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Posts posted by ChuckMaverick

  1. 36 minutes ago, N7-JackSwallows said:

    So my clan has already hit our goal mark, but what if a Tenno who had no clan joins up? Is he excluded in being able to get the Ignis Wraith? If so thats pretty darn harsh don't you think?

    The way I understand it, as long as the new clan member participates in the event (which I'm taking as 'gets a PB score from #3') then they get the Ignis Wraith BP as well.

  2. 1 hour ago, shJACKit said:

    DE as well did not give any hints that they would want to change their view on how clans should work that came across me. Noone could have expected it would change that rapidly after years it being of no significance how you arrange your clan.

    Well, there was also the Hema research cost. Not that I'm condoning those, but it was a pretty big hint at the way DE are looking at clans.

    Or the upcoming Kingpin system, or other #MakeClansGreatAgain comments in Devstreams.

    I'll leave the top 10% getting the Ignis Wraith research aside, as I haven't decided how I feel about that yet, but everything else meaningful from the event was attainable even for solo ghost clans (I don't consider the 26p worth of a cat + slot particularly meaningful in the grand scheme of things).

  3. 8 minutes ago, shJACKit said:

    When shifting the clan metagame around like that at least give a warning to players way before so that they can prepare. Not much options left now when you are in a clan with 80%+ inactives.

    You mean like this...?


    If you are in a competitive Clan: The moment the Operation begins, your Clan Roster is locked in. Clan membership changes that occur after the
    Start of the Operation will not be reflected in the Leaderboards.

    Wise move: Prepare!
    Act now!
    If you wish to readjust your membership, do so before the Operation begins!
    This is advanced warning.
    Heads up!

    From this post...

    ...made 8 days before the event started.

  4. 1 hour ago, Undermann said:

    well thats not correct my ghost clan dark guardians with 2256 where not listed the lowest score was 1.3k not all clans get listed

    It depends where you're looking.

    The 'Clan Statistics' UI shows the total of personal best scores for all members of your clan.

    The 'Leaderboards' UI (under The Pacifism Defect > Ranking > Clan) shows the total of personal best scores for the members of your clan that count towards the 'Victory' and 'Hardcore' rewards (i.e. those clan members that were in your clan when rosters were 'fixed' for the event).

    It's the 'Leaderboards' version of the score that is used to determine if you're in the top 10% or not.

  5. 4 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

    One other thing I neglected to mention is that Zenurik is highly recommended and that you will likely need to still kill the Ancient Disrupters, Leechers and maybe Healers. Basically limiting the kills would be a better way that I would put it now.

    I'm curious if there is a fixed maximum number of mobs in the mission, and if killing high priority targets like an energy leech eximus will give you a chance to 're-roll' for a less dangerous mob to take its place.

    If that's the case then it would make sense to take them out early when the level of the respawned mob would still be low.

    I'm also curious now whether mob levels scale with the number mobs killed or the number of Kavor rescued, or both.

  6. 15 minutes ago, Madway7 said:

    In general the best strategy I heard so far seems to be 2 x Bless Trins and 2 x Vaubans (maybe 1 Nova instead) lock down all enemies. Kill nothing so they don't scale and stay at their enemy cap.

    Yeah, 2x Trinity and 2x Vauban does seem to be the way to go for an organised run looking for big scores.

    From what I've seen EV Trinity is much better than Bless Trinity, as I understand it you can't Bless the Kavor again while the last Bless is still in effect, so shorter duration is better.

    For random public runs I've found Firequake Ember to be the best balance of effective CC and not too much reliance on synergy with other frames, but she doesn't scale as well as a more coordinated strategy.

    Interesting comment about not killing the Infested, but even if you're just using Bastille and EV/Blessing the mobs will still take some damage and eventually die from those alone.

    Edit: Thinking about it some more, casting Well of Life on a target before putting EV on them will negate the EV damage, and Bastille does trivial levels of damage. Definitely worth experimenting with.

  7. 7 minutes ago, Ravel7 said:

    the increase grind atm is the main reason that WF is more popular in Singapore than the US atm with China one point behind in google trends  and sadly when china eclipses US numbers that's usually the KOD ,  even with banshee prime  and this grind tastic baby sitting / baby escort event the  GT numbers are still down .  

    Google Trends is not a measure of absolute 'popularity', you need to be sure you understand what those numbers represent if you're attempting to use them comparatively.

    Though it's worth noting that the GT chart for the US shows more of an upwards trend than the chart for Singapore.

  8. 3 hours ago, Bibliothekar said:

    You don't have to. Go to http://content.warframe.com/dynamic/pacifismDefect.php, Ctrl+F your clan name and you'll know.

