^


    Another thing that might render that idea completely insane and useless is the release of the Dark Sector PvP crap... That thing is just throwing most constructive RPG-balancing and feedback ideas overboard because how they can't be used when trying to make a fair PvP mode.

  8. true that lol it took me like half a year and like 300 stalkers to get that 1... i thought i would never get it.


    If they would be trade able I would be able to give away at least a dozen dreads, 3-4 Despairs and 2 or 3 full Detron Sets... xD


    Only got one Hate though... and also only the one Brakk I earned for Gradivus because the G3 did only appear 3 times for me till yet. One mission crashed during the G3 fight, the other one I had no fight because they insta-died when they spawned in thanks to my WoF and the third time my Loki got teabagged while carying low level guns.

  9. Again, you cant starve pixels.


    That might be your view, and I don't really care about if they are starving pixels or not because I'm not this much into Warframe Tamagotchi anyways, but I can relate to most people feeling uncomfortable about that, so I'll support their cause.

  10. Maybe DE does not want such a button, BECAUSE they already knew how pathetically finicky players are, and that they would just release Kubrows over and over by the hundreds until they got the exact shade of the color maroon they wanted, then DNA imprint, then do stupid things on the market.


    Well they pretty much said/acknowledged already in advance that they might/will work on a Quest to release it to the wild. So if you click the button or play a misison for 10min doesn't make much of a difference, but would be a much more human solution rather than this questionable starving.

  11. honestly, i don't even know anymore if i was joking, sarcastic, or really meant it.


    Know the feeling... xD


    But I hold it pretty much like Kartumterek wrote there:


    Once you hit the middle/upper ranks you should already be programmed to potato everything that you own


    Because some weapons are really ugly to level without Potatoes and the ones not ugly need Potatoes as well to make them perform even better obviously... so Win-Win to potato everything. xD

  12. amazingly true, U14 was just the last straw for the ones holding on in my case tho, can anything be done to get them back later tho.


    Don't think there can be anything done. My people just moved on to other games and some were even cured from playing grind games at all, which is pretty sad honestly. xD


    I tried to convince some of them to come back... but they don't feel like it anymore. They have been disconnected from the game for too long and they either don't want to become addicted to it again or they are like "missed out on too much, makes no sense anymore" or they don't like the path Warframe is taking now.



    So asking me where I imagine Warframe 1-2 years from now... I'd say a few thousand dedicated Veteran players left who all know each other pretty well and who are all Mastery Rank 20-25+ and all have Forum Post Counts above 15000-20000... surrounded by a neverending flood of Newcomers that never make it past MR 5-8 and only come on the Forum to complain thanks to burnout or "fix this sh*t plz". xD



    Yupp back on track, like Airwolfen below me said. Currently I don't have to post any new ideas to the thread though, so I'll probably wait until the next hotfix including some more UI changes and watch the ideas of other people closely.

  13. Oh no I don't mean Add more I mean rework existing mods visuals to reflect the idea of


    Common, Uncommon, Superior, Excellent, Rare, and Legendary (because I forgot they did add that for a limited time)

    Like Eleventh Storm for example. Instead of being a Uncommon mod it would fall under Excellent (blue quality) or Rare (Gold quality)


    I mean a VISUAL REWORK not an actual reworking of mod rarity loot tables.


    The percentages stay the same. It's just the mods that change the appearance to reflect their TRUE rarity like how most RPG/MMO's do it 


    That could work out... if it's only a change to visual representation. ^^




    A little bit offtopic but DE adding those damaged mods for new players rather than giving them a real unranked Serration for example was just a no-no in my opinion.


    I played the prologue and I got so many useless bullcrap mods... like damaged Ammo Drums for example... I mean... really? They needed a damaged version of ammo drum - a mod that you'll pretty soon have 200 copies of?




    They should have made a poll in advance and look what people think are mandatory mods and hand those out to the player as quest rewards. Like Point Blank, Serration, Vitality, Redirection... There are not that many anyways.


    Because the way it is now people will just end up having to farm the real ones afterwards which is just like "Dafuq?" for a new player once they find out that they wasted cores/duplicates by fusing them into damaged ones.

  14. i get what your saying but i think DE added this to boost your chances not give you what you want just like that. But i guess they could boost the effect.


    I pretty much think the same... It shouldn't handle you out stuff "for free" just like that. You should have to do something in order to earn the stuff you want or just to have some patience.


    But this can also be done in a deterministic way and you only have to pay for convenience. So if you want your eggs breeding faster... rush it. If you want the imprint scanning to be finished... rush it. If you want the isolating of some traits you like to be finished faster... rush it. And so on. Also there can be some resources involved during those processes so you have to grind for something in order to earn it.


    Also they can always add the option to buy stuff straight from the market and make a good profit of that. They shouldn't need to resort on random tricks to make people waste more Platinum when the only way to get some stuff is already by investing Platinum.


    They can resort to gambling for Credits all they want... much the way Mod Transmutation works... but when people already have to invest Platinum to either get more Stasis Slots to breed on their own or to get overprized Imprints in the Trade Channel... then the result should be deterministic because you paid for that convenience. ^^

  15. that's how it works in real life..

    you cant play god you can only play tenno


    Yeah but this is a video game... and not Caesars Palace.


    I literally didn't sign up and invested money to help DE founding a money printing gambling machine. I signed up because when the game started out it was a decent and fair free 2 play game among many not so fair f2p games.


