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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. DE should add a new bunch of mods that change gameplay and tactics in a sort of way by changing how we build.

    SO they could probably introduce a continuation to the augment mods whereby, When you put this mod on, and (pref.) you go into squad match, in which another player has the same augment mod as you. However the real catch is that they're both using different warframes, and that augment mod allows you to combine a set of skills between them. E.g Volt Discharge+Molecular prime, and said set of skills would function differently than usual when abilities spammed together. 

    This is very fresh and has few holes in it, spamming gameplay can be a thing? Anyway main idea is the- Shared augment mods between warframes of similar traits/roles/DPS, to further the tactic possibilties 


  2. 15 hours ago, Vanrythzx said:

    i would like to see, if bladestorm is activated, 3 shadow clones will spawn assisting him(but are invulnerable), mirror-ing all his abilites.. would be more ninja like and fun as well

    so mirage with finisher damage?

  3. Just now, Daniely3016 said:

    what actually is a devstream?

    also, do we just watch to enter prize draw or donate

    its like a behind the scenes with the developers of the game. We get to see sneakpeaks, and especially get answers to several questions revolving around the lore, mechanics, design and future of the game.

    By watching the devstream on twitch, you're entered and stand a chance to win 1000 plat, so yeah get your twitch account today.

  4. Also wanted to ask, will we get enemy combinations? like a corpus tech attributes mixed in with a sentient?

    When the arm cannon concept was shown, it included a large sentient with red and black colors similar to the kuva type grineers, whether this said enemy was actually changed to be a kuva, idk, but yeah what are your thoughts on making new enemy types that're meshed together?

    And any news on that arm cannon?

  5. Will Umbra remain exclusive to China?

    Will there be better animation on ash bladestorm? (less buggy)

    Will the golden maw be the only 'thing' our operators can control over, or could they perhaps take over huge turrets or even those ravenous bursa?

    With the epilogue of the recent quest(Octavia) , i'm guessing we'll be seeing more diversity in how to achive a task without always shooting? btw that quest was pretty sick.

  6. So i have these issues whereby, i just formad some stuff and im ranking them, in Akkad, so far id exepct to be done by now, however as it shows my affinity gain it doesn't apply anywhere else. My warframe is still rank 16 (nidus) and so are my other weapns (kesheg, tigris p) 

    I'm not sure what the probelm is, and ive doen 3 Akkad runs with no significant change. Same may be applied to the sortie rewards; for which ive no been receiving for a while now. I try Verify last time and it worked, although it's not a permanent fix.

  7. So since yesterday's sortie, i did the first two missions, and for some reason the third wasn't recognied as complete and thus i never received my reward. Instead the mision just stayed there till the time ran out. I've repeated the third mission awhle now, and as you can imagine is pretty irritating when you still dont receive the sortie reward. 

    Today, the same thing happened, im not sure what the issue is.

  8. Well the rework is great, may we see what will b added to it to especially change that camera motion. I just have a few issues with it, such as I get teleported to random places in a map while bs is active. And at times get sent back in the map suddenly, another issue I have is its kind buggy when you use transference after bs, ash would randomly attack an enemy you haven't selected or even if you haven't activated bs.

    One thing that could be changed is that camera motion, it's really upsetting and old fashioned


  9. 3 hours ago, 321agemo said:

    Whizz: since the beginning of time, mankind have created machinery in aid to their domination to become the best of the best. Mastering combat close and afar. These machinery would push the very limits of human capability. But as time went on, we would become more machine then flesh.

    Boomstick: because who wouldn't want to be lean mean killing machine with an artillery of a walking nuclear warhead?


    Whizz: like Exalibur, the stoic hero from Warframe.


    Boomstick: Raiden, the deadly cyborg ninja from metal gear.

    Boomstick: he's whizz and I'm boomstick.

    Whizz: and it's our job to analyse their weapons, armour and skill, to find out who would win... A death battle.


    now we just need to analysie their equipment and powers.. 

    Excalibur got a slash dash, and ethereal exalted blade.  i think tht'll do? perhaps we shoul dgive him the boltor prime and ...wait should we do it accordingly to his prime access?

  10. I had a thought then I watched Titan fall 2 trailer and it answered me. The way I saw the titans interact with their pilots made me feel familiar.

    So how would that work considering the character pool is almost fully customisable but undefined for death battle

  11. So post TWW we got this new RNG based mod system, which randomizes from challenge to polarity you'll receive.

    RNG at its' best. Honestly i actually like like it, It makes you feel rather unique in playstyle, and also you play a bigger role in customizations.

    Although We have just as many rifles, we have other weapons, would they receive the same riven mods or are they entirely different, OR I'm just blind. Weapons overall are receiving certain buffs in different ways basically like Vaykor Sydon. Anyway i think the future of warframe sees past dungeon running.


  12. 21 hours ago, Nagasadri said:

    I think they should improve the laser instead. Make it have the same effect as your school's power for exemple. Turn enemies to stone, deal more damage, heal allies and such.
    Same for the knockback (with an increase in base range as well).

    What about naramon users? We just shoot waves after intervals of 5 seconds on a crowd?

  13. I think there's should be a continuity to this conclusion, especially if you chose the same decision as me.

    I gave a warning on spoilers. So you drink the evil potion, and the Operator is somewhat possessed by some sort of alter ego or something and Teshin give you that push like, woah buddy!

    So what does this mean, the darkside? Will the Operator receive an upgrade like the pseudo-Tenno Teshin or better? (he has a bunch of weapons) I have a lingering curiosity to what Teshin meant when he said, that your path will only get harder. So yeah time for some challenges boys!

    But relative to the darkside thing, it could mean that the quest for more power begins. I like the new System and how the Operator can be used anytime, although has a few bugs that were overlooked, they'll be fixed in time, and as well i enjoyed the humour between the Operator and Ordis, at least this game isnt so dark. Why is that music playing?

    Looking forward to the future.


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