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Posts posted by MeduSalem

  1. +1, I totally agree. The randomness is too high with this fur balls :3


    Yepp, basically it's the combination of randomness on top of getting only partially matching Imprints for Platinum. There's like no realistic way to breed all the stuff yourself. You have to rely on the good will of other people in the trade channel, which will eventually stop when people are tired of making more Kubrows.

  2. A big yes to this, ill edit my post when im back on my laptop, the fact is that we need more control over our kubrow's appearance and genetics, it IS a genetic forge that we're hatching then in anyways.


    That's exactly what I've been thinking about it.


    It would also allow for other pet types later on as well because some of the fur colors/patterns alleles/traits could be basically re-used there as Imprint material. I know that might not be that realistic, but for the sake of "simplicity" it could work. At all we are no scientists and it should still be fun to do.

  3. So I wanted to give the breeding the benefit of doubt and experiment a little bit around with it since it sounded pretty interesting in concept.


    But the cold fact: With the current system it’s near to impossible to make something useful with the Puppy blender because of too many random and unknown factors being involved in the whole process.




    Lack of Information on the current breeding system:


    The most obvious thing that bothers me as well as many other people is the lack of official description on how the whole puppy-blender breeding mechanic works in detail. The lack of information of what the dominant/recessive traits are, which traits are available, how they work together, how they work when mixed/blended and what not.


    Instead we have nothing and it literally makes no fun if you keep on getting results that can’t be backtracked/retraced/replicated and comprehended in any logical sense because of RNG being involved everywhere. The outcomes often diverge from the input so far and there’s no real explanation as to why this keeps on happening. There are many examples to be found throughout the forum where people are disappointed of the results because they did not get what they wanted though they tried following common sense or the little information we have found here:




    Also the lack of information provided by the game once you have scanned your Kubrow for Imprints is inconvenient as well. Yeah you have that nice visual representation of your Kubrow, but that doesn’t help/say much to be honest because of the hidden traits or even dominant traits not fully coming through strong enough to be visibly noticeable but make a huge difference once thrown into the blender.


    It would be better if the game would also provide a "Text-format representation" of all the dominant/recessive traits found on your Kubrow after being done scanning. A simple list would be enough and people would actually know what they’ve got.


    • Isn’t that the core reason behind why we scan our Kubrows? To reveal what its traits are?


    It’s not only to give some insight on how that Breeding System actually works, but also to prevent that ridiculous trade-scamming that has taken over ever since U14 thanks to Imprints. Some people just don’t know what they are selling or they are lying on purpose to make a quick buck. Both of which have great influence on the resulting breed. You should be able to review all the traits of the Kubrow stored on the imprint by hovering over the Imprints, even in the trade window.




    Current breeding system on longterm:


    Even yuikami made the Kubrow comics mostly for fun and might not share any of my actual feelings there's some awfully sad truth involved in them:





    Everyone experimenting a little bit with the breeding currently should have come to a similar conclusion:


    Breeding generates a LOT of genetic waste material. Yes, I’m speaking of all the useless icecubes we are storing in the back of our Lisets because of failed results.


    • Wasn’t the breeding supposed to “design” your ultimate Kubrow(s)? The ones you will stick with?


    At least it has been described as such during the hype. It was supposed to create a Kubrow that you can relate to/bond with and that you want to keep and not store away in a fridge in disgust.


    In that matter the current system heavily failed right away. Just for the sake of experimenting I’ve incubated 14 Kubrow eggs already. I don't mind the Plat for rushing some eggs because I've simply been curious.


    Of all of those I created I got only one that is somewhat “tolerable” and is not the same bland blue-greyish-brownish mongrel with near to indifferent features and even on that one that’s not like the rest and is instead really dark grey/nearly black I still would like to change some traits in favor of some different because I’d rather like to have stripes instead of patches for example.




    Well can't do that so back to the blender?


    Honestly... No. I don’t even want to imagine how many more Kubrows I would need to finally get something I want to keep thanks to the randomness and many factors being involved throughout the breeding.


    The current system is pretty much limiting everything. From the very beginning of having only 2 Imprints per Kubrow until the very fact that you’ve to pay tremendous amounts of Platinum for Imprints that might come close enough to something you want and even then it’s not guaranteed that the traits will carry over so you may start off at square one again and waste even more resources/Platinum.


