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Posts posted by MeduSalem

  1. What the hell is going on in here... Is this a serious debate or is this just troll inflammatory by Kartumterek?


    I'm on Team Greed™.

    I don't want any side to lose or win because that would mean no more war.

    No more more war means I don't get paid for killing sh*t.

    I won't have that.


    Would almost be as good as going back to the Cryopod directly and wait for those suckers to kill each other/themselves.

  2. 1) Slots


    2) Bluetatoes (have enough Goldatoes for the next 10 frames or something)


    3) Forma (game is stingy with them for me, but then again I don't forma as much anyways so... meh)


    4) Stuff I'm sick farming of once it's down to 5p or so. (But there's only a handful of stuff left anyways)


    5) From now on cosmetics.

  3. I got them all, but I only equip them at non-prime Warframes because they often don't go too well with Prime Warframes, no matter how much I try to fiddle around with the tints.


    I happen to find it much easier to get the colors for Immortal skins right on non prime frames for whatever reason. Probably it's because how the tints of Prime and Non-Prime Warframes don't always match up and how the designers placed the colors on different slots... don't know... it's pretty weird sometimes. Especially when comparing Frost with Frost Prime and Ember with Ember Prime which are my most used Warframes. Experimented with them the most.


    Also the Immortal Skins often override the Prime accents and I don't really like that. I think the Prime accents should always come through even when using an immortal skin but they don't because I guess the designers placed some of the prime accents directly on the default skin which gets replaced when the immortal skin is applied.

  4. Does it matter that much? At least the planets got labeled, I'm happy for that much. We can revisit little things like positioning later, let the UI boys work on thinks like the scale slider and sway toggle.


    Pretty much that.


    Positioning of the labels is nitpicking now and a thing that can always be changed later on when they are bored and have nothing to do in the UI depertment... I'm already glad they added labeling just to stop confusion for most people navigating the ring. ^^


    Scale slider and afterwards the Sway toggle are much more important currently. That or what the post above mine has written.


    And after that some Quality of Life stuff to make the menus quicker to access for veterans and/or people don't care as much on immersion.

  5. Even I made my point earlier... I'm curious if DE will implement at least a baindaid "release"-button that instantly releases the Kubrow as long as they haven't finished up the "release to the wild"-quest. ^^


    Also I'm curious how angry that doge will get (if any) the more time passes... now that it takes twice as long for it to croak.


    "Goat cowers at your approach."


    It's getting nasty already. My inner demons start to feast.

  6. ohhh man this does not feel like a good time to be considering buying prime access


    Oh well buying the current Prime Access isn't the problem... You can still get that...


    The next one after Loki Prime Access will be the problem if PW gets a foot into the door. That's when sh*t is going to hit the fan and no umbrellas to take cover. xD

  7. lol all that i can see is KUBROW 2.0 IS ON DEMAND NOW.


    Yupp pretty much... I think some parts of the current system weren't thought through to well by DE... at least not for Quality of Life on longterm. The massive amount of threads and feedback concerning Kubrows shows it pretty well.


    My thread isn't about all the upkeep, switching times and whatnot... Even they are clearly problems on their own as well... but my thread is more about that we have to make too many excess Kubrows in the first place, creating the problem that people have a high demand to get rid of all their ugly Kubrows.


    The major problem is that DE started off too high with monetarizing the Kubrows by adding in a massive layer of RNG and/or Platinum-wall for creating Kubrows you like to keep.


    Kubrows are different from grinding for new Prime Parts for example where all you need to do is to have patience until the prime part drops that you want. It doesn't require you to invest any resources and platinum, it only requires you invest time. And trading parts for Platinum is paying for convenience.


    But with Kubrows it is pretty much IMPOSSIBLE to do anything reliable without Platinum and massive amounts of resources. You get only 2 stasis slots, which makes it impossible to breed on your own because the chances that you get a nice Kubrow in 2 turns are... well... just say not good. I have more than a dozen Kubrows now and only one is somewhat tolerable in my opinion.


    • So you eventually need more Kubrows to get more variety and maybe some traits that you like and with them you can start breeding on your own... So you either have to invest Platinum in dozens of Stasis slots to breed enough random eggs until you get some Kubrows with desired type/pattern/colors/build/height and then start crossbreeding...


    • That or you have to invest Platinum in ridiculously overprized Imprints at the trade channel that don't gurantee anything as well.


    And with both methods you end up with even more excess Kubrows that you can't get humanly rid off other than let them die on purpose, which most of us don't think is a good longterm solution so we have to get even more Stasis slots to continue experiments... a circle that never ends.


