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Posts posted by (PSN)excat_56

  1. After seeing things like this, I wish we could have a rep system in game and in the forums. Like in steam, it warns you when trading if that person has been reported (maybe repeatedly) for trying to scam.



    People would abuse the crap out of that. Everyone that didn't get a price they thought would be acceptable, they would then report you as being a scammer out of spite. 

  2. I don't. MR doesn't factor in. I might be more understanding of someone being a noob if they are lower MR because MR is a gauge of how many weapons and frames they've levelled, and therefore a somewhat reasonable gauge of their practical knowledge of weapons and frames, but I don't really judge skill by MR. I judge skill by a player's performance in a mission.



    Exactly this. 

    The only other thing I gauge based upon mastery is what equipment that person has access to, and more than likely what you can expect out of them if you are going end game. It's pretty far and few between, if ever, you are going to find a player under MR15 with all the core mods (vit,redir,serr,hornet,etc) maxed out. 


    As a warlord, and looking at it from a recruiting aspect, I look at time in game from their profile, completion percent, kills, etc. The most important things for me when recruiting is to find mature players that are putting time into the game, not region chat, which generally comes with some level of respect within itself. 

  3. This is becoming horribly common to hear about on ps4. One of the more common things on ps4 is agree on price, buyer puts plat up, and then sends random message to seller, while seller is replying to message, buyer changes amount of plat, hits offer and accept in hopes seller doesn't notice. People have tried it on me, and I call them the POS scum that they are and to GTFO of my dojo, and put them on the block list.  

    That's why there's the offer and accept stages. Simply don't accept until they have put in the agreed price AND hit accept first. If someone doesn't want to hit accept first, do business with someone else. Don't be in a hurry! In the end, you are responsible for making sure the deal goes right. 

  4. "Your Raid or 'Trial'...While additional content is always a plus, especially unique content, having restricted content like this isn't ideal on consoles"



    Elaborate? What is restricted about it? Are you talking about only being able to get an arcane once every 24hrs? 

  5. Opening recruitment back up. A few of the new players have ran their course and lost interest in Warframe it seems, so we have a few openings as of today after removing them due to inactivity. 


    We just finished up our first clan competition and I ended up giving away quite a bit of plat, 4 syndicate weapons, 3 prime weapons, and 12 rare mods, including some event mods. It was a good turn out. 


    PLEASE send psn friend request with ADA or After Dark Action in friend request so I know why you are sending a friend request. I get too many random friend requests! 

  6. I'd hate him so much less if he didn't block my screen especially in my arsenal. He ALWAYS has something to say there.



    He always has something to say when I'm in my arsenal, or when I am trying to put some color on my frame/weapons. Basically he times it so that anytime I need to actually see something, he decides to pop-up. I got to give it to him though. Dude is persistent, and on point when it comes to that lol



    Nice idea,but they really need to give us the choice to remove the pop up. or make this happen,



    Agree. Ordis makes doing anything unbearable at times in the Liset. I would rather disable his animation and turn on closed caption, I'm sick of waiting for his seemingly endless animation to go away that seems to be ever so perfectly timed EVERY TIME I want to look at mods...rank up a mod...change colors...open the codex....open the navigation menu....


    I guess it would have been easier to say, when I do anything.....

  7. I have avoided posting until this thread has slowed down, due to 85% of the posts being pure complaints with absolutely no constructive input, and the good posts there have been, are lost many pages deep into emotional and thoughtless outbursts. I hope DE has someone to comb though this to pull out the genuinely written suggestions to weigh those aside from the rest. 


    Nevertheless, my input:


    I do think adding another element of RNG is actually a good thing in this case, it will keep things interesting, and can open many new doors for all players. (Stay with me though, don't bail from that one line). I do personally think reducing the node count to 20 is a little over ambitious though. Drawing a diagram would be much easier than typing my idea out, but I just don't have the time to be able to do that right now, so words will have to work. 


    Idea and theory:


    Each planet currently has multiple's of each different mission type - fact. 

