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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. Mm, true, but that situation would still only be an issue if your Warframe's powers couldn't handle groups of enemies. Further to your points though, I wouldn't mind if they made snipers their own weapon class, especially as they don't even take the same ammo as rifles, and then have sniper mods which make them more usable, for instance maxed out ammo mods that actually make a spit of difference haha

    Some sniper mods would definitely be nice, why does shotgun get its own mods but not sniper. D:

  2. Type/paste "" into your browser without the quotation marks. This should connect you to your router..it will ask for a username and password, which you should check the bottom of your router for. If you can't find anything there, guessing is always fun (don't be discouraged, I do it all the time successfully). I ran a quick internet search and you should try:

    Username: admin

    Username: admin
    Password: admin

    Username: admin

    Password: password


    And yes, the first password is blank. Let me know if it lets you in or if you have any issues.

  3. If you never played Combat Arms or any of those crappy FPS games, you will have literally no idea how to quickscope on mechanics like this. I zoom and take shots in probably less than a tenth of a second, after aiming of course. Due to the extreme damage output per shot, I'm usually able to keep up with everyone else, but even when I'm not, I don't really care because run and gun with low punishment for bad aim would bore the S#&$ out of me.

    When there's 10-20 enemies all tightly packed together, it matters less about aim speed and what you are actually using. 6 shots as standard, in the Vandal. So you can't drop a room without reloading. Not to mention the time in between shots, or the fact that  you don't need to do 3,000,000,000 damage on an enemy with 1 HP - it's simply impractical. There are certain instances in which certain weapons will highly outperform others. Snipers, I feel, are heavily neglected, and their use is not warranted as much as other weapons. I personally use the Latron, as it still gives a long-range feel, but it is far more practical for the level design of the game. And if you want to be good with it, good aim is necessary too :). I'm not suggesting sniping is bad, or people shouldn't do it, just that there isn't a lot of level modules and areas fit for it.



    As with every other argument that has ever come of this particular topic of conversation, YOUR PLAYSTYLE IS IMPORTANT TO YOUR WEAPON CHOICE.

    Zooming in down to a pixel in a claustrophobic corridor and jerking aim around, missing tons of shots just to try and hit one enemy, JUST because you feel like "sniping" is a playstyle?


    I totally get that people enjoy sniping, heck, I enjoy it too. But everything is so close and visceral. There's only a few maps/modules where sniping is actually handy at all.

  5. I'm confused since I thought I was supposed to earn a snipetron vandal and it says snipetron in my foundry. Is this the vandal design or did I happen to miss something?

    There is a Snipetron Vandal in your owned weapons too. Or there should be, anyway. You get the Vandal, and a Snipetron blueprint too.

  6. I can't play right now as I am away from home, but I can imagine that almost everybody is using a Snipetron and it's getting on your nerves?


    Seriously, never understood sniping in Warframe, it's only practical in 1/10, if not 1/20 situations.

  7. Umm help would be appreciated. Also if I could get the instructions?

    Alright, well I can try help in here if you want to tell me the make and (if possible) model of your router. You have to log into your router and disable NAT. It varies greatly for different routers.

  8. Dropping NAT type completely is also a very bad idea for security reasons. This basically opens your router to everything. Not a good idea

    Incorrect. NAT has very little benefit on the security of your connection. Most, if not all routers feature a comprehensive firewall, and accompanied with an updated OS (W7/W8, etc) toggling NAT should never be an issue. It's highly obsolete and not recommended at all for hosting/playing online games.


    Edit: Referring to the NAT-toggle option that most routers have, which still leaves firewall up, and I do believe a basic NAT.

  9. Considering the Infested are mainly composed of Corpus that have been..infested..I think that it stands in the game right now that the Corpus are losing against the technocyte virus..which is what the infested are.


    Add to this, that if you actually get a mission where two factions spawn, and those factions are the Infested and the Corpus..sit back and watch how badly the Corpus will lose against them.

  10. I'm under the impression that if you build Rhino correctly, it will be a much better tank than Trinity..so I've heard from quite a few Rhino players.


    As a Trinity, Link is pretty ridiculous and probably needs a nerf, but at the same time I don't really want it to be nerfed, because without it, really, what would Trinity be in terms of survivability? She has absolutely no offensive skills whatsoever, and if you've ever played with her a lot, you'll know that sometimes even Link and Blessing aren't enough to save you (although I will admit these instances are indeed very rare). Especially since her cast times no longer make her invulnerable. She has absolutely no armour so Steel Fibre is completely useless as it is % based. Her tanking ability is completely energy based whereas a Rhino has a high base armour and can instead use the skill as a major tanking aid rather than a sole tanking ability. I hope DE are careful with what they do, because they could completely ruin Trinity if they are not careful. Or maybe Rhino just needs more buff. *Shrug*

  11. Only ever had it on Void missions until this patch, I do wonder what is causing it. Eh, I think DE will be quick to fix it and hopefully fix it in the Void as well.


    Me and my friends have always attributed it to drifting.. you should hear us sprint about making car noises while we slide around corners, playing "Need For Speed: Warframe" :D

  12. I'm not sure any DE staff will ever read this or have ever read any of my posts, but I just want you to know that this is absolutely outstanding work. I was not expecting such a large patch so early. Seriously, very impressive. I'm excited to see what you will do with the other frames, if anything, specifically my own - Trinity. I believe there have been multiple cries for Well of Life to be "fixed" and I personally believe that the rest of the frame is fine, but I'm interested to see what will happen.


    Keep up the fantastic work guys!!

  13. Why would you re-install your game to fix an account problem...



    Now, i know your geniuses at this S#&$. but im not, i just wanna play.


    Read his post and you might understand a little better.



    Anyway, 2 days isn't a terribly long amount of time for a support ticket, sometimes it can take a little while. I advise you just take it easy and stay patient, I trust in DE that they will take care of your issue for you.

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