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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. 1 minute ago, Licitaqua said:

    hm that would work, but im suprised you didnt point out that even in grineer tiles on invasions/infested outbreaks the game still uses corpus infested for it

    seems invasions are a bit outdated.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Licitaqua said:

    well corrupted in fissure missions dont GET corrupted, the void just disables them for a time

    that would work, but the point of the maggots is that they are slow but do a huge amount of aoe dmg to unarmored targets, making them fly makes them a tad unbalanced

    okay yeah, they could serve a different purpose. Like the virulence aug above, they explode and release cloud of toxin? however i'd suite it to just be as it is right now

  3. 3 minutes ago, Licitaqua said:

    ehh the flying maggots wouldnt help all that much, as it is they can hit every enemy aside from osprays and those wouldnt take much dmg anyways

    The maggots would be much faster and cover more of the area outside the nest.

    Nidus circles around spamming his 1 and getting stacks.

    1 minute ago, Xekrin said:

    It would just do the 25% chance to join Nidus, that's all.  The same could be said for "how do corrupted get corrupted" in fissure missions.


    MMM, flying maggots.  Hawt.  I demand concept art of maggots with wings!

    Lol it be safe to say not all maggots should be able to fly. Maybe they can carry those that can't. who knowss

  4. Just now, Licitaqua said:

    that would work, but i think a better idea would be to allow the existing maggots to get stronger by consuming the bodies of the dead, allowing the skill to 1 last longer and 2 increase teh dmg of the maggots themselves

    I think they were actually created just for exploding. That exploding is pretty high damage itself. I think a good one for the 4th would be having th maggots fly lol

  5. 6 minutes ago, Licitaqua said:

    normally i would agree with this, but it wouldnt work with infested. how can you make infested enemies infested?

    it would be interesting having the dead bodies instead multiply more maggots. It could be described by enhancing the maggots with a chance to reproduce asexually. (spitting eggs)

  6. Just now, Licitaqua said:

    another good idea, would be to make the skill spread out in not just one line, but in a cone in front of nidus, allowing it to hit more for less

     If that were the case, he'd get stacks too fast . His 2 can already pull a lot of enemies to one point and then use virulence on them

  7. Just now, Licitaqua said:

    if your looking for a good nidus augment your first idea is teh better by far, it provides a nice change to the ability as well as keeping the synergy of an infested warframe

    Right, it could be a good way to prioritize targets or threats. It would be really cool especially with Ravenous.  

  8. So I've been playing a lot of Nidus lately, and i have come up with suggestions to make game-play a bit diverse or similar:

    •  Virulence augment- Nidus performs ability as per usual, however after the patch of infested-spikes disappear, a path of Toxin based acid is left behind. Id imagine it having a cloud produce from this said path like 'hot coffee'. Enemies that cross into the path have a chance to proc'd Corrosive/Toxin. Clouds only do damage over time
    • Another Virulence augment- As Nidus performs the ability, just as he stomps the ground, has a chance to knockdown enemies in a radius. Enemies could as well stay down for a certain duration/or not. It could be like a lesser stomp.

    So i haven't ocme up with creative names for abilities yet, welcome and thanks for looking .


  9. So i played Nidus in conclave and to my witnessing, he stil has to build stacks there. Now the issue is how will you stop someone who bullet jumps and rolls all over to get some stacks. His 2 works the same as it does in PvE.

    Overall his abilities in PvP dont really suit the way things happen there. He is more stationary than mobile. I was hoping that DE would change up some of his skill just for PvP, like they did some of Ivara's arrows in Quiver and/or Atlas' having his 4th be a rock armor instead of 2 golems. We could see Nidus' 2 been like a stun. And maybe even his 4th be some other manifestation of maggots- Maggot armor?

  10. Inaros probably wins in surviving the longest. Likewise, Chroma would need to more attention to his 2 abilities, just as Nidus. Nidus can just die straight up in the beginning of high level tier if you dont build stacks fast. Really gameplay is all it comes to and ofcourse what weapons can compliment each

  11. 3 hours ago, Helios1414 said:

    This could be interesting, although warframes themselves cant be infected, Zanuka is only made from the parts and seeing as Alad V has also been infected he can simply alter it using the bio technology.

    It would be nice to have a harder version of the assassins like they did with Stalker, Zanuka Hunter and Grustrag Three are far too easy.

    Although i think the Infested Mesa and Infested Chroma we've fought in some quests. Thinking its like curse mark for warfraem.

  12. So like the way MOAs get infested and become the mutalist MOA, so can the Zanukat, whihc is apparently built from warframe parts. This could be funny since warframes are sort of infested themselves, but unknown to what degree. This zanuka should be OP

  13. 21 hours ago, Momaw said:

    It should be possible?

    Run the installation on your second machine, tell it to install to the external drive.  Wait until it constructs the user and configuration directories, and restarts itself, then begins downloading the gazillion gigs of game data.  Cancel the installation at this point.  Copy the contents of <installation>\Downloaded\Public\Cache.windows from your source machine onto the external drive.

    If this doesn't work, gonna need more details where it went off the rails

    well i have since instaled it on the external drive, and recopied the files, howvere it didnt work and started the download agian

  14. 54 minutes ago, DSpite said:

    I'm not sure why it didn't work because that's what I do and even used to do, when I had the stand alone game.

    For Steam, I just copy the files over to the other machine (to the correct Steam sub folder of course), then start Steam, then do a file check, after it finishes, the game runs. For the stand alone client, I just copy all the files over with and that's it, it just works.

    You can't have multiple locations for Steam files unless you set up simlinks, which is a pain. To run from external HDD you should just use the standalone Warframe client.

    it be sort of helpful if they did that registry thing Blizzard did, no?

  15. Recently i tried playing warframe from an external harddisk, with he game's files already copied to HD, and using a different computer which didn't have the game installed.

    I attempted installing the game on new computer, and located the installation file in the harddisk. Then, I recopied the 25gb file to the installation location to speed up the whole process, however it didn't work and started all over. I would like to know whether it's possible to play warframe from a external harddisk, and not witht the use of Steam. I opted for the launcher to verify the files and work right off the bat, but that doesn seem to be the case. It would be totally cool if this theory was practical, saves time.

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