    This is not correct, Ctrl+F won't tell you, unless you're in the fixed number of clans listed for your tier.

    For example, there are 10 moon clans listed, with the lowest score being 156144 currently, but the score required to be in the top 10% of all moon clans is only 118964. So there are some moon clans in the top 10% that aren't shown on that view of the leaderboard.

  9. 13 minutes ago, ButterLutter said:

    uhm, +50% and x1,5 is mathematically exactly the same.

    Yes, but the point is the different effect when you introduce a multiplicative bonus to that.

    +50% increased by 120% is +110%, for a channelling effect of x2.1 to total damage, which is what actually happens.

    x1.5 increased by 120% is x3.3, which would be a channelling effect of x3.3 to total damage.

  10. 3 hours ago, k05h said:

    You are right. This should be mentioned. While I still annoyed about the hema costs you have to give them credits for putting derelict drop tables to the new game mode.

    It is a smart way for DE to give players alternative ways to acquire mutagen samples in the short term.

    However, it's only a band-aid for the duration of the event. Once the event is over we're back to exactly the same position we were before, unless this new game mode is introduced permanently and with rewards that make running it actually worthwhile, and mutagen samples continue to drop there.

  11. 2 hours ago, Cortanis said:

    This is the part that confuses me a bit though. Does this mean that we're basically being graded on a curve or are we seeing hard gates set point wise? Are we getting this as literally the top 10% of (insert clan grade here) or are we talking about from X point value to y point value gets the research as well? It all depends on DE's definition on this is going to be and if it really is going to be on the curve, it really drives home the question of "why bother?"

    It's literally the top 10%.

    If it was a fixed point value then there would be no competition.



    There are plenty of rewards for Clans of all tiers – read on to learn what could await you and your Clan! Remember: When the Operation starts, your rosters are LOCKED. No new members can join to compete, and new clans formed won’t count for competition!


  12. 12 hours ago, IsNewToThis said:

    please change it to the total sum instead of the highest score please, some clans that help new people may not be able to get it because if they're big with a lot of new players and theres not much people who played the game for a while will be very difficult for the clan to get some of the rewards

    It's easy to carry even a brand new player to enough of a score to get the participation reward.

    Just take a Limbo and keep them banished if they have trouble staying alive.

    11 hours ago, forestshadows said:

    I got 296 on the 3rd misson. Does that mean I'll have ignis wraith at the end of the week?

    If you're in a Ghost clan, yes.

  13. 22 minutes ago, Kordeus said:

    I have a question:

    We downgraded our clan Tier from Shadow to Ghost cause of many inactive members and research. That was, i think, 2 hours into Pacifism Defect. Do we count as a Ghost or Shadow Clan for the purpose of the Operation?

    For the competitive aspect, you count as a Shadow clan, not sure about the participation reward though.

    3 hours ago, NeRealais said:

    So what happens to my reward if I get kicked from clan after it surpased participation tier reward with me being one of the top scorers?

    From what I have seen, you'd need to join another clan to get the reward (not sure if your previous score would count), but the clan that kicked you would lose your score from their total.

  14. 6 hours ago, Zanchak said:

    I dont much like the new exterminate either. I used to enjoy wandering around an empty tileset after I'd killed everything. Theres so many things I see now that I never noticed 1200 hours ago because I was too interested in getting to the end. They could of just upped reactant drops, or stopped joining people way too late in the mission rather than add this small, but irritable change that has made peaceful roamings a thing of the past.

    Maybe now is a good time to request that DE add a 'no enemies' option to the proposed clan-designed mission feature, that way you could explore to your heart's content around a tileset of your own design.

  15. 1 hour ago, RICK_BO said:

    One is electric blue, and the other a banana yellow with the same colour beacon. And while, yes, they are technically different colours; that difference is too small. Most people haven't noticed that there is a difference (or that large powercells even exist as they were snuck into this event). A different model with more going on is too much to ask, but a significantly different colour from the standard blue would create a bigger differentiation between the two powercells. A red powercell would give players pause and make them reconsider stuffing it into a med-tower that's 93% full.

    I hadn't noticed the difference in colour and just used the name to differentiate, having the large power cells be more distinct wouldn't hurt.

    However I think you're expecting a bit much of teammates, at least in public matches, as they routinely dump powercells into towers that are 95% full anyway.

    Though, to be honest, there is usually a massive surplus of power cells, and that's even if you don't just heal the Kavor with frame powers and ignore the towers.

  16. 28 minutes ago, TennoHack said:

    So if you happen to belong to a Moon Clan, someone has  to save SIX THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED PEOPLE IN ONE MISSION?

    No, not unless they're the only active player in that moon clan.

    The target is the total of every player in the clan's personal best score.

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