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  1. Judging by the performance of last gen consoles. I have to say based on my non-gaming laptop. The framerate feel somewhere between 18fps - 24fps so not even a solid 30fps except when you're standing still. Testing two GPU with the same CPU (1660ti +10700f resolution at 1080p 120hz max settings.) Getting around 80fps - 110fps (3070ti + 10700f resolution at 1440p 120hz max settings.) Getting around 95fps - 156fps SSD load speed around 5secs - 8secs
  2. Also the another issue with loading on last gen with cross play enabled you are most likely grouping with ppl with SSD be it PC players or Next-gen console players and that they loaded into mission before you and may have completed an objective before you had a chance to load in properly causing a connection been lost to host.
  3. Same thing happen on Xbox one as well. The cause of the problem is most likely 1.) The consoles are nearly a decade old with old hardware struggling to keep up when they first came out. 2.) Last gen consoles storage device use hard drive instead of SSD so loading is slower on an hard drive vs an SSD substantially 3.) DE stop support for the classic engine in this update so the game utilize the enhanced engine on all platforms which is way more demanding. Overall I say it's time for DE to push cross save because performance for last gen is only gonna degrade even more over time than what it's currently is rn and may soon force DE to drop support for Last gen.
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