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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. 13 hours ago, Momaw said:

    The first step isn't adding high level content.

    The first step is getting a handle on power creep, nerfing the hell out of invulnerability, invisibility, stuns, sleeps, and script kills, so that the game we already have isn't being completely trivialized.

    "Level 250 is the end game".... In what way? Do you define end game as the point where enemies kill you in one shot unless you switch them off? Once you reach the point where players cannot survive interactive combat, then everything is just rinse and repeat.  Covert Lethality doesn't care if the enemy is level 200 or 2000, because it does exactly the same thing in every instance, likewise with enemy actions: If everything the enemy can do kills you instantly then there is no actual difference in gameplay beyond that point.

    I am getting sick and disgusted of people complaining about the game being too easy and "We need more end game!" when, in reality, they aren't even playing the game anyway. If the enemy can't move or hit you or even SEE you, how do you expect to be challenged???  The only way to actually force players to play in that instance is to take away powers and focus, and we already know how popular nullifiers are.

    You don't need to spend 4 hours on Mot to be challenged.  Just stop using hard-CC, invisibility, invulnerability, and script kills, or whatever it is that's stopping you from getting killed in a fraction of a second in the content we already have.

    Exactly why I think PVE is boring . Because even if the enemies are lvl 2000 they're still brain dead . & we're just forced to use the same cheese method 30+ times . I'd rather play conclave 

  2. 16 minutes ago, Jammerotard said:



    Was messing around and trying out the newly balanced weapons. And lo and behold they are actually quite good.
    And suddenly stumbled upon the combination of Mirage and Panthera (3 forma; 3x V). With high fire rate, status and combustion mods combined + Mirages hall of mirrors I got to see the new visual cancer.
    Oh lord so many particles. And to be fair. It kinda also does quite good damage. Not sortie level of damage. But for the overall star map it's a viable weapon.
    And to be honest. I was just a tad bored of the meta.


    wow what an OP lol & it begins . I'm pretty sure tho that people will jump at mirage + zarr first 

  3. 3 hours ago, Miser_able said:

    Exactly. Do we really need to widen the gap? 

    I'd say gas because, stealth gas beats stealth slash . Because aoe , also not all melee weapons are slash based or even physical DMV based so it wouldn't widen it too much 

  4. So we have status chance and crit chance and crit damage mods . 

    But we only have one status Damage mod that is empowered blades


    I think we should have more status Damage mods , for rifles, pistols , and melee . They would be great for weapons that have 90%+ status chance. Thoughts ?

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