    There’s just too much pay & pray involved for the current system to be reliable and future-prove, which will become even worse when there are even more visual features around Kubrows can develop. Randomness on top of something you can only reliable experiment on with already investing Platinum for ridiculously priced Imprints is something that’s just too much to take.


    The chance that those Imprints are getting cheaper with time is low because only 2 Imprints can be made per Kubrow and people will eventually stop making more Kubrows because they either bought what they wanted on the trade channel or are getting sick of the current implementation and leave it be altogether. Both of which will eventually lead to some stuff becoming near to extinct or horrendous to pay for. It's foreseeable and it's ugly.


    The current Breeding System – I can’t describe it with other words – is a huge Platinum sink that only the most dedicated players can afford, while majority of the player base will be pretty sick of that soon once they’ve had it with that unreliability.


    This is majorly also pushed by the high crafting and up-keep costs, Cool-downs for switching between Kubrows and the questionable advantages over Sentinels that are yet up to debate. But those have already their own threads.




    So Breeding System 2.0 aka Genetic Forge using "Trait"-Cards (similar to Mod-Cards):


    So I started thinking on an idea how to make breeding more reliable/deterministic as well as a fix for the removed “scrambling” feature.


    My idea is to basically "isolate"/"extract" traits you like on a seperate Imprint ("Trait"-Card) that only hold those specifically selected traits – then put them on another existing Kubrow to mutate it (thereby making it more the way you want it) or combine several of those "trait"-cards to a completely new Template to hatch a new egg or sell those "Trait"-Cards on the trade channel.




    How it would work in detail:


    When scanning a Kubrow for imprints it should decrypt the whole DNA… putting a list on an Imprint with all the dominant/recessive trait-“alleles” that make up your Kubrow for you to review. So you exactly know what dominant/recessive traits your Kubrow has and which may be hidden.


    Then there needs to be a tool to isolate/extract specific “alleles”/traits from that DNA Imprint by “splitting” them up to a different partial-imprint creating a specific "Trait"-Card.


    With those “Trait”-Cards you then can go ahead and fill up a full DNA string - a template if you so want - of your choice and with that new Imprint you can go ahead and incubate a new egg which will fully adopt your custom DNA string. (No randomness involved, it’s enough work to collect all the traits anyways).



    Example for extraction:


    You have a black Kubrow and you want to use only the black fur color on another Kubrow and don't want any of the other traits.


    Then you scan your Kubrow and wait until you get a list populated with all the traits. After that you put that Imprint in the extraction-tool and select the trait that is responsible for the black fur color and it will be stored on a separate “Trait”-Card that only holds the black fur color.


    Then there's the possibility that some traits are rather complex (made up of 2-4 trait cards) and the more complex it gets the longer it takes to extract all the corresponding "Trait"-cards or something. With really ridiculous long cooldown times for stuff like Lotus symbols or Colors made up by 4 traits and whatnot.


    The amount of trait-cards extracted would eventually have to deterimine how often you can extract traits from "provider" Kubrows so to not overflood the market again.




    Example for designing a new Kubrow:


    Imagine you want to incubate a random new egg. Then you have a blank template with rows of specific traits. For example:


    • Temperament (Race):
    • Gender:
    • Build:
    • Height:
    • Fur Pattern:
    • Fur Color 1:
    • Fur Color 2:
    • ... (and so on)


    and in each row you'd have 2-4 slots or something (depending on how complex a trait can be for example Gender doesn't need to be as complex as fur color, but there would always be a minimum of 2 cards required) where you can put in fitting trait cards by drag&drop from your genetic storage. And once you put in a trait card the possible "result" will be shown in a rough preview window... and as you enter more trait cards the "result"-preview gradually changes to adopt all the trait cards you picked.


    The exact position of a trait card in a row could also determine some variants... which would be especially needed for fur-colors... to determine intermediate colors or something. So you can fiddle around and see what happens similar to the way when experimenting with Combined Elements at Mods.


    Eventually once you've filled up all slots with at least some basic cards you'd have to hit the apply button and that consumes all the trait cards in the process and incubates the Kubrow. You may or may not fill up all traits with cards but then those traits are partially left open for RNG. Picking no cards at all means fully random incubating.


    The time it takes to incubate the Kubrow would then depend on how complex the setup is you want to incubate/mutate. The more trait cards you throw into the blender the longer it takes to forge that DNA string and to incubate the egg. So you may have to wait 2 days for a randomly incubated egg... but if you'd throw in something complex into the mix like the Lotus symbol you've to wait a week or even longer.



