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Posts posted by (PSN)JiggaJazz

  1. This has gone on for 2-3 months where you will be searching for a random group in the star chart and it will load as if you've found other tenno, only for it to fail.

    You continually have to stop looking and try looking until it actually works.

    Longest its taken me to find a game is 7 minutes

    They wanna get rid of the void yet they can't even fix simple star chart glitches, no wonder we all basically live in the void

  2. Primed Pistol Ammo Mutation will solve your ammo needs

    However if you use it like before and just hold the shoot trigger button down and don't retract the beam after each target, nobody can help you with that

    The Synoid Gammacor is still amazing, most just aren't "good enough" or dislike how sensitive the trigger/fire rate is

  3. If you don't think time and resources expended on a weapon matter, I think you have completely and utterly lost perspective.

    So let's put it in perspective.

    Simply reaching Genius with Cephalon Suda is a very time-consuming and expensive prospect, and then of course the 100K rep you need to get the Syn Gamma.

    On top of that, you have spent lord know how many credits and fusion cores (including time to farm them) to rank Pistol Mut and Prime Heated Charge to maximum. I don't even want to think about it, it's depressing. And largely out of reach for the majority of players. At least ones who might want to emulate your process anytime soon. Who also have jobs and families to look after and other S#&$ to do.

    The six forma are really not the major problem with your calculations here, though I will point out that leveling and releveling (not to mention build time/cost for the formas) seven times (six for forma) is still a massive commitment.

    You have to reach a point where you have to ask yourself, was all of that worth it. What value have I achieved.

    You do have to consider the time/resource requirements when judging any weapon's final return. For the vast majority of people, they are going to look at everything you did, and say 'That sounds like a massive waste of time.' Because it is. A syndicate unique weapon should not reward people by requiring them to sink stupid amounts of time into the game in order to make it viable as more than a brief spike weapon used three or four times per mission.

    Idk about you but I can get my weapons from 0-30 in roughly 15 minutes so 6 formas will take a little over 2 hours roughly.

    Even if I didn't level my weapons the way that I do, since when has anyone not wanted to use a gun that they wanted to use because it would take time?

  4. Wait, I get Primed ammo mutation but does it actually need primed Heated Charge (moreso than any other weapon needs it anyway)? I find that you can get by just fine on the ammo mutator alone.

    Any gun will benefit hugely off primed heated charge however weapons with incredibly high RoF obtain the greatest benefit.

    On top of the fact that you're sacrificing a DMG mod for a QoL mod so primed heated charge helps to compensate with that too.

    Without primed heated charge your burst will be like 17k

  5. No, I just don't see the point in forma'ing it 6 times when I don't have to. It is a waste of time and resources, when other weapons can do similar damage without needing 6 formas and 2 fully ranked prime mods, which most people don't give a damn about, because it is ungodly expensive. Especially for a mod like Primed Pistol Mut, which NO WEAPON except the Syn Gamma can benefit from at max rank. What a waste.

    And my point is, the fact that this situation even exists is a good indication that it was nerfed too hard. Surely you can see that. Surely.

    Well my whole point of this topic is to state that the amount of time, formas and modding does not matter and what truly matters is how the gun performs at its max potential.

    Some guns reach max potential after 3 forma and some require 6, formas don't matter, what matters is the performance when you have a max build

  6. I am reasonably sure that 6 formas and 2 primed mods can turn any weapon into a beast. Not exactly a revelation here.

    It's bad enough that you need that just to overcome 1 weakness, it's particularly bad because it's a 0 damage weakness. In other words, 0 ammo = 0 damage. That'll drop your DPS down pretty fast.

    So basically there is no middleground for the Syn Gamma. Either you spend boatloads to turn it into a good weapon, or it's a 'bad' weapon.

    I still carry the Syn Gamma with certain frames, because I've kitted it to do massive amounts of damage. It burns through its ammo, but it's good for knocking down a particularly troublesome enemy/boss. I figure it's alright for secondaries like that to exist, it just troubles me because it undermines the purpose of the Syn proc.

    So you're saying that by using primed pistol ammo mutation instead of an element it will hinder the syngam to the point of not being good?

    I'll easily take 22k burst over 26k burst if it means my secondary will pick up ammo better than a primary assault rifle will

  7. I am reasonably sure that 6 formas and 2 primed mods can turn any weapon into a beast. Not exactly a revelation here.

    Please read my other posts

    The amount of formas and primed mods does not matter, what matters is how a weapon performs at max potential

    Besides there is no other secondary that "requires" primed pistol ammo mutation which in conjunction with syngams 1 starting polarity, forces you to dump extra formas in to REACH MAX POTENTIAL

  8. Also most other weapons can live off of 2 formas, where you just build them for status

    Syngam needs raw DMG so you wont be able to play a status build. Furthermore it only starts with a single polarity and requires 2 primed mods.

