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Posts posted by (PSN)LoneWolf_001

  1. On 2020-01-27 at 9:14 PM, kapn655321 said:

    I love CC and herding AI. This is why I have to play in invite only to do things the way I'd like to do them. If you're not killing, you're not farming loot.. if you're not farming efficiently, lots of people lose their patience. The game could incentivize this differently, but if it's not markedly more efficient to goof around, the problem remains.

    There are fundamental differences in playstyles between players, and the group who plays for efficiency will have their experience ruined. Likewise, if you CC, you will have your experience ruined by them having their experience ruined. So... If those aren't on entirely equal footing, then there's no compromise to be had. (The highly ambitious pay more to ease the pains of waiting, which is why, "pay to rush," is even an existing business model at all.)

    If you receive as much reward from staying as you do leaving, then maybe. If stealth, looting, and CC to coerce the battlefield was equal or uniquely and understandably great in their reward, then this problem is solved.

    On the topic of improving looting and CC:

    • Improve the drops in containers and lockers, especially LOCKED locker drop tables.
    • Have a unit that gets better drops the longer they live.

    Create a logistics unit to keep lockers stocked.

      Reveal hidden contents

    These units (may) have Nothing to do with the mission, everything to do with the facility; spawns unrelated to mission, away from combat..
    Their alert level should be totally independent like a Drudge Foreman or Capture targets. (Capture Mission, not Samaris/hunt.)
    They do their own thing, restocking/overstocking random empty lockers, and or scavenging from the edges and remains of the combat.
    Alerting/aggro-ing these new units would make them call for backup and try to escape.
    If they haven't dropped off scavenged loot to a locker yet, they're running away with it.
    Higher levels have chance at Murmur progress for players with active Lich (because logistics guys are in touch with a lot of depts.) even in missions outside of Lich territory.
    Letting them live longer improves their drops, and those within the facility, especially the more they pick up while scavenging un-alerted.
    Occasionally have them call for valuable shipments to be delivered, that we can intercept.
    ...Something we'd miss out on if we speed-run, DPS, instead of stalking and herding our target carefully

    On Stealth:

    • If noise level was more than just, "Alarming/Silent," but instead in Meters, we could explore how to control those boundaries.
    • Improvements to AI just Knowing where you are outside of Line of Sight for no reason, and the ease at which you lose them also would help tremendously.
    • More hidden interactions within facilities that we can benefit from.. overheard information, documents to steal that don't come up unless you're there a while, repairs to sneaky-sabotage (like Untitled Goose Game).. More hacks, more looting, more reason to take your time.


    You, my friend, may be onto something!

    Incentive for doing something OTHER THAN DPS is paramount to balancing out this game. Maybe even having a kind of loot-upgrade (better or more of) and affinity bonus on CC'ed enemies.

    I love the locker improvement idea as well.

  2. Sorry for the response delay, had to go to work etc.  

    The more missions you string together, the more likely to encounter a bug. If you're really having trouble, launch from the dojo (after re-equipping your reactor to prevent avionics bugs), do a mission, dry dock, exit to orbiter, rinse, and repeat.

    The tedious nature of "avoiding bugs" does emphasize how problematic console-railjack is. It's still fun in my opinion. I wish you the  best of luck and RNG!

  3. It is a problem. Crewships have to be done first, then fighters. The whole team has to be on board for this (a bit of a pun). If anyone runs for an objective, it can cause a problem. Running one mission at a time helps as well.

    DE is working on it and a barrage of fixes are inbound. If you are having some stress about it, I'd say just wait for the update. I know that doesn't help in the moment but patience is a virtue.

  4. Yes, there needs to be some more key binding options for consoles. I get what you're saying, having a charge attack/heavy attack as a press and hold should be optional. There are a few things that are locked in place and cause similar problems. I have trouble with my Railjack Flux Abilities firing when I try to exit the abilities menu. Also, having Cloak or others being optional for binding to that abilities menu would be nice.

  5. I think some kind of group finder UI is a great idea. Don't get me wrong, normally, I just grind out whatever is new for MR or looking for better stats, that seems to be the norm. Recruitment chat is okay. Sometimes, I just want to do something, run a quick mission and I find myself alone or looking for a node where people actually are that isn't Merc, Venus, Earth...

  6. The Hemocyte is a ripoff of Lephantis, I'm actually okay with this but I think the fight could be better or more interesting if it wasn't just the same fight 4 times over. Sooooo...why not have random infested bosses pop out of the boil? Maybe 2 Juggernauts and a Behemoth, 3 Infested Emmisaries, Phorid, etc. There's more potential there to break up the grind cycle with some variety.

    I'm also up for ideas on Unique Hemocyte boss concepts and abilities. If you have one, post it here!

  7. A Gravity Localizer- Pulls in enemies to a single point a few feet from the end of the device (like the buzzsaw from the Panthera) and holds them in place until the trigger is released. Damage and distance the enemies are thrown is relative to how long the trigger was held down and how much mass was aquired (how many enemies you snagged). The alt fire lays down an anti-grav field that deflects incoming enemy fire in a small short lived bubble. Also, zero grav with no glide timer within the bubble.

  8. 5 hours ago, Gabbynaru said:

    Ok, I'm cool with the new UI changes. BUT:


    This needs to come back in one way or another. Hovering over abilities just to notice different stat changes is a pain in the butt. The ability stats should always be on display, and the videos, descriptions and all that could be hidden behind a hover or a click on the ability, as that would act as giving a more detailed description. Stats however, we need those on display at all times, because at the end of the day, stats are all that matters in this (and most other) game(s), so obfuscating it is just wasting the players' time.

