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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 1 minute ago, Nomen_Nescio said:

    There's no reason to go publis if you will be doing exactly the same thing you did in solo i.e. leading only 4 of them at once.

    The Kavor spawn in bigger groups with full squads, at least early on, so there is some benefit to playing public instead of solo.

  2. 2 hours ago, AoBaka said:

    how long are we talking about? and it doesnt acumulate like the individual rewards?

    The clan rewards don't accumulate all your runs, the score for that just adds up the best run of #3 for each member of your clan.

    If you're in a solo clan, you need to rescue 325 in a single mission, which is practically impossible.

  3. 34 minutes ago, AoBaka said:

    And you dont need to stay forever...just like 40-50 saved and repeat.Its quite boring of a event,playing a baby sitter for the grineer criples.

    That works for the individual rewards, but if you want the Ignis Wraith then you may have to go significantly longer in a single run depending on the population of your clan.

  4. I'm surprised that no one has mentioned having a Nyx or Irradiating Disarm Loki to deal with the Ancients' auras.

    Edit: Now that I think about it, a mind-controlled Ancient Healer sounds like it could be quite useful too.

    Edit2: Expanding on the last edit, Nekros' shadows could be really useful providing both damage reduction and toxin immunity.

  5. 14 minutes ago, --Nef-Anyo-- said:

    Has anyone actually been able to get any of the new resource Synthula? I've spent the last 2 hours doing low level stuff and not received a single drop. Is the % chance like .5 or something?

    I've had a couple of these drop from rotation A in Apollodorus on Mercury (Infested survival), the drop rate should be about 1/7.

    Keep your eyes open for alerts, I ran one last night that rewarded 5 Synthula.

  6. 1 hour ago, Magneu said:

    TL:DR; The SySim is far too easy for the results it gives, while also annoying the hell out of teammates. In addition, it actively takes away from the enjoyment of other players (assuming they are playing for fun, and not just the reward. Even then, some people like to do more than walk from point A to B). Even if other strategies can achieve better results, they at least take some effort instead of general area spamming.

    While the SynSimulor is definitely a very powerful weapon, in the hands of any frame besides Mirage it's merely top-tier, not massively overpowered.

    It has limited range (12m travel + 11m blast radius), so you're not killing anything more than 23m from you.

    It does no damage on the first shot (unless Mirage), which is actually a big deal if you're moving fast as orbs may not merge at all.

    Unless you mod for punch-through, getting quick shots off in close quarters can be tricky if orbs bounce off mobs in different directions.

    If it didn't have visual and audio effects that seem to annoy a large number of players, and an amazing synergy with Mirage, you probably wouldn't see anywhere near the number of complaints about it.

  7. 2 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    What I'm understanding from your posts is that you believe if the system were improved, nothing would change.  Which, looking at other games that I've played from beta to live, that hasn't proven true.

    No, what I'm saying is that an additional chat tab wouldn't be enough.

    A fully featured 'looking for squad' feature, on the other hand, could work really well and would be a great addition to the game.

  8. 1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

    Let me see if I have this correct.

    The issue isn't an exclusive, cluttered and chaotic recruiting system that, at times actively discourages use, but that out of tens of thousands of players, no one wants to run the first node on Neptune, over the course of two days?  I spent most of the weekend trying to get that mission done, randomly checking in over two twelve hour periods.  It wasn't a once and done thing.

    Given that you have stated you sat queued for the mission for over an hour and no one joined your public squad, I'd say that was a pretty accurate assessment.

    There may have been players who wanted to run it, but due to the futility of either queuing for a public squad or trying recruiting chat (both of which you experienced yourself), they didn't bother.

    I don't believe simply separating out a chat tab for 'regular' missions will be anywhere near enough to address that issue.

    What I have seen work well in other games are systems that allow you to advertise your party in a structured system that other players can search through, but chat isn't up to the job.

    1 hour ago, MagPrime said:

    Other, extremely, successful games use recruiting features that allows players to detail character type, level, map, quest missions, dungeons or raids.  This kind of change wouldn't negatively impact the player base.

    ^ Basically the type of system you outlined here.

    A key feature of this would have to be that you could still get on with other things while your party was filling up, even running other missions, or you'd just be back to the same problem of not enough players wanting to do the same thing at the same time.

  9. 5 minutes ago, (Xbox One)I Killed brunts said:

    Even if you argue the relic point, we still need something better then a shotgun mutation mod (or sniper.) 1000 endo maybe? Something not trash

    Whatever changes are considered for drop tables would have to be looked at in the context of the whole game and how fast players (should) progress through it.

    Personally, I always run out of credits before I run out of endo.

  10. 4 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    3) It took an hr of waiting before I went to recruiting.  1 hour of waiting for even one random to join a planetary mission. I timed it so I could make a thread like this of my own.  I spent the time answering questions in Region.

    Do you use recruiting for the mundane things?  No, really, have you gone into recruiting and asked for help with the limbo quest, the archwing quest, gathering resources or anything else that isn't fissure specific missions?  How long before you get any response?

    On both accounts, I have done this.  Its a long wait period.  At least 20 minutes before you get one pm telling you to ask friends or join a clan, if you're lucky to get a response.  I've gotten more PM's telling me not to use recruiting for it's intended purpose than I have for team invites.

    The chat feature beds an update, desperately. 

    At the very least you can't sent there is room for vast improvement over what we have now.

