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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. If I do get the job i'll buy plat and send you some >_>



    Lol, appreciate the offer and sportsmanship. :-) 


    Best advice for an interview, having been in plenty, and done plenty of them.


    Think before you speak, try not to stutter and talk too much, but don't talk too little.

    Ask intelligent questions and show you are sincere in wanting to work for them (if you actually are).

    Don't start an interview asking how many hours they are wanting you to work, or how much you will get paid, those questions should come in the middle of an interview.

    When you first meet them, thank them for the time to meet and interview you, because they have plenty of other work they can be doing, and it shows that you understand that they are giving you an opportunity and you value their time.

    When you end the interview, end it with asking them if they will contact you with whatever decision they make, so you will know even if you don't get the job, or if you will need to contact them again. (Once again showing a genuine interest). If they covered this information in the interview, verify the methods they told you that they will contact you. (i.e. "Earlier you said you would call if you would be offering me a position, do you know a time frame in which you will be making a decision, or do you offer any notice if I won't be offered a position?")

    Then thank them for their time again. 

    Although outdated, thank you cards go a long way, and sometimes if you have the person's direct e-mail address, a thank you e-mail will suffice in showing further gratitude. 


    Best of luck. 

  2. Good catch OP! +1


    I just went and tried myself after seeing the thread to see if it was just something weird (and I can't scroll the lore part of it either), and there was a catalyst blueprint up on alert, so doubly thank you for giving me a reason to log in at this time of the day! :D

  3. Haven't we completed the Lancer completely on ps4?

    Lancer, yes, and as you can see in his screenshot, it is showing the Lancer lore is accessible. 


    If he was able to move "down" it would be to view the next lore, which will only be unlocked once we complete the scan for the Anti Moa. 

    I'm pretty sure it is bugged,


    The required scans have been met, The OP means we cannot read the lore for the Lancer, as we can NOT scroll down

      Oh, gotcha. I see what you mean now. My apologies for misunderstand OP. I haven't been in to read the lore yet. 

  4. Often when someone is online and playing warframe, warframe see's the player as "offline".


    This starts to become an issue when you try to invite people to a game, and also as a warlord checking clan activity.


    I have members that will show they have been offline for 10+ days, but I know they have been online, because I've either seen their name in the clan chat, or I've actually played with them. 


    Also, invited tend to fail quite frequently when trying to invite someone to a game when warframe see's them as being "offline".


    "Refreshing" our friends list does not help any, as it still shows them as offline. I know a few other warlords in my alliance have talked about this as well, so I'm not the only one having an issue with this.





    *didn't know if this would fit specifically into another category, so I just put it as general**

  5. How is the progress going with the console builds for the trials? With the delay of the trials, will this also delay future updates for console players until the trials are made stable? 


    Void Spy 2.0?! (that would be amazing!)


    Thanks for your time!



  6. Thank you very much!

    You are very welcome sir! 



    Also, this leaves us with ONE open slot of the non-reserved. Shoot me a message if you are interested in joining the family! 

  7. if you still have room i would love an invite


    I sent you a psn friend request and clan invite this morning, sir. Once you accept both, I will get you added into our psn discussion board as well. 

  8. 90% Ash and I have a reserved doubt of 10% for Vauban. 


    I sure hope we get at least 1 weapon this time.


    A prime companion would be ok, but I would much rather get 2 prime weapons, and see a prisma companion from the trader. 



    Changes I'd like to see them give Ash Prime? More armor and energy, and possibly a slight boost in sprint speed, and some subtle changes to his cosmetics, nothing drastic. 

  9. Nova is a power frame, not a melee frame. Redirection, vitality, vigor are your friend (I use 2 of them at any given time, depending on the circumstances), along with frequent power use. Her best defense is her offense, blow stuff up! Seriously though, using your ult strategically as it should be used is all you really need as you are slowing enemies down (or should be in most cases). 

  10. Seriously considering buying a pc, and Warframe would probably  definitely be the first game I'd download. So I'm curious, what clans would people here recommend?

    I'd like a laid back storm or mountain clan with a civilized chat. It is a requirement that there is no requirement for me to voicechat.

    Edit: If you're not storm or mountain, give me details of your alliance and if possible, a link to your recruitment thread.



    So, would you be leaving the console version all together? What makes you want to go from console to pc, and have to start the grind all over again? 

