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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 11 minutes ago, Knight_Ex said:

    Bumping because as I said before not letting this die until DE actually responds or finally gives a straight answer as to what their stand on slide attack or any marcos in the game really, because if they have nothing against it I plan on using one myself.

    DE's position on macros was posted on the first page of this thread...

    No sane games company would ever attempt to be comprehensive about what is allowed or not allowed when it comes to macros, unless their stance is 'no macros', which isn't DE's position as you can see from the linked thread.

  2. 11 minutes ago, ArchPhaeton said:

    Thing is some people will obsess over getting a score as best as possible - fun is subjective and some people get satisfaction from this. It doesn't mean they're complete d*cks, that's just the way they want to play their games. My personal distaste for low MR players is that they leave after a month, and having a ghost clan almost full means we got no space to fool around anyways. Other people like to recruit and help newbies and that's fine as well - it's positive to have freedom to manage your clan the way you want.

    Absolutely, but tryhard clans are not ones that newbies should be looking to get into anyway, at least not until they can pull their weight at the sort of activities that the clan engages in.

    But there is still massive scope for clans to achieve 'top 10%' rewards and be welcoming to new players.

  3. Where are you looking to find your clan's score?

    If new members have joined since the rosters were fixed at the start of the event then the score shown in 'Clan Statistics' is not the correct value for the competitive rewards.

    You need to look under Esc > Profile > Leaderboards > Archived > The Pacifism Defect > Ranking > Clan.

  4. 1 hour ago, T1t4n_43 said:

    Nobody will recruit low mr players, as they need carry, and this new competitve aspect doesn't tolerate the ones who needs carry, so the new players will simply leave the game, because nobody will care for them, as the attention will be diverted to mindless and boring grind. I see a lot of low mr players begging at recruit channel for a clan to accept them as member, but no.

    Myself and one other person contributed points for my ghost clan, and we made the top 10%.

    Two people, out of a possible ten people in a ghost clan, so we could have 'carried' another eight clan members doing absolutely nothing with no problem.

    Competitive clan events are no reason to avoid recruiting low MR players, and any clan that does is not worth being part of anyway.

  5. 2 hours ago, Naith said:

    Seeing this sort of stuff makes me wonder whether goals in clan events should be based off personal bests or not. Leaning towards no as it at least encourages/permits a break and not this sort of behaviour.

    I know I certainly would've felt more inclined to play more than considering going through a tedious 2+ hour run. To be honest that's what I was looking forward to, whereby I'd be in a 'Hmm I want to play Warframe but I'm not too sure what' and then think 'Ah, guess I'll play the event a few times and boost our clans scores'. Not tedious, tiring and mindnumbing sessions.

    That would have been even worse.

    Instead of one less than 2 hour run to get a score in the top 10%, you would have been competing with clans playing as close to 24/7 for the duration of the event as they could manage.

    4 hours ago, Jenvas1306 said:

    I don't think that any game should ever encourage playing for 16 or anything close to that.

    The game didn't, there weren't any rewards for playing the mission for that long, it was just a goal those players set to challenge themselves.

  6. 1 hour ago, Samuel_sfx said:

    Hi...I want to ask something. What's wrong with this? Can somebody explain why there is no Ignis Wraith Research in my dojo?

    Spot the difference...



    The score you're looking at is the total for all members of your clan, even those that joined after rosters were fixed and don't count towards getting a top 10% score.

    The score you need to look at is found in Esc > Profile > Leaderboards > Archived > The Pacifism Defect > Ranking > Clan.

  7. 1 minute ago, thewhitepanda1205 said:

    I can confirm that it is tradeable. One of my clan members sold his for 20p and I checked myself at the trading console. You can trade all forms of the BP including the one that you got as a participation reward for the event which is what he did.

    Including a BP bought from clan research?

    That seems a very odd decision on DE's part, they'll be selling for 1 plat soon then.

  8. 16 minutes ago, Gsterman said:

    I didn't have enough time to get the Ignis Wraith while the event was up. Can anyone confirm if the BP from the clans that got the research is tradable or not like Rebecca said on reddit?

    I haven't seen the Reddit post you're referring to, but I'd be very surprised if the BP is tradeable.

    When our Ignis Wraith research has finished in 3 days time you can PM me in game for a temporary invite to my clan to grab a BP, and the Hema too if you need that as well.

  9. 1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    You are getting really semantic here. 

    Getting the fully built Ignis Wraith with the slot and blueprint is a goal that your clan has one week to achieve. That is a time limited reward. 

    What the award is or whether you can get those items at a future time doesn't change the fact that it is a time limited reward. You have one week and they expect your clan to grind like crazy for it. The significance of the award isn't really important here. 

    Well it's true that the Victory reward was 'time-limited' in that sense, but then so are potato alerts and players generally don't complain that they need to be online 24/7 to get all of those, because they are attainable in other ways.

    Perhaps it would have been clearer if I had said that the unique aspects of the Victory reward weren't a timed exclusive, as you can get them in other ways and at any time.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    And yet, with the Victory Tier expectations being unreasonable similar to the Hema (and even worse, with a time limited goal!), they didn't listen. Didn't change it. And didn't even answer our concerns about Victory Tier at all over the course of the week. And only two Moon clans total made it.

