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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. Wow, 11th clan? I salute you sir or madame. That must be one heck of a resume of community organization. I've started wondering about starting a clan myself, but I wonder if I'd really be interested in maintaining it or whatever. But I will admit that playing with other people is a lot of fun, and getting together with like-minded individuals adds more to a game than any graphical update ever could.


    I will see what I can do about Witcher 3 as well lol.


    I've had a clan in every game I could pretty much. I think my first one was back on the original Ghost Recon GRAW. (original xbox then converted to 360) I've learned a lot in the process, especially how to be a good leader, and oddly enough, it's helped me in real life. You learn a lot about different personalities, and how to deal with people and stressful situations on the fly, that's for sure. Just booting people all the time doesn't fix the issues, lol. 


    Playing with like minded people really is what makes Warframe good. Sure, I solo stuff, a lot. I do enjoy it. Even when I'm solo'ing stuff though, I'll have a clan chat party going and bs'ing, which generally leads to putting a team together to do something, or just helping someone do something. 

  2. Indeed. Everything eventually ends. What matters is what is done before that time comes. I am also curious to know what DE's endgame plan for Warframe is, if it even has one. As a child takes a toy out to play with, so too must it be put back eventually. So how will this toy (warframe) be put away in the end? Will the near-tidal migration of the player-base be its downfall, will it just bleed users, or will it stand the test of time for longer than usual with an ever growing loyalty from its users? I am unsure.



    All I hope is that we as a community, continue to raise our voice respectfully and diligently over our concerns on matters such as the above. That is the only way that we'll stand the test of time. I've seen countless number of people come and go into warframe. Generally they leave by the time they hit rank 2 if they are shot term. I've seen many level 10+ people leave as well though, as once you hit about rank 8, the game is just about getting fusion cores and forma so you can make your good weapons and mods better, and leveling up the not so good weapons to increase your mastery rank, for pretty much no reason aside from a standing increase. (I start our new guys out in our clan by suggesting to them they level up the not so good weapons first, so they will REALLY appreciate the good weapons when they get to them, and it's not such a burden to go back to them later). 


    --off topic--


    Honestly, me making my own clan gave Warframe a new life to me. It gave me a lot to do. Recruiting, building, leading. I enjoy finding new people, getting to know them, and helping them out. I like to help new people, teach them about what a lot of us love, and share the love of Warframe. I really think clan's need a huge overhaul, as clan's can and should be so much more in this game, and much less about the dark sector's that a good portion of people could honestly care less about, because face it, it's pointless to have one of those nodes, and they give no real benefit. A good portion of my clan is moving to Elder Scroll Online right now, and I'm thinking of doing the same. The story/content and then everything you can do with clans/guilds. I've been asked about starting up another branch of my clan there, so I'm giving it some serious thought. This is my 11th clan to run, and I currently have a Destiny and Warframe clan going (both same name) so, why not make a 3rd branch. :-) 


    As per the Witcher 3, I can't recommend it enough. Get lost in the story, get lost in the world. It's a beautiful thing. 

  3. Speaking to this topic specifically, we are adding tools in the next update that will address lack of moderation power in Clan/Alliance Chat. This will start with Warlords having Chat Moderation privileges (and it may grow from there, even before the update comes out).



    To be specific, will ALL warlods in the alliance have moderation in alliance chat, or will this be set by the alliance leader, like an alliance recruiter, etc. If a clan is given "moderator" access, all warlords in that clan will be moderators??


    Reason I ask is in large alliances where you have the alliance leader that is in different time zones, and people are active at all hours of the day/night, it would be nice if somehow there were multiple moderators to handle anything around the clock.  

  4. In your liset, press options on your controller, and under your name, you'll have the option to "rank up". I always launch it from my liset, not the relay. 


    I didn't even think you could do the actual test from the relay, just the practice runs. 

  5. More game modes? I Think some of the game modes we have now need someone to go back, and modify them. Have you been to Sedna? Have you tried to solo that stuff? Your "go in fast, and kill it all, and collect things" is an obsolete theory once you get far enough. At that point its extreme tension, and stress with not alot of options to win. Missions at higher levels should have traps, or environments that the player can utilize similar to the Void defense mission.




    Solo'ed every node we have except defenses, and I've even solo'ed a few of those. I'm one of the few people I know that have actually cleared the entire solar map. So yes, Sedna isn't difficult at all. Or perhaps solo 1hr survial mission on pluto...yep, done it. I held a clan contest for it even, everyone posted solo 40+ min runs, Egeria, Pluto to be exact...and these were rank 10-14 guys....

    Brings to the front one of the problems though. There's no point in doing a survival or defense past rotation C. It's not like the longer you stay the better chance at better drops you get. You just get continual unbalanced enemy scaling until they eventually take too long to kill to maintain life support. When you hit 65 minutes, yeah, you are STILL going to get crap, despite being against level 100+ enemies, and the same stands true for any endless mission you do, on any planet. EVERYTHING in this game scales, except for us. Our rewards don't scale, our abilities barely (at best) scale, our vitals don't scale....

