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Posts posted by Grom-84

  1. Stamina for channeling attacks please.

    Don't make us waste energy on something so ineffective :l

    This is a good idea, but it will be another nail into coffin of channeling)  Stamina consumed while performing maneuvers like jumps and slides or sprint, and mainly for melee, there will be no room for chanelling to benefit from it. Simply because while u using melee it's always 0 ) at least for me its always 0) Or maybe it will work if stamina consumed by channeling attacks will be something reasonable like 2points per hit, which i doubt.

  2. (Disclaimer: this system would work only on Bosses. In void, with all the stuff one can get, I think that the possibilities would be over-complicated)

    In solo.

    - First time you kill the designed boss, you get a casual part (let's say that you find a Chassis BP). Now you have that item in your invetory, good.

    - Second time. The algorithm reads that you already have the Chassis BP (or even the Chassis built/building), so it sets to ZERO the probabilty in the RNG to get that again. This means that if you were to get, because of the RNG hate towards you, again the same part, the algorithm would overwrite it and force it to give you something that is NOT a Chassis BP. And so on unitl you have all the parts in three runs. In case you have already a full set, the algorithm would simply not work letting the RNG decide freely what you get if you run the boss one more time than needed.


    Its fine solution, for Example in Dark Souls 2 there was a Mad Warrior guy welding dual katanas, his spawn rate was a bit messed up and conditions, but when you kill him - he drops each time new thing from his set, so that you won't get like 10 helmets in a row. After you got something from his set, his next drop will be something that you don't have. 

  3. I agree. One of the thoughts I had on how to recenter the sniper rifles to be more consistent with their original purpose would be to have sniper rifles ignore 50% armour. This would definitely make them relevant again, and perhaps you might see more Reanimation Nekros builds and other warframes who are kitted out to focus on taking down the Heavy Units.

    Or how about sniper rifles being able to shoot through nullifier's fields and kill them?

  4. Oh i wonder why nobody discovered such thing earlier. Just exactly what i wanted, switching from melee to pistol only to shoot stupid flying thing or camera and than switching back to melee is soooo annoying.



    There is problem with this ideia and alt fire new key: console peasants don't have enough buttons...

    Do they have quick melee button? If yes then the problem is solved - simply when you equiped with your melee pressing quck attack - makes quick shot from a secondary, when you currently equipped your secondary pressing quick attack will do melee jab as it is now) and thats it.

  5. i want more gun blades so much we could do with that imagine a long sword with a sniper inside? or dual daggers with pistols or a mace with a bolt action rifle? so many options and they dont have to be loki only like the redeemer they could be legitimately useful to everyone.

    Agree, about gunblades need more of those weapon types, but only if they wont require redeemer to craft em of it)


    Sobek would be the accurate Shotgun LMG with its 4.0 reload and 20 clip size if it didn't shoot so slow and wasn't plagued by low pellet count (leading to fairly inconsistant spread). Still better than Strun though (3.0 reload for 6 shots... WHY?!?!)


    Exactly, when i see those reload times im making very sad face) I can accept low reload times and clips but only if such gun could kill more than 1 enemy per shot like destroy 3-4 ancients with a double barrel wide shot, and then - reload for 2.5 seconds(and im afraid that even 2 seconds will be too much in some situations you may be dead few times per 1 second) this would be at least something viable.

  7. Oh i hate this drop system i also was so pissed off when we got like orokin or forma bp's instead of a precious prime parts in the void, or a $#!+load of steady hands and power throws instead of a cores on regular survivials for 99.999% of the time i played, so another unlucky guy won't surprise me) Such "rewards" are like mockery. The bad thing that this system don't have any correction mechanism, which won't let you to recieve the same trash over and over again, like for example if you killed stalker like 30 times - stop giving as a "reward" his "blow jobstice" stance or "heavy impact" which you have like 20 in your inventory already, or that Dread - switch forcefully his drop pull to something different that he can drop. Or why not to make him drop that gdamned Hate after you killed him like 30 times, and Despair after 50 kills? but no...


