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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 18 hours ago, ChuckMaverick said:
    18 hours ago, Lyravain said:

    Now, 'get 10 headshots in a single bullet jump'... that's one I'd like to see removed.

    You mean the one that doesn't actually exist?


    4 hours ago, Lyravain said:

    For something that doesn't exist, I actually have gotten this challenge- twice. Not to 10, though, thankfully. First was 5, second was 7 so I guess I'm heading there.

    There are no riven challenges that involve bullet jumps, at all. I assume what you really meant was aim glide.

    The full list of aim glide related challenges are:

    • 'Kill [50-70] enemies' with a possible complication of 'while aim gliding' - doesn't need to be a single aim glide (or even mission), doesn't need to be a headshot
    • 'Kill [15-20] enemies with headshots' with a possible complication of 'while aim gliding' - doesn't need to be a single aim glide (or even mission)
    • 'Get 3 headshot kills in a single aim glide' - the number is fixed at 3, and is never higher

    None of the challenges require you to get more than 3 headshots in a single aim glide.

  2. 7 hours ago, CherryPauper said:

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you are using the enlarged map rather than the mini-map in the upper left-hand corner, correct? If that is the case, the way I "fix" this issue is by pressing "m" to go back to the smaller map which I find isn't as glitchy post mission success (e.g. the extraction marker doesn't disappear).

    I am using the larger map, and thank you for the work-around.

    Hopefully this additional info will help the UI team locate the issue.

  3. 11 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    I didn't see where he talked about DE's income. Maybe he talked about in game difference between clans? You just tied real money with his 'capitalism' on your own, didn't you?

    Well, the full context was...

    "I am getting sick and tired of people always defending Digital Extremes. Our voiced need to be heard and we need to fight over capitalism."

    I don't see how people defending DE could be accused of capitalism for that, so the only logical conclusion is that he was referring to DE's 'capitalist' activities.

    How else would you interpret it?

  4. Since the changes to exterminate missions where enemies continue to spawn even after the objective total is reached, the green extraction marker seems to be behaving oddly.

    It appears that if you have killed all the enemies currently spawned (or maybe only on the current tile?) the extraction marker will appear on the minimap, even if you haven't yet reached the total required kills.

    Also, when you have reached the required kills, if more enemies have spawned (due to the recent changes) the extraction marker disappears.

    It can make it very confusing when you have finished the mission objective but have no indication of where to go to extract.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:
    7 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    And I don't believe I disagreed with any of that in my post, so what's your point?

    To answer this

    26 minutes ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    So he agrees DE should earn an income, but wants us to fight against it anyway?

    With 'yes' I think.

    You seem to be interpreting my post differently than I intended, the "it" refers to DE earning an income, not any particular method.

    As I said, I disagree with some of DE's decisions on how to encourage player spending, but I don't question their need for an income or tell people "we need to fight over capitalism". What's the alternative? DE adopt a communist business model?

  6. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)Kawai-Senpai said:

    I'm assuming the other two multishot mods you referred to are Barrel Diffusion (+120%) and Lethal Torrent (+60%), so together with the +139.5% from the riven your Aklex has +319.5% multishot on top of the base 100%, or 419.5% total multishot.

    Your Aklex will fire at least four rounds each shot with a 19.5% chance of firing a fifth.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    There's a thing called fair trade.

    Every company needs income but not every customer has the same standard.

    I believe every 'sane' person questions when they think the products are overpriced or the services being unfair. If no one questions anything, no company in this world goes bankrupt, right? It's not an I/O question.

    And I don't believe I disagreed with any of that in my post, so what's your point?

  8. 3 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    Warframe does just that - Warframes replace each other in roles, Weapons at times completely defeat 90%+ of the other ones from existing...
    ever increasing Stats and complete obsolescence, everything else be damned.

    again, you're clearly playing an entirely different game from everyone else.