    Any weapon will be great when maxed and using primed mods, but SynGam actually NEEDS primed pistol mutation, NEEDS 6 FORMA for raw DMG build, and NEEDS 2 PRIMED MODS

    I forma'd my telos akbolto once and wreck with a proc build because it can be used for a proc build

    Syngam requires a ton of time, credits, and mods in order to reach its max potential which is how we compare weapons to one another.

    Due to the SynGams curve in requirements to actually be good, most have given up because a majority of the player base will not forma 1 weapon 6 times nor do they own 2 primed mods

  9. Gun isn't worth the worry of trying to bring it anywhere high tier. Ammo efficiency is a situation you never want to be caught low on and Synoid no longer has that comfort room. Sure the infinite ammo may have been a bit much but the 7.5x increase was as well. Marelok does the same Gammacor will with a nice reload, stagger from proc, and Ammo efficiency that far surpasses what the Synoid can do now. I 6 forma'd my Synoid and Don't use it anymore cause it feels just like the Amprex and any other Continuous beam weapon, which If i recall was already a troubled family.

    I mean yeah marelok is great but they all have their own places.

    Frames like volt with electric shield and nova with amd will absolutely blow marelok out of the water with a syn GAM

    But synergy between frames and syngam is besides the point

    All I'm stating is that at max potential, the syn GAM is still just as powerful as vaykor marelok, Braak, rakta, etc

  10. When console finally obtained the syn GAM Nerf I was really excited to test it out and make it work again.

    Because of how the gun was nerfed, it maintained DPs and allows it to serve the same purpose as before, except it eats ammo infinitely faster. (7.5x to be exact)

    I've heard a lot of people that are stating they have maxed pistol ammo muts mods on and yet they still run out of ammo very quickly.

    I can take my syn GAM into a t4s and never reach a ammo deficit even an hour into the t4s just as long as your mobile enough/use carrier/GP mag/vortex Vauban.

    My point is, I could understand if players stated "wow SynGam is only good if you have 2 primed mods and without it it sucks"

    But the SynGam is still one of the best weapons in the game and I'm finding it funny that people seemingly haven't tested the gun much after it stopped being auto-pilot

    My build has 21-23k burst and 17-19k sustained and that's pretty damn amazing for a secondary with a syn proc.

    That DMG competes with soma prime and boltor prime and that is with primed pistol mutation and primed heated charge

    Not trying to gloat or anything but this is not a weapon for everyone anymore and it requires ATLEAST 6 FORMAS

    So please stop complaining and telling DE that syngam needs a buff, I'm still having a very very hard time using any secondary other than this beautiful beast

    Synoid Gammacor 4 lyfe

  11. All I really care about in this thread is how op stated we don't need 5 of the same weapon/template.

    My god op is so right

    You know this is a problem when you hear dozens of people stating they won't forma a certain weapon until it becomes prime/vandal/wraith which is crazy yet completely understandable

  12. Speaking of which, has anyone tested to see if Ruinous Extension affects the chain distance? (Seeing as Sinister Reach does the same for the Amprex)

    If it doesn't then I would imagine it's unintentional.

    The reach/extension mods always affect chaining

  13. Wait what?

    Melee is garbage outside of staggering, coptering, knock downs and life strike.

    Secondaries are arguably better than primaries, much less melee lol

    Sounds like you haven't played WF for very long and are noticing the extra points that stances give you on melee thus allowing you to max melee much faster than guns

  14. Looking at Braak v Detron, the Braak is on a different level. Especially since at that time of release Braak did not have DMG fall off.

    As Karak is going to win on PC because many players are jumping ship and hopping onto the Karak train because they are misinformed and believe they will not obtain Karak if they did not support them. I believe this to be kind of sad

    This is all speculation but I think they will make Karak Wraith leagues better than Dera Vandal because DE believes grineer event weapons > corpus event weapons

    Can a mod please edit my title and put "Dera Vandal"?

    Spell check spelt it " dear" -___-

  15. I'd rather have a petty scammer than a crazy cracker trying to actively kill us. Wether infested or not, Salad V always was a prick, on top of building Zanuka from Tenno parts.

    Nef Anyo is just delusional, and far less dangerous than Alad. And his Bursas are no more.

    Plus, do you really expect anything good from Alad V? I'm 100% sure he'll stab you in the back one way or the other. Or the cure doesn't even work.

    And I always preferred Vandals to Wraiths anyways.

    Screw Salad V.

    "Crazy cracker"?

    These forums do not condone racism.

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