    That way we would have much better control over what happens when breeding a new egg rather than gambling around and wasting dozens of Kubrows, resources, time and whatnot.


    Those "Trait"-Cards could also be used to genetically mutate your existing Kubrows to replace a trait you don’t like. That way you wouldn’t have to breed 20 new Kubrows until you get one that suits you, rather than slowly getting your beloved existing one in the direction you want it.


    Those "Trait"-Cards holding a speficic allele could be traded between players then and there would be no more scamming, because “black-fur-trait-card" is called “black-fur-trait-card” and there’s no debate about it and no pictures needed anymore to prove anything. Also this is the only way to make even unloved Kubrows something worth because you can always sell it's DNA parts if the whole thing isn't anything else good for.



    What I also suggest in relation to that is some of the colors and other traits are made up by blending two different "Trait"-Cards of the same trait together.


    For example:


    • White Fur Allele + Black Fur Allele = Gray Fur Allele
    • Yellow Fur Allele + Red Fur Allele = Orange Fur Allele
    • Yellow Fur Allele + Blue Fur Allele = Green Fur Allele
    • Yellow Fur Allele + Red Fur Allele + Black Fur Allele = Brown Fur Allele
    • Skinny Allele + Stocky Allele = Normal Allele (Build)
    • Small Allele + Tall Allele = Normal Allele (Height)


    … and so on. More complex examples for complex patterns and colors is something that DE could play around with to balance out the system as well as to create intermediate results.


    That way there aren’t as many basic trait-alleles around as some of them could easily be reproduced by putting two (or more) “trait”-cards together and some of the stuff could still be decided by dominant/recessive ways by making it dependent on in which order you place the traits into the blender (similar to the way how combined elements are chosen by the order you place the elementals into your weapons)


    A little rough 3D visualized preview of what your Kubrow will most likely look like with the current changes/setup could help to assist the player in creation phase! - Thanks to Ryouhi



    Another thing that could be experimented on with this way is to create hybrid classes of Kubrows that for example melt 2 of the ability precepts of 2 classes together in one. Like for example having a Hybrid between a Huras and a Raksa…  allowing it to cloak you and have the shield replenishing or something. This would obviously needed to be balanced though, but it would give it a nice touch for somebody looking into a class in between the 4 available.



    Also those 2 Imprints per Kubrow limit should be removed... or changed to something like 2 scans every week/month or something. It only limits your ability to experiment around, because if you didn't get what you want you wasted Imprints and you can't get it back without buying or breeding new Kubrows which eventually leads to the problems we already have once again.




    The limitations to prevent overflooding the market (thanks to 00zau):


    There would be "provider"-Kubrows (no changes made to it a.k.a random incubated Kubrows) and "receiver"-Kubrows (has been completely designed or is an existing Kubrow that had it's traits changed/mutated).


    Once you modified a specific trait/allele on an existing Kubrow or when creating a new DNA string for a new egg out of custom "Trait"-cards then the modified trait(s) become(s) so destabilzed/degraded that you can't extract from those modified/custom Kubrows anymore. This prevents the market from overflowing with rare "Trait"-cards to the point where the sellers would have to compete with their former buyers, as pointed out by 00zau in detail here:




    So eventually modifying your Kubrows is a one-way road... Once you modified a specific allele you can't extract/isolate that said alleles anymore, while the others (the ones not modified yet) remain unharmed. From that point on the modified Kubrows can only "receive" new alleles but can't provide them anymore - hence "Receiver"-Kubrow.


    This encourages to breed new random Kubrows to get "fresh blood" into the breeding system - hence "Provider"-Kubrow.




    Interesting Links:


    MonsieurZero also created a thread independent from mine with a similar if not the same idea, you should definitely check it out:



    Also have a look at the other proposals and suggestions in the Kubrow Megathread by noveltyhero:




    There's no TL;DR because there are really serious flaws in the current system that should be resolved to create a real Genetic Forge that's useful rather than wasting resources with no guranteed outcome. I've marked the most key stuff with underlines anyways.

  4. Yepp, the Breeding system is pretty much useless.


    If you so want it is flat out a platinum sink with random outcome. It was all designed with the "scrambling" feature in mind because they already know you can't get the thing you want through regular ways or only if you are very very very very very very lucky or so. You may have "increased chance" or somewhat... meh... simple the word "chance" shouldn't be there in the first place.


