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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. They need an "in progress" and "completed" tab. When you claim something, you claim from the completed tab, would prevent the accidents!


    Also, foundry 2.0 where you can build multiple of the same item at one time **sigh** one of these days. That is 80% of the end game grind wall... waiting out forma. I can re level in 25% of the time it takes to build a forma, and I'm stuck again.


    Not to mention, if you are a warlord and want to build something in the dojo, it makes it such a painful process being locked like that. Do I use these forma on the dojo, on a frame, on a weapon? *sigh..again*

  2. That's cool buddy i have a family aswell so i know how life can get busy real quick. Thanks for replying and i am looking forward to meeting you guys later on tonight.

    Sounds great, thanks for understanding. I did accept your friend request and got you a clan invite sent. Hope to catch you on soon!

  3. Yeah that sounds like a good clan with decent folks i am definitely interested in joining and am sending a friend request

    I will get you added tonight. Sorry it took me so long to reply. I got busy doing some yard and house work all day. Wife has me busy with honey do's...ended up cooking out. Been a fun day.

  4. Hello Atomic! Welcome to warframe! Hello Evan! Welcome to Warframe! Check out my link to the information on our clan, and if you think we'd be a fit, let me know. We only have a few spots remaining open. Contact me with a psn friend request.


    We have had great success so far with the new guys we have brought it. Everyone is really nice and progressing great. In less than a week, all of our new guys have hit at least mr3, and we've helped them learn a good part of stuff about warframe along the way. Our mid level guys we just brought in have been adding to their mod and weapon collection from our help as well. We don't like to throw stuff on too heavy in the beginning, as warframe is quite the complex game and a lot to take in for a while.


    We gave a great group of guys always will to help out. 



  5. Hello Evan! Welcome to Warframe! Check out my link to the information on our clan, and if you think we'd be a fit, let me know. We only have a few spots remaining open. Contact me with a psn friend request.


    We have had great success so far with the new guys we have brought it. Everyone is really nice and progressing great. In less than a week, all of our new guys have hit at least mr3, and we've helped them learn a good part of stuff about warframe along the way. Our mid level guys we just brought in have been adding to their mod and weapon collection for our help as well. We don't like to throw stuff on too heavy in the beginning, as warframe is quite the complex game and a lot to take in for a while.



  6. Hello, check out my link to the information on our clan, and if you think we'd be a fit, let me know. We only have a few spots remaining open. Contact me with a psn friend request. Our clan is not out to make a profit from eachother, we are out to help eachother. We only request that members contribute, as in be willing to help others as much as you ask others for help. We aren't looking for one sided relationship!


    We have had great success so far with the new guys we have brough it. Everyone is really nice and progressing great. In less than a week, all of our new guys have hit at least mr3, and we've helped them learn a good part of stuff about warframe along the way. We don't like to throw stuff on too heavy in the beginning, as warframe is quite the complex game and a lot to take in for a while.



  7. Just to update:

    Up to 22 members now with a few reserved slots. Down to 5 non reserved slots.

    Shoot me a psn message, warframe message, or forum pm if interested in joining or for more information, or a dojo tour.

  8. Uhh...shocking speed is amazing. It's part of my t4s 60+ build. One of the best augments in the game, hands down.


    It's great for getting to a downed team mate, it gives you that little bit extra cushion to get a shield up before getting blasted. It's an aura effect, so that adds to it.


    Great for running to extraction as it will keep you from catching a knock down from lvl 100+ heavy gunners.


    On granieer maps, it kills the sensor bars on the doors, so you won't lose your energy.  

  9. Since we don't have it yet for the PS4, I can only say: Trolls will be trolls, no matter what you give them. 


    Don't let them (trolls) change something new. The weapon is new, the shine will wear off eventually. I actually like this, especially doing void missions and you are helping out a player that hasn't quite mastered how to get to some of the harder void containers, you can give them a boost. I also think it adds in a new dynamic, and DE needs to keep adding in subtle content like this. I'm looking forward to consoles getting it. 


    To avoid being trolled, don't play with trolls. It's pretty simple. Find a clan, make friends with people you know that aren't trolls. This is a co-op game, so it isn't too much to expect people to find like minded players to play with. Hell, maybe a team of 4 loki's want to run around double trolling each other, and that is their way of having fun.


    I say don't take away a useful and new mechanic and what can in the end add to the fun of the game (which is why everyone should be playing), just because a small percentage abuse something they find entertaining. - Find a new lobby to play in if it bugs you that bad, but don't complain and ruin it for everyone that likes it and finds it useful. 



    Can you nerf Ash though please? I mean, just because I get a random radiation proc (that may or may not be self inflicted) and slaughter my entire team when I use blade storm (sometimes on purpose because they never knew what hit them and it's funny as hell- to be honest I've only done that once, but I've been tempted to abuse the power of the radiation proc several times, lol). (insert sarcasm)    


    Or make bounce pad NOT work on allies (worst trolls of them all)


    Play the game and have fun doing it... don't play with trolls.

  10. Hello JustBKuz! I will get you a psn friend request sent, and if you currently aren't in a clan, you will have a clan invite sitting in your inbox when you log in as well.


    If you don't know how to find a clan invite, it's easy:


    Press options on your controller, go to communications, inbox, and the invite will be in there.


    After you accept the invite, you will want to go to your navigation and find the dojo, and try to enter it. It will tell you that you need a clan key, and will put a blue print in your foundry to build a clan key to enter the dojo. You can then build it from your foundry.


    If you need help getting the resources to build the clan key, just post in the clan chat, and someone will be able to help you out! 



    PSN friend request sent; also clan invite successfully sent. Once you have accepted clan invite and friend request, I will get you added into our discussion board as well. 


    Thanks and hope to talk to you soon!  - excat

  11. The only thing she may need is replacing divebomb, but almost all the warframes have at least 1 less desirable power for some reason (ie almost pointless, or severely under powered). 


    As to your complaint about turbulence, quit relying on it, and it will never let you down.


    My vote, leave her ALONE and focus on the frames that actually need work.  She is perfectly fine. 

  12. Well, after much reconnaissance, playing and talking with potentials, I have left the keys to my dusty dojo to my 17 year old daughter and moved out. I joined After Dark Action. They were nice, not shocked by my off color sense of humor, had an established dojo with just enough active members to actually get to know all of the members, and were mature enough to know when and how to be immature. Thank you all for the offers and the PM's.



    Don't worry my friend, we have all the colors covered :-) 

  13. Did you become an initiate with the conclave syndiacte person at the relay? 


    If you did, you may be maxed on standing already, as initiate rank is only a few hundred points, and you may need to go rank up. 

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