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Posts posted by LAWD

  1. 5 hours ago, SurrealEdge said:

    Sure if it was limited to an instance that didn't involve their own servers hosting the relays and dojos. I don't see this happening unless they decide to purchase more servers to host individual relays for such an occasion.

    but shouldnt it be like mission nodes, those have no problem with solo play, unless you're telling me that those use DE servers.

    I see that this should be possible, especially since the new Harrow quest has some sort of cinematic in that lobby area. If you can't tell im lagged af, and can''t really continue with quest

  2. 4 hours ago, [DE]Mumbles said:

    Razer Chroma Compatibility

    If you find joy in neon colors flashing to the beat of killing Grineer, plug in that Razer Chroma and enjoy the show! Please note that Razer Chroma and Warframe compatibility is a work-in-progress and more compatibility will be added as we continue to develop it.

    what is this?

  3. On 6/21/2017 at 11:15 AM, (PS4)vrykolacas82 said:

    Marking mode in general is just not viable no matter what kind of coat you dress it in.

    It will NEVER be viable amidst all the AOE nuke frames and weapons.

    In your picture, any frame with a proper sonicor will beat you to it. You wont make it beyond 2 stabs when you start BS before the rest of the marked enemies are dead.


    The whole point of nuking frames is to work for the nuke. just like Equinox. Having to mark means having to work for the nuke. The multi-mark feature is splendid for players who like to play fast paced as well. Plus n that picture you've set, i can just press 4 mark enemies with this feature faster and just press 4 again. I think its the same timing as shooting a launcher or whatever. Plus it's finisher damage+

  4. 8 minutes ago, Iimon4ik said:

    I wanted to suggest multiple mark idea too, but without new marking mode. i think it will be enougth just to make something like this: When u choose target after pressing 4, each enemy with a radius of 5 meters from primary target will be marked too (i think 5m will be enough). It doesnt require more work, but this small buff, i think, will help ash to be better than he is now

    might be all he needs

  5. So with regards to making bladestorm better than now. I think Ash should be able to mark multiple enemies at once. With image below:

    This is what i have in mind, when you enter marking mode, your reticle gains additional bars to aim at more targets. Sort of like a high-tech bazooka.

    This will definiatley increase casting time of the skill, and as well get more marks spread out faster. Marking one by one really is inconvenient . 

    (i just edited that picture w/ paint quick)

  6. Here is what im talking of:

    in the first image i was on the day form, and selected colours. Afterwards it reverts to this form, where the legs are of both forms and the torso changes. The arms also change, becoming smaller.

    the second image is when i color the night form, and after selecting colors, the torso changes once again, and the skirt is left hanging (marked red)

    The third image is same instance.

  7. So there's a problem with the torso, whereby when day form is the primary, the torso is that of the night form. To fix i'd have to switch back and forth just to get it back to its norm.

    Another issue, when customizing equiniox' colors, the torso of the night replaces the day's just after choosing a color. It's very inconsistent and relies on me to do the metamorphosis to get it back on track.


    10 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    No, no stance ultimate. It's lame!

    We have enough frames that do that

    i agree with this, we should look at ways to improve the current bladestorm, and not reiterate it as something completely different.

    Bladestorm is good as it is. But, necessarily, better animation or a different camera angle when its all taking place. 

    I'd rather it zooms out from Ash's initial stand-point, like displays a wider FoV and then return to normal when animation is complete. That way we can know where we were left of and, especially, we can mark the next enemies after first launch. 

    Although for camera to zoom out it may bump into our cave-like maps, so wider FoV would be great.

  9. 14 hours ago, AKKILLA said:

    That is only viable for Melee weapons and since Blade Storm does have a innate melee weapon (Katars/Hidden Blades) this gives more reason for Blade Storm to be reworked as a Stance Ultimate.

    why not have bladestorm a different type of stance, like the animation get tweaks, and adds that interactivity of melee weapons?

  10. Bladestorm when used with melee weapon equipped is the best way to scale Ash, with the counter. So as having your weapon channeled, should it transfers on the bladestorm animation. Most notable about this, if that such a QoL were there, would Ash players be able to use that effect while in the animation. 

    it sorta like using' Lifestrike' on midway cast, and also prioritize if you just wanna hit harder. It should work whether or not you have melee equipped. That's just for counter.


  11. Just now, CeePee said:

    What's the problem with the current system through ESC menu? I mean sure it could be faster with a clickable fast travel map of the Orbiter, instead of a clunky list

    Well my sort of issue is somehow the rendering interferes with speed of accessing menu. Say if there wasn't much happening in the background, it woul dbe faster to access missions.


    2 minutes ago, Sangoma said:

    So basically what you are talking about right now, is the old old OLD menu we had back then in 2013.


    Well an updated version of this, i'd approve

  12. For those who don't understand title, what i imply is since we log-in to our operator/tenno walking around this orbiter, which has several options to access in form of rooms and segments. What if we had a menu only version of this, where everything we access doesn't need us to walk around an roll all over the environment to reach. I mean this is somewhat there with just pressing 'esc' however its limited. Such an idea would probably save some RAM, and probably make mission access much quicker. What are your thoughts, UI only ?

  13. After creating a magnitc bubble, enemies can be brought in to bubble with pull, but i find myself in situations where th bubble is directly infront of me, with few enemies in between me and bubble. A push skill that like inverse pull, would be really cool in such scenerio.

  14. 12 minutes ago, Doomerang said:

    I've been playing a lot of Nidus lately, too, and I am loving him already, such a tank with decent CC, healing, buffing and damage.

    But I also realise that his damage from Virulence and maggots explosion is reduced so much by high level armor scaling, otherwise he'll be a perfect endgame frame. So I hope his augment mods somehow help him strip armor.

    That's the main goal, especially in the beginning of high level missions when you don't have a stacks to scale you. Corrossive procs to strip armor ofcourse, for certain duration.


    39 minutes ago, TheDefenestrater said:

    Maybe something like Larva continuously grabs enemies that enter it's range, only to immediately drop them when they reach the center.  Enemies can be grabbed again after so many seconds.  Make the hold duration affected by duration, and the grab reset interval inversely affected by duration.  Enemies get grabbed, dropped in the center, and repeatedly picked up and dropped again (effectively repeated knockdowns).

    It could be that it grabs enemies at a limit. After limit is reached, it goes on to grab more enemies, and drops the first batch of enemies down. Lets say it grabs 12 enemies first then drops them, and cycles again.

  15. Just now, Xekrin said:

    Ah, very true.  Plus ancients suck anyway. 

    only way i can see this working is the nest is  replaced with an ancient that can release maggots and follows you around. Has his own health and duration. Think he'd also still have the healing part down

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