    The only time-limited rewards from the event are the Ignis Wraith (and its research) and the cosmetics, the extra potato and weapon slot given by the Victory tier aren't time-limited as there are other ways to obtain those available to all players at any time.

    The Victory tier is the least important of all the possible rewards from this event.

  11. 44 minutes ago, trunks013 said:

    You guys are good i'm in a very inactive clan and tryed multiple time by miself to get a good score to fit in the top clan but never found a good way.

    Got a score of around 800 ish but it took an hour and half so yeah you guys were both in the same mission and got something like 1500 ish each to get an 3000 to fit right into the top 10% thats good ^.^ 

    I'm an average player, at best, but I do put effort into researching and understanding game mechanics.

    We got a combined score of 2192 running two pairs of Vauban + EV Trinity with a couple of randoms we picked up from recruiting chat.

    I'm feeling pretty comfortable with that 300+ buffer with just over an hour left on the event

  12. 2 hours ago, Death_Master_ said:

    I really hope that DE plays fair in this operation and includes in 100% all clans, even fully inactive(0 points and even no login during operation).

    Because there should be some millions of clans and it should be making top 10% big enough to enter even for small clans(ghost with 2-3 active members).

    It's not that hard as it is now.

    My ghost clan only had two members at the time rosters were locked, and it's looking like we'll be comfortably in the top 10% from just a single run that took less than two hours to complete.

  13. 14 minutes ago, --RV--D4VE- said:

    hmm, i'd on the other hand see it as an opportunity for bigger clans to extort smaller clans - get their resources and then kick their members and you are left with nothing. 

    There's a risk of that, but it's not really any more of a risk than warlords kicking clan members after they have donated to the clan, which can happen now.

    The need to do due diligence when looking at a clan to join or merge with will always be there.

  14. 9 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    This event is seriously borderline negligence on DE's part. Having the grand prize be gated around playing nonstop for almost half a day is giving people incentive to ignore all bodily functions. People have died doing crap like this.

    There is no 'grand prize' for being number one on the leaderboard, and the top prize in this event can be achieved with a reasonable effort in all clan tiers.

    5 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    Doesn't really matter. People see these top 10 and see that there's a reward for being in the top 10, and immediately try to find ways of being in the top 10.

    There's no specific reward for being in the top 10.

    Getting into the top 10% isn't that difficult.

    4 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    The numbers don't really change what's currently happening. This thread alone has already shown how people are going way beyond what they should for the sake of a weapon in a video game.The second someone feels the need to put 12 consecutive hours into a game for a reward is when the devs have failed - Whether it's due to volunteering or otherwise.

    Getting the weapon (BP for 'Participation' reward) doesn't require any great effort, certainly nowhere near 12 hours.

  15. With the focus on clans for 2017 and #MakeClansGreatAgain, there will be players in solo clans who are torn between moving to a bigger clan to fully experience the new content and staying put because of the investment they have made in their current dojo.

    Introducing a clan merger system that would allow the investment in dojo rooms, structures and research to be transferred into the vault of the new clan would give players the freedom to better participate in new clan content like the 'Kinpin' system, and defuse a lot of the potential for negative push-back against features that some may otherwise view as exclusionary.

  16. 50 minutes ago, --RV--D4VE- said:

    Now look at moon clans - only 2 clans managed the Victory tier - Us (Remnants) and CMP. DE said that they made those req's with 50% activity in mind - I guess, next time they should make it 25% activity, so actually more ppl(clans) are eligible for those rewards.

    With the real data DE will get from player participation in this event, they should be well placed to refine targets for future clan activities.

    Thankfully the 'pain' of setting targets too high this time was minimised by the rapid reduction in the 'Participation' target, and the fact that extra benefit of the 'Victory' tier rewards aren't significant, so it really doesn't matter if very few clans achieve that this time, as long as DE learn from the experience for the future.

  17. While the 'Victory' tier targets probably were set too high, considering all that gives you over the very attainable 'Participation' tier is 26 plat worth of catalyst + slot, it's really not a big deal. Rather just something to be considered by DE when setting targets for the next clan event.

    As there will be literally thousands of clans with the Ignis Wraith research after this event, I don't think the 'plat for admission' windfall will be as big as some are making out.

    There will undoubtedly also be clans offering free temporary membership for the BP in the same way as they are doing for the Hema.

  18. 17 hours ago, -CLM-Joker said:

    Please fix not getting the mission score if you are dead with no revives at the end of it.

    I lost 2k points cause of this, and support says they cannot update it (screenshot proof).

    I may be wrong (it's been a long time since I used all revives in a mission), but don't you lose all your rewards in any mission when you're dead with no revives at the end?

    I don't think it's new for this event mission, or a bug that needs to be 'fixed'.

  19. 1 hour ago, Tesseract7777 said:

    I understand your point and I think you do have some good points, but I guess it just feels a little personal to me. I know DE doesn't think there is anything wrong with being gay, but it does rub me the wrong way that their way to deal with some people misusing it is to entirely ban the word -- it makes it feel like they think the word is wrong. Again, I know they don't really think there is anything wrong with that. I am not a victim of anything, it just leaves a very slightly bad taste in my mouth. 

    A lot of times chat rules are to avoid drama, rather than to censor.

    Many games I have played have banned discussion of religion or politics in public chat, not because those topics offend, but because they have a tendency to generate drama that most players don't want to have to deal with when they're trying to play a game.

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