    We can do without having 3 different spy missions, or 2 different survivals, or 3 different deceptions, on each planet.



    Use the rng element as the tileset. Take Saturn for instance. Instead of having both Mimas and Cassini, let rng choose the tileset, you would just have a Saturn : Survival node. This would then drastically reduce the node count for each plant by 50%+, but still give the players freedom to choose where they want to play at any given time based upon what their needs for the day are. This would also unlock the ability for when you choose a certain node, to get sent to the void. If you select a survival on Saturn, the base levels of Saturn correspond with the base levels of T1 survival. So you have the rng chance to get sent there, OR you can equip a "survival" void key into your gear slot as a sort of guarantee of getting sent there. What this would do is enable all drops from enemies to be the same drops from the HOST planet, so the void would then be dropping plastids and o-cells (or whatever the hos planet resources are) from enemies, along with void drops (argon crystals). This would really help players in the grind for resources. This would also reduce the grind for those really hard to get tower keys, as the keys would become generic "survival", "defense", "interception" keys. This would then also give DE a chance to implement NEW void missions and tilesets. T1-T4 void interceptions, Void deceptions, Void spy missions, Void hijack....every mission we have should have a void counter part. With this giving DE the ability to add more Void missions, it would reduce the drop tables in other very heavy diluted drop table orientated tower rotations. Everyone has the ONE prime part or void drop that their personal RNJesus seems to have blessed us with beyond belief. Mine tends to be forma...then more forma....and more forma, and as RNJesus's personal form of humor, an uncommon fusion core (REALLY, FROM THE VOID?!?!). I can't get away from it. 


    For this to work, there would need to be some type of trigger as well. To take survival for instance, when you hit 5 minutes, (if your rng hits) Lotus then tells you "I've detected a rift in the VOID, do you dare enter to see what rewards await you?". You then fight your way to the VOID rift and jump though to continue. This gives you the option as a team, or solo, to then go over into the Void to continue your mission, or to stay on your current tile set (but remember, the void will now be dropping the HOST planet's resources). For defense, at wave 5 if your rng hits, you then get prompted in some sort of the same fashion. Or in the middle of a hijack, a void rift opens up 100 meters in front of your Rover in some dramatic animation, and you, your team, and your rover, continue your hijack through the wastelands (a comb of both void and delerict) of the void. Etc...etc...


    A system like this would also keep lower ranked (as in rank 0-3 guys) out of the void in the beginning, as T1 levels wouldn't start to match up with the current node levels until Jupiter (I believe). The only element that would have to change, is to unlock a planet in the beginning, you would need to fully clear the previous planet, at least the first few planets for the genuine hands on experience of learning warframe. Idea for this: Mercury and Earth both must fully be cleared before it will unlock the next planets, then after that, you can hop and skip around the nodes as you will. The thing is, condensing the nodes like in my above comment, it would reduce how long that would take, so it isn't such a daunting task for a new player. Just to throw out a number (no I didn't count nodes, this is just a number example), it would reduce the node count to clear Earth and Mercury from 40 nodes, to say 15-18. That would look much more appealing as a new guy to me for sure. It would actually seem manageable, and with the reduction in nodes, new players would actually be able to find random groups playing the "defense" node, or "mobile defense" node on those planets, as everyone is playing the same node on that planet


    I think mission crafting for bosses would be a horrible idea, for the fact as a new player, you are just locked behind that much more of a grind. As is, new players are hurt by the current grind, the grind should be on the higher ranked veteran end game players. Players shouldn't be tired of the grind before they hit rank 10. Mission crafting should be for mid ranks and up, and yield special rewards. (This could be a way to re integrate old event mods). Once you hit around rank 6 or 7, you have so many nav coords you will never use, we need something to use those on! If you could mission craft to unlock a special harder "boss mode" against all the bosses though, that adds elements and new dynamics to the fight, that would be cool (if the reward was worth it). 


    TL:DR: Please read. My idea integrates many of the changes DE has talked about, all into one! 

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