    The lack of offical description what are dominant genes/traits, what are recessive genes/traits, how they work together when mixed together... How the chances are that something "good" comes out... It's all bullsh*t to be honest and it makes no fun if you keep on getting results you can't retrace/comprehend.

    The lack of information provided by the game when scanning your Kubrow for Imprints is ridiculous as well.. yeah you have that nice visual representation of your Kubrow but that doesn't help much... It would be better if the game would have a TEXT-format representation of all the dominant/recessive genes/traits found on your Kubrow as well... Not only to give some insight on how that crappy breeding-system actually works but also to prevent that ridiculous trade-scamming that has taken over ever since U14 thanks to imprints. You should be able to review all the traits the Kubrow has on the imprint when trading.


    Also that we only can have 2 imprints per Kubrow forces you to get even more Kubrows and/or imprints that you might not use. It's a friggin nightmare. We should have more imprints... like 2 per week or something rather than 2 forever.




    But better yet would be a completely revamped breeding system anyways... something like that you can extract/isolate specific traits of the DNA sequence and then mix a bunch of extracted/isolated traits together to form a new "whole" imprint and use that one on an egg with 100% chance. Or make it possible to mutate your existing Kubrows with those isolated genes to actually make it the way you want it rather than storing 20 Kubrows in the fridge in the back of your ship that are nothing more than genetic waste material.


    Bonding? Impossible with the current system... because how is one to bond with a thing that you invested resources and time in and then RNG screws you over and over. The only thing I can develop is disgust about how this system is so flawed from the very beginning.


    It's not even like one of the regular flaws... that become obivous the longer people play and the more content gets added on top of it... Something like the damage system or melee system... the flaws became obvious the more mods and the higher the DPS went... but with the Kubrow breeding... man this sucks right of the box. Can't say anything different. It came out 1 and a half week ago and is already ripe for a 2.0.


    I might create a thread with the idea of having isolated genes/traits on imprints for trade rather than storing the whole frigging sh*t on it that you might not like and may influence the whole outcome in a way you don't want because you don't know all the details or because the trade partner just simply lied to you.


    [Edit] Created the thread:



  5. /signed.


    That switch time has to be drastically reduced to somewhat like 10-15minutes or removed alltogether. Or maybe split it up to like 5min freezing when you're stashing it away and 5min warm-up once you retrieve it again...


    You can't even bring that furry sucker to any alert or spontaneous mission because you never know in advance when something is up or people invite you to their sessions... it's such a hindrance in a fast paced ninja game like Warframe. You can't even bring the best suited Kubrow to specific missions because of this. This mechanic is like tying players' hands to their backs. It's ludicrous.


    Playing Tamagotchi and feed that thing DNA Stabilizers every two days to keep it healthy even when I don't want to take it with me is just ridiculous as an alternative which makes me rank the Kubrows to 30 and then forget about them in the long term, which is ultimatively the fail of all the development time DE has invested into them.


    It's the same reason why I abandoned the damn Extractors already... I'm just not feeling like doing all this administration bullsh*t. I want to shoot Grineer, Corpus and Infested and not Tenno space administration. Especially when it's not centralized somewhere where I can just click through the list an be done with it for the next whole week. I don't feel like clicking through 5 planets every 4 or 12 hours depending on which extractors used, and neither do I want to run to the back of my ship to check the Incubator every 36-48 hours to feed those oversized and costly fleabags.


    I'm pretty much sure that a bunch of people may be lured in but the average player will abandon the Kubrows pretty fast when this is going to stay together with the "high upkeep". It's literally only something for dedicated Veteran players who don't know what else to do anymore in the game and even they will become pretty weary wading through this sh*t of cooldowns all the time.


    DE should start to learn that this kind of cooldowns keep people away from playing, rather than people investing more money. It's okay to have cooldowns for crafting items or for incubating/raising your damn Kubrow, but when the stuff is finished it should be ready for usage whenever people demand so.

