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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. 44 minutes ago, Murkar said:

    Hmm are you implying that rhino cannot be played skillfully or are you saying his buff makes it too easy?

    And allow me to elaborate about the teleport at least, Nezha already moves much faster than the teleport takes to setup and aside from that bullet jump can pretty much do anything the teleport can so in my eyes its kind of redundant. I use Rhino and Nezha a lot and the only skill difference is mastering the slipperiness.

    No I'm not saying rhino cannot be played skillfully. Im saying exactly what I said, rhino takes less skill to use than nezha does and is easier to get use too. 


    Also you could use both.. ex; bullet jump + double jump , throw chakram , aim glide, teleport, then roll.

    Or you could throw the chakram , then jump in which ever direction you like then teleport , you'll carry on the same momentum before the teleport.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Murkar said:

    The teleport seems as useful as super jump, the chakram is super weak, Nezha's shield isn't that great high level and costs more energy.

    Rhino has a damage buff and a very cool deluxe skin.

    Nezha is support and Rhino is a brawler. I use Nezha to help out squishy frames where as Rhino I take to sorties and floods. They are both good in different ways no need to decide who is better because of a few move similarities.

    How I see it is nezha takes skill and rhino takes less skill . 

  3. 48 minutes ago, (PS4)abbacephas said:

    Basically: anything Nezha can do Rhino can do better.

    Can rhino cast iron skin on his teammates? Lol 

    19 minutes ago, (PS4)skins0208 said:

    I just dont like how Nezha runs. Like if you are running straight then make a sharp left/right turn. He will "slide" forward for a bit. I just found it very annoying. Like bro get yourself a decent pair of shoes.

    Lol you gotta drift with nezha . Keep practicing you'll get use to it might even end up liking it 

  4. Nezha is my favorite frame, he has everything I could ever want . He's fast , durable , can teleport , has a lot of cc , && can give others shields . Also with the right weapons to complement him he is so powerful . So what Im asking is why is he hated and less liked than rhino . I'm not really asking whos the better frame ( because it's obviously nezha :P) I wanna discuss why rhino is more popular.

  5. 2 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    Got a source?  Because my own experience with consoles says otherwise.  It's standard incentivised microtransactions that's designed to draw in players, not a "oh, you poor thing, you missed out on a thing that was offered on a separate platform."

    According to a certain moderator yes . But I'm not obligated to look that up for you . Take the info how you want too

  6. 1 minute ago, Dumfing said:

    PC players didn't get obsidian skins, Jade skins, PS4 3rd anniversary colours, PS3 Anniversary noggle, PS3 Anniversary sigil, Xbox Noggle, Xbox, Sigil, Xbox Colours, and many platform exclusive discounts on platinum. Everyone is equally deprived here.

    All that is too make up for Founders stuff and excal prime. Don't act brand new 

  7. Just now, (Xbox One)Xaevryn said:

    Dang dude, chill out. I'm a little miffed too but nothing to get my boys in a twist over. heck my clan emblem (which was approved days ago) was not implemented with this update, despite the fact that it has been over a month and that I paid for it. And yet i'm still not throwing a tantrum like you are. Am I a little let down? oh sure. But am I peeing my pants and acting like a spoiled brat? hardly.


    Get over yourself, op. You're acting like a kid.

    He has the right to complain . In fact I'm proud that he made this post instead of deciding to shut up about it . 

    Its unfair that we're not get the Valentine's Day stuff plain and simple 

  8. 51 minutes ago, Witchydragon said:

    What makes you think that a half-assed operator airsoft pvp mode is going to stay fresh any longer than archwing? Operator PvP with their default PvE abilities also sounds horrendous.

    You could always play Call of Duty for a less strenuous PvP experience.

    No, he said operators with guns in a PvP environment would be generic. Which it would be. 

    Well your entitled to your opinion. As am I , if de considers it and it gets in I'll love it . I'm sure you'd stick you head in for a peek as well . Meanwhile have fun farming 

  9. 55 minutes ago, Witchydragon said:

    When you're tired of flying around and shooting at other people flying around, why not just play PvE? This game has both modes for a reason.

    Because PVE is boring to some people? why are we even talking about PVE in the conclave FEEDBACK forum?

  10. 41 minutes ago, Pavelord said:

    considering that void energy is a bizarre font of power, that causes unnatural phenomena and defies the laws of physics, launching missiles, just sounds a very mundane and plain thing to be a warframe concept, I would feel more incline toward a summoner warframe but some people treat the game as purely a fantasy game and forget that there is also  sci-fi-ish component, and  want to use magic circles or holy energy, and that doesn´t really resonate with the game. So what do you have in mind to summon?

    but atlas throws rocks

    edit: CRAP wasted my 3000th post on this

  11. 14 minutes ago, (Xbox One)ThermalStone said:

    I've been advocating for a while for a blast or mech frame with a Macross Missile Massacre, similar to Vay Molta the Executioner.  It could be aimed like Peacemaker, give the missile swarms high AoE but much more energy drain.  Other abilities could be boosting blast damage, turning enemies into living bombs, whatever creates more explosions, rag dolls a bunch of enemies and promotes fast paced game play.

    You and me both man . I'm tired of all the meta, support , and farming frames , we need more fun frames like zephyr . 

    Blast damage mech frame 2017 . Make it happen de 

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