    Even if we could release the Kubrows to the wild already, which would be much appreciated... this would only be a short-term bandaid that doesn't really fix the root of the problem of creating too many Kubrows you can't bond with in the first place.


    So take your poison. It is impossible to do anything reliable without Plat. That is sort of pay to win because you can't win against this system with just investing more time, somewhere down the road you have to invest Platinum to advance. And even that doesn't gurantee you get the result you want... and that's why I call that mechanic a Platinum sink.

  8. I like the buffed Ancients and their new Auras with one major exception...


    The Scorpion-like Pull-Ability.


    That thing should be removed again... it makes playing the game on solo near to impossible without spaming ranged AoE skills 24/7 to prevent the hordes of ancients from even getting anywhere near close to you and you often don't even see it coming because they shoot their hooks even through walls and obstacles and whatnot before you can see them. Also it looks odd animationwise as if it doesn't really belong to them in the first place.


    It's no problem with lower ranked infested to get pulled every once in a while, but any enemy difficulty with hordes of Infested ancients (Def/Surv/Mobile Def) and with Chargers that can shred your shields in 1-2 hits is just a big problem. You are getting pinballed, teabagged and you're pretty much dead meat and can't do anything about it.

  9. Damn, this is pretty much the darkest I've seen Warframe since it began.




    I haven't been fond of Kubrows ever since the day they first introduced them on the livestreams because I always thought the Sentinels are our pets if we need any. And I never made a secret of my opinion on the Kubrows... But this is just the ugliest oversight of DE during the whole development of Warframe.


    When I signed up for Warframe last year I know for sure I didn't sign up for Dog Slaughter Simulator 2014. But this is pretty much the way the whole Kubrow thing turned out to be. Slaughtering feral Kubrows and destroying their dens to steal their eggs and if they are not what you're looking for you let them die on purpose or store their meat as popsicles in the fridge.

  10. Please just get used to it.


    It's not easy - if possible at all - to get used to something that causes motion sickness for some people. Some people just can't help about it and the menu sway is a slap in their face.


    So their question to have an option to toggle the menu sway off is legitimate because it isn't really needed when the UI will be scaleable in the near future to fit the content on the screen. The scaleable UI has been pretty much confirmed by Pablo yesterday.

  11. Roles: Assault/Support/Sweeper

    Warframes: Ember Prime/Frost Prime

    Weapons: Preferably Grinlok/Marelok/Dual Ether, but also Ignis/Synapse/Boltor Prime, Despair/Stug every now and then.


    They are mostly also the weapons I invested some Formas on and most of them are modded to pick out Heavys/Ancients and Abilities are for cleaning up the rest.

  12. Too many. Just too many.


    But the most recent: After completing a mission and flying away, I started at the starting room of the mission. I could still run, jump and shoot. All enemies were frozen but could still die. Went all the way to the end of the mission to see a hole looking out into space... Then went into menu and picked "abort mission". And this is the best (worst) part: it said "Cannot abort because the mission was completed!"


    This happens a lot to me lately too... But most of the time I respawn in glitched out locations in the tiles so I can't even move around the level... -_-

  13. you know what? I take back what I said. When he got out of the egg (not yet fully incubated) I found 2 more mods in my inventory...... Dig and Ferocity, I got a 3RD Sahasa.......... fml


    Good... seems like I can get some more duplicates then to have some underclocked mods as well... xD

  14. Find it odd you would so readily dismiss many of you fellow Tenno playing on PC, but I guess as long as it doesn't affect you...


    Wasn't meant this way... I guess my LotR-reference-joke didn't quite work out as I thought it would... xD


    I know that 720p is still quite common especial on the low/mid-end Notebook sector. Haven't seen that on a real PC monitor in ages though... My 1080p monitor is 6 or 7 years old or something and can't go below than 720p so I pretty much assume anything below that is pretty much dead or really uncommon nowadays. Haven't seen resolutions like 800x600 or worse for at least 10 years or something.


    So I pretty much don't know how many people are playing with lower resolutions than 720p as I don't have any insight on DE-internal Hardware surveys... and the Steam-hardware survey is not really working for quite a few weeks already, otherwise I would have probably posted that one as a reference or something. xD


    But I guess somewhere there has to be made a minimum standard... and 720p seemed okay for me.


    Once a squad is started the matchmaking mode is set and changing the value won't do anything, which is why we hide it, maybe the networking guys can look into it to changing that, but really low priority.