  6. Seems the G3 are taking a vacation on Earth these days... My Loki got teabagged by them today as well.


    I couldn't really do anything about that because they spawned right at the landing pod after I canceled the landing sequence. No energy yet and my weapons all low ranked... with all three Grustrags active I couldn't do much about it other than watch them having their fun pinballing Loki. xD


    I knew they would be coming eventually because I helped the Corpus on Phobos the other day... but I hoped it would be on a better occasion when evenly matched. ^^


    First time ever this happened to me. Last time I had them my Ember Prime insta killed them the second they spawned in because I had World on Fire ongoing... I couldn't even get to scan them... ;D

  7. Yeah I don't know for sure so I could be wrong sadly. But yes, hope DE add more info to the imprints


    Yepp they should in fact make "scanning" and "imprinting" the DNA of your Kubrow decrypt and reveal all of the dominant&recessive genes/traits your Kubrow has in TEXT-Format so you exactly know what you're dealing with.


    This information should be always displayed when hovering/activating an imprint. Then nobody in the trade channel is able to scam another person because you can review all the information right away when hovering your mouse over the imprint.


    Also it might give some light on how the breeding actually works.

  8. I know that it might be nice to have a color selection for Kubrows... but no... They are no sentinels you can spray-paint. They come with a set of default colors and we have to live with that.


    It might be nice though if we could have something that genetically modifies our existing Kubrows so they can grow a different fur color without having to take imprints and create dozens of new Kubrows until you get one you like. Something in the middle between having a "color selection" and "imprinting".


    This genetic modification of existing Kubrows could also be implemented to alterate other specific traits of your Kubrows as well, like fur pattern, height and build type, etc, one trait at a time or something and you've to farm the traits somewhere or isolate them out of other Kubrow's imprints without taking the other traits with it.


    No matter what imprinting is a bit "too" random currently, since people still haven't fully figured out completely how the dominant-traits system works. Also that we can only have 2 imprints per Kubrow is pretty much limiting on how much we can experiment with the breeding altogether.


    Also the way imprints currently don't hold any "text" information on what the traits of your Kubrow are just opens the door for trade scamers selling you something that isn't the truth. The traits of a Kubrow should be displayed as text when hovering over an Imprint. Then there's no doubt anymore and the breeding becomes somewhat reliable.


    I pretty much thought that imprinting would work this way... decrypting the Kubrows DNA and showing you exactly what it's dominant and recessive genes are... but well currently it's still "gambling" because we don't have any insight on the genes even if we scanned our Kubrows.



    TL;DR: All we need is better genetic tools to exactly review all the genetic information stored on a Kubrow/Imprint, to isolate genes/traits we like and review the "most likely" result of that before we actually throw it into the blender. That and to genetically modifying existing Kubrows (so we don't have to make tons of them) and increase the imprints that can be taken to essentially make breeding reliable.



    That would kinda make breeding pointless in a way. And not really make sense. I think its fine how it is.


    Pretty much that.

  9. Most of the time I adapt to the average speed of the whole team... In most sessions I can be found in between the fastest and the slower players just in case someone gets downed. Then I'm able to help both the faster and the slower ones.


    But if the session consists only of rushers then I'll rush as well... especially true for Alerts, Invasions and Outbreaks where every minute counts. Phorid runs tend to be rushed most of the time... and I don't want to miss out on that nice piece of XP he provides on death.


    When getting paired with newer players I tend to take the lead to tank most of the incoming damage and because I know all of the tilesets shortcuts and paths. But when I notice I'm a little bit too far ahead I'll stop and wait for them to catch up so they are not out of XP range. I mostly never get more than half a room ahead.


    I don't care as much on getting kills... I'll get the shared XP no matter what anyways, so I'm always trying to stay within XP range. That's most noticable when I tend to hack panels first so the team can advance without a break. Especially true in the breach-section of Corpus/Grineer shipbattles. The team mostly is occupied killing all the mobs and I go on hacking the panel to remove the forcefield instead.


    I'm only exploring in the Void for the extra credits and Argon Crystal. Everywhere else I've nearly stopped exploring and instead open lockers/canisters as I pass by and tend not to stop for branches in the route or bonus rooms.


    Also I tend to do the dirty work of running back to find spawn-bugged enemies, because I know most people are too lazy and just like to wait at extraction instead and complain why we can't leave yet. It's annoying so I go ahead and seek out those bugged enemies before people tend to pave your screen with extraction reminders.

  10. Well I'm starting out with "make an offer"-appendage as well when spaming the tradechannel with a list of WTB items...


    If they don't provide one with their initial whispering then I'll ask them nicely again and if they don't then I know they are out to haggling (which I don't have time for when working down a long list of parts/mods for mates or myself or having to deal with mulitple offerings at once) and/or scamming and that's when I state the average price that's stated on most trade sites or use the offerings other people made.