    Also, please hide the end of game stats for other players. They only lead to toxicity. Do display the players own end of game stats (Damage dealt, damage taken, total kills, blah blah), but hide what the other players did. We don't need to know that, and neither does anyone else. All it does is create a stupid sense of competition that shouldn't even exist in a cooperative environment, and that sense of competition brings with it toxic behavior. So just hide it. It's unnecessary and doesn't help in any positive way.

    The end of mission stats are nice among friends but I agree that it could add some fuel to the fire to how players treat other players. It's a good idea for friendly competition and even as a friendly teaching moment (hey buddy you did good here but you could do this to fix that) but between strangers it'll just be (hey you with the Trinity, what were you doing you $#%*&%@).

    That being said, you guys are doing beautiful work, keep it up!

  9. 3 hours ago, 844448 said:

    Maybe let us have some consumable blueprints for some dumb fun such as breach charge like this?

    Or maybe some other consumables like molotov or landmine using our alloy plates/ferrite/whatever resources? Just for some fun on deploying them

    I actually really like this idea. I've done these missions many times over and often wished for a shortcut of sorts. Breach Charges, Prime Ciphers (works in sorties), an improved vacuum augmentor gear item, or even the upcoming Umbral Echos...something to help hunt Rare/Hardened cashes. 

    Are there any other areas that could be perceived as a harmless shortcut?

  10. I'd have preferred Ash's Augment for Bladestorm to have changed it to an Aura-toggle. Anything within a certain range of ash gets attacked by his shadow-clones, with a per-enemy cost.

    Hildryn-Balefire Charger- Equipping the Balefire Charger gives allies within range a buff "kills restore 50 shields to allies, if shields are full it gives 100 overshields instead"

    Haven- Allies gain 25% more efficiency.

    Pillage- Enemies are randomly polarized and will cling to eachother if within 15 meters.

  11. 8 hours ago, Anduvriel said:

    Well thats great ideas.

    Thou the problem is the dissparity between the hoards in some players inventories and new players small piles .. If you put rewards behind that system new players will feel the urge to get them as well.

    I saw people farming alloy and i saw screenshots with hundreds of milions of them. We are talking 10-50k alloy compared to 300-500mln. Any system you want to introduce should work for both.. How? 

    Whatever the amounts you put new players won't be happy and it won't really dent the hoards.

    They screwed up in the beginning of the game making no inventory caps and no real resources dumps and now its too late imo..

    They acknowledge this in new updates like railjack, new resources are what they can do without everyone crying (oh forgot everyone is crying about titan and asterite). 

    I don't think it's too late really. I do agree that whatever the reward for a trade in cannot be a gameplay altering thing (outside of maybe the tickets thing, challenges could be intentionally geared for some kind of endgame target). 

    I like the idea of cosmetics. An idle anamation for a million or more alloy rewards veteran players and gives new players some fashion frame to look forward too. Exclusive or limited time dojo/orbiter decorations could force old players to spend those extras for sure. Given a bit of testing and innovation, you might be able to level the playing field (doubtful but maybe) on the resource economy, reducing the need for "new" resources.

    I'm sometimes overly optimistic but I see your point.

    Also, "Hi, [DE]Drew."

  12. What can be done or should be done with the old "new resources"?


    Ticker in Fortuna can only offer so much but it was a good idea for allowing older players with a means to offload a mountain of resources. Quite frankly, I'd like to see more of this, with bonuses to things like Tellerium or Nitan Extract.

    How would you like to deal with those old useless mountains of resources?

    I've had an idea floating about, of a bidding system. You use old resources to buy a universal ticket, these tickets can be used to buy conditional challenges that are equipped to your gear wheel like dragon keys. This Challenge gear item rewards you with something unique for completeing the challenge and mission successfully or disappears if you fail. Moreover, they stack like void keys, opening up opportunities for rare items as you up the challenge. I also think you could apply them to a Sortie to narrow down the reward list. I know I'd run at least one full sortie just to remove affinity boosters from my table.

  13. A shapeshifter theme at all, werewolf or not could be fun and unique. You could have a power one toolkit toggle to switch between forms and ability 2-4 would morph to fit each role. IDK, if people were more constructive instead of trolly, you could make a monster of this one. (pun intended)

    That being said, I'm not a fan of direct copies of other warframe abilities. I get the need for references but having unique ability sets is what drives my "I want that warframe" thing...

    I hope you stick with this and keep trying to build on your idea.

  14. I think Vauban should have a Tactical Grenade Launcher default weapon like Garuda's Claws (basically, don't equip a primary and there it is). Not an exalted weapon, just an optional class tied point of functionality.

    Add Tesla Coils to the toolkit, ditch the vector pad. The alt-fire of the TGL should operate like Ivara's arrow-toolkit, allowing for a quicker and perhaps further range to the application of Vauban's toolkit. Moreover, the selected Toolkit ability could change the functionality of how damage is dealt by the TGL: Tesla-standard grenades leave behind an electrified zone similar in function to the Nightwatch Napalm augment, Tether- Forced freeze procs, Puncture Dradle (laugh that's funny)- leaves behind caltrops slowing enemies and can deal slash procs, Overcharge- grenades stay in place and grant shields over time relative to damage instead of dealing damage.

    Use the freed up Ability space for a survival mecanic (personal cloak while not moving?)...

    While we're here, maybe reconsider the time it takes for the Bastille-vortex-Photon Strike combo...maybe have Photon Strike have the range of Bastille and inherently ignore the armor of CC'ed targets? Just a thought.

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