    Another good example is void containers and some mods obtainable only from those containers. I was beating the crap out of all fkn containers in secret rooms and everywhere, desperately trying to get that fkn Shotgun Spazz mod which i needed badly... eventually i was tired, and simply bought it for 10 p. After that i played like another 2 months still kicking any container which showed up in my way and... only now, like few days ago I accidently got that mod after more than 400h spend in a game - WTF?!! is it normal? Does anybody supposed to suffer because of such RNG $#!+?

  8. dont forget you can always use abilities if your melee is too slow, but i mean you use either fits the situation, gotta be versatile, tenno

    yea, but when you perform either melee or ability the reload time remains the same it simply goes in background) id like to see some feature like making it possible to reload faster rapidly taping a button during reload, decreasing it let's say for 0.1-0.2 sec per each click, other than taking an advantage over some bug)


    It'd need a full rebalance with how much capacity each mod takes (which would be nice), but is more work and less likely to happen. Plus, utility would still be useless as you could just stack more and more DPS for better results.

    Rebalance is inevitable thing simply because already there are lots of mods and lots of semi-useless mods like flight speed for shotguns, or eagle eye, parkour or stamina mods and there are some rumors that stamina will be removed in future, so at the end it will involve the changes. And i disagree about uselesness of utility in a slot-free modding environment limited only by the capacity, cuz for example i prefere to put Punch through instead of 2 dual elemental combos, or on some weapons like kohm you will need ammo mutator in any cases, or if someone will like to put only damaging mods im ok with it, because its the freedom and variability, which i always appreciate. I just saw such things before were implemented in other games and they worked great, but this current slots system - yuck no matter how much slots will be available) 

  10. That's only on a few guns such as soma

    Besides that is nothing compared to reload negate, when you got really good at it you basically never had to reload.

    yep this trick with mele works only if a) gun have very slow reload like 3s+ and b) your melee attack is quite fast like 1.5 or higher to benefit of it. Never used slow reloading weapons tho they kinda sucks for me.

  11. No Damage falloffs for shotguns! Higher clip sizes! reasonable reload times not those 2.4s sheeet!!! 1.5-2 secs max! ammo pickups must be increased from 10 to 20 as well with the drop rate! For sniper rifles - higher magazine size like 12-15 rounds in a clip! Higher drop rates for ammo as well with the  ammo pickups raised from 10 to 12-15! Faster reloading! to make them practical to use.

  12. While most Rhino players do have a minimum skill, they are usually the first to fall. They completely depend on Iron Skin, and once that skill isnt enough to compete with the enemies, they become a walking "I need a revive". Thanks to depending on Iron Skin, Rhino players usually overlook many mechanics that would allow them to last longer (Like rolling before getting hit a knockdown attack, or in this case, flying slam attacks)

    4-to-win players, in the other hand, can pull their own weight in most situations, since their warframe is so min-maxed that their skills can keep going for quite a while. These players usually do their homework before min-maxing, so they know a couple mechanics.

    Mine expirience was different) i saw a lot of Skeeel Nove prumes, who only lived a few seconds after they used their fourth ability being overwhelmed by infested buddies) but yea true mastepiece noves know that they need to climb onto some crates and only after that cast their 4th abil but understanding of this fact comes only somewhere at mr12 or higher)  

  13. Anyone realize that if you're hitting an enemy above you, for instance, on a ramp, you'll hit the enemy? If you hit them while you're the one above them however, you'll swing over their head unless you do a slam attack each time. Pretty inconsistent, and it's annoying to have to run down the ramp and then hit them from underneath. Just thought I'd put this out there.

    Yes ive noticed it too and pointed on it here on topic about fighting infested. Simply fighting on stairs or ledges is pain and suffering 9 out of 10 swings will miss even with mele auto targeting, i never used this setting before, but now i turned this on because it's impossible to hit anything even with such long weapons like orthos or tipedo.

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