    The fundamental problem here is not the chat system, but that no one else wants to run those missions at the same time you do.

    Changes to chat alone aren't going to improve that situation.

    5 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    1) then DE should allow players to create individual tabs with player chosen content.  I've played half a dozen games that allowed me to pick region, clan, friends and lfg chat to be all on one tab as well As being able to put the same chat on their own tabs.  Its a better option because it caters to every personal flavor instead of one or the other.

    2) see 1

    This would work too, although it is a more fundamental redesign of the chat system, so would take longer to implement.

    But I agree, I've also used similar systems in other games and appreciated the flexibility it gives.

  11. Just now, (Xbox One)I Killed brunts said:

    The game isn't supposed to be you have to play X mission. Akkad, Hierocon and Xini should all be equally viable. 

    They are all viable, and you even get to decide whether you prefer faster missions with a lower drop rate or slower missions with a guaranteed drop, so personal preference is catered to as well.

  12. 1 minute ago, MagPrime said:

    1) why bother with text filters in the first place?  That creates similar issues to keyword searches (people not knowing what it's called, so they can't search for it) and it's probably easier to create a new tab.  With a text filter, DE would have to take the time to create a database of words and then update it anytime a new prime came out.  New chat tab wouldn't require any updating at all.

    Because it would keep everything together for people who don't want it separated, but still allow selective viewing through filtering.

    There's no need for a database, just use case-insensitive free text filtering, although allowing item links in the filter would be nice too, especially for trade chat.

    3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    2) I highly doubt that.  There would be a specific location for clan requiting, so the overall numbers wouldn't drop, the sponateous joins might. The reason I doubt that is because the forums has a recruiting subforum that is already divided by not only squad, clan and allince, but clan size as well.  I've also used this function and over 3 years, picked up dozens of members.  And before you say to use that exclusively, not everyone used the forums and you get better results when you diversify where your adverts are placed.

    Well, no one really knows what impact this change would have with any certainty, and I honestly wouldn't mind clan/alliance recruiting being separated from squad recruiting.

    5 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    3) seriously don't know if yoyre serious with this.  I mean, 3 years and you believe that I never thought to cue up for a PUG?

    I don't mean just letting the timer run down and then thinking "oh well, guess no one else wanted to run that mission", I mean clicking 'wait for other players' and actually waiting for someone else to join your squad.

    Sure, it's not immediate, but I'd bet it's quicker than trying to find a squad for those type of missions in recruiting chat would ever be.

  13. 2 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    1) yes.  It would help keep the Fissure recruiting separate from planetary mission runs.

    This could be done just as easily (and better, IMO) by implementing text filters for chat, just filter for "Akkad" or "Axi V5".

    3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    2) yes.  They do it in recruiting already.  And having a tab specifically for clans would increase their visibility in the chat.  As it is, their adverts have scrolled off the screen in less than 20 seconds and they wind up spamming 3 - 4 long sentences every 30 seconds to 1 minute.  This is based on personal experience.  I'm a second warlord to a shadow clan.  I would have LOVED a clan only recruiting tab for that.

    But do they do it in recruiting already because it's convenient as they're already in that chat looking for fissure missions and know that many other players will also be watching that chat?

    It would be very interesting (though probably impossible) to see statistics of how many players went to recruiting chat specifically to find a clan to join, and how many were just there for another reason, saw a clan advert and thought "why not?".

    I suspect that separating out clan recruiting into a different chat would mean less players getting recruited into clans.

    3 minutes ago, MagPrime said:

    3) they would be more likely to find other players in a similar situation.  I've met newbies and vets who flat out refuse to use recruiting because it's proven to be a waste of time for non Fissure or raid/trial runs.  No one is interested if it's not a Prime run most of the time.  I've actually started up an alt account and spent 20 minutes sitting in recruiting asking for help clearing a Neptune Capture because that account simply doesn't have the mods yet to complete it.  20 minutes for a 5 or 10 minute mission, tops, and no one responded because it wasn't a fissure mission.

    If "no one is interested" most of the time, then creating a separate chat is unlikely to change that fact.

    Did you try just queuing up for a public mission on your alt account? I suspect that's what most people do. It's what I would do.

  14. Just now, MagPrime said:

    There is always more organization available.  

    For example, recruiting could be split up into; clan recruiting, squad recruiting, fissure recruiting and raid/trial recruiting.

    Something like this would tidy up the recruiting tab and help players find exactly what they're looking for, and we don't have people jumping over to Region asking for help.  Just last night I saw 3 newish players doing that because they had tried using recruiting but because no one wants to run plane planetary missions, they were totally ignored.

    But would splitting it up actually be beneficial?

    Are people really going to sit in 'clan recruiting' chat spamming invitations to their clan, waiting for the occasional player to drop in and take a look? Or are they more likely to post an ad in the general 'recruiting' chat in between missions while also looking for their next relic run?

    If those 3 newish players couldn't find a group in the current recruiting chat, why would they be any more likely to find a group in a sub-chat for regular missions only?

  15. 18 minutes ago, NihilObscuras said:

    I am 21, will be 22 this year. But it only shows red. I am trying to buy from the Warframe site not from steam. Is there a ifference? Is it the same price? I got a 75% off in platinum, before a 50% but didn't bought platinum.

    If you have a Steam account you can just select Steam as a payment option from the Warframe website, it will then take the funds from your Steam wallet.

    You can still use any 75% discount that is in effect for your account.

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