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Everything posted by TomeWyrm

  1. Sounds good... now please just nerf the range and remove LoS? 15-20m would be great. Max of 42-56m range so I can still reliably set off most things in a tile, especially if my squad is using status weapons. As it is now, it still just doesn't feel comfortable to use.
  2. Duplicate only works on base criticals... which means if you're doing orange or red crits it CANNOT trigger.
  3. Fully agreed. Shards are the problem. They're the only loot from Netracells that has a reasonably high ceiling. Even if you want a full set of the legendary arcanes... they'll be in vosfor packs, and even if not? You need precisely 21 of them EVER. Shards? You don't have to squint to see you could use more with each new frame released. Even if a tiny fraction of players only play 1 frame. Having the ability to put shards in multiple frames is good if they ever decide to branch out.
  4. Please just make it a toggle. Lower the numbers on the helminth if you want. Remove the light trigger entirely.
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