    Most warframes and weapons are not objectively better than others by design (Mk1, prime/non-prime and Ak versions notwithstanding), and riven mods exist at least in part to revive the viability of weapons that are less popular in the current meta.

    The fact that some weapons are seen as more powerful than others is not 'progression', it's a balancing issue.

  9. 17 minutes ago, h3xuss said:

    Was close to -90% or so, which at the point I was like, hey - screw the multishot, I'm going to build a hand cannon - one slow deadly shot, it's gonna be awesome. Turned out I was wrong. Had to re-roll. I'm of course either for making a multishot a separate instance that can or not appear, but would be separate / have a minimum value of 1 instance per shot even when the reduction goes to infinity... or making a weapon behave in a different way that would create more depth to the game, without rendering the weapon useless.

    The "what was your bonus?" question was for @(PS4)Kawai-Senpai, apologies if that wasn't clear.

    But you'd never use a -multishot riven without also using a +multishot mod to compensate, much like we often do with corrupted mods.

    Accepted wisdom is that riven mods with a negative also have stronger values for their positive bonuses, although it is much better to get a negative that has little effect on the weapon in question.

  10. 10 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    are we even playing the same game? i think you're playing a different game from everyone else.

    Warframe has almost zero Horizontal Progression. it's almost entirely Vertical.

    Warframe is a game where with the same 'character' you can acquire and play 31 different 'classes' (frames), how is that almost zero horizontal progression?

    Not to mention the hundreds of different weapons, mods, etc.

    It has some vertical progression, sure, as you rank up, potato and forma your gear, but that's quickly done and has a hard limit unlike games with true vertical progression which raise the level cap with every expansion and make all previous gear redundant.

  11. 9 minutes ago, h3xuss said:

    but then the point I wanted to make is: Don't call it multi-shot if the name only captures a positive result rather than it's actual functionality.

    The stat name 'multishot' was assigned before rivens existed, and before it was possible for the stat to go below 1.0, it was appropriate at the time.

    If you feel that the name of the stat should be changed now, then there will need to be a snappy (let's say no more than two words) name to use in its place that makes more sense than the current 'multishot'.

    15 minutes ago, (PS4)Kawai-Senpai said:

    While I don't agree that it's a low tactic, I do think a multishot stat* in weapon stats would be a nice feature. Especially since I'm currently confused as to how it works on my Aklex prime with the riven I have. The riven plus the other 2 multishot mods puts my multishot percent to over 300 but I swear I see five shots come out sometimes.

    I believe multishot was one of the stats that was talked about on the last Devstream as being a possible addition to the UI.

    What is the multishot bonus on your Aklex riven?

  12. 7 minutes ago, KorbanGado said:

    I do admit, however, that I seem to be the crazy dude living in the attic of this community when it comes to my opinions sometimes, so heck, what do I know?

    You're not alone.

    While rewards like getting a prime part I need or a mod I've been after are nice, they only guide my play, they're not why I play.

    I play Warframe because I find the gameplay fun.

  13. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_Noctis said:

    what you said with mods is troubling, with the current progression what I see is Rivens for Warframes and that would really be a horrible state of affairs. Your build strengths or lack there of will be due to RNG rather than either Horizontal or Vertical progression.

    Warframe rivens would be very challenging to implement in a balanced way, while I'm not outright against it I would have big concerns about its implementation.

    Weapon rivens on the other hand I have no problem with, except a desire to see some more transparency about how the dispositions are calculated.

    If implemented well, rivens should level the playing field when it comes to power differentials between different items, which only increases the number of viable options available to players.

  14. 5 minutes ago, ExplosiveNova22 said:

    and we need to fight over capitalism

    No, we really don't.

    While I might disagree with some of the methods DE have used to encourage players to spend money, no sane person should be questioning their need to actually have an income that supports the game.

  15. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_Noctis said:

    but something you can only get yourself by playing the game right, not by paying for it.

    I'm totally fine with this as long as the 'something' is along the lines of a cosmetic or otherwise visible achievement that doesn't affect gameplay.

