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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. I think at the point you start the quest, you've pretty much figured out the gameplay mechanics and how mods work. SO the introduction of the Riven mods was quite clear, you equip it like no other and read the text. I personally love the idea, it brings much more variety to modding and playstyle.

    As for the Orbiter, it could use some sort of meters showcasing the cooldown of abilities, as far as im concerned they seem to share a pool, but im not too sure. And why does the energy get depleted?

    This is a subtle story of the characters we've come to know from The Natah quest, so i say it did well and definitely a good sequel to TSD.


  2. When i was doing a endless void fissure defense mission, i noticed a few things:

    -The reactants in the first 5 waves arent enough to receive a reward and thus you have to do extra 5 (not an issue).

    -When i switched to my operator after picking 10 reactants, they were reduced back to 0 and i didn't receive any reward.

    -The timer is abit lagged


  3. 1 hour ago, (PS4)Foxkid_8 said:

    Valkyr is a cat/jaguar though. Why would she have the Grecian grim reaper as a helmet when she already has the egyptian goddess of cats and fertility as an alternative?

    Also, Valkyr/Valkyrie is to Norse as Thanatos and his boss Hades are to Greek, and I don't see her walking around with a big blade in tow.

    Valkyr is just cat themed, but her abilities are very Viking-esque, as for relating her to Thantos, that was a mistake of confusion. Although why not, Vikings were known for sacrificing animals and even humans. http://en.natmus.dk/historical-knowledge/denmark/prehistoric-period-until-1050-ad/the-viking-age/religion-magic-death-and-rituals/human-sacrifices/

    So yeah, Valkyr can get a death themed helm , but recently a Tennogen helm with liek spikes allover it was released, so ..yeah

    And probably Loki could be categorized in the same as in norse mythology, he has a daughter named Hel who receives a portion of the dead, and that could be like a sort of play with words and poems for loki to receive a death themed helm. ref: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hel_(being)

    I mean creativity!

  4. 2 hours ago, Eleodon said:

    Except Inaros, i have no idea who received a Anubis themed helm An

    2 hours ago, GrandMAsterDan said:

    Thanatos is Greek, Valkyries are Norse... You seem to be interested in death deities so here's a wiki link so you can brush up on your mythos for future concepts.


    You are indeed wrong. While there was/is a very popular Nekros Anubis/jackal helm thread on the forums, the jackal theme went to Inaros and they haven't recycled it yet. Nekros' is getting a tennogen helmet but its going to be called Lazarus. 


    Well thanks  for the clarification

  5. 4 minutes ago, taiiat said:

    Anubis != 'God of Death'.

    Anubis is A 'God of Death', but there's many of them. :v

    Well I an call him THE god of death if I'm very familiar with his mythos, but yeah we could have Thanatos helm on Valkyrie since they one from same mythos and so on..

  6. 10 hours ago, Destrab said:

    I agree! It makes a lot of sense since Corpus are engaged with prosperity and "business-like" dealings, so this would probably be reflected in their architecture - high-rising structures packed with worker stations and storage/automation facilities, perhaps if DE went all-out there'd be "higher-priority" tilesets with towering skyscapes, stronger, more endowed enemies and better security schemes that we have to challenge in order to engage with "higher-level" missions and "high-importance" missions such as spy.

    Definitely, like that new fortress map we saw, but of course now corpus, and maybe a bit of some origin. Idk itncould be a nice idea to play around with

  7. 3 hours ago, Azyrt said:

    Maybe the squad could select before jumping into the mission which keys we want to use at each rotation thus always popping the screen if we run out of a previously selected relic mainly cause while in Defenses and Interceptions this is fine, this screen pop during a Survival will be really annoying as it kinda breaks the whole action and concentration...

    Exactly the system that should go in, and I can imagine been shot down as I choose my relic.

  8. So from devatream 82, we saw Rebecca, play from almost halfway through a mission,  and this screen pops up with the relics to choose with a pretty short countdown (considering host). 

    I see this working well for interception and sense mission types, however survival may need you to activate it like one of those life support capsules. Otherwise capture would be insanity.

    It would be much better if you loaded up the number of relics you wanted with its respective rewards. It would prolly also give space to attaining new mods?

  9. Hey so you know of the Jupiter's gas stations and Neptune's icy mechanical growths, and you may even notice the lofty  spaces of pillars. Lol so anyway point is, the attention to parkour and tactical play would be needed once the number of nullifiers increase.

    Scope this, you actually get to use your sniper in an sort if open and large area with gigantous mechanical gates around, shooting down irradiated enemies.

    Well I think it's be sort of fun and engaging to new play-types.

  10. So there's this video I saw a while back whereby someone talked of how you wouldnt know the full potential of a said weapon like karak without putting a potato on it, and not feeling like you wasted that potato in said weapon. Who knew capacity mattered much.

    So I think there could be some sort of rating system for weapons that we players give against opinions and actual potential use if weapon. However the issue I see is if it will make some certain weapons even used more, although I cannot tell which weapons those could be, it could simple mean that unknown is great enough.


    20 minutes ago, Rehtael7 said:

    I vote we stop Umbra frames.

    I vote we stop talking about them, stop theorizing, stop asking for them, just let DE do whatever they're going to do with them, THEN talk about Umbra once they're a thing.

    I mean where does the suspense go? Can't forget about that

  12. I've had a recent thought whereby when the umbra cones out with the new system DE has been hinting at involve us choosing a starting umbra frame besides Excalibur? Let's say like volt umbra and mag umbra? Acquiring the ones you don't choose just drop in sorties

    This is not accurate information btw, so don't take it as official, or leakage, I'm giving speculation.


  13. Well I didn't think of it more to come to that conclusion. I think k I get jt now, the outcome of the ability should stay regardless of rework idea?

     Well that's where you think of where to put your trust in this matter, not everyone has the answer


    What Id love if it were just changed to shadow clone fire-flick teleportation, rasengan barrage ninjutsu.

  14. I like it. That's if I am looking at the right one, a 4th ability that is a buff for the other abilities. It's just like the way current bladestorm is direct upgrade of teleport w/ that augment, but now for the other abilities, totally makes sense!

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