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Posts posted by (PSN)Akuma_Asura_

  1. 2 minutes ago, PsiWarp said:

    Maybe shield gating can help with defence on most frames bar health-only warriors (usually those are tough anyway).

    CC is a form of indirect defence against damage from enemies, but you're talking about direct defensive capability so yeah.

    No cc helps that's why I didn't mention vauban the god hand of cc. 

    Shield gating is a good idea . It would at least give us time to react before that napalm snatches all of our health 

  2. 5 minutes ago, Obviousclone said:

    hydroids 1 is rng. as of recent it's onehanded so it's a free cast skill so you aren't punished for tossing it out.

    his 2 is always gonna hit who he aims it at

    his 3 is always gonna hit who's near him

    his 4 is always going to spawn a tentacle under targets within range (unlike banshee you are allowed to recast while it's active)


    if you are referring to the inconsistency of knockdown/ragdoll as a cc effect, then both ember and banshee are just as "defenceless" as hydroid based on your logic.


  3. 5 minutes ago, saltygr33n said:

    I honestly don't know how one can learn how to play a warframe properly, other than using cheesy tactic to get through long hours or waves; Hydroids undertow and banshee low duration, high effeciency, carrying lots of energy restores, etc for long hours solo.... Other than that, I'm not pro enough to know how to play properly.

    Favorite reply yet . I am in the same boat friend 

  4. 1 minute ago, (PS4)covan2306 said:

    I don't think they should all have some tankiness, that would put more ZZzz behind the already dumbed down gameplay.

    There should always be frames that should try not to get shot, and utilize skill sets for survivability.

    Yeah I partially agree with this , but usually those frames are labeled as "bad" and aren't "meta" 


    (what I hear not my opinion )

  5. Just now, (Xbox One)ALG Minuscule36 said:

    My Banshee and Hydroid beg to differ. I usually run Hydroid during JV or 4k Excavation runs/Hour Survivals and he almost never goes down, Banshee I usually run in the sorties and just yesterday solo'd the Sortie Ruk Assassination with her.

    You just need to know how to play the frame and how to build them. Pretty much goes for everything in this game.

    I said banshee has a way of sustaining herself with savage silence . I actually play her a lot . But.. Hydriod tho can you specifically explain how he survives in late game ? Without being a puddle the whole time 

  6. Like some kind of way to sustain themselves in high level play . Maybe not something as adavanced as nidus' stacks, but as little as volts shield . Because as enemies scale 65-15 armor frames get easier to one shot . 

    Lets take banshee for example I would say savage silence is her way of sustaining her self in high level play , or Nyx assimilate is her way , or Ember with her world of fire augment . But then frames like Hydriod don't have a way to sustain themselves and not get downed all the time .

    So do you think every frame should have a way or certain build to help them scale ?


  7. 2 hours ago, aligatorno said:

    If we include Hysteria and Defy, then yes, Wukong and Valkyr are above Inaros as is Nyx. If we are talking about pure Tankiness, EHP and all that, Chroma and Inaros are neck in neck together at the top, Followed by Nidus, Valkyr, Mesa, Rhino and Nekros. 

    This guy got it right . 

  8. 8 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

    channeling builds are one of those underrated ones. main thing to prevent them being a thing would be lifestrike i'd say. you wont be having a channeling build with lifestrike on your weapon, and nearly everybody i know keep one of that mod on their melees most of the time.

    Yeah that's why a channel efficiency mod that increases with the combo counter would be good 

  9. Would you use a melee weapon that was based on channeling? Like with a channel bonus damage of 2.5 and a channel efficiency of 3 ? And 5% crit , 15% status 

    I think it would be cool to build something that's not based on crit or status & it would also give use a chance to use all the other channeling mods . And open opportunities to introduce new channeling mods, example " Channeling efficiency increased by 75% with the combo counter " or " Range increased by 30% with the combo counter while channeling"

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