    Yupp is only low priority... But sometimes weird when in a squad of 2 or 3 and nobody knows which matchmaking mode everybody has set. So I guess sometimes some of my mates are on private or invite only and then we all wonder why nobody joins into our squad to fill up the empty slots. xD


    How is the general matchmaking mode decided anyways if there are is for example 1 guy being on public, 1 being on private, 1 being on invite only? I could guess that whatever the host selected will be used for the entire squad overriding any other individual setting?


    Clicking directly without engaging the screen is interesting, only real uses atm would be for notifications on navigation and news, will discuss.


    For the liset it would be quite nice... especial for the alerts and news. The other consoles/panels wouldn't profit as much, or only if they were to be changed a little bit to contain a clickable-part as well, otherwise they could simply open the full menu when being clicked, for example at the market or Codex panels.


    If that feature makes it into the game you could also consider updating the "consoles" for hacking placed throughout the normal mission levels... the ones you have to activate by pressing "X". Mouse-over with the crosshair and left-click to bring up the hacking screen or to make an elevator move could pretty much achieve the same.


    But that feature isn't that high priority anyways... it would allow a little bit more convenience/immersion though.


    On the upgrade cards, the reason the stats are stacked is that we don't have as much horizontal space, you designed based on primary/secondary, but on warframe it's 6 columns of mods instead of 4, bringing them down in size to make space for the stats means players using resolutions around 720p will have an even harder time reading things.


    Yeah noticed that afterwards... But seems like the problem will be eliminated with the scale-slider anyways so you can design it around the minimum and/or maximum resolutions and everybody else in between can scale it to whatever suits them.


    Some of the things you suggest like labels on planets or switching between connected planets, we are looking into.


    Yupp, I updated for the labels already and will continue updating my orignal post and strike out stuff as it gets sorted out over time. Or when the playerbase comes to the conclusion that some of the stuff isn't needed anymore because some major things changed or so.

  15. When I heard, it was before 14.1, but from what others have been telling me its was a "stealth fix"


    Oh well... Nevermind then... No wonder I can't find it in any of the patch notes. :D

  16. Oh well thanks for adding my thread as one of the possible ideas, noveltyhero!


    Guess mine and MonsieurZero are pretty similar in basic thoughts... Wonder if DE will consider any of the collected thoughts^^


    Also I'll read through the various other collected stuff for sure :D

  17. Sorry it took me so long to answer. I did a reply a few days back with lots of quotes and whatnot, but I did it on my non dev account, so it was hidden, I might ask for it to be republished with this account, but it might be a bit out of context by now.


    I'll be looking forward to this, if it can be republished... ^^


    We've gotten in some of the things mentioned here like planet labels, renamable of course... it was a Sunday and I was tired.


    At least players made some funny labels and put them on the forum. xD


    Mods on fusion screen will draw on top of player when highlighted so you can see them, not ideal, but a stopgap fix while we put in the slider to adjust scale of those screens. We initially changed that and upgrades to have a max resolution which made them look much better in 1080p, but then people with large resolutions were getting a display that was too small, so we undid that change and will add a setting for people to adjust it, and we will reintroduce the max resolution thing.


    The slider to adjust the menu size sounds pretty good... I guess that will make many people happy complaining about how the Warframe blocks their screen or the menu being to small... ^^


    The way the Mod-loadout screen within the Arsenal is is probably the best for 1920x1080 so far... That I can say for sure. :D


    BTW I will be in the Devstream tomorrow with Dorian in case you have any questions you want answered. Feel free to shoot them out in the chat. 


    I'll be watching it tomorrow... But I probably won't be able to ask anything there because I did not link my Facebook account to Twitch and without doing so one can't chat there. xD

  18. Not anymore, DE took that out


    Until a few days ago (when I made my last Kubrow) it did work... When did they take it out? 14.1? 14.0.11?

  19. There's quite a few people who enjoy the heath drain mechanic. It ensures that you can kill it off if you dont want it as an added bonus.


    That's why DE should have added the quest for releasing the Kubrows to the wild from the very beginning. It wouldn't have needed any fine missions and animations stuff yet if they haven't had enough time to do it... just a simple button saying "release to the wild" would be enough for most people currently. They can always work out a real quest for it the coming weeks/months.

  20. Well they should at least reduce it to something like 15 minutes.. (15minutes to take it out and 15 minutes to store it back to the fridge or so) so you can at least take it on random alerts or something... Waiting 3 damned hours is much longer than most people even play daily.. Most people log in for an hour or two and then log out and do something else.


    They really designed this to be a Veteran toy or a huge Plat sink for convenience.


    This is just driving average players away from even using Kubrows. ^^


    And the combination of having the degrading health bullcrap on top of that... It's designed to be as annoying as possible for everyone not piling up on Credits and Resources... or having plenty of time.

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