  6. Yet, you will be bored of it after few days. It's the same thing. You want something different or it feels repetitive.


    What more is there to say? I play because there is something new. I don't play because it's the same old. This is a game. You're expecting too much.



    I can't say I fully agree or disagree with you. Of course we want something different, something more in depth, and more captivating. Of course we'll continually want something new as well. 


    I guess the bigger question to ask is what is DE's overall objective with "Warframe Beta" ? How long are they wanting it to last? As it is, if a day 1 person was to start, it would take probably about 2 months to work through all the content/missions/nodes/weapons (if you get lucky with assassin drops) to max levels, and be at the top of the food chain, and that's if you played very methodically. That's quite a lot of content, albeit some if it is very unrewarding and repetitive content, but content none the less. So are we doomed or just content to the continual rehash of the same, or since we know DE is interactive and not afraid to change things, do we as a community voice our concerns in hopes to see positive and long standing change for everyone? 


    So has Warframe just ran it's course? Should we not expect the next step in evolution, and be content with what we have, and watch players come and go, and the slow death of Warframe? (I'm not saying Warframe is currently dying by any means) There will come a time when the new players in won't match the old player's "taking a break", and one day you'll go to log in, and you'll never be able to again, simply because there won't be the player base for DE to support it. All games die, some evolve for a long time, but they all run their course. 

  7. Game is evolving with every update, you can't expect them to give you something new each day.



    I think you missed the point. It's not about giving us something new everyday. It's about giving us something new, that isn't something old in a different way, that has long standing replay value, and is deeper than point A,B,C. 



    Good post. I recently went though all of Witcher 3, and realized just how much I miss playing a game with "content/story" to it. I still go on warframe everyday to help out clan mates and manage my clan, but it was a really nice change of pace being caught up in a story again. 

    I love Warframe, and will continue to play, and for many reasons as you stated. The largest one is the game is not stagnate, and to some degree, evolving. I just hope that one day the evolution will give actual new content (actual new tilesets, quests, in game lore (not scan a target xx amount of times and read it), in depth/complex missions, etc), rather than a reskin of what we have been playing.


    Having already beat the raid several times, which we just got on ps4, I can tell it will become very boring after half a dozen more times of doing it, and only being able to get an arcane once a day. There's no depth to it, and aside from hard hitting enemies, it really isn't difficult. I really have no desire to play the nightmare mode of it either with the horrible lopsided scaling of our own warframes shield/health/armour either, as I can imagine it is only just a get shot once and go down party, which is pretty lame. 

  8. After seeing things like this, I wish we could have a rep system in game and in the forums. Like in steam, it warns you when trading if that person has been reported (maybe repeatedly) for trying to scam.



    People would abuse the crap out of that. Everyone that didn't get a price they thought would be acceptable, they would then report you as being a scammer out of spite. 

  9. I don't. MR doesn't factor in. I might be more understanding of someone being a noob if they are lower MR because MR is a gauge of how many weapons and frames they've levelled, and therefore a somewhat reasonable gauge of their practical knowledge of weapons and frames, but I don't really judge skill by MR. I judge skill by a player's performance in a mission.



    Exactly this. 

    The only other thing I gauge based upon mastery is what equipment that person has access to, and more than likely what you can expect out of them if you are going end game. It's pretty far and few between, if ever, you are going to find a player under MR15 with all the core mods (vit,redir,serr,hornet,etc) maxed out. 


    As a warlord, and looking at it from a recruiting aspect, I look at time in game from their profile, completion percent, kills, etc. The most important things for me when recruiting is to find mature players that are putting time into the game, not region chat, which generally comes with some level of respect within itself. 

  10. This is becoming horribly common to hear about on ps4. One of the more common things on ps4 is agree on price, buyer puts plat up, and then sends random message to seller, while seller is replying to message, buyer changes amount of plat, hits offer and accept in hopes seller doesn't notice. People have tried it on me, and I call them the POS scum that they are and to GTFO of my dojo, and put them on the block list.  

    That's why there's the offer and accept stages. Simply don't accept until they have put in the agreed price AND hit accept first. If someone doesn't want to hit accept first, do business with someone else. Don't be in a hurry! In the end, you are responsible for making sure the deal goes right. 

  11. "Your Raid or 'Trial'...While additional content is always a plus, especially unique content, having restricted content like this isn't ideal on consoles"



    Elaborate? What is restricted about it? Are you talking about only being able to get an arcane once every 24hrs? 

  12. Opening recruitment back up. A few of the new players have ran their course and lost interest in Warframe it seems, so we have a few openings as of today after removing them due to inactivity. 


    We just finished up our first clan competition and I ended up giving away quite a bit of plat, 4 syndicate weapons, 3 prime weapons, and 12 rare mods, including some event mods. It was a good turn out. 


    PLEASE send psn friend request with ADA or After Dark Action in friend request so I know why you are sending a friend request. I get too many random friend requests! 

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