    If they start to complain then their chance is gone. As easy as that.


    Sometimes when I'm in the mood I might pay more than the average just to get over with it and to end spaming the trade channel. Mostly I'll buy from the seller more than I initially asked for just to fill up the slots... and rarely if I like the guy I'm trading with I'll throw in a prime part they don't have for free ontop of the Plat.


    That's how I do it.


    But I've got nearly every mod anyways... there are only like 10 left I don't have yet... and most of them are stances and the new Kubrow mods which I haven't had much time farming yet. ^^

  11. MR 15, only a bunch of levels to 16.


    Somewhat like 3 or 4 million credits... I don't really look at it anymore because there's not really anything worth spending it on. Okay wasted like a million or something in preparation for some Power cores for Kubrow incubation... so let's see how that goes down. Probably I'll put those little suckers into the fridge anyways.

  12. I contributed my 5 missions on every single node to support the Corpus because they offer better battlepay... but it seems like nobody really cares and the Corpus are forced to retreat because of that.


    I never had to join anybody into my sessions so I know nobody cares about what happens on Phobos. People just don't like that sandpile.


    On Limtoc I'll be supporting the Grineer again. xD

  13. Mutating your existing Kubrow with new imprints? +1


    That would actually be an interesting idea to follow... because if you can alterate it you might after all get the traits you want without always getting a new one. Maybe people would stop throwing their Kubrows into the fridge or let them die on purpose to make room for new ones if the existing ones don't fit their criteria.


    I don't know how much thought DE put into this when people already start stockpiling icecubes in the back of their ship.

  14. I guess the breeding results for the colors (and probably some patterns too) were distorted through the bug in the coloring thing DE Steve wrote about in the Developer Workshop:




    Seems like most people thinking they have a white/light colored Kubrow didn't really have a white/light colored one and that might be one of the reasons why we saw so diverging results with the colors until now.


    My Kubrow puppy went from white to being light/mid-grey.

  15. I've updated my major feedback-post on page 7 to reflect the changes of Update U14.0.9:




    Mod Screen:

    The Warframe blocks at least 1 full column of mods again on 1920x1080. It's back to being as annoying as it's been initially. Probably just move it out of the way similar to the way it's in the Mod-Layout screen in the Arsenal?





    The dimensions of the mod-loadout screen are perfect now for 1920x1080. I'd recommend bringing this "total width" and "Warframe-position" to the other windows as well (at least for 1920x1080):



  16. Well this explains why some of the bullcrap happens when breeding... some of the colors weren't supposed to be white... They were actually meant to be grey. No wonder that screwed up some of the breeding results.


    Another reason why they should add exact text descriptions to the imprint so we can read what the traits of our Kubrows are and don't have to rely on the graphics alone.

  17. While I like the new player ship... the cold fact is the new UI coming with it still needs some hard work to make it useable for Veteran players. While immersion is always a great thing some people don't care about that and they feel handicapped the way the new menus work sometimes. Especial in case of the main menu, switching between different menus and the solarmap navigation.


    But I made a pretty long post of feedback already on the official feedback thread anyways:




    Also the voting system is broken currently, so I'll vote later on when this is fixed.

  18. The problem of imprinting currently is that no one is fully sure what the dominant traits are. Which of the traits supercede another one.

    Someone of the DE Staff should make a sticky thread with all the traits available and which of them are dominant and which are not. And if some are co-dominant and build a new trait when mixed. Also some examples of breeding results from their side to explain the whole thing would be nice.

    People throw Plat into the blender and most of them don't even know what will be the outcome. So in my opinion it's just a lack of official guidelines and explanation to the puppyblender. Without that people will just become angry/disappointed about the results because most of them aren't studied biologists and don't have the time nor resources to do heavy experimenting on a game mechanic when it should be cleary explained how it works.

    They also should add written stats to the imprints so you are actually able to read what the traits are without looking at the Kubrow. This is especially needed for trading to prevent people from scaming each other over traits. That way you can review the imprint while trading with a mouse-over. Always demanding pictures to go with an imprint is just a sore and I don't think that people will do that for very long until they start to manipulate the screenshots with photoshop as well to change the Kubrow names and what not.

    Like for example:

    Kubro Type:

    and so on.

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