  11. You're right, all this system is meant to do is make the re-leveling less painful and allow you to stick it out longer, but sticking it out longer means you'll reach max level faster. The affinity bonus at the end of the mission rewards more xp based on how many levels you gain during the mission, with an added bonus for starting unranked (going from 0 to 20 bumps you to 30 while going 1 to 21 does not). You'll always have to repeat this process for every forma; DE makes money selling boosters.


    This isn't about removing the grind it's about easing it.




    One might argue that formae(?) are a special item that serve a unique purpose and that's why this system would be limited to polarizing, but I don't see why we couldn't do that with all weapons. Your weapon should evolve as it levels and with the current system it doesn't (in game).



    You are correct, DE makes money selling boosters, in sort. I, and MANY others, have 90 day boosters from Prime Accessories, which is where they make their real money though. It's easy enough to sell 4 prime parts to get yourself a week booster, and in such, DE actually isn't making any money off of it, since it's "free money" you are using. I for one don't see the point in buying the small boosters. Accessories comes with 12 weeks of boosters, which is 960p (for affinity) and 960p (for credit) boosters. So that right there is 1920p in boosters (plus the additional plat you get for buying it). 


    I for one don't think the grind should be removed, but in turn, the grind should be worth the reward. In other words, I shouldn't spend 5 days building forma, and leveling a weapon, to in the end be "stuck" with that weapon with having to invest further days into it when the eventual new mod comes out. (I'm a supporter of DE's recently proposed and question about "super/prime forma"). Instead, when you put your 6th forma (or 2nd "super/prime forma") into a weapon, it is then fully "unlocked", allowing you to change polarities on slots as needed without needing to re level at all, but more like moving polarities, it just removed all the mods from the weapon and you remod from there. 


    I went off on a bit of a tangent, sorry, lol. I do think alleviating the grind to unlocking mods though, would be a welcome addition. We are shoving a catalyst into the darn thing after all. Surely that makes our guns a bit smarter, right?? 

  12. Hey, check us out, if you think we'd be a fit for you, let me know! We only have a few open spots left! Please be sure to read who we are, and what we are about. We are looking for members that are truly interested in being part of a clan; not clan hoppers, or people that are just wanting to grab some research and go. We all invest into all of our members: time, resources, money/plat (yes, we help out in every what that we can). If you are looking for a group of guys that are in it for the long haul, where you'll get to build personal relationships with the people you are playing with and get to know people on a first name basis. That's the kind of clan we are. 



  13. I would like this feature. One thing that would have to be address (at least with consoles, as I don't know if it's the same on pc), is if you were to die when you get to evac when you were going to bring up your menu, you'd have to still be able to bring up the chat, but upon entering the evac command, it would force respawn you, as you would have to evac alive (or fail if you don't have revives) since you are essentially "solo" at this point. 


    +1, Good idea. 

  14. This could work if you could add multiple polarities at a time (super/prime forma) type thing. As is, in most cases, just 1 forma isn't enough to give you the extra capacity you are seeking, and it isn't until forma 4/5/6 you get to that point. 


    If you are sitting at a full 60 points, and cut a max serration in half, from 14 to 7, that leaves you with 7 points, and chances are, you aren't forma'ing to just add a 7 drain mod, so that system would be of no real benefit aside from making the re-level less painful as you could stick it out longer while leveling up. 


    The other side of the argument would be, why can we not do that with ALL weapons? Just pre-build our load out, from left to right, top to bottom, and as it levels, it unlocks the mods for use in the game? 

    I think we really need a place that we have full access to weapons and frames, where we can put whatever mods and polarities are will for a test a tune type session. Sure, you can look at base stats and say, hey, I want to make this build for this weapon. 5 forma's later....you are done with it finally, and it's not quite what you were expecting. Well, hell...I want to try "THIS" build, so now, I have to go and change 2 polarities to try this new build..... which may or may not be what you were wanting to achieve. 


    The forma system is broken. It's nice, but it really hurts the versatility of using a weapon in a variety of different ways. 

  15. I guess they play warframe on the consule not sure what there doing on consule stream maybe giving away more plat ?



    No, they are just interacting and playing with the community.No give-a-ways. It is a true "live stream", not a prime time, or dev stream, or anything of the sort.  


    Megan host's Xbox 1 at 1(est) on Monday.


    Drew host's PS4 at 4(est) on Tuesday. 

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