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Posts posted by Churpy

  1. I really can't tell you, especially since the likelihood what you find fun and what I find fun being the same is astronomically slim.

    This. I never find a lack of things to do at high level..but I probably enjoy a lot of things others don't, like helping out new players and just running random missions for the ability to mass slaughter things.

  2. Seems to be a problem with the angstrum-mechanic(fires 1 shot when partially charged and 3 when fully charged).

    The miter also fires 3 blades and at charged shots consumes 6 ammo even if firing 3 blades total.

    Very good point, maybe they accidentally changed something with the bows as well.


    I'm sure it will be fixed on the next update, or hopefully clarified if it is indeed supposed to be a change..I think it is a bug though.

  3. It's really a good question as to why it was completely removed and not just added as a powerful attack you could do with your melee equipped.


    I believe it was because of the insane amount of balancing they'd need to do for each weapon to make it worth using charge attack at all.


    Hard to explain really, basically certain (most) weapons had no real need for charge attack because you could put out so much more damage, crits and status procs by just building your weapon for regular attacks.


    I always remember charge attack being one of those things you would use on a melee weapon that you had JUST got, in order to one shot enemies so you could level it easily. At high level, it's unlikely that you built your weapon for charge attacks only.


    At least channeling basically replaces the charge attack, and it's a really good mechanic too, with a lot of cool mods.

  4. Hysteria's been broken since U13


    It no longer gets benefit from Power Strength or any melee weapon damage mods (Such as Steel Charge, Pressure Point and Spoiled Strike) meaning that the damage it deals will be 300 + 175% of your weapons base damage (Which is significantly less than is achievable through modding a melee weapon - Hence the damage loss upon activation)


    Only way to improve Hysteria damage is to equip Dual Zorens, Dual Ichors or Dual Cleavers and put in maxxed True Steel and Organ Shatter for ~70% crit chance and 5.7x crit multiplier

    Interesting..that's good to know, thanks.

  5. SO about the people in this thread that are criticizing this saying that you would have to stand still for the entire match spamming blessing. That's not even remotely true unless your team is really, really, REALLY awful. It's very, very difficult to lose all your health and shields a second time over, directly after you've just gained full health and shields. If a team is in a tight spot and then all of our health and shields suddenly just MAX OUT again, that is a serious game changer. For 25 energy? With a reduced cast time? You could cast that 14 times with a full energy pool for crying out loud. And that's without any regeneration happening, which this build involves heavily, in case you hadn't picked that up.


    Do any of you actually play Trinity? Regardless of whether or not the build works well, or how much Trinity would have to stand still and "spam" her ability to keep herself and others alive, how can you deny that this patch is going to completely brick any viability Trinity had? Do you know the amount of timing it would require to make the damage mitigation worth using? On an unarmored frame like an Ember or something at end game, if shields were down you would have under 0.1 seconds before their entire health pool, no matter HOW BIG IT IS, would be completely eviscerated by one enemy. (Don't comment on how Ember can't do endgame or something stupid, it was an example due to her low armor)


    How do you time it so that you can get a high enough damage % mitigation for that player, to make it actually worth building your Trinity to actually use the ability properly? You would need some pretty insane timings to be able to maybe get 60% immunity to damage, if you were really lucky. Or, more likely, your teammate goes down, and you look like a complete idiot, who wasted an ability that costs a good 70 or 100 energy using any build other than reducing as much power cost as possible.


    If it was based on how much shields were restored as well, maybe this would have some use, but if it's just the health pool, there are so many terribly armored frames that so many people use, that by the time you've noticed they're taking HP damage, or even ABOUT to take HP damage, it's already too late.


    In no way am I saying the old Blessing was any good, it was actually the reason I stopped playing Trinity because of just how easy it was to play. However, this new patch is just not thought out that well. Regardless of whether you think the build works or not, her ultimate ability got hit with a nerf that makes her an impossibly hard frame to play unless you are healing something with a ton of armor.


    tl;dr: This build may not be "abuse" but it is now the most viable way to play Trinity due to many frames having armor that does not let them use their HP to tank at endgame. There's no use in trying to time heals for a low or an unarmored health pool because damage to health pools is so insanely high that you'll probably end up wasting the ability 99% of the time. It's now better to build the ability so that you can just spam it to fully restore health and shields of teammates as often as possible, and as fast as possible.

  6. I love Valkyr for her insane flexibility and the fact that there are so many viable builds.

    Something I have noticed though, is that my melee damage drops substantially while in Hysteria, which sucks. It also makes no sense because of the multiplier, and I have a maxed Intensify on there as well. Lv35 enemies will take 4-7 hits in Hysteria instead of 2 hits with my longsword outside of Hysteria.

    I still get good lifesteal out of it though, so I can't really complain. Oh and the invulnerability is overpowered as all hell, so it's still the ability I use the most sparingly, and I've built her around avoiding it.

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