    WoW is a game where the most powerful items can only be earned in game, and can't be bought with RL or in-game currency; but WoW is a very different game to Warframe, with a very different progression model.

    I think the choices that DE have made with Warframe's progression model are one of its biggest strengths.

    Think of vertical vs horizontal progression like getting bigger, more powerful hammers vs having a wider variety of tools (screwdrivers, wrenches, etc.).

    The fact that new players can very quickly get to a similar power level as vets, albeit in a more limited set of scenarios (due to having access to less frames and weapons), is a good thing.

    Fully ranked mods are the biggest factor in player power, above both choice of frame and weapons, and aside from primed mods (which can still be acquired with plat via trading) even newish players can collect and rank those fairly quickly.

  16. 2 minutes ago, GrayArchon said:

    They've unvaulted at 6-month intervals. Winter 2015/2016, then Summer 2016, then Winter 2016/2017. So the next unvaulting will be Summer 2017, if they keep to the pattern. Which items get unvaulted is less of a pattern, but I'm betting on Rhino or Rhino and Loki (and associated items).

    That's what has happened so far, but when you consider that one new prime frame gets vaulted every three months, it's not a pattern that can sensibly continue.

  17. Acquisition of stuff in Warframe basically boils down to:

    • Pay some cash/plat and get the thing right now; or
    • Do some activities in game and/or wait some time and get the thing for free

    DE have tried various different mechanisms to achieve this, of which Nitain alerts is one and Argon Crystal decay is another.

    At the end of the day there has to be an incentive for players to hand over cash to DE in order to keep Warframe running.

    If you don't like the Nitain 'solution', then suggest something else, but it needs to satisfy the criteria above for the free acquisition method and give a real incentive for some players to simply buy the item instead.

  18. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)Zero_Noctis said:

    I guess what I want is a place where I have  a reason to stay 1 whole hour in a mission to reach a rewarding goal that says " hey I did this, and am able to do more because I did"

    What you seem to be advocating, whether intentionally or not, is a shift from Warframe's current mostly horizontal progression model (where more time in game gives you more options), to a vertical progression model (where more time gives you more power).

    In my opinion this would destroy one of the best aspects of Warframe, and simultaneously introduce even more need for a 'catch-up' system so that new players could hope to be able to play with vets.

  19. Just now, booty_hunter said:

    Warframe has been pretty dry on content lately so it would only make sense to me if they release everything theyve been working on the past few months in one update and unseal the volt

    Then I think you misunderstand the purpose the vault serves.

    Having infrequent and limited vault unsealings is a revenue source for DE, and also causes spikes in player interest and activity.

    There is no incentive for them to unseal the vault at the same time they're releasing other major content updates.

  20. 10 minutes ago, LuckyCharm said:

    When i started (after i modded my gear) things were challenging. Now theyre not. This comes from many factors but the most obvious is energy and the abundance of it. We used to have to rely on energy orbs and later energy siphon. Ev was terrible and there was no zenurik and no energy pads and the only efficiency mod was streamlined. Making it impossible to spam your skills made you think and act tactically against the hoards thrown at you. Now though as was seen in the most recent event all too often was the ability to spam everything and lock down entire maps. You can bastille endlessly and ev spam. You can blessing and frost globe and every other skill without a thought. 

    Another factor is the permenant invis from naramon. I use it when im lazy but it really is powerful since you cant be nullified out of it. 

    There is many factors contrubuting to the ease of the game and sadly its bred people who cry at any mention of change. Meaning that de cant fix core issues without lots of outcry. Imagine it. De remove energy pads, zenurik and ev. Half the community would be at their doors with pitchforks. A quarter will just find another way to cheese things, and the rest will enjoy it. 

    If all frames' ability sets were as well designed as Nidus and allowed for self-contained resource management then I would agree with you, but they're not, and removing external sources of energy would reduce most frames' gameplay to running around with guns and occasionally using an ability, which would not only be less interesting but diminish the individual character of frames.

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