    If this is what the game is turning to I pretty much feel scamed and my good will abused because with the money I invested I could have probably made a little gambling app for Smartphones myself and make a good profit of that.

  16. Till now when i started the topic here it was just 12-13 kubrows.. now i have 28 + kubrows , puppies in the stasis chambers... most of which are exact copies even without use of imprints (random breedin


    Wow... 28+ Kubrows? This is getting insane... I stopped after my 14th... and then made my review and suggestions:




    To be honest I weren't that fond of Kubrows to begin with, but I wanted to give it a shot because it sounded interesting in concept and to prove me different but.. well... nope. xD


    I don't mind my wasted Plat though, because it helped proving my point. It is a high-roller Veteran-toy.


    One can only hope for them to implement a more deterministic way to get a Kubrow you like... xD

  17. What makes you think it hasn't?


    Several clans I used to play with are all gone now.

    My entire clan stopped logging in, wasn't a very huge one, but i've yet to meet anyone from the "launch" of this bother playing seriously. (or at all since U14 nuked the UI)


    Last login I've had was to check that free gamma color set. 


    Its basically discarding the old dedicated player base in favor of a potential new one. 

    It feels like this at least. Gone is the streamlined experience in favor of something I don't feel many expected to happen.

    Just leaves a bad taste in my mouth for this game. 


    ^ this mirrors what i see exactly.


    Don't want to get off-topic but most of my clan stopped playing before the new UI dropped the bomb. Mostly there's more than one reason for people to become "meh" about/annoyed by a game.. But it's always the cherry on-top that actually makes them leave.

  18. if it ends up that annoying to use that you just cant be bothered to use it and then cant be bothered to login then yeah it doesnt help keep the playerbase at all.


    I wonder how much the percentage of people leaving just because of the new UI is. Sometimes I'd like to be one of the hamsters in DE's server farm just to have some insight on statistics. xD

  19. How about no. Does no work for you?


    How about no to your no so you can have some noes while you're no'ing. Does no to your no work for you?


    Did your free to play game introduce a new game element that you don't like? Dear me, you then need to type a 5 page essay as to what exactly is wrong with it, and how to fix it of course. Nevermind the fact that you are not paying a monthly fee to support ANY of the work, or that it would take longer to code then the entire U14 update would have taken.


    You know nothing Jon Snow. I'm not only playing the game because it's free to play, otherwise I wouldn't be a Grand Master. Not everyone joins the game to be a freeloader. I may not always like all the changes/additions DE does to Warframe but still I appreciate their hard work. That said even if I appreciate their work I will still offer my opinion, as good or as bad as it might be sometimes.


    Kubrows are working as intended. They don't need changing simply because you have some issue with the fact that "you can't get the exact color or fur pattern you want". Do you even have any idea how idiotic that sounds?


    They may work as intended, if the intention is to p*ss off many players who looked forward to the customization part. Don't know how much you are reading the feedback section or any other section but people feel pretty bad about the situation currently because the RNG often gives them only (ugly) Kubrows they can't relate to/bond with and there's no reliable way to change that other than creating more and more Kubrows and wasting tons of resources and Plat for something they'll throw out the airlock anyways.


    Hell they even removed the scrambler because it was too random and people felt like this is an unreliable Platinum sink and should be improved on. So you should realize by now that deterministic Kubrow customization (Patterns, Color, Build, ...) is something people really looked forward too and are to some degree dissapointed on the way it turned out.


    Also I haven't read that last sentence.


    My feedback is awesome.


    Credibility lost right there. Even if your "feedback" would be "awesome", which it isn't, you shouldn't have to state how "awesome" it is.


    When the original idea is stupid on such a monstrous level - as it basically said "scrap the entire system, I have a better one" - then the type of feedback I gave is the only one possible.


    So basically I have never stated anywhere that my proposal/suggestion is the best among the dozen other proposals and feedback found here:




    They are all good proposals - even they are often in favor of the player - and something that DE may or may not draw some ideas from. Will you tell them all that they are stupid? Well if so then go ahead and complete your holy crusade. I don't think many people will follow your path.


    The current Kubrow system was DESIGNED over a period of months. He sits down for what, a few hours, and without ANY knowledge of why DE would have implemented the current system, based on making more money for game, based on existing code, based on time scheduled, basically typed:


    "I don't want to have to breed 100 Kubrows for an exact color, hence the system is broken, hence it needs a total redesign"


    And MY Feedback is bad?


    It may be designed over a couple of months but the major outcry of the community on some of the Kubrow aspects (as well as some other topics) should give you some hints that it might not have been "designed" too well no matter how much time went to it. That said I still appreciate that they have made the first steps to integrate a new major feature to the game.


    If all people were to defend everything DE does then we would probably still be playing Update 4 or 5 or something and not much changed ever since and the game may or may not have become something that's no fun for most players. If all people would be so negative about feedback and changes like you then we would probably still be in the medieval times sitting down a river bank playing with rocks.


    Good day, Sir.

  20. The only change they should make is to increase the amount that can be traded at once from 3 to 5 (for the blueprints and all components of a prime item) and to show what the player is offering without having to press an Offer button.


    Its to stop low level players from just buying everything in the game. I see no problems from Mastery rank 14.


    I can trade 16 times a day... I really don't see why they should increase it.


    If you want to trade more